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TL ays Certificate essentials eee RCM RS CUES eer ad BO wen mR ee oc ne ee Dee eR Caen a RUCR CCU Pad To familiarise yourself with the FCE exam, first practise doing the guided a OB era COCR Con a Rn Rance oa) Coomera They will help you develop useful techniques for each task, and will give Nee ete ce Cts For Paper 2, Writing, go to the Writing bank on page 171. Pe RUCR Gar Re cic en Rac Cer tear Pee Ura Maaco Zot ee On te Ragone ae ea aaa RO CEC R RU ECT) Dc aeRO aOR Ren CeCe Rut EUW SUL le (ecm Mim el me ane eoe are eee a Cm em CREE: Hl RCo ance ee eee DOO eee et te eee eR uC eG isc irate) Ree Meu eeenecem ae Te ROR ee We ecee ie te One eee cd OOM RRR era ae Ecexa OVERVIEW FCE Paper 1: READING Task type and focus eas aro eCard a letter, an article, a report, an essay, a review, a story. Question § is a two-option question based on the set books. 1 | Multiple choice 2 You answer four-option multiple-choice questions on a Task focus: reading for text detalled understanding of a text gist, opinion, attitude, tone, purpose, main] idea, meaning from context text organisation features 2 | Gapped text 7 Sentences have been removed and placed in jumbled Task focus: reading to order after a text. You decide from where in the text the understand how a text sentences have been removed. is structured 3 | Muttiple matching 78 You match information to different texts or Task focus: reading for different sections of a text specific information in a text, detail, opinion, attitude FCE Paper 2: WRITING eu ke cn cleus Cesta 1 | Question 1 Part is You are required to write a letter or email based on Writing a letter or compulsory. information or prompts. The information or prompts will (formaVinformal) ‘ot exceed 160 words and may include graphic and 120-150 words | pictorial material. Texts may include advertisements, letters, emails, diaries, short articles, etc. 2 | Questions 2-4 may include | You have a choice | You must carry out a writing task, using appropriate style from four tasks. 120-180 words and format. The writing task will be specified in up to 70 words. FCE Paper 3: USE OF ENGLISH Task focus: grammar and vocabulary PEs tr uke por 1 | Muttiple-choice cloze 2 A multiple-choice cloze text with 12 gaps, followed by 12 | Task focus: vocabulary four-option questions. 2 | Open cloze @ ‘A mouiTied cioze text with 12 gaps winch you Must Task focus: grammar and fill with the eppropriate werd. vocabulary 3 | Word formation 10 A text with 10 gaps. You are asked to complate the text Task focus: vocabulary by making an appropriate word from tho word prompt you are given for each gap. 4 | Key’ word transformations [2 Ti taok oon siete Gt eig We clemrets hey arora transformations. You are asked to complete a sentence which means the same as the given sentence using the key word.

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