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William King

"I am Jungala of the Gurindji tribe."; William King. Born on the 12 th August
1966 in Katherine, William King skin name Jungala of the Gurindji tribe,
derived his inspiration from the Katherine region in the Northern Territory
of Australia. All of his artistic senses were awakened with creative
energies alive with portent and passion.

From the long walks, stories, images and instincts his narrative emerged.
At 18, William moved to Adelaide where he completed a carpentry
apprenticeship for South Australian Sports and Recreation. However, the
call of the creative artist was too strong to resist and he began painting
full-time from 1994 when his work was chosen for exhibition in Canada.

Earth, air, wind, fire and water dominated his work and he soon found himself gaining in artistic reputation and
renown, with galleries and buyers worldwide, expressing great interest in his work.
In 1986 Williams first daughter, Tarisse was born. In 1988 younger daughter Sarrita was born. Both daughters
inherited Williams extraordinary artistic vision and skill and have become prominent artists in their own right.

His expansive though inclusive philosophy of the endless horizons meant that he was never without subject
matter and the depth and intensity of his now legendary artwork still astonish and astound.
I demand evolution of myself and that to me is letting all my senses taste my environment completely, not
necessarily intellectually breaking it down. (William King)

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