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Int. J.

Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

A cost model of industrial maintenance for pro"tability

analysis and benchmarking
Kari Komonen*
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Received 13 April 2000; accepted 21 December 2000


A hierarchical system of maintenance performance indicators is presented. An empirically tested cost model of
industrial maintenance has been used with data collected from more than 400 companies operating in various industries.
This has revealed clear causalities between certain variables and key "gures. On the basis of the above results
a benchmarking tool has been created. This gives a fairer benchmarking value for a production unit. This cost model also
provides valuable information for management in the process industry when evaluating the competitiveness of both old
and future plants.  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Industrial maintenance; Key "gures; Queuing theory; Cost model; Benchmarking

1. Introduction nomic performance of "rms has been established

clearly (e.g. [1]). Maintenance operations are tradi-
Maintenance is a combination of all the tech- tionally divided into three main groups: (1)
nical, administrative and managerial actions during corrective maintenance, (2) preventive maintenance
the life cycle of an item intended to keep it in, or (condition monitoring, condition based actions,
restore it to a state in which it can perform the scheduled maintenance) and (3) improvement
required function (CEN/TC 319). Industrial main- maintenance (e.g. [2]). Many writers and standards
tenance is mainly concerned with production suggest several other classi"cations which di!er
equipment. In Finland, maintenance costs are on slightly from the above ([3,4] Idhammar consult
average about 5.5% of company turnover. How- Ab, [5,6] and many other standards). PSK
ever, the ratio may vary from 0.5% to as much as Standardisation in Finland [30,31] has chosen
25%. Industrial maintenance has two essential ob- a somewhat di!erent approach and has divided
jectives: (1) a high availability of production equip- maintenance operations into breakdown mainten-
ment and (2) low maintenance costs. These and ance and planned maintenance, both of which in-
other indirect impacts of maintenance on the eco- clude corrective maintenance (repairs).
High availability performance is achieved by
three factors: (1) reliability performance, (2) main-
tainability performance and (3) supportability
* Correspondence address: Psyko BLC, Annankatu 42C, (maintenance). The state of factors are often mea-
00100 Helsinki, Finland. sured by three operational variables: (1) mean time

0925-5273/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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16 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

between failure (MTBF), (2) mean time to repair to "nd more exact causalities between various fac-
(MTTR) and (3) mean waiting time (MWT) (e.g. tors. The in#uence of the amount of production
[7,8]). However, the validity of these concepts is equipment, integration level of production lines,
partly low. Concepts such as MTBF, MTTR and downtime costs, utilisation rate of machinery and
MWT and others refer to the time-based concepts amount of preventive maintenance were studied.
which divide the available time into sub-periods The economies of scale, the in#uence of integration
according to the operation state of production level, downtime costs and utilisation rate were con-
equipment. "rmed.
The discipline of industrial maintenance includes The second aim of this study was to create
a great number of operations research studies and a benchmarking tool for industrial maintenance on
practices. Technical research is also well represent- the basis of empirical examination (a method to
ed in the "eld. Many national and international "nd the appropriate benchmarking values for key
standards have been determined or are being "gures). Benchmarking values, as they have been
worked out. There exist several methods for de"ned here, are not the best or world class values,
measuring maintenance performance e$ciency and but relevant industrial averages (not only one aver-
e!ectiveness: e.g. (1) Priel's [9] indices of mainten- age but many of them, one in each class of produc-
ance e$ciency, (2) Luck's [10] method of measur- tion units). One reason for this is that because of
ing maintenance e!ectiveness, (3) Finley's [11] di!ering accounting practices there is not enough
indicators, (4) Newbrought's pro"le [28], (5) VDI- evidence for accurate ranking. In the near future we
Richtlinjen [12] and (6) Corder's index of mainten- shall also be able to specify the best units. Addition-
ance e$ciency (one index) [26]. In Finland, a group ally, this paper handles the comparison of key indi-
working on a standard for key "gures in industrial cators, but not the determination of best practices.
maintenance easily found more than 200 indicators. Thirdly this paper focuses on determining the im-
Richard Dwight [13] has taken the view that the pact of the above factors on the pro"tability and
standard of performance must be in terms of the competitiveness of business units in the process
organisation's goals and what is possible. He also industry.
emphasises the measurement of performance in This paper includes:
terms of changes in value. As we see, the science of (1) the description of the system of the key "gures;
industrial maintenance is well established in part (2) the summary of mathematical formulations
and includes a number of well-de"ned subsystems. and hypotheses;
However, relationships between di!erent key "g- (3) the summary of empirical testing;
ures or between various subsystems and the causal- (4) the structure of a benchmarking tool;
ities in their behaviour are still little studied. (5) the impact of cost behaviour on the pro"tabil-
The main objective of this study is to determine ity of a plant.
a hierarchical system of key "gures for industrial
maintenance and to build a cost model for particu-
lar classes of economic variables. The theoretical 2. The system of performance indicators
framework used, a mathematical model, is based on
the results of earlier research by Kari Komonen According to a survey from 1995, maintenance
(Ph.D. dissertation; Helsinki University of Techno- managers in Finland wished to have some guidance
logy, 1998), where a queuing model was built in in the use of maintenance indicators. In fact, very
order to generate testable hypotheses. The hy- often the systems of key "gures are the lists of
potheses were tested by means of empirical data indicators, which are grouped according to subject
(157 Finnish industrial companies from the years matters, but which are not in any way linked to
1990}91). each other. However, for example the practitioners
One aim of this new study was, "rst of all, to of balanced scorecard have in many applications
con"rm previous research results with the aid of been exceptions. The aim of this chapter is to intro-
new data (from the years 1996}1997, 255 cases) and duce the system of maintenance indicators, which
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 17

avoids the previously mentioned shortcomings. ance, outsourcing, #exibility, operator mainten-
This systems helps us to grasp the purpose and ance, etc. are such kind of tools. Internal explanatory
signi"cance of various indicators. variables (IEV) give additional information, for
The key "gures of industrial maintenance can be example, about the cost and organisation structure,
classi"ed in a hierarchical manner in the following cost level and capital intensity of maintenance
way: function.
(1) external business-oriented objective variables; In this research we have tried to "nd causalities
(2) internal objective variables for maintenance; between various indicators. These kinds of causali-
(3) exogenous variables (external conditions); ties can be formed between action variables and
(4) intermediate internal objective variables (fol- intermediate objective variables or between action
low-up variables); variables and main objectives. The same kind of
(5) action variables of maintenance function; relationship can also be formed between intermedi-
(6) internal explanatory variables. ate variables and main objectives. From the
benchmarking and company planning point of
External objective variables (EOV) are such-busi- view it is also very important to know the impact of
ness-oriented key "gures as return on investments exogenous independent variables on the internal
(ROI), overall equipment e!ectiveness (OEE), life objective variables, because it makes it possible to
cycle costs of production machinery, etc. These distinguish the in#uence of those factors which are
variables can be related to others in a hierarchical beyond the scope of maintenance personnel to de-
manner according to Du Pont's model, for termine.
example. The internal objective variables of mainten- Earlier in this text it was emphasised that the
ance function (IOV) are metrics for the e!ectiveness main objectives of maintenance function are linked
of maintenance operations: e.g. availability of ma- via availability to overall equipment e!ectiveness
chinery, the sum of lost production and mainten- (OEE) and via maintenance costs to production
ance costs, maintenance costs as a % of estimated costs. The third dimension of objectives is linked to
plant replacement value (RV) or per production qualitative aspects of production processes. By
volume. Exogenous independent variables (EIV) are combining these three dimensions with the above
indicators, which help management to interpret classes of variables it is possible to construct a sys-
variables and to evaluate the state of a!airs. These tem of performance indicators, which organises
key indicators are factors which are beyond the a large number of key "gures in clear way. The
scope of maintenance managers to determine. result is presented in Fig. 1. The "gure does not
Examples of these kind of variables are the utilis- include all possible indicators but is rather an
ation rate of production machinery, the amount of example of the system. In the example, owing to
production equipment, the integration level of pro- lack of space some variables are in the form of
duction, etc. Intermediate internal objective variables a ratio and some in the form of a concept. However,
(IMV) are performance indicators, which should be for all presented variables it is possible to construct
measured and followed up, since they may give a indicator in the form of ratio or index.
more information about the development needs Some of the key "gures can be applied to
and may act as intermediate objective variables in benchmarking purposes only in limited circum-
order to reach the main objective. For example the stances although they are very suitable for the fol-
mean time to repair is an intermediate objective low-up of internal trends. Examples of such kinds
when the main objective is to minimise lost produc- of variables are `mean time between failurea or
tion (down-time costs). IMV is an objective `lost production due to breakdownsa. Their abso-
variable, because a maintenance manager cannot lute values do not give an accurate picture of the
in#uence it directly. The action variables of mainten- e!ectiveness of a plant. For example the size of
ance function (ACV) are tools of maintenance a plant should be taken into account.
managers, by the aid of which objectives are The rest of this paper concentrates on the eco-
reached. Preventive and improvement mainten- nomic side of the system. Although we have carried
18 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

Fig. 1. The system of key "gures for industrial maintenance.

out several empirical studies e.g. [27] in the "eld of From the management point of view it is vital to
customer and job satisfaction during the last dec- identify how action variables (ACV) in#uence inter-
ade, the qualitative part of the system is not dealt mediate internal objectives (IMV) and internal ob-
with. Especially in the segment of quality, many key jective variables (IOV). In addition, it is necessary
"gures are presented in the form of concept. Many to recognise causalities between exogenous inde-
of the action variables are "ndings of repeated pendent variables (EIV) and internal objective vari-
research e!orts and may be presented in the form of ables (IOV) in order to understand the behaviour of
an index or in the form of an average opinion of maintenance costs. The role of exogenous indepen-
customers or employers. It is, however, once again dent variables is essential in benchmarking, because
important to emphasise that key "gures in the they determine to a great extent the size of mainten-
qualitative sector of the system represent a sample ance costs and at the same time the costs which
of a more comprehensive list of factors. cannot be in#uenced by maintenance managers.
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 19

3. A cost model (Downtime costs#maintenance costs)/

production equipment (production equip-
3.1. Variables ment"its replacement value)

Such key "gures as `maintenance costs/produc- (B) Exogenous variables:

tion equipment (replacement value RV)a or `main- The amount of production equipment (RV)
tenance costs/production volumea are often used in The downtime costs of production
benchmarking. The former is a good alternative Utilisation rate of production equipment
when the products of production units are inter- Technology factor
nally or externally heterogeneous. The latter is suit-
able for homogeneous industries. However, a ratio (C) Action variables:
`maintenance costs/production equipmenta does not Preventive maintenance
take into account the success or failure of a main- Subcontracting
tenance function in its main task, to maintain the
high availability of machinery. A ratio `mainten- 3.2. Economies of scale in industrial maintenance
ance costs/production volumea takes somewhat bet-
ter into account #uctuations in the production Three di!erent economies of scale in mainten-
volume of a plant. However, we meet problems here ance operations can be distinguished a priori: (1)
too, since even in homogeneous industries products technical economies of scale: as the size of equip-
may vary considerably. ment increases, maintenance costs increase relative-
We meet the above problems mainly in empirical ly more slowly. (2) economies of scale due to
work. Theoretical model building allows us also to stochastic failure mechanisms and (3) economies of
take into account those factors which are `losta in scale based on the learning curve. In this chapter
empirical examinations. Because the object of the "rst two will be analysed. The purpose of a cost
maintenance e!orts is the production equipment of model is to minimise the sum of downtime costs
a plant, the ratio `maintenance costs/production (lost production) and maintenance costs.
equipmenta is a good starting point for model- In the literature, queuing theory has been used in
building. From a benchmarking perspective, the a speci"c situation, for example, to estimate the
main emphasis will be on the impact of exogenous optimum size of a maintenance crew or the opti-
variables on internal objective (dependent) vari- mum number of crews. It has been more seldom
ables. However, some weight will be put on such used for the analysis of causalities in maintenance
action variables as preventive maintenance and economics. In the present research, the factors in-
subcontracting because from practical experience, #uencing the e!ectiveness of maintenance will be
these have shown themselves to be very important examined by measures of performance of queuing
independent variables in industrial maintenance. systems. One aim will also be to create tools that
The estimation of the equations of a benchmarking will allow the hypotheses to be tested empirically.
tool calls only for exogenous variables, because we The analysis is initially based on a simpler stochas-
try to exclude the impact of action variables, i.e. to tic situation, i.e. on a M/M/1/R model, in which
"nd fundamental relationships between dependent the arrival rate () and the service rate () obey
and exogenous economic variables. As stated a Poisson distribution. In this paper, we study
earlier, the qualitative factors have not been in- industrial maintenance at production line } or
cluded at this stage of the research, since we "rst plant level, not at component level. Thus it has been
have to investigate the behaviour of maintenance assumed that reliability distribution or inter-arrival
costs and then later to add organisational aspects, time is exponential. If the utilisation rate "/ is
which actually are very much empirical in nature. greater than 1, the queuing system explodes. The
The variables used in a theoretical cost model measures of performance used in the beginning of
are: the analysis "t a situation, in which the calling
(A) Internal objective variables: population is assumed to be in"nite. Naturally, the
20 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

number of devices to be maintained is not in"nite. We assume now that the number of failures is
However, when the number of devices to be main- indicated by bK, in which K is the amount of
tained reaches dozens, in practice the situation ap- production equipment, while b is a technology-
proximates an in"nite population. speci"c constant. Additionally it has been assumed
Two factors analytically support the use of the that the marginal cost of waiting per unit of time
simpler in"nite population model: (1) in the case of (downtime costs) is (AI), where (A) is the added
a "nite population, the results are the same at an value of the production unit and (I) is its level of
approximate level as these for an in"nite popula- integration (probability of production losses). If we,
tion. (2) In practice, the existence of downtime costs in addition, assume that coe$cient C and (
keeps the queues so short that the in"nite popula- equal 1, we get the optimal capacity of a mainten-
tion approximation is su$ciently accurate (if it is ance crew ([14], p. 17):
not a question of very small production units of
a few machines) [14]. Both arguments (1) and (2)  "bK#(AIbK. (4)

can be applied in descriptive analysis. However, in
normative analysis they may be too strong. The variable (AI) requires more explanation ([14]
The starting points of this analysis are the mod- p. 23 and [19], pp. 50}51). The shutdown of any
els of queuing systems and the optimum solutions machine on a particular production line may cause
of Hillier & Lieberman and Whitt. Hillier and the loss of production for the entire line, if the
Lieberman [15] deals with a service capacity opti- shutdown is long enough. Similarly, a shutdown
misation based on the M/M/1 model (the calcu- may not cause production losses, if the shutdown is
lation has also been presented by others such as short enough. If a production line is entirely integ-
Gross and Harris [16] and Panico [17]: rated (see below), every stoppage causes losses.
Thus the downtime costs per unit of time in a par-

 ticular stage of production are 0 or A. The expected
C "C #C , (1)
2 1 5 ! value of stage-speci"c downtime costs is thus (as-
where C is the marginal cost of waiting per unit of suming speci"c density function and mean time to
5 repair (1/) to this production equipment, indepen-
time, C the marginal server cost per unit of time,
1 dent of manning decisions)
() the arrival rate of customers, the number of
arrivals in the system (waiting and serviced) the E (C )"P A (5)
service rate (), /(!) and C the total cost of G 5 G
the system. An optimum solution of  is obtained: in which P (P"f (=, B, ); = being the utilisation
rate of production, B the bu!er stock and the

 "# 5 . (2) technology factor)) is the probability that the
1 downtime of the sub-process will be so long that
In the objective function (1) units are, however, production losses, which are comparable to the
dimensionally inconsistent, which the authors have added value of the entire line, will arise. The aver-
not commented on, and thus the model is empirical. age of the expected values of production losses in
Whitt's approximation [18] o!ers a parallel opti- a production system is given in formula (6).
mum solution of  . However, these models are
 E (C )"(P A#P A#2#P A)/N
based on queuing theory and not on empirical data G 5   ,
from maintenance or any other service "eld. The
"A(P #P #2#P )/N. (6)
above dimensional problems can be avoided, if in   ,
the objective function we use a transformation coef- The integration level can now be de"ned as the
"cient (
) which transforms service rate () into the mean of P :
number of servers (Eq. (3)). G
I"(P #P #2#P )/N (7)

C "C
#C . (3)
2 1 5 ! which includes the impact of bu!er stocks.
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 21

The integration level of several lines is obtained basis of Eq. (8) the following conclusion can be
from formula (7) by multiplying by the factor 1/n. drawn.
Thus, the integration level of a production system
When the amount of production equipment increases,
&&maintenance labour costs/production equipment ''
(1) 1/n, in the case of a replicative (parallel produc-
ratio decreases.
tion system) form of production.
(2) ( P )/N, in the case of a line production model. Eq. (1) and the assumption of constant downtime
(3) (1/n) ( P )/N, in the case of a model with costs represents replicative technology because the
several lines. production equipment grows in a replicative way;
(4) 1, in the case of fully integrated production. machines are operating in parallel. Thus when the
production capacity increases, the degree of integ-
In reliability theory production processes are tra- ration and downtime costs do not increase. Eq. (8)
ditionally described to be series systems, a parallel and the assumption of growing downtime costs rep-
systems or mixed con"gurations. The integration resents integrated technology because the increase in
level of a production system is a closely related to production capacity takes place by increasing the
these concepts though not exactly the same. It takes output of the machinery or increasing the added-
into account the impact of bu!er stocks, the option value of production. The more integrated (tech-
to overtime work, the utilisation rate of machines, nically) the production equipment is, the greater
redundancy and assumes a speci"c density function the expected value of downtime costs.
of repair time. For example, a paper machine is In practice, a replicative industry may have process-
fully integrated, because it is a series system, there like features and a process industry may have charac-
are no bu!er stocks `between the sub-processesa, teristics of replicative technology. If the linear model
there is a lack of redundancy, overtime work does of replicative industry and the square root model of
not help, etc. the process industry represent certain extreme cases, it
It was assumed above that the frequency of fail- is possible to use them to construct a general model,
ures and the amount of production equipment were by means of which all technologies between the ex-
linearly dependent. Practical experience and rules tremes can be depicted. The relative owntime costs
of thumb indicate however that in the process in- (A) and the replication coe$cient (n) can be assumed
dustry this dependence is a square root function to be a function of (K). In addition, (AI) is a function
rather than a linear one. If maintenance capacity is of (n). I is the initial value of I. Formula (8) can then

simultaneously calculated in relation to the amount be given the following form (9) ([14], p. 21):
of production equipment, then the following opti-
mum (8) is obtained ([14], p. 18): g (Kn (K)#(A IG f (K/n (K))g (Kn (K)
 " G G G  G G G .
) K
 " , (8)
) K The behaviour of the queuing model of industrial
maintenance can be illustrated graphically by
where  is the optimum capacity of maintenance a simulation (Fig. 2). The engineering industry is
per K and g is a coe$cient. There are good grounds also taken as an example of a replicative sector, in
for believing that in integrated production down- which the number of machines increases rapidly as
time costs per unit of time increase at the same K increases ([21], p. 692).
speed as production equipment, although in certain The above cost model also explains material costs.
situations technology representing increasing re- Technical scale economies apply to material con-
turns to scale may also be available (e.g. [20, pp. sumption and scale economies of queuing systems
18}19]). This assumption is also reinforced by have an impact on the turnover and size of stocks.
the fact that the process industry too has replicative The increase of utilisation rate of production
characteristics. With these assumptions, on the equipment increases the value of coe$cient (g) and
22 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

Fig. 2. Industry-speci"c optimal cost curves simulated on the basis of the general model [21].

Fig. 3. Impact of utilisation rate of production equipment on maintenance costs (simulation).

raises maintenance costs. Further, although the maintenance costs/production machinery ratio de-
technical level of integration does not grow as creases [22].
utilisation rate increases, downtime costs may do,
because it is di$cult to make up for lost production 3.3. Preventive maintenance
especially at the high rate of shift work. Fig. 3 illus-
trates graphically the impact of shift work rate. On Once again we shall examine maintenance op-
the basis of the simulation in Fig. 3, it can be erations at plant level. This means that the reliabil-
noticed that the increase of utilisation rate causes ity distribution is exponential. The analysis will
`maintenance costs/production equipmenta ratio utilise Allen}Cunneen approximation of G/G/1/R
to decrease if the amount of equipment grows at the model ([23] pp. 153}154). It is now su$cient to
same rate. It can also be seen that the change of know the mean and standard deviation of the vari-
shift work rate causes large cost #uctuations in able. We assume that preventive maintenance does
small production units: the upper boundary of the not reduce the amount of work, but does reduce
stepwise curve decreases but the lower boundary deviations of service time and inter-arrival time.
increases. In other words: as the amount of equip- That means that breakdown maintenance will be
ment grows at the same speed as utilisation rate, replaced by planned maintenance actions so that
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 23

Fig. 4. The e!ect of the coe$cients of variations (failure rate and repair time) on the e$ciency of maintenance.

the number of jobs do not decrease. If the coe$cient with a low integration level (I) do so mainly
of variation (ratio of standard deviation to mean for through downtime costs. Now, the following con-
failure rate) has a value 1, Allen}Cunneen approxima- clusion can be drawn. This conclusion assumes that
tion obey the M/M/1 queuing model (exponential). production units follow the principle of natural
Thus the increase in e$ciency depends on the devi- level of preventive maintenance [19].
ation of inter-arrival time and service time. In production units with a high integration level,
Fig. 4 shows at the same level of arrival rates, the preventive maintenance reduces the maintenance capa-
loci of the failures in a service system and of the city requirement in relation to production equipment (K)
utilisation rate of the maintenance capacity (), more than in units with a low integration level.
which minimise the sum of downtime and mainten-
ance costs for all possible values of the coe$cient of 3.4. Subcontracting
variation C(A, S). C(A) is coe$cient of variation for
a failure rate () and C(S) for maintenance capacity Komonen [19] has analysed outsourcing deci-
(). The "gure also shows the indi!erence curves of sions in his Ph.D. dissertation and those analyses
variation for given values of C(A, S). The points of have been based on queuing theory. In this paper
intersection of the curves show the optimal combina- there is no room to analyse the conditions of opti-
tion of the number of failures and utilisation rate () mal subcontracting. However, subcontracting is in-
at the selected levels of C(A, S) ([14, p. 28], [19, p. 69], cluded in the empirical part of this paper in order to
[24]). In the "gure, it is assumed that, C(S) and C(A) guarantee the correct interpretation of the behav-
develop in step, as though moving `hand-in-handa. iour of other variables.
If C(A, S) equals 1, the situation returns to the On the basis of the presented models the follow-
M/M/1 model. If C(A, S) is allowed to approach ing conclusions can be drawn:
zero, the optimal utilisation rate () will approach (1) Scale economies exist in the maintenance of
unity. The e!ect of total variation depends on the production equipment. `Maintenance costs/
downtime costs. At the level of the same failure rate production equipmenta ratio decreases as the
or jobs, in production units of the same size, plants amount of machinery grows.
with a high integration level (I) `adapta to changes (2) Within each industrial sector the impact of
in C(A, S) by altering the utilisation rate i.e., by scale economies is larger than the growth of
changing maintenance capacity, while companies downtime costs.
24 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

(3) As the utilisation rate of production equipment Variables (1)}(6) were discussed in Section 3.
grows, `maintenance costs/production equip- However, integration level and shift work rate re-
menta ratio also increases assuming that the quire further explanation. In the cost model, at the
amount of machinery does not change. same level of production equipment, the increase of
(4) Maintenance costs increase as the integration downtime costs per unit of time increases mainten-
level of production system grows if the amount ance costs. However, in reality the growth of pro-
of production equipment does not change. duction machinery increases downtime costs. The
(5) The impact of technology on maintenance same applies to integration level, the operational
costs is signi"cant. indicator of AI. Thus the operational indicator (I)
(6) Preventive maintenance decreases mainten- is, at the same time, a meter of downtime costs and
ance costs more in integrated plants than in of scale economies. For example, if the size of
replicative factories. a pipeline is doubled, downtime costs may also
double but maintenance costs will not do so. This
fact means that in empirical examination the inyuence
4. Testing cost models with data from Finnish of integration level (I) on maintenance costs may,
industry a priori, be either positive or negative.
Shift work rates 1}3 stand for one to three shifts
Tests are based on the data collected by The during "ve days (weekends are excluded). Four (4)
Finnish Maintenance Association for the years shifts also make use of Saturdays and "ve shifts (5)
1990}91 [32] and by The Finnish Maintenance also Sundays. Improvement maintenance lowers,
Association and The Federation of Finnish Engin- a priori, both failure rate and maintenance costs
eering and Electrotechnical Industries for the years and it is partly an exogenous variable (because it is
1996 and 1997 [29]. The total sample was 436 often ordered by production department), thus it
production units. Some of the results have been has been included in the analysis.
documented in an unpublished research-report Because data from various years have been in-
[22]. cluded, the inyuence of these years was examined
The dependent variables were usually `mainten- with the aid of dummy variables. The parameters of
ance costs as a % of estimated plant replacement these dummy variables, however, were not statist-
valuea and `material costs as a % of estimated plant ically signixcant. The examination of causal rela-
replacement valuea. `Maintenance costs/production tionship was carried out with two databases: (1) the
volumea ratio was also used when data was avail- years 1990, 1991, 1996, 1997 and the years 1996,
able because that implicitly includes downtime 1997. In both cases the results were parallel. In the
costs. However, no explicit data concerning down- estimation of the equations of a benchmarking tool,
time costs were available. Independent variables in only the years 1996 and 1997 were used.
empirical investigation were:
(1) the amount of production equipment (replace- 4.1. Results
ment value),
(2) integration level of production (which is an Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate
operational indicator of AI), the causalities between the independent variables
(3) industry-dummy variables (technology factor), and the dependent factors (forward stepwise regres-
(4) shift work rate (utilisation rate of production sion). Logarithmic forms of the variables were used
equipment), in the analysis, because the model to be con"rmed
(5) preventive maintenance, was non-linear. Logarithmic transformations also
(6) subcontracting, have other statistical and mathematical advantages
(7) improvement maintenance, (e.g. estimated parameters measure elasticity of
(8) full-costing-dummy variable, variables). The explanatory power of the model
(9) production volume (in some industrial (adjusted R) was high (mainly between 40% and
branches). 90%) and estimated parameters were statistically
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 25

highly signi"cant. In the case of maintenance costs and of (2) the technical economies of scale and the
and material costs (in relation to production equip- latter as a meter of (1) the technical economies of
ment) the most signi"cant independent variables scale and of (2) the scale economies of queuing
were (the signs # and ! indicate the direction of systems. Hence, the appearance of multicollinearity
the impact) was expected.
(1) Integration level of production (which is in The explanatory power of regression equations
practice often parallel to replacement value) for several industrial branches were very high and
(!). thus the evidence for the results of cost model is
(2) The amount of production equipment (replace- very strong (see Table 1). The more current data
ment value) (!). from the pulp and paper industry (year 1998) pro-
(3) Shift work rate (#). vides better results (more evidence for the cost
(4) Industry-dummy variables (industry speci"c model), because the data has been collected accord-
factors) (!, #). ing to the instructions of the researcher. Thus there
is greater similarity than before between ac-
Subcontracting rate was also a statistically sig- counting practices.
ni"cant variable, but it did also measure other Table 2 presents the results of the regression
factors than the impact of outsourcing. That is why analysis in the wood-processing industry (mechan-
it has been omitted from this report. Improvement ical sector). The explanatory power of the model
maintenance and full-costing-dummy were gener- was good and the parameters being investigated
ally insigni"cant, but in certain industrial sectors were mainly statistically signi"cant.
their impact was a strong one. The impact of pre- The in#uence of the integration level, production
ventive actions on maintenance costs was not as equipment and shift work rate were in line with the
signi"cant as in the earlier study (1990 and 1991). hypotheses. The subcontracting rate was also
A regression analysis was performed for the a statistically signi"cant variable, but as stated
whole industry and various industrial sectors. The earlier, it also measured factors other than the
purpose of the empirical examination was, at the impact of outsourcing.
beginning of the project, to "nd the relative ex- In the wood-processing sector, as in several other
planatory power of various factors. In the second sectors and industries, the increase of improvement
phase the regression coe$cients were estimated for maintenance decreases maintenance costs. The im-
a benchmarking tool. In this paper the relative pact of preventive measures on maintenance costs
explanatory power of the independent variables are was not clear.
presented for the industry as a whole and for one The behaviour of maintenance costs is illustrated
industrial sector, as an example. in Fig. 5. This "gure gives an example in which
Regression analyses were carried out for eight (8) `maintenance costs/production equipmenta ratio
di!erent industrial sectors. Although the integra- decreases as the size production machinery grows.
tion level and shift work rate of a production unit The in#uence of other variables such as the integra-
were generally the most signi"cant independent tion level and the shift work rate cannot, of course,
variables, results di!ered from one industry to an- be seen in the "gure, but it can be mentioned that
other. A practical statistical problem was present in the biggest factory has a highest shift work rate.
several industries. The high multicollinearity, i.e. As stated earlier the ratio `maintenance costs/
the high correlation between the integration level production equipmenta does not take into account
and the amount of production equipment meant those downtime costs which have been caused by a
that, in most cases, only one of them came into an maintenance function. The ratio `maintenance
estimated equation. The integration level and the cost/production volumea does that in an implicit
amount of machinery showed a high correlation way. Scale economies play an important role here,
with the dependent variable. Both (I) and (K) act as too. The larger the production volume is, the lower
operative indicators in two roles simultaneously: the costs of a maintenance function/production
the former as a meter of (1) relative downtime costs volume will be. This result is illustrated in Fig. 6.
26 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

Table 1
Factors explaining the maintenance costs of production equipment in the whole industry (years 1990, 1991, 1996 and 1997)

Dependent variable:
log (maintenance costs/replacement value of equipment)
R"0.69, R"0.48, Adjusted R"0.46, F(14.365)"23.620, p(0.000

Variables BETA SE t(365) p-level

Intercept 5.850 0.000

log I (integration level) !1.034 0.096 !10.734 0.000
log SW (shift work rate) 0.636 0.070 9.045 0.000
Dummy-engineering industry !0.392 0.054 !7.322 0.000
Dummy-printing industry !0.194 0.040 !4.855 0.000
Dummy-plastic products !0.152 0.040 !3.839 0.000
log K (replacement value) !0.151 0.079 !1.905 0.058
Dummy-metal industry 0.144 0.042 3.473 0.001
Dummy-carpentry industry !0.14 0.041 !3.433 0.001
Dummy-foodstu!s 0.13 0.041 3.137 0.002
Dummy-textile industry !0.115 0.042 !2.717 0.007
Dummy-elec. products & electronics !0.085 0.041 !2.062 0.04
Dummy-non metal minerals 0.078 0.04 1.941 0.053
log S (subcontracting) 0.075 0.042 1.808 0.071

Table 2
Factors explaining the maintenance labour costs for the years 1996 and 1997

Wood-processing industry: mechanical sector N"27

Dependent variable:
log (maintenance labour costs/replacement value of equipment)
R"0.85, R"0.72, Adjusted R"0.64, F(6.20)"8.724, p(0.0001

Variables BETA SE t(20) p-level

Intercept 1.603 0.125

log I (integration level) !0.774 0.161 !4.823 0.000
log SW (shift work rate) 0.425 0.160 2.654 0.015
log IM (improvements) !0.288 0.120 !2.399 0.026
log S (subcontracting) 0.372 0.141 2.634 0.016
log PR (preventive maintenance) 0.223 0.137 1.631 0.119
log K (replacement value) !0.192 0.135 !1.422 0.170

Such dependent variables as integration level, extent that the lower cost level can be explained.
shift work rate and improvement maintenance have The curve in the "gure is merely descriptive. Fur-
the same kind of impact on the latter ratio as on the ther industry-speci"c results are illustrated in the
former one. So, the level of integration and the following graphs. In Fig. 7, the maintenance costs
improvement maintenance lower `maintenance of the pulp and paper industry in relation to pro-
costs/production volumea ratio and the shift work duction equipment has been presented as a func-
rate increases them. tion of integration level. Although the data from all
The products and the production technology of four years 1990, 1991, 1996 and 1997 has been
circled cases di!er from the other cases to such an included, it behaves according to the results of the
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 27

Fig. 5. Maintenance costs in the wood-processing industry

(mechanical) as a function of production equipment. Fig. 7. Maintenance costs in relation to production equipment
as a function integration level of production.

Fig. 6. The behaviour of maintenance costs as a function of Fig. 8. The material costs of maintenance in the foodstu!s
production volume. industry as a function of production equipment.

cost model. The integration level depicts, on one statistically very signi"cant (Beta"!0.355 and
hand, relative downtime costs and, on the other, p-level"0.006). The in#uence of preventive actions
technical scale economies. In Fig. 8, `spare has changed during the last decade.
parts and other material costs/production In the years 1996 and 1997, the impact of preven-
equipmenta ratio in the foodstu!s industry has tive measures on maintenance costs was more in-
been presented as a function of production equip- dustry-speci"c. (1) Preventive maintenance had no
ment. As can be seen, material costs behave in impact in those factories with a single shift and the
a very similar way to labour costs. The curve in the proportion of preventive maintenance was the
"gure is descriptive. lowest (23.7%). Preventive actions had a small im-
pact in factories with two shifts (prevention rate
4.2. Preventive maintenance was 29.6) and a strong impact in three-shift facto-
ries (prevention rate was 34.3). However, in facto-
In the years 1990 and 1991, preventive mainten- ries with "ve shifts, the proportion of preventive
ance did not decrease maintenance costs in a rep- maintenance had no impact on maintenance costs.
licative industry with low integration level, but did In this case the prevention rate was naturally
in a highly integrated industry. The latter result was the highest one (41.9). The lack of data made it
28 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

impossible to investigate the impact of preventive stepwise regression analyses, log-transformations

maintenance on downtime costs. of variables have been used, and instead of the
previous industry-speci"c beta-coe$cients (elastic-
ity), b-coe$cients (y"a#bx) were estimated. Due
5. A benchmarking tool to the stepwise regression method, not all the inde-
pendent variables enter every equation, in every
On the basis of the empirical examination industrial sector.
a benchmarking tool can be made. The commonly The benchmarking values tell us what are the
applied benchmarking procedure has been the expected maintenance costs in a particular indus-
comparison of the average cost values of a particu- trial sector in the case of speci"c unit size, integra-
lar industrial sector with a company's own costs. tion level, shift-work rate, technology and level of
Sometimes the order of the production units have improvement maintenance. Although, with a good
been arranged according to certain performance sample of production units this method gives more
indicators. appropriate benchmarking values than industrial
In the "eld of industrial maintenance this kind of averages, there are some dangers present, too.
benchmarking does not help very much, as Dwight `Well-behavinga outliers may, for example, cause
[13] also commented. The `ownersa of the best too high or low extreme values (very small or very
"gures are too `prouda of their performance and large companies). Also poor accounting practices
the `ownersa of the poor ones are on the brink of may be dangerous in extreme zones. From the
despair. According to the results of this research, maintenance management perspective this kind of
the above-mentioned methods are inappropriate. varying fair meter, may cause opportunistic behav-
Even the misuse of benchmarking values and op- iour, (`units of this size have high costsa) which in
portunistic behaviour are possible. turn may prevent continuous development. How-
Some factors can be a!ected by maintenance ever, as the quality of data increases, the estimation
management, but some of them cannot. For of `cost "gures for best practicesa becomes avail-
example small units may avoid the lack of scale able and then the above risks decline.
economies in queuing systems if they use outsourc- The user of the tool chooses "rst the relevant
ing. However, it is beyond the scope of their deter- industrial sector and then the technology of that
mining power to avoid the lack of technical sector (technology here refers to the sub-sector). In
scale advantage. The same applies to shift-work the third phase the values of the named exogenous
rate in a factory or the utilisation rate of produc- factors are inserted. Finally, the program gives the
tion equipment. That is why there are several relevant benchmarking values value for a produc-
benchmarking values, one for each production unit. tion unit. `Not in usea means that this box of the
This may give rise, however, to opportunistic be- menu is not relevant for that industry (Fig. 9).
haviour: in the world of many benchmarking values
managers may try to explain bad results away.
We have built a "rst version of the benchmarking 6. The impact of maintenance costs on the
tool which takes into account the impact of the competitiviness of a plant
exogenous variables and calculates the appropriate
benchmarking value for a production unit. Today, According to the results of this research, `main-
this tool works on the basis of mean values. But in tenance costs/production equipmenta ratio de-
the future lower boundary values for maintenance creases as the integration level and the amount of
costs will be sought. The benchmarking tool is production equipment increase. The proportion of
based on estimated equations, where the dependent the maintenance costs of a plant turnover varies
variable is, for example, `maintenance costs/produc- between 1% and 25% if outliers and very small
tion equipmenta and the independent variables are units are desregarded. In one industrial sector that
the aforementioned exogenous variables and `semi- percentage may vary, e.g. between 2.5% and 10%
exogenousa improvement maintenance. In multiple and maintenance costs/production equipment may
K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31 29

Fig. 9. A benchmarking tool for industrial maintenance: the values of key indicators are imaginary, but realistic [25].

triple as a plant size decreases. A super"cial con- and further,

clusion would be that it would be pro"table from
"vK/f (K). (10)
the point of view of maintenance costs to invest in 
larger production plants. However, all other busi- In Eq. (10) a constant (v) denotes shift work rate.
ness ratios do not necessarily improve when a plant Labour productivity increases as a plant size grows.
size grows. So, the pattern is the same as for maintenance costs.
This analysis di!ers greatly from the neo-classi- A crucial factor is capital productivity. What
cal approach. We have not tried to estimate the happens to the output}capital ratio as a factory size
production function of various industries (neither grows? There are three alternatives: it may increase,
Cobb}Douglas, Leontief, CES nor any others). be constant or decrease. According to the empirical
Rather, we have tried to determine tools for practi- data, the latter alternative, though not necessarily
cal work. The aim of this section is to "nd empirical common, is certainly possible. Output}capital ratio
links between maintenance costs and investments can be depicted by Eqs. (8)}(10).
in production equipment. The analysis of this chap-
ter is very much a preliminary one . Q/K"r, Q"rK, (11)
This pro"tability analysis is based on the amount s
of production equipment. That means that all the Q" (12)
f (K)
needed variables are de"ned as a function of K. 
According to our empirical research the integration or more generally
level grows as the size of a plant increases. This
Q"f (K). (13)
relationship often seems to be a linear one 
(I"a#bK). The ratio `replacement value/produc- In Eqs. (11) and (12) symbols (r) and (s) are con-
tion operatives of one shifta was used as an opera- stants. It is important to notice that here K stands
tional indicator of the integration level of a factory. for the replacement value and not for the book
So, the labour requirements for a plant can be value of production equipment. However, it was
easily calculated: assumed that these values were very close to each
other because of continuous replacement invest-
K/(/v)"I"f (K) ments.

30 K. Komonen / Int. J. Production Economics 79 (2002) 15}31

Now, the pro"t function of a plant can be for- tion units with a high integration level to a greater
mulated in the following way: extent than in units with a low integration level.
New data supported this result only partly.
"pf (K) ![c vK/f (K) #c mf (K) #c nK Economy of scale is an important factor in
        benchmarking, since maintenance managers have
to take it as an exogenous variable. Because several
#c f (K) #c f (K)] , (14)
  external independent variables a!ect maintenance
  costs, a benchmarking tool has been created. This
where p is the price of a product, c , c , c , c , and tool contains estimated nonlinear equations with
c are unit costs and m and n are constants. If we the aid of which an appropriate benchmarking

determine that  equals zero and then solve Eq. (14) value can be found.
for p, we get the minimum price for each level of Economies of scale may lead us to such a super"-
production capacity (production equipment). This cial conclusion that it would be pro"table from the
kind of exercise was carried out in two groups of point of view of maintenance costs to invest in
plants. In the "rst case, the output}capital ratio was larger production plants. However, we have to take
constant and in the second case the ratio was de- into account other business decision variables in
creasing. In the former case, the bigger the plant order to draw the correct conclusions.
was, the lower the minimum price was and in the New data from 1999 has been collected and the
latter case the result was the opposite. The third results of the analyses will carried out in the near
alternative, growing output}capital ratio leads, of future.
course, to a pro"table solution.
Naturally, managers do not make investments
decisions on the basis of maintenance costs. How-
ever, the better the knowledge we have about the References
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