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Have you ever thought about what is Christmas? This is a question that many people try to
answers and understand what the real meaning is.
As many people ask this, there was a man named Jack who asked himself these questions:
What was Christmas? What did it mean? Why are people excited when they open presents
in Christmas?
Jack was a man who lived in a town that never celebrates Christmas, because it belonged
to another town where people celebrated Halloween. This man had an idea to celebrate
Christmas in his village and to change the paradigms that existed in his town. This is how
Jack invited the whole community to participate in this idea. Jack knew it was not going to
be easy but he was determined to do it and thought that in the end everything would be
great. The people agreed and each person was assigned a task.
So, Jack said, I want the witches to make Christmas cake.
I want the vampires to make red and green decorations.
Everyone in the village collaborated with this idea

Based on the above we can say that this story of Jack reflects many aspects of our life. In
the first place, it can be analyzed that there are always social classes. However, this is not
an impediment to overcome our limits or social paradigms. What you need to be change
managers is to have a good idea, determination, leadership, collaboration and love for

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