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This study aimed to investigate the vocational interests and personality styles of Bahraini
secondary school students. It aimed also to investigate the relationship between vocational interests
and personality styles as well as the effects of both gender and academic level on relationship.

Study sample comprised 546 students. Data collection tools were vocational interests scale that
was designed according to Hollands theory, and scale of personality styles that was designed
according to Myers-Briggs theory. Results indicated that both Hollands vocational interests and
Myers-Briggs personality styles were found among Bahraini students. Furthermore, there was a
significant relationship between the two studied variables (vocational interests and personality styles.

Keywords: vocational interest, personality styles, Bahraini secondary school students


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( ) .(1990
) ( ).(McCrae & Costa, 2003
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. ).(Low, et al. 2005
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.( )


. : . .(2003) .
. : . .(2010) .
.( ) .(2010 , ).

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.- , .(2006) .
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.(2010) .
. :- .
. .(2011) .
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