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721364-PQ-2PD AID: 1112 | 04/04/2017

Diphyllobothrium is responsible of causing diphyllobothriasis by the consumption of

uncooked or raw fish in humans. Diphyllobothrium latum is a specie causing
diphyllobothriosis. Some of the symptoms are diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal
discomfort and vomiting. Strongyloides stercoralla is a parasitic roundworm found in
humans. It is mostly a pathogenic parasite. Some of the symptoms, if found, are
vomiting, weight loss, cough, diarrhea and pain in upper abdominal. Ascaris
lumbricoides is referred as giant roundworm found in humans causing infection. This
infection include some symptoms like cough, skin rash, bloody sputum, low-grade fever
and stomach pain. Enterobius vermicularis is also known as pinworm or seatworm. Most
commonly present in school-going children, and can be seen in adults too. Some of the
symptoms include restless sleep due to itiching in anal portion, pain along with rashes
surrounding anus.

Ancylostoma duodenale is a roudworm specie of Ancylostoma (genus). It is commonly

known as old world hookworm. They are capable of staying in the intestine of the human.
Some of the symptoms are nausea, anemia (iron deficiency), protein malnutrition. So
ancylostoma duodenale is the agent responsible for causing sinfection.

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