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Choose the correct letter to make the sentence correct.

1. She bought herself a new bag.

a. sheself.
b. herself.

2. They often travel by themselves

a. theyselvs.
b. themselves.

3. Do you usually repair the car yourself

a. youself.
b. yourself.

4. We drove ourselves to the airport.

a. ourselves.
b. meself.

5. I dont like living by a. myself

a. myself.
b. meself.

6. He fell, but he didnt hurt himself.

a. himself.
b. hisself.

7. Are you going with friends or by yourself

a. yourself.
b. youself.
8. Were going by ourselves.

a. ourselves
b. sheself.

9. Samantha bought herself a Spanish dictionary?

a. sheself.
b. herself.

10. He doesnt like traveling by himself

a. by heself.
b. by himself.

11. Id like to pay for myself.

a. me.
b. myself.

12. We can choose the places to visit ourselves

a. ourself.
b. ourselves.

13. They didnt tell us much about themselves

a. theirself.
b. themselves.

14. Please get yourself something to eat.

a. you.
b. yourself.

15. Can he carry these bags by himself

a. him.
b. himself.

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