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Theres a thin line between confidence and ego and every once in a while, we cross it.

At times, we
cant help it, we dont even realise it. This is a skit about Anand and his ego. Anand is known to be a
very handsome boy whose athletic skills are beyond comparison. Instead of being humble, he uses the
compliments he receives as an excuse to boast and make others feel inferior around him.


Sanjana (Sanju)

(Aakash walks up pass Anand and bumps into him)

Anand: Heyyyy! Watch it!

Aakash: (on the ground, picking up his books) Oh, Im so sorry.

Anand: (rolls his eyes) Right. You do that again and Ill make sure you stay on the ground. Hear me?

Aakash: (fearfully nods his head)

Anand: (smacks the boys head)

Sanjana: (walks up to them) Oh god, Anand, must you be such a jerk?

Anand: Oh, hey, Sanjana (smirks, runs hand through his hair)

Anand: Hey baby, did heaven lose an angel? Because I just found one ;)

Sanjana: (rolls eyes and bends down)

Anand hey, I was wondering whether youre free this Saturday night.

Sanjana: (stands up as Aakash quickly walks away) Why?

Anand: Theres a party this Saturday night and If you walked in with me, we will make heads turn.

Sanjana: me with you? I think stomachs will turn instead.

Anand: (shock) What? Why?

Sanjana: (rolls eyes and walks away)

Anand: I take that as a yes then?

--Anand heads for the cafeteria--

Dev: Ay, macha! There you are! Asked Sanjana yet?

Anand: Kind of.

Dev: And?

Anand: Shes just playing hard to get. Shell be mine in no time. After all, which girl can say no to this

Dev: youre the man, bro! but uh. Better make your move soon!

(sanjana and aakash talking)

Anand: What on earth is she doing with that loser? That moron is such a klutz! He bumped into me
today. Ugh, what does Sanju see in him? He is so scrawny and he looks like Voldemort! Plus, Its not like
hes so athletic. He can barely hold a ball. And intelligence wise? Ha, I beat him any day.

Dev: (snorts) Ahahaha, yeah. Man, is Sanju blind? How can she not see you here?

Anand: (smirks) Yeah, I got like 10 times of everything he has. (Sanjana walks past and he grabs her

Sanjana: (looks down in disgust) Ugh, what do you want?

Anand: Made up your mind for Saturday yet? (winks)

Sanjana: (pulls her hand away) Ugh! Youre unbelievable! (storms off)

Dev: Er, so, a yes?

Anand: Shell come aroundsoon. Who else better to ask than me? Have you seen the rest of these

Just then, Payal and Geeta come up to him and Dev..

Payal: Hey guys. Whats up?

Anand: Nothing much. Sanjus just been keeping me on my toes about accompanying me to this
Saturdays party. I mean I know she wants to go with me, but shes just making it difficult. No matter, I
enjoy a challenge.

Geeta: Gosh. You need a slice of humble pie Anand, seriously.

Anand: Whatever.

Dev: Anyways, you girls want to team up for the history project due next month? Wed make a killer
team! I think we can pool together some great ideas.
Payal: Ugh, fine. But it should be a group effort. Everyone should contribute!

Anand: Yeah yeah whatever.

Dev: Lets go to class and find out exactly what the project entails.

--In class--

Payal: Okay, guys, so we have to come up with a presentation on a historical figure that benefitted the
world. Any suggestions?

Anand: (on his phone)

Aakash: How about we do on Abraham Lincoln?

Geeta: Or Gandhi?

Anand: (looks up from his phone) Nah, those topics are boring.

Payal: (rolls her eyes) Any other suggestions then?

Anand: Lets talk about Martin Luther King. Hes interesting.

Geeta: (clearly annoyed) Fine. Lets do on him.

Anand: Hm, I think we should do on him and maybe we can start it off with a bang! Make it interesting.

Payal: What? What do you mean?

Anand: I dont know. Im thinking. In the meantime, Payal, you do on his childhood. Geeta, you can do
on his achievements, and you (looks coldly at Aakash), can talk about his life as an adult.

Payal: What are you going to do? (looks annoyed)

Anand: I have my own stuff.

Geeta: Anand, please. That is the same excuse you give for every work assignment. You always insist we
take your ideas and follow your orders. Yet you do jack!

Anand: (looks appalled and offended) Thats rubbish!

Payal: (laughs sarcastically) Yeah, right.

Anand: Fine then! Do whatever you want! (walks off)

Aakash: He really has issues.

Payal: He really does.

--Saturday night arrives--

Dev: Hey! Why the long face?

Anand: (brooding) Can you believe it?! Sanju decided to go with Sir Loser over there (nods his head
towards Aakash whos talking to Sanjana)

Dev: (looks surprised) Oh wow.

Anand: (takes a swig from the cup his holding as he watches Sanjana and Aakash leave)

Dev: Ay mate, how many rounds have you taken? You dont look too good.

Anand: (shoves Dev back) None of your business!

Dev: Dude, yo, just relax. Calm down!

Anand: Ugh, Im leaving, this party was a blow (throws cup down).

Dev: Hey, hey! Let me take you home or at least get a taxi.

Anand: (looks threateningly at Dev) Im not drunk. I can I can drive.

Dev: (looks uncertain) Let me take you home. Come on.

Anand: (pushes Dev back) NO! I said I can drive. (walks off in a hurry)

(lights darken) As we all know, drunk drivers shouldnt be behind the wheel. Unfortunately, as smart
as Anand is, he refuses to be told by anyone else what to do. As Anand gets behind the steering wheel
of his car and starts his way home, as expected, meets into an accident. Anand wasnt badly injured,
he escaped with a few bruises and lacerations. Regrettably, Anand wasnt the only one in the
accident. Sanjana and Aakash had been the other victims. They were lucky enough to escape death
but are in critical condition. For once, Anand realises his mistakes and naturally, drowns in guilt.

(Anand donned in white, kneeling in the middle, only one light switched on)


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