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Geometry Dashboard Project

A basic program written in LabView. I am still learning about LabView as I'm going
As new versions come out some equations or features may be bugged as I am still
learning in programming.
If you are downloading just the "Geometry" then just move the extracted
folder with ALL items in it to your preferred directory,
then just double click the ".exe" and enjoy. NOTE: Do NOT move the ".exe" or any
other extracted files out of the extracted directory.
If you are downloading the "" then just extract do NOT move
any files out of the folder.
Double click the "setup.exe" and just sit through the "Wizard."

If you have problems submit a ticket at "SourceForge" or comment on my "BlogSpot"


Version 3.5.1
-Added basic stuff (>,<,=,!=,>=)
-Fixed NaN showing
-Tinkered with GUI
Version 3.5.0
-Added Support for Quadratic Vertex (untested)

Version 3.4.1
-Added support for Quadratic Equation
-Added support for Heron's Equation (pronounced "Hero's")

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