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Chiang Mai is hungry for development?

What I have seen around urban neighborhoods in Chiang Mai seems quite hopeless and

immediately needs integrated area management. Do I indulge myself in nostalgic memories?

No, I think it's much more complicated.

We see high income or higher status people relocate to or invest in this area without the

recognition of cultural identity and social practices of local residents. All the luxurious

skyscrapers or high-rise seem unfamiliar to me with the expression of economic inequality

and the sense of isolation. Again, urban revitalization or urban change must be done from the

bottom-up approach to ensure that local people can command resources to politically remain

in their place. However, I'm wondering if this process gradually drives out long-time

residents who grew up in this region and wrote the history of the city. Should we say that it is

development of the city or the displacement of local people? Hence, to say that gentrification

is neighborhood improvement sounds simplistic. The preventive measures against the sense

of isolation and the feeling of loss caused by gentrification must be accordingly realized so as

to retain the authenticity, locality and sociality which differentiate the distinctiveness of cities

that comprehensively materializes the term, creative city.

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