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report ztx0910.

data: begin of s1,

d1 type d value '19980217', "8 bytes
n1(4) type n value '1234', "4 bytes
c1 value 'A', "1 byte
c2 value 'B', "1 byte
end of s1,
begin of s2,
y1(4) type n, "4 bytes
m1(2) type c, "2 bytes
d1(2) type n, "2 bytes
n1(2) type c, "2 bytes
c1(4) type c, "4 bytes
end of s2.
s2 = s1.
write: / s1,
/ s2,
/ s1-d1, s1-n1, s1-c1, s1-c2,
/ s2-y1, s2-m1, s2-d1, s2-n1, s2-c1.

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