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Character Name: Joseph Johnson

1. Gentlemen Class (secret)
2. Bastard Son
i. Primary heir to wealth
ii. Illegitimate woman was mother
iii. Both parents still alive
iv. One brother and sister from legitimate mother
3. Son of baron
4. Age 34
5. 300 gp to start
B. Feats:
1. Quick Draw
2. Silent Spell
3. Rapid Reload
4. Still Spell
C. 0 Level Spells (7 known)
1. Prestidigitation
2. Detect magic
3. Dancing lights
4. Ray of frost
5. Mending
6. Touch of fatigue
7. Read Magic
D. 1 Level Spells (6 known)
1. Grease
2. Mage armor
3. Obscuring mist
4. Magic missile
5. Burning hands
6. Expeditious retreat
7. Feather fall
8. Animate rope
E. 2 Level Spells (5 known)
1. Gust of wind
2. Blindness/deafness
3. Spider climb
4. Melfs Acid Arrow
5. Alter Self
F. 3 Level Spells (3 known)a
1. Fireball
2. Gaseous Form
3. Water breathing
G. 4 Level Spells (1 known)
1. Dimension Door
Characters Familiar:

a. Hyacinthine Macaw

2. Characters Fighting Style:
a. Avoid up close combat if at all possible
b. Use environment to fullest effect
c. Fireballs nigga
d. Weapons:
i. Sickle
ii. Quarterstaff
iii. Pistol, and magic
3. Characters Party Role:
a. Cook for the crew
b. Smart Ass Macaw
c. Helps with getaways
d. Supporting role
4. Characters Personality:
a. Greedy
b. Explorer type
c. Likes to throw big feasts
d. Uses parrot to steal from people, and other practical uses
e. Vice: Women, rum
5. Physical Description:
a. Human
b. Tanned
c. Wears hat with feather, bandana, sleeveless shirt, rolled up pants, leather trench-coat, and boots
d. 6 feet tall
e. 195 pounds
f. Scruffy brown beard, possibly with beads and braids



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