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View Neighborhood Associa5on

Mee5ng Agenda July 31, 2017

Monica, Carolyn, Beth, Carol, Dave were present to represent the board.
6:00 Approval of minutes from last mee@ng
6:05 6:30 Open issues/Ac@on Items/News
Civic Equity Project-Completed and open ac@on items (Carol): 5 ac@on
items; community engagement across Bend and neighborhood communi@es

Land Use Updates

o New land use no@ca@on (Carol): food cart court by Midoregon

FCU, public hearing 9Am August 17.

Bend Park & Rec Updates (David Gurule): report submi\ed

Trac Updates (Beth): got the owners at Wells Acres & Dagge\ to clean up
the overgrown bushes.

o City Manager Eric King is available to discuss development and

transporta@on impacts at our next general mee@ng. We need to
contact Joshua Romero to schedule.

6:30 7:00 Nick Arnis Growth Management Director, City of Bend: land use planners,
transporta@on system plan. Roundabout at Purcell & Empire. Ne & Purcell will be upgraded and
improved, maybe a roundabout if it can be graded properly. Lots of crashes at Ne & Purcell. Planning
process for the next year and a half. Nick would really like to put a roundabout at Butler Market and
Wells Acres Road because there is a very obvious need but there is no money allocated for several years.
Purcell denitely will be nished eventually.
7:00 7:15 Ryan Rudnick Bike poll results from Next Door: Bendite, civil engineer. 4 op@ons in
poll: 35 votes; 46% green lanes; more street sweeping; restriping & paving; wider bike lanes.
7:15 - 8:00 Open Issues/Ac@on Items/News (Con@nued)
Annual Compliance Forms (Carolyn): due July 31, completed and submi\ed

Homelessness/Street Parking (Chuck): Glacier Ridge subdivision just o of

Ne, Providence subdivision; large undeveloped area behind those
subdivisions; res started, loud obnoxious par@es, drugs, alcohol. 200
homeowners banned together and got the sheris department involved.
Dozens arrested. Fire fuels have been eradicated.

2017-2018 Budget ($5,733 based on 5037 tax lots)

Promo@on of Picnic in the Park schedule

Homelessness/parking on streets (discuss role of MVNA): (Chuck): Glacier
Ridge subdivision just o of Ne, Providence subdivision; large undeveloped
area behind those subdivisions; res started, loud obnoxious par@es, drugs,
alcohol. 200 homeowners banned together and got the sheris department
involved. Dozens arrested. Fire fuels have been eradicated.

Rollover grants will be available this year. Complete grant informa@on and
applica@ons will be sent out in August. We need to start thinking about
grant projects.

Middle Market Housing Report released & LandWatch input (Monica):

reducing SDCs, higher density

Vote to approve design and cost ($245) for 300 MVNA pens: Carolyn moved,
Beth second. Mo5on passed.

Eclipse Informa@on & Preparedness Connect with COEIN

o Blog: h\p://

o Facebook: h\ps://

o Twi\er: h\ps://twi\

Reminder to sign up for City of Bend e-News (paper version ends in July)


Upcoming Events

o Open House SEI Project (Ne Rd/Purcell); Ensworth School, 2150

NE Dagge\ Lane, August 1 @5:30-6:30 pm

o BPRD Picnic in the Park Providence Park; August 2 @6:00-8:00 pm

o MVNA Monthly mee@ng Higher Ground Common House; August

28 @ 6:00-8:00 pm

8:00 pm Adjourn
Guests: Patrick Davenport, Chuck Hackley, Brian Douglass, Cathy Douglass, Jason Medina, Joshua
Romero, Bridget McGann, Ryan Rudnick, Erica Skatvold, Carol Cavore\o, Perry Johnson, Janet Whitney,
Ben & Marissa, John Schubert.

Respecoully submi\ed,
Carolyn Clontz, secretary

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