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Homeostasis and Feedback Mechanisms

Homeostasis is the process by which organisms maintain a relatively

stable internal environment despite changed in the external
environment. Maintenance of a constant internal environment is
important for optimal metabolic activity.

Stages of homeostasis:

1. Detecting changes from the stable state: this is made possible

by the presence of ________________ in living organisms. Any
information that causes a change is called a _______________.
2. Counteracting changes from the stable state: this response is
brought about in in living organisms by __________________.

Feedback mechanisms:
Negative feedback system:
In a negative feedback system, a specific change results in a response
opposite to the initial situation.

Example: in humans, if the body temperature becomes too low

(stimulus), the person may start shivering (response). The shivering
generates heat and the body becomes warmer (new stimulus). The
feedback mechanism monitors the rise in temperature and will cause
the opposite to the initial response to stop shivering.

1. Complete the table to show the sense organ, its receptor and the
stimuli detected by that sense organ.

Sense organ Receptor Stimuli detected by

Photoreceptors in the
retina called rods and
Temperature, pressure
and pain
Sensory nerve endings
in the cochlea
4 classes of
chemicals: sweets,
sour, salty and bitter

2. Fill out the blanks in order to complete the negative feedback system
for homeostasis of glucose.

3. Cut out these shapes and create a model to demonstrate a negative
feedback system for the homeostasis of temperature and glucose.

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