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Times are tough in The Working Class and the Bourgeoisie.

Oppression is full-fledged in
France and England, which is epitomized by writer Charles Dickens famous opening line in his
novel, A Tale of Two Cities: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The people are
unhappy enough to take a stance on the issue, and revolt occurs. Impressionist Paris which
would soon become an inspiration for a surplus of art forms to follow and its pioneer, Vincent
van Gogh, goes under the radar due to its arbitrary nature, while African Americans and the
natives continue to suffer in America. Deep, raw emotion continues to integrate itself into art, as
post-impressionist paintings put a heavy strain on the viewers eyes. This idea is taken to
extreme heights by Cezanne and Picasso, who introduce Cubism and take Paris to the limelight.
Freud introduces psychology and freedom of expression is out of the bag as literature takes an
evaluative stance and Louis Armstrong introduces Jazz to African Americans.

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