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In this experiment, we have to carry out biochemical tests to identify the presence
organic molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in different 8 food samples. In
test 1 and 2, we test for the presence of starch and reducing sugar as we all know that reducing
sugar such as glucose is the monomers for carbohydrates while starch is a type of
polysaccharides. In the test for presence of starch, I use iodine solution as the reagent. Iodine
is a yellow-brown solution that will react with starch to make a blue-black colour. Based on the
result, only food samples show positive result for the starch.

In the test for presence of reducing sugar (glucose), Benedict test are carried out. In
this case, Benedicts solution contains copper suphate which gives the solution its blue
colouration. Reducing sugars (glucose) r educe copper sulphate containing copper (ii) ions to
insoluble copper oxide containing copper (i) ions. Result showing that only food sample G
contains reducing sugar as brownish-orange precipitate are formed. The change in colour
from green, yellow, orange to red and the amount of precipitate indicates the increasing
concentration of reducing sugars.

After that, test for presence of proteins are also carried out to 8 samples by using
Millons reagent. Millons reagent gives a positive test proteins containing the amino acid
tyrosine. (which contains a phenol group). Both food sample A and E shows it positive result
as brick red precipitate are formed after Millon test.

Ethanol can be used to test the presence of lipids because lipids are immiscible with
water. Tiny lipid droplets are formed in water which gives cloudy white suspension or emulsion.

It is important to pour some water into the food sample while testing in order to obtain more
accurate outcome. The result shown that food sample E and F contain lipid as white
suspension formed at the end of the experiment.

Throughout the test, there are many aspects and precautions that required us to pay
more attention. Firstly, I sterile all the apparatus experiment by rinsing distilled water and
drying it using Bunsen Burner in order to prevent the dust or microorganisms from affecting
the outcome. Besides, the addition of a reagent to the solution should be carried out drop by
drop while shaking the test tube until no further change occurs. I also wear a pair of rubber
gloves while handling the chemical reagent especially Millon reagent, a mecuric solution which
is highly corrosive and highly toxic.
After the experiment, I realised there are many aspects or weaknesses which I need
to improvise afterwards. For instance, I should do some early preparation such as revised all
the procedure, materials and apparatus before conducting such experiment. Besides, I should
also be more patient throughout the test as some of the test consuming time to come out with
the result.

In conclusion, the experiment can be carried out smoothly with the results to prove for
the presence of certain organic molecules.

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