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School : SMA Islam Al-Azhar BSD

Grade/ Semester : XI MIPA & IPS/ 2 (two)
Subject : English
Topic : Analytical Exposition
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes (1Meeting)

Religious Value:

Telah Nampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia,
supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebahagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka
kembali (kejalan yang benar). (Qs. Ar-Ruum: 41)

A. Core Competence
KI-1 Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI-2 Menghayati, mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong
royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif, dan menunjukkan
sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam, serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai
cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI-3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan
humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban
terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural
pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan
KI-4 Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri dan mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Basic Competence
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar
komunikasi internasional.
2.1 Menghargai perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antarpribadi
dengan guru dan teman.
3.5 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks analytical
exposition, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

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4.7 Menulis teks berbentuk analytical exposition berdasarkan topik yang sedang hangat
dibicarakan, dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah retorika dan strukturteks yang
benar sesuai konteks.
C. Learning Achievement Indicators
Students are able to:
1. Analyze the social function of analytical exposition text.
2. Analyze the structure ofanalytical exposition text.
3. Analyze the linguistic features ofanalytical exposition text.
4. Write the draft of analytical exposition.
5. Write an analytical exposition text using the correct text structure.

D. Material
Some analytical exposition texts with their structures
The social function:
To persuade the readers or listeners that something is the case.
The text structure:
a. Thesis
b. Arguments
c. Reiteration/conclusion
The linguistic features:
a. Focusing on generic human and non human participant
b. Using present tense
c. Reasoning through causal conjunction
Sub Topic:
Experience, information, or social problem related to the school, home, environment, and
other society to develop the students honesty, discipline, self confidence, cooperation,
and responsibility.

E. Learning Model: Problem Based Learning

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F. Teaching and Learning Activities
Stages Learning Activities
Pre 1. Opening the class by saying Basmallah and greeting. 10 minutes
Teaching 2. Checking the students presence.
3. Giving motivation that mastering English is very important.
4. Delivering the religious value.
5. Apperception: informing and brainstorming the English
material to the students.
6. Informing the learning objectives.
7. Informing the learning activities that the class will conduct.
Whilst Observing 70 minutes
Teaching 1. Students watch the video about: The Danger of Smoking,
and Illegal Logging.
2. Leading by the teacher, students ask questions based on the
problems on the video.
3. Teacher asks the students to know their topic of interest.
Experimenting/Searching information
4. Class forms groups of 5 based on the similar topic the students
are interested in.
5. Students sit with group they have formed.
6. Each group receives the first worksheet which focuses on the
theory of analytical exposition.
7. Each group discusses the aspects of the topic provided in the
worksheet by searching any information from related learning
sources (internet).
8. Each group completes the worksheet.
9. Teacher always controls the running of the discussion to make
sure that every member of each group is active during the
10. Each group receives the second worksheet which focuses
more on the topic of interest.
11. Each group carries out the investigation using any sources to
complete the worksheet (developing the draft of analytical
12. Each group develops the draft into an essay of analytical
13. Each group exchanges the result of the essay from the 2nd
worksheet to have a proofreader and peer evaluation.
14. Each group writes comment or suggestion to other groups
15. Each group returns the worksheet.
16. Each group corrects the worksheet after having suggestions
from others.
17. Each group submits the corrected worksheet to the teacher.

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Post 1. Asking students if there is any difficult material that they 10 minutes
Teaching havent understood.
2. Asking the students opinion about the learning activities.
3. Asking the students what benefit they get after learning the
4. Letting students make a conclusion of the material they just

G. Learning Sources and Equipments

1. Learning Sources:
a. English text book from Kemendikbud, Curriculum 2013.
b. Curriculum 2006 from Depdiknas.
c. TOEFL and IELTS books.
d. Printed newspapers and magazines.
e. Internet Websites, such as:
- Etc.
2. Learning Equipments:
a. Laptop
b. Internet Connection
c. Projector and Screen
d. Audio Visual equipment

H. Assessment
Affective Assessment
Aspek yang dinilai:
1. Keaktifan:
Kurang baik jika menunjukkan sama sekali tidak ambil bagian dalam diskusi.
Cukup baik jika menunjukkan sedikit ambil bagian dalam diskusi.
Baik jika sudah menunjukkan ada usaha ambil bagian dalam diskusi, tetapi belum
percaya diri.
Sangat baik jika sudah menunjukkan ambil bagian dalam diskusidengan percaya diri
dan sesuai dengan konteksnya.
2. Kerjasama:
Kurang baik jika sama sekali tidak berusaha untuk bekerja sama dalam diskusi
Cukup baik jika menunjukkan sedikit usaha untuk bekerjasama dalam diskusi
kelompok, tetapi masih belum konsisten
Baik jika menunjukkan sudah ada usaha untuk bekerjasama dalam diskusi kelompok,
tetapi masih belum konsisten.

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Sangat baik jika sudah menunjukkan ada usaha untuk bersikap toleran dalam proses
pembicaraan dengankemungkinan yang berbeda dan kreatif secara terus menerus dan
3. Kreativitas:
Kurang baik jika sama sekali tidak bersikap kreatif dalam diskusi.
Cukup baik jika sudah menunjukkan sedikit usaha kreatif dalam berdiskusi.
Baik jika sudah ada usaha untuk kreatif dalam diskusi tetapi belum konsisten
Sangat baik jika sudah menunjukkan sikap yang kreatif secara terus menerus dan
konsisten dalam diskusi.

Cognitive Assessment (Analyzing the theory of analytical exposition)

Psychomotor assessment (Writing of analytical exposition)



CONTENT 30-27 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable; thorough

development of thesis; relevant to assigned topic.
GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of subject; adequate range;
26-22 limited development of thesis; mostly relevant to topic, but lacks
FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject; little substance;
21-17 inadequate development of topic
VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject; non-substantive;
16-13 not pertinent; OR not enough to evaluate.

ORGANIZATION 20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expression; ideas clearly

stated/supported; succinct; well-organized; logical sequencing;
17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy; loosely organized but
main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete
13-10 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent; ideas confused or disconnected; lacks
logical sequencing and development
VERY POOR: does not communicate; no organization; OR not
9-7 enough to evaluate.

VOCABULARY 20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: sophisticated range; effective

word/idiom choice and usage; word form mastery; appropriate
17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range; occasional errors of word/
idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not obscured
13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range; frequent errors of word/idiom form,
choice, usage; meaning confused or obscured
VERY POOR: essentially translation; little knowledge of English
vocabulary, idiom, word form; OR not enough to evaluate.
9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation; little knowledge of English
vocabulary, idiom, word form; OR not enough to evaluate.
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LANGUAGE USE 25-22 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex constructions;
few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions
21-18 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple constructions; minor
problems in complex constructions; several errors of agreement,
tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions
but meaning seldom obscured
FAIR TO POOR: major problems in simple/complex constructions;
17-11 frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or fragments, run-
ons, deletions; meaning confused or obscured
VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules;
dominated by errors; does not communicate; OR not enough to
10-5 evaluate

MECHANICS 5 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: demonstrates mastery of

conventions; few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured
FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,
3 capitalization, paragraphing; poor handwriting; meaning confused or
VERY POOR: no mastery of conventions; dominated by errors of
2 spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting
illegible; OR not enough to evaluate.

(Jacobs et. al, as cited by Weigle, 2002, p. 116)

I. Assessment Rubric

1. Affective Assessment Rubric

Aspek yang Dinilai

No Nama Siswa Keaktifan Bekerja Sama Kreativitas

K : Kurang baik
C : Cukup Baik
B : Baik
SB : Sangat baik

Total Skor =Modus Aspek Sikap

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2. Cognitive Assessment Rubric
Worksheet 1
Aspects Score Group
A. What do you know about analytical exposition? 1-20
B. What is the purpose of analytical exposition? 1-20
C. What is the generic structure of analytical exposition? 1-20
D. What are the linguistic features of analytical exposition? 1-20
E. Read the following instruction. 1-20
Total Score

3. Psychomotor Assessment
Worksheet 2 (Writing Assessment)

Writing Elements Score

1. Content (30 points) .
2. Organization (20 points) .
3. Vocabulary (20 points) .
4. Language use (25 points) .
5. Mechanics (5 points) .
Total Score ......

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J. Remedial and Enrichment Program
1. Remedial Program (for those who achieved below the KKM)
Program : Remedial Teaching
Model : Lecturing and Assisting (Using Worksheet I)
2. Enrichment Program (for those who achieved higher than the average score)
Program : Enrichment Program
Model : Individual Assignment
Material :
Name : ...........................................................

Topic : Provided (Choosing 1 of them)

Time Allotment : 40 Minutes

Instruction :

Your essay should contain around 150 words.

Your essay should have a thesis, arguments, and a conclusion/reiteration.
Choose one of the following topics:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is

bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

2. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient.
Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful.
What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

3. Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that
daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to
support your answer.

Tangerang Selatan, 14 August 2015

Principal, Teacher,

Noor Khoirudin, MBA. Bambang Untoro, S.Pd.

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Name :

Instruction :
With your group, discuss and find any information to answer problem A,B, C and D. Use any
information sources like books, internet, etc.

A. What do you know about analytical exposition?

B. What is the purpose of analytical exposition?

C. What is the generic structure of analytical exposition?
1. .. What is it for?

2. .. What is it for?

3. ... What is it for?

D. What are the linguistic features of analytical exposition?

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E. Read the following instruction.
1) Write down an example of an analytical exposition text and analyze the text
The Paragraphs The Text Structure

2) The source:
3) Why do you believe that the text belongs to an analytical exposition?

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Name :

Topic of interest:


A. Make the draft of an analytical exposition based on the topic of interest.

Possible Thesis:

Possible Arguments:
Argument 1: ..
Elaboration (State the evidence and examples):
Argument 2: ...
Elaboration (State the evidence and examples):
Argument 3: ...
Elaboration (State the evidence and examples):

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B. Elaborate the draft into an analytical exposition text.





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TIME ALLOCATION: 4 X 45 minutes
MEETING : 22nd and 23rd

1. Standard Of Competence
Communicate and express in written short functional discourse and simple essay in the
form Report,Narrative, Analytical Exposition in their daily life for knowledge.

2. Basic Competence of Writing

Understand meaning leading to complex interpersonal meanings, in spoken monologue,
particularly in the form of Analytical Exposition.

3. Learning Material
The Structure of The Text display on white board
a. Thesis statement (introduces topic and indicates writers position concerning the
b. Arguments and Elaboration (develops and supports each point of argumentation.
c. Conclusion (restates the issue and writers position)
Text from English Book for grade XI, Green house effects, text from articles
(newspaper), internet..

4. Indicator
Identifying some articles/ texts in the form of Analytical Exposition.
Getting information about how to write a composition in the form of Analytical
Identifying the generic structure of the Analytical Exposition.
Writing a text in the form of Analytical Exposition.

5. Method

6. Students Activity and Evaluation

The First Activity
a. Apperception
Teacher remind students about the lesson theyve discussed at previous day, teacher
show some articles in the form of analytical and also the pictures taken from
newspaper or internet.
b. Motivation

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Teacher gives motivation to students that by writing a text can make them have many
new vocabularies, and improve their ability in writing a good composition in the form
of Analytical Exposition.
c. The Main Activity
Teacher explain about generic structure of Analytical Exposition.
Identify some generic structures of Analytical Exposition.
Writing a text in the form of Analytical Exposition at least five paragraphs.

The Last Activity

d. Reflection
Teacher ask students about the purpose why they learnt the activities. Then she asks
them to make the conclusion and at last ask students opinion about the activities.
e. Evaluation
Students identify the generic structure of the text
Students will write a text in the form of Analytical Exposition at least five
Students present their text in front of their friends.
f. Duty
Teacher ask students to write a text in the form of Analytical Exposition

9. Sources, Instrument, Equipment

English Book for grade XI, internet, newspaper (articles)
Note book
Lap Top
LCD, book

Jakarta , July 16th 2015

The Principal of Al Azhar BSD English Teacher

Noor Khoirudin, MBA. Bambang Untoro, S.Pd.

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