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Interval Estimate of Population Mean with Known Variance

The Mean score of random sample of 49 Grade 11 students who took the first periodic test is
calculated to e 78 the population variance is known to be .16. 95% confidence interval is assumed.
a. 80.01 b. x-E c. .025 d. .7 e. 1.20 f. 27 g. 77.89 h. n-1 I. 80.1 j. 74
k. 89 l. 78.11 m. .112 n. .4 o. 78 p. 49 q. 22.4 r. 1.96 s. .027 t. 86.7
u. 72.5 v. x+ E w. n+n x. .70 y. .20 z. .15

___1. Mean of random sample size ____6. What is a/2?

___2. What is the margin of error ____7. What is the population standard dev.?
___3. What is the z value at (1-a/2) confidence level ____8. What is the sample size?
___4. What is the lower confidence level ____9. Formula for upper confidence limit?
___5. What is the upper confidence level ____10. Formula for upper confidence limit?

Confidence Interval for the difference between two population mean

A group of 15 students was taught using the Modern way of teaching English. A second group of
12 students was taught using the traditional way of teaching English. At the end of the grading period the
teacher gave the two groups exactly the same written test. The average of the first group was 95 and a
standard deviation was 9 while the average of the second group was 87 and the standard deviation was
6. Assuming that 95% confidence interval must be satisfied find the Following:

a.25 b.6.227 c.11.5 d.6.2 c.83 d.0.095 e.1.662 f.7.823 g.14.227

g. 2.060 i. 6.228 j. 2.00 k.7.5 l. 96 m.1.773 n.12.56 o.0.025 p. 13.9
q. 95 r. 92 s. 2.772 t. 87 u. 3.55 v. 27

____1. Degrees of Freedom _____6. Find the lower confidence Interval

____2. Find alpha in (1-a) 100% confidence level _____7. Find the Upper Confidence Interval
____3. Using the T-table find the critical value _____8. In the first Population what is the mean
____4. Find Pooled Sample _____9. In the second Population what is sample size
____5. Find the Margin of Error ____10. In the first Population what is sample size

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