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Q1 of 10

Ben (work) in a hospital.

Q2 of 10
_____ you _____ (like) fish?

Q3 of 10
She _____ (not/teach) English.

Q4 of 10
Matthew never _____ (watch) television.

Q5 of 10
_____ she _____ (play) football?

Q6 of 10
They always _____ (eat) dinner at 7 o'clock.

Q7 of 10
We _____ (not/live) in a big house.

Q8 of 10
Valerie _____ (study) English at university.

Q9 of 10
_____ he _____ (want) to eat?

Q10 of 10
Samantha _____ (play) tennis twice a week.

Q1 of 8
Nell ____ (not/watch) television at the moment.

Q2 of 8
They ____ (go) to the cinema.
Q3 of 8
_____ you _____ (call) your mother?
Q4 of 8
John ____ (read) the newspaper.
Q5 of 8
_____ Valerie _____ (study) English?
Q6 of 8
We ____ (not/play) video games.
Q7 of 8
I ____ (not/drink) water.
Q8 of 8
We ____ (know) her.

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