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1Q. Write Five Lines which things are surrounding your house ?

2Q. Paste the picture of your neighborhood ?

3 Q. Make a good habits chart with the help of your parents ?

4 Q. Make a activity plant a tree near by house and water that plant daily. Write your
experience on scrap book?

5 Q. Collect the different types of flower petals. And write their name?

6 Q. Make a family tree ?

7 Q. Visit a greengrocer and make a list of all the different kinds of vegetables and fruits he
sells. Write the names on the scrap book.


1. Learn pledge, English Prayer

2. Write any two or three words on each alphabet.
3. Paste the picture of 10 vichels on the scrap book.
4. Write a sentence using following words :
Beautiful , Uncle, Family, special, flower
5. Write naming words which are related with your house things and
Person Things Places Animals
6. Write few lines about your school and your cousins ?
7. What you learn about the story of Ant and grasshopper. Write five lines
cursive handwriting.
8. Look at the picture and write five lines about that .

1. Write and learn tables of 2 to 12.
2. Complete the following grid.

X 2 4 7 5 8 3 10 9 12 11

3. Draw a calendar of June and July month and count the days of the
month, the odd number color with parrot color and even number with
light pink color.
4. Revise the pg no :- 14, 24,30,33 from book and write on notebook
5. Draw a chart on shapes .

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