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Drakonus Saethr man

By Shadow Cleaver
In the middle mof the wenter he trogged onward, the brisk and bitter cold winter wind and snow in

his face, the man was almost 33 in the prime of his life, strong musculare and a warrior in life, his

long viking beard and the long knife sharp on the flat end shown he was a geet and that his relations

were also strong and stubun willed warriors. On his belt another knife the same a twin set ivory

handled or wallerous tusk with gold inlay and rubies and emeralds made clear he was a chieftan. The

dark hair ran down his back past his pelts and the great dragon tattoo on his back below, he was a

sether man of the great dragon clan and a high ranking chieftan, a prince of darkness, his bagg was

full of his defeated enemies heads, celts, easterners and romans, he cared not from what tribe, he

needed blood and offerings for the sorcery he intended and the more dead the better. The first ten

he slew as a young man he killled with mhis boom stick, just aq bit of oak he cut from a great oak

tree when he was young lad, and now he carried a long sword, two saex and a bow, a medicine bag

full of poisons and a retinue of various poison daggeres for his skill were many by manhood. This was

no ordinary warrior, this was a Draconis seither and they knew no mercy nor did they ever show any.

When he was 18 he spared a woman once after fucking her all night she stabed him in the right side

of his back, since then he has never again done so and never will have mercy un any other. The witch

cursed him on the way out just befor he took her head and dared her to carry if out from the land of

the dead, for as all well kniow Hell does not give up her own.

Look into your hearts oh kindly gentlemen of rome and the east and ask your selves, what is the evil

you fear the most, and then watch it melt away when the horrors and wickedness incarnat in

Drakonus arrives, if his gutting and cleaving, beheading and rapeing do not scare you to death,

perhapse youll remember that poisoning is what he does if he doesnt hate you, those tortures are

too numerous to count and would take too many seasons to tell as a tale, so ill just asy this if youve

forgotten how youy christyian priest used to hang nake witches by their thumbs, thats not the only

part you might lose if Draconus getts hold of you, hear tell four winters ago on a dark and shivery

winters night far to the north were greeks fear go, he drugg one of your priest into the woods, there

he made him stripp for a band of queer foregners from the south who buggered him till he bled from

the ars and then grabed him by his member and clamped his own thumb scews around it and hung

him from an oak by the john thomas till riped out. None know if the priest lived, but er he did hes a

nun and she now! Not that Draconis had a heart, they say they never heard one, but the young girl

from the neighboring village that that priest raped befor he got his seems to have been one of

Drakonuss favorite bed friends. A couple of other cleargment passed through 3 seasons befor and

tried a different girl (the only other one in that street) hear tell they scratch down under now and

bleed profussly, do tell that his friend was a fair hand at witchery herself.

The warrior chieftan trodged on. As he neared the cliffs he saw a village below, about one days walk

it was, two if he slept the nigh along the way, but Drakonus rarely slept much as night there was

always some conjuring to do. As he got closer the miste began to grow stronger and stronger as

though to welcome an old friend, the chill was famillior, what do you want nafildah, i told you not

to use my chants when im gone, but your not goooone anymore Drak, your home he he he she

giggled and ? he said... i just wanted to seeee you she said as she materialized up from the snow

and snaked her arms around his shoulder and her other hand into his pants and around he hopeful

joy, your so happy to see me she said he he he, it might frozen like your heart he said. Oh how can

you say that you know your my favorite wild stalion Drak. Favorite huh, im busy, see me tonight you

know hwre. She disapeared as fast as she had arrived and he tordged on. Drakonus was never aq

big fan of walking, a crusader had shot his horse with a cross bow the night befor during his last

raid and he was not in a particularely good meed, not that he minded ki9lling him, not at all, but

horse doesnt always tast so good without the right spices.

The village just in sight Drakonus began to unload his stout shouldres and dump his booty into his

large bag and trough it down at the edge og yje door to his dark hof. Put that inside his servant was

thrill and she look inside with almost orgasmic hlee at all the gold and weapons next the other bag.

He hoisted in his hand as he walked bag in hand toward the dark alter and dumped the heads into a

great golden caldren and lifted it with both stout muscular arms and put it in the spiget in front then

threw the lever that released the opening skyline like hole atop the roof for the smoke. He washed

his hands in the blood from the heads inside the bag and rubed them atop the blotstone in front of

the alter and knelt on knee only upon a black stone infront the alster and looked up upon the figure

of what apeared to be both hern and muspil at once with a great black sun from behind and raised

his hands: the male servent slamed the door infront their faces off with ye now the masters prayin

leave him be. Haggal was guardian of this hof and he did not have a good temper. The dreggs ran in

all directions to carry the gosipe about how many heads the master took.

TONIGHT WE FEAST Haggal announced ready the spiggets you lazzy ass basterds of a thousand

whores!!! Everytime the master returned with good omens and a grand catch the whole village

would feast and orgy at the end in glory to the dark lord of shadows and lightning.

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