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1. How would you define public space?

2. How important is public space to citizens?

3. Do you think there a lack of awareness for public space in HK? If so, why?

4. How would you describe the cultural scene in Hong Kong?

5. Do you think the government has provided sufficient public space for cultural

6. What are the main obstacles in allocating public space for cultural

7. How can the government improve the situation?

8. How would you describe the relationship between street performers and law

9. Have you heard of any conflicts between performers and law enforcers?

10. What types of public space are available for use of political activities?

11. Are the laws and policies on the use of public space for political purpose

12. In your opinion, do these restrictions have stronger focus on certain areas than
the other aspects?

13. Are there any problems that you have identified in the current system
regarding provisions of public space?

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