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The Relevance of St.

Benedict on my lifes journey

By: Knoll Nivera


St. Benedict is an influential monk which inspired not only the people
in Rome, but also to all the people in the world. His great desire of serving
God served as an example that we can also isolate ourselves from sin and
build our own subiaco. He manifested a strong will to conquer every evil in
the world and practiced ultimate forgiveness to the people who wanted him
dead. He may have died centuries ago, but his influence remains
exuberantly alive within our hearts. He showed me that dedicating myself to
God is possible, and for that I am truly grateful.

As I traverse my own path, I can proudly say that St. Benedict took
part in helping me fulfill my goals in this perilous journey. I would honestly
say that this life isnt easy. The temptations of the devil are filled with
trickery and mischievous machinations that are definitely hard to resist. I
continuously find myself struggling in the temptations of the devil. I am
always held vulnerable in worldly pleasures that give temporary happiness.
I always thought to myself that maybe how hard I try, it just wouldnt work.
However after hearing the story of St. Benedict, it gave me confidence that
I still have hope in redemption, and I can consecrate my life to the service
of God. At this time, I continuously attend church, daily observe my
religious obligations, and keep myself busy in times of great temptation. As
St. Benedict overcame the enticements against chastity, I believe that I too
can become stronger in defending myself of these intoxicating agendas of
Satan. I certainly believe that it wasnt easy for St. Benedict, and it would
never become easy for me. However what I truly believe is that, it is
possible that someday I would have the same spiritual strength to
overcome my weaknesses and stand stronger in the winds of oppression.
With all that has been said, I know that I need to strive harder to walk
amongst the footsteps of St. Benedict!

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