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Brandon Bedore (Gad) Tracking Sheet

Act 1 Presets- Cloak for Close Every Door in Aisle 4

Act 1

Jacob and Sons- Enter from 1 after all the set pieces

Josephs Dreams- Throw cloak on exiting rock, Grab crook from Gregory (Levi), Get hat from

David Jennings (Asher)

Poor, Poor Joseph- Give hat and crook to Joey (Benjamin),

One More Angel- Get Cowboy Hat from AJ, Move Horse Rock after Jacob leaves (it is the last

in line closest to Aisle 4) move it in front of B, Exit 1

Potiphar- Sing Aahs offstage after Egypt costume change

Close Every Door- Enter from 4 with Candle, Exit 2

Go, go, go- Enter 2 without cloak or candle

Pharaohs story- Exit on blackout

Act 2

Act 2 Presets- Have sunglasses before start of act 2

Opening of Act 2- Enter from 1

Song of the King- Wear Sunglasses

Pharoahs Dream Explained- Exit into 4, Costume change back to Brother with Beret

Canaan Days- Have Tin cup, Push on Jacobs rock from 2 to the Right of Gold
Grovel, Grovel- Exit 1 riding Jacobs rock that you brought in, ditch beret, cup, and put baseball

cap back on, Reenter from 1

Whos the Thief- Hand off food bag after you are cleared

Jacob in Egypt- Push rock that Joey rides from 1 to center slowly

Mega Mix- Grab Orange ribbon on Coat

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