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29 inj dan infus lain

99.21 inj antibiotik
99.17 inj insulin
99.03 tranfusi whole blood
99.15 infus dengan zat nutrisi
93.94 pasang nebu
93.96 pasang o2
89.51 ekg monitor 1-3 lead
89.52 ekg 12 lead
89.34 rectal touche
88.7... usg
86.23 cabut kuku
86.0... insisi pada kulit dan jaringan bawah kulit
93.01 evaluasi fungsional otot
93.04 tes fngsi otot manual
93.05 tes rom
93.06 ukur panjang kaki
93.07 antropometri
59.8 pasang kateter
96.02 pasang gudel/OPA
96.07 pasang NGT
96.33 kumbah lambung
96.35 makan via NGT
Injection or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance
Injection of antibiotic
Injection of insulin
Other transfusion of whole blood
Parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances
Respiratory medication administered by nebulizer Mist therapy
Other oxygen enrichment
Rhythm electrocardiogram Rhythm EKG (with one to three leads)
Digital examination of rectum
Diagnostic interview, consultation, and evaluation
Diagnostic ultrasound ..................................................................
Removal of nail, nail bed, or nail fold
Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue.........................................
Diagnostic physical therapy................................................................
Functional evaluation
Manual testing of muscle function
Range of motion testing
Measurement of limb length
Body measurement ;Girth measurement, Measurement of skull circumference
Ureteral catheterization
Insertion of oropharyngeal airway
Insertion of other (naso-)gastric tube
Gastric lavage
Gastric gavage

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