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J[ =w[[ ae[V 11 %GRO 2017 ALL V`-[V`

[V^ \bSC %Xa[[ [N[ [LXTE YJ[ ]y : [O^

X^V{, 10 %GRO f EU^
]a_]V[ ]W [ YK X[YwcXT[
[_ RgE G G^C WX \X*
aYA][ aW[ S a+VE aT[ ]
[c&T[[ K_ aeaV ca[
%X\T : [V^ =Y[rYT
X^V{, 10 %GRO f AELX [V^, ^K* L[[ [V^ =Y[rYT [_X, "E[S
[La\^ Tg[ `bVX* a\[
T[Z TgE [V^ ae[WX VC^ %XLX \[ =Y[rYT* V` ]a_]V[ `T[ Y[ `T W[ [ ]TE aX
c^* aO ae[WX a\^ [N[ %[X X^ VO ][T c]V %Xa[ A[e LX^ AE W] X[Yl a]L [a E[ AaK
[FT G^ %G[ ]TO EVE [^O XQO * =Y[rYT YV c]V %Xa[[ %][* cPdO AO \[W[[ =Y[ %HT cX
%y]S E[ X O ^ J [ * TX [_X, ]^V `b cK %L* y[[ V^ XKX c^ K* TX [_X, ^\[ EU^ EU^ XL[
%]V [ [ J y [ ]W] [O^ XOQ* [V^ XC^[ %G J^[]X LT^T[W Y]S E[[ QE VC^ cK, T
aW[S[ [gWX ^FX ]L[T c[ ca[ [La\ RO\T AE XL[[cX [N[ a+S %^NE*' Tg[ ]T, TX AELX
TFXO %]V[ V` `N`_ cT [F_X [V^ =Y[rYT* TX [_X, V`[ \[T^, AO Y]SO ^Ur* [V^ =Y[rYT
Y[[* [La\[ [[W V_XT ]a_][ X[YwcXT^ \GKX* V`LQ ^ V[ E[X, TX AE XX, %[C [ ]Xb AO
EeGa[ m_] X[ %LV [_X, [ La\^ X[ J T cC^ [ LX %]T `E ]r FC^KX X[V ]V* [c &T[[ X^V{T* - YR%
O O %acX`_T C XL[V[[ Y[[` T[ E[ [b^ Tg[ ]T VJ^ \GKX* %Xa[
c^K, T[ `E[ cKX ]a_][* [La\ LXX, TX AO [b^ YWX] X[V ]V[
O^J[E [La\^ X YPX
%T \_ EL* Tg[ [La\^
X UE W [[WV[ LX X^,
[[e GRO a\[ LXO [[RO lT*
%]TE a]X [F [LY RO\T VC^ Tg[ `b aldE[ %Xa[
%[C [_X, V`[ [ ]Xb[ a EU [_
TX LXT Y[KX, GcT^ XbWp, H[
a AEWE[[ EU [_KX* ^ YE`
%_JX[ [b^[ X^*
AVE, \[ =Y[rYT [O^ XOQ
c]V %Xa[
%]V[ V`* W]X[YlT %]V[ [N
AEO EU [_X, a]L[V YRO[
aeaV X[` %G[C^_C* T[
O^J[[ Y`ea E[X EV^
%U] TU [La\^ `aEV_[
XT %[S LRO_* O^J[ Tg[
aeaVV[ [gWT JX ]V
X^V{, 10 %GRO f [[[[ UE K X* %YXV [ %[a [ ae[WX ae`WX [_
C^Ya YJ [[ Z_ %acX`_T [ YK*
X[YwcXT^ \GKX ]a_] a+V^[
VX [QK * Y`aX[C %[ l]T XO %O X[
`aX E^] E[[* [V^ =Y[rYT[ %[C
%Xa[[ X] X E[ ]a_]V[ X^ Tg[
][[ a]_JX E[X* TX [_X, AO
W[X[ ][ [LXTE =`O E[ c^K*
[O^[ V[,"\[T a[J^ acb V`*
%]V[ V\G c_, EK ]Xb \[T[ [VX]
[O K * %]V[ V` XTV[ LXO W] X[Yl
A]X X^, [[e ]Xb[ [[c[O a]L
W]X[YlT [L^ %K*'
[V^E_ ]a_]V[ X^ c]V
%Xa[[ ][E H[ V`LQ [TE[ MQ
[V^ \bS [_X, %]V[ V`[ aTE E[C _\ c^X* %W[`X ^YX[ VX `b*' YWX][ [[WV[ %X Y[ \RO\ROT V[, AO %acX`_T C XL[V[[ Y[[`[ E[ [ LXTE YJ [ X]KX* %]V[ V` =PK* EeGa[ Yl UE m_] X[ %LV
[J y[ =Y[ ^V E= AEEVE J _E_X aeaV [ =\ ^ El OTO &r, [LY-[ ^ aeaV Ya c^ ^^* A[Y[O V_[ LXO X[YwcXT[ `E[ c^K ]a_] acbT %K [_O GSTE [[ aUE %Xa[[ [N[E a]UX E[KX* %XVE,
J\[X, a W]^, \bGT [ [LY aeaVV [ =Y T V_[ OY %]X E[ aeaV aeaVV[ EQ a[ [EX VX a+V^* A[ Z_ \[T^ ]_[W Xr cK* c^ K* \[ =Y[rYT aTE E[ V^ [_X, [LY XT `cXC^L caX %Xa[[
aeTE ^O cE X EX, JY^ E K TO [Q X* A[ [ TO %XYT UE[X Tg[ [[ %]T* aOa AC [T VX, ^EX XG[E[ \[T^ X^ Y` T_ \[ T XX a+V^[ ]Xb [a E[ X* W] y [N[[ EP[ a]_JX E[ K X* [ LXTE
V^ Tc_ %]V[ V` BE[ [LY a\YT %]T `E % EP[ [[ XC^ c[* ARO ^ \[bT ^X AO HROX[ YX[[w cK, ^ %T %E[* AERO aeF_H a+V^[ EU [__ %X ]c_[ AEe`[ ]T, =Y[rYT YV 10
UET Y [ [ X* O ^ J [ [ E[ V_[ "=T' aeaVV[ XKE EU[ EU X^, aRO E_a X c^* T[Y[C [LY-[ [` %Xa[E Y` E[ c^ EX Tg[ ]X aeF_H a+V^[ YT %[J[ E[ c[* [K[ UE[ Y[ AERO ]y a+V^[ c^ A]X
[La\[ ]^V `b cK %G] [gWT =VT c_X YWX] X[V [L^[G^[ [N[O Y[[* E^ELX aeaV aeaV X^]T cK ^ \[T^ ]_[W ROE[ ROE[ c^ aE_ aeF_H a+V^EO a]X\[ VF c^ ][ E[ =JT c^X %Xa[[*
18 %GRO* T[ aO ]^V ]V* [c&T[[ [LY-[ YJ][ V_ [ V ^ Y cL[ X UE^ AVX V`TO
Z[K TS]_ aeaV V[[T
[VYW^ A[e [LY aeaV
aeaV^ V_[ [PE aeaVV[
=` E [ Y W X] [_X,
[LY-[ AO aW[S a+VE
[_X, "%]T ` [a ca[ %T
l\ =G[ VX YWX]* TX
[_X, [[[[ [_ aC aeaV E[_ %]V[ c]V %Xa[[ [V^ ae[WX [SE[ YK
V_Y Y[* "%]T ` A[ [ [ La\ ^ EP [ Y E T [ ]X b * =X
EX[E] [`_ [[V E[X
%YXV[ VF ^^ X* %XE
AFXC %X Y T UE K X* [N [` M[K, %L =Y[rYT YV `YU XC^[ EU E[
Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen to the following
X* %TT AE[[ aeaV V_[
acE [PE V[T ^G
%YX[ XLV[ E ]X E[X
? %YX[ EKO XX* %]C EK V[ aYA][ E[_ [E`
purely temporary posts to be filled up on contractual basis initially
for six months under ATMA, Cooch Behar likely to be extended on
mutual consent for implementation of "Support to State Extension
V ^ K _X E K aeaV* aO
aeaVV[ [PE UE [[ E[
V^K_X %]T `* =X aeaV[
XO* a[EKO c_ [LY* V_O
a[UE m [ Y S * TX[ K [
[LY-[ a\YT UE A[e
T[[XY[], 10 %GRO f
E[_ [LXTE cea^ a[UE
J GQ, 10 %GRO f %AO Aa

X^V{, 10 %GRO f [V^ =Y[rYT c]V %Xa[ GT 10

%Za[[ ]^ [SE E[ (29)
GQ[ YKX TX C Tg[ a %`a
Programme for Extension Reforms (ATMA)'' in Cooch Behar. aVa cC^[ %U V_[ [E [La\[ \RO LT[ LX [` [N M[K aYA][* V_[ E][ (27) ^ WC^ E[ K _X, T
Closing date of application 31.08.2017 upto 3:00 pm. aeaVV[ cL[ UETO c[* %]T `E ae[WXC VC^ c^ ]FYy "YY_a Q]ya'-[ [K[ [La\[ J^[]X K_X* %L AEW[ [La\[ J^[]X E[ E[ X^KX [ L[ Y\[`_
Name of the Posts:-
A[ %XU %[ EX\[O c[ AVX[ %XX* YWX] Tg[ a+VE^ T AO ][ E[ c^ K* C =Y[rYT YV UE [V^ ae[WX VC^ c_ TgE* [V^E_ [LY XT[ Yy [E` [[_
1) Block Technology Manager (BTM) ...... 01 OBC-B & 01 ST
X*' [T, [LY aeaVV[ [` aXYTE XL[ cT A[Y[ [LY-%[AaAa[ %Xa[ %[GHX G_^ Tg[ T[ EU T_ W[X* TX [_X, 10 (23)* T[ Tg [ [[ %Yc[ S[
2) Assistant Technology Manager (ATM) ..... 09 UR, 04 SC, 01 ST, V[E a+S Xad E[ V^K [K[ %G %] ^FX aeaV[ =JEl[ J^[]X YV [aK_],
01 OBC-A & 01 OBC-B %XYT[ a^G [La\^ ]r]F E[X* AO [PE cL[ ^ %\^G %X c^ K, T [SE[
For details please visit the website:- or a+T J_T [V_ %W[`X K_X __Eb %V[X, %[S E[ _[ `aEV_* aYA][ V[, aVX [La\[ aeaV[ %]E aV[ GT LX^K_X* TgV[ ]XGQ [_O V[ [E`[* AVX
in the Notice Board Office of the Deputy Director of Agriculture %XG a [ ` S aey AE R O LRO_ Y]F* 2000 a_ UE [ LXTE cea^ ]W AELX Y[S aeaV C XT, ^X %L AO YU[T XO TX %V_T[ a]X E~^ \I YQX
(Admn.), Cooch Behar. E[_ %XX V_[ T_X^ TV[ %]E aTE E[ V^ [_K_X, E_ UE %YXE %XE [W, CO ^[E* TgE C Tg[ aE VVX[
Deputy Director of Agriculture (WBP) V_[ E]-a]UE[O [` FX [Yw P_ AGT c[* %YX[ YT %][ acX\ T a[a]^ UE[* Y_` cYLT YPX c^K*
ALIPURDUAR ZILLA PARISHAD c^KX* A[Y[ [L Y_`[ %] %` E[[, %YX a] [W[Yw P_ AGT Y[[X*
& Project Director of ATMA [c&T[[ %V_T T_ c_
Cooch Behar
XUE cT^[ E[K aYA]* %Xa[ [_X, CO XT aVX AERO ]_[X =YV` %]E EPGQ^ VgQ^ O EgVT UEX CO
Abridge Copy NIT Memo No. TV[ [N[, 2000 a_ UE V^K_X* TX [_K_X, %][ [La\[ %W[`X J_X[ ^[E* TX LXX, %Yc[ S[ ^
233/Engg/APDZP Dated : 2017 Y^ 85 LX aYA] E]- ]M XX cO cvG_ C c] [W[* %YX E EFXC [G
Government of West Bengal
a]UE[ ]T c^K* %Y[VE E[[X X* [[e caca ]F E[ UE[X* [V^ J^[]X[ %\^G %X c^K, T T[S[
Office of the District Magistrate, Cooch Behar 08/08/2017 (Offline). Tender for ]XGQ* A]X EX =` TgV[
above noted NIT is invited by [LY-%[AaAa[ 65 LX FX A]X EU X [La\^ ca[ [_ CP*
(Backward Classes Welfare Section)
the undersigned. Details may be c^KX* AO Y[aeFX UEO TS]_ EeGa XT Q[E C'[^X [V^ J^[]X[ =naT K_ X* [b^RO X^ ]Q^ cOJO
Notice Inviting e-Tender No. 01/BCW / CB/ Furniture/ 2017(2nd Call), dt. 09.08.2017 seen in the office notice board. &r, cea[ %mX E[ a[UE Y`ea E[X* TX [_X, %Xa[L YTEVX X^]T ^G E[X E[ [ LXO Tg[ =Y[ AO %\^G
Tender Id No. 2017_DMCB_123673_1 Sd/-, [` YQK* A[e a }]S ^X* AO E[SO Tg[ %RORO* TX GT 40 [K[ JYX c^K [_ V[ Tg[*
Item rate online tender are invited from bonafide and EE/APDZP ]Wc\L W aQ=OJ F^KX* ARO [Wc^ [`[EQ* [La\^ AVE, Y[ HRXO [ YXX] S E[ T
resourceful Agencies / manufacturer / Suplier for supply of TENDER aYA][ XT aT[] O^J[ %Xa[[ Y`ea E[ [_X, TX J^ Y_`* aO E[S [E` C
furniture to BJRCY Girls' Hostel and Gunjabari, Cooch Behar. E-TENDER NOTICE (1) NIeT Reference No. %` E[X, \[bd J^[]XC ([O^ XOQ) Tg[ ]T VlT[ Tg [ aE VVX[ Y_` cYLT
Information on eligible criteria, technical specifications, terms e-Tender is being invited by the 2017_HFW_123690_1 is a a\ Y[J _X E[ [X* %G]E_ =Y[rYT YV `YUGcS E[ [X [F[ XV` V^K %V_T*
Secretary, Alipurduar Zilla RMC for %\^ N V [ [ [ \ [ T ^
& conditions etc. are available in the details uploaded in the following works, details of
hereby invited by CMOH, [O^ XOQ* TX c[X V`[ 13T] =Y[rYT*
http:// & which may be had from this office Alipurduar for Supply of ZLV[ V[W 365 C 511 W[ ^

For District Magistrate,

Sd/- during the office hours or in the
website, namely - http://
Cooked Diet for Indoor
patient of Alipurduar DH
and Birpara SGH of
[c[[ ]X [MT YU ]]_ V^[ c^K* %Y[W[
=`O [SEE WC^ E[
%Yc[S[ Jr c^K_ EX, T
Cooch Behar

Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development

Tender Ref. No : NIe-T No
Vide Tender ID. No. 2017_WBSMB_123693_1
Alipurduar district for
X]_X `[V ^V[
YRXO , 10 %GRO f %]LXT[ ]X [M T =VG c_X LQ=O -[
FT^ VF[ Y_`* ay[ F[[,
HROX[ Y[O [E` C Tg[ a[
[[ %Yc[S[ JL VC^
Authority Vide Tender ID. No. 2017_WBSMB_123694_1 Alipurduar
Tenzing Norgey Road, Pradhan RMC/13-SEC/ALIPURDUAR/2017-18 Memo No. 320(3)/DICO/APD [ La\[ Y[S aeaV `[V ^V[* TXVX[ "aV ^y'^ %L YRXO c^ K_* E Y[ T =Y[ ]c_[
Nagar, Siliguri - 734003 Vide Tender ID. No. 2017_WBSMB_123696_1 Dt. 10-8-2017
UE aXY[ , cLY[ c^ ]LZZ[ Y[ YK X TX* V_ \IX[ O T J Y a[^ XC^ c^ * Z_ %REO
The Chief Executive Officer, Siliguri Vide Tender ID. No. 2017_WBSMB_123698_1 ALIPURDUAR ZILLA PARISHAD c[ ^ X[ [LY a\YT[ YyE*
Jalpaiguri Development Authority, Last Date of submission of bid ALIPURDUAR
G^K* ]_ V_RO ]F][ V_ Y[ST c_C YE T LQ=O E ]Xb[
Siliguri invites electronic notice (Online) : 23.08.2017 at 03564255809 aO [ ^ K* XT`E AEcT X^ TX [_X, %][ YgJ [K [ [ LX
inviting e-bid (Online) under 2 (Two) 17.00 hours. Abridge Copy NIT NO: WBZP/ ]cLRO T[ E[ K _]* E T \I V^ 11 ERO ]Xb[ [` a\
bid system from eligible Secretary E[ c^ K* AO HRXO ^ %] %T VfFT* ]cLRO \I^ [[ W `[[ C
Alipurduar Zilla RMC 23-EE/APD/2017-18 Dated :
resourceful/bonafide and
experienced firms/companies/ 09/08/2017 (e-procurement) F` X^ [_ LXX TX* `[V ^V[ ^O [_X X EX, XT` E][ E
individual contractors for the Tender for above noted NIT is Tg[ AO "aV ^y'E \_ JF XXX* YRXO UE ]LZZ[ Y[ Y^
following works : Tender No. - (a) TENDER invited by the undersigned. ^y^ AELX LQ=O XT [ E] E AVX VFT YC^ ^^X* ay[
057/Engg/2017-18 of SJDA (RE- Online tenders are invited by the Details may be seen in F[[ , V_[ `_ \I[ %\^G `[V ^V[[ [[ F[ `HO [[
TENDER) (b) 079 & (c) 080-/Engg/ Superintending Engineer. P.W.D. &
2017 - 18 of SJDA Name of Work - North Bengal Electrical Circle, for also in the
XT Y[X ]F]* LQ=O XT E a TG [_X, `[V ^V[ ^ YU
(a) Repairs and Refurbishment of the works :- (1) "Design office notice board. [K X^KX T[ G[ c_ AE]y %[LQ* =X AE[[ C __ A[e
approach areas, External Surface Engineering, Manufacturing, Sd/-, Tg[ K _ TL[ VX T[ [Y[ R Og ` E[ XX* %UJ XT` E][[
(Only Front Portion) and Internal Inspection and S.I.T.C. of Human a[ [[ AEWE[[ ]F F_KX* =X ^V a] _HX E[ X
Painting Repairs of Air India's City EE/APDZP
Body Electrical cremation system Tc_ aRO %T V\ GLXE c[* XT`[ [[ _QO ^ `[V ^V[E
Booking Office on 1st Floor of B.R.
Ambedkar Building at Pradhan
with Furnace, Chimney, Polllution a YT YRXO []X[V[ E] -a]UEV[ YP^ [T VX %[LQ
Control Unit and allied E.L. work TENDER
Nagar, Siliguri. (b) Construction of
Drain near Uttar Banga Sambad at Dinhata in the district of Online tender is invited by the aY] __Ya V ^V[* AEa]^ L^YE` X[^ S[ a+S y %V_X[
Press including some stretches of Cooch Behar" Tender No : Superintending Engineer. P.W.D. Y[ \G K_X `[V* aa]^ [ ^ X] ]K_-]ReO E[ K _X TX*
Shantinagar Main Road, Siliguri. & WBPWD/SENBEC/NIT-10/2017- North Bengal Electrical Circle, for VHVX Y[ Z[ TgE YU X]T VF [ ^ \Q L]X YJ [ ]Xb*
(c) Barbed Wire Fencing Work for 2018, e-Tender ID No. the work :-"Electrical Installation
the (a) Proposed Sabji Mandi at 2017_WBPWD_123665_1, & (2)
Batasi within Buraganj G.P. and (b)
Uttar Banga Krishi Vidyalaya Farm
at Kharibari within Kharibari
"-do-do-do-at Jaigoan in the
district of Alipurduar". Tender No
for Baitarini Scheme
(Electric Crematorium) at Mal
Municipality, Jalpaiguri". Tender aY]ERO[ XV` _\
Panishali GP under Kharibari
Development Block. Amount put to
Tender - (a) Rs. 12,23,402.00 (b)
Rs. 15,03,858.00 & (c) Rs.
2018, e-Tender ID No.
Above both tenders Pre-Bid
2017-2018, e-Tender ID No.
2017_WBPWD_123672_1, Pre-
Bid Meeting Date : 18.08.2017 at
5,73,006.00 Time of Completion - Meeting Date : 18.08.2017 at 2.30
2.30 P.M. & Document Download
X^V{, 10 %GRO f E[ _[ _\ LcV[ HRXO ^ `b]` AX%AO
90 Days a, 60 Days for b, 30 Days p.m. & Document Download
Closing Date : 28.08.2017 upto
TV[ XV` V_ aY]ERO* E[_[ AERO cV T[S[ W][S A[e
for c. Earnest Money - Closing Date: 28.08.2017 upto AE ]a_] ^[E[ a Tg[ [[c Z AERO [K~ HROX XE VlS[
11.30 a.m. Website :https:// 11.30 a.m. Website : https://
Rs. 24,468.00 for a, Rs. 30,077.00 [L =GY[ MgE T ^JO E[[ \[ VC^ c^K AX%OA-[
for b, Rs. 11,460.00 for c. Cost of For details For details
Tender Documents - Rs. 1,000.00 contact at the officeof the contact at the office of the G^VV[* YWX [J [ YT L Aa Fc[[ XT WX [ AO TV[
for a & b. Rs. 700.00 for c. Tender undersigned. Corrigendum if any undersigned. Corrigendum if any U E[_ Y_`E ^[T^ XUYy AX%OA-[ cT T_ VT [_*
Documents Sale/Download and will be published only on the said will be published only on the said CO T[ S[ ] `ZX LcX[ %XO L[ c[ ` [[ X %[` aY]ER[O
Bid Submission/Upload Start Date website. website.
& Time - 11.08.2017 from 4.00 P.M. Sd/-
AO XV`[ [[WT E[X* %G] 16 %GRO Y^ %Yl E[TC
Sd/- [_X TX* _\ LcV[ [b^ RO Z a`_ ]Q^ A[e ae[V]W][
Tender Documents Sale/Download S.E, N.B.E.C., P.W.D.
S.E, N.B.E.C., P.W.D.
and Bid Submission End Date & T[ [_ LXX [[X* A[ L[[ `b %V_T LXT J^, TX EX
Time - 25.08.2017 upto 6.00 P.M. AX%OA TV[ [[WT E[KX* YWX [J[YT [_X, "%][
for a & b, 18.08.2017 upto 6.00 P.M.
for c. Date of opening of Technical AX%OA-E W E[_ Y_`[ cT UE a] XU X^ FT^ VFT
Proposals - 28.08.2017 at 11 A.M. [_K* ^T T[ Y[ [b^RO %]V[ a]X T_ W[T Y[*
for a & b, 21.08.2017 at 11.00 A.M. TV[ EK [N[ UE_ Tc_ %][ T X[*'
for c. Date of opening of Financial
Proposals - Will be declared after
technical evaluation All details
can be obtained from the website -
aX^E [W_X T or log in https:// X^V{, 10 %GRO f \[ T K Q %V_X[ 75T] [bY T =Y_l or contact [W [[ _Ea\^ %[AaAa-[LY-E EQ a[ %y]S E[ K _X EeGa
Engineering Section of SJDA at a\Xy aX^ G* %L T[ a]_JX E[ aX^E Y_RO L[[
(0353) 2512922, 2515647. V_X EV^ TU a+J [ C [ ] T [O X* Za[ E TX [_X,
Chief Executive Officer EeGa a\Xy cea %[ [V_[ [ LXT[ EU [_K_X GTE_* ^
[b^ X^ a\^ %_JX c^ K_ T[ a CO ][ FY F^ X*

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