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Cheat Console and Codes

Enable the game's Cheat mode by going to the Options menu, then selecting Keyboard,
then Advanced. Check the developer console option, then press the '~' (tilde)
button and enter SV_Cheats 1 to access the mode. Enter the '~' button again and
accompany it with one of the phrases below to activate the corresponding effects.

/god - God mode

sv_gravity - Adjusts gravity
/notarget - Opponents ignore you
/noclip - Clipping disabled

You can spawn NPCs and NPC weapons, as well. In the Cheat console, enter
npc_create, followed by a space and then the type of NPC you would like to create.
Available options and the corresponding text are indicated below.

npc_human_scientist - Human scientist

npc_human_grunt - Human grunt
npc_sniper - Sniper
npc_sentry_ground - Ground sentry
npc_houndeye - Houndeye
npc_lav - LAV
npc_osprey - Osprey
npc_alien_grunt - Alien grunt
npc_human_medic - Human medic
npc_human_commander - Human commander

You can also enter npc_create_equipment followed by a space and then the type of
weapon you would like to create. Available options and the corresponding text are
indicated below.

weapon_mp5 - MP5
weapon_9mm - 9MM
weapon_shotgun - Shotgun
weapon_crossbow - Crossbow
weapon_grenade - Grenade
weapon_crowbar - Crowbar

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