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Kelly MeCabe 1000 Rim Drive FLC 7666 Durango, CO 81301 U.S.A February 20, 2017 Elizabeth Head Pan-American School 300 mts south El Rodeo Restaurant, Radial Santa Ana, Behind the Tribu Building San Antonio de Belén Heredia P.O. Box 632-4005 Costa Rica Dear Ms. Head, Tam excited to be writing to you to tell you that I am applying to be a student teacher for the Fall 2017 school year and that I am very interested in teaching at your school. I have been a part of ‘many different grade-level classrooms as well as organizations that help with management and organization skills that can be applied to various situations. One extremely valuable lesson I have learned from my classroom experiences is the importance of connecting with students. Creating meaningful relationships can help to engage them and foster trust. I am also aware of the importance of differentiating lessons to avoid a “one size fits all” model which can be detrimental to students. All students bring unique traits to the classroom and it’s my job to embrace and celebrate these qualities. ‘The Pan-American School offers many unique qualities that I find valuable in a school. I want my future students to reach their full potential while having traits that help define their character. believe this happens at The Pan-American School. I love how V-TESI is the foundation of the school. All five values are critical for a student’s teaming and can help impact students in a positive way. I also admire how the Pan-American School offers Co-Curricular Opportunities. I think activities outside of school helps build a closer school community. Students can find activities that interest them and they allow a place for self-expression, something I believe all students should have the opportunity for. Given my skills and background, I believe that I would be a great fit for your school. Thank you for considering having a student teacher from the United States. Sincerely, Kelly MeCabe

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