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This assignment of Nurture vs. Nature changed my mindset in a way.

I find it

interesting by the way it shows different techniques/ways that a baby socializes with the

world depending on the environment they live in. Also, by how they are treated since

theyre born or the way we are raised since that moment. Before, this assignment I didnt

know that society has an impact on how we grow up. In a way, we must be socially

approved by the way we act or talk around different people. This assignment gave me a

distinct perspective in how we develop since a small age. Nature is a way to develop a new

way to communicate socially; like learning a whole new language and culture to fit in and

be accepted. Like babies, we dont understand what they are saying when theyre newborns

by the way they cant fully say words. I see how babies start to develop a way to

communicate with the parent or nanny, by the way they make faces or point at things. I

always try to keep an open mind while starting a new class/ subject because you never

know what it has to offer or what youll learn through the process.

Another interesting topic in this assignment was the I and Me difference. Ive

never thought about the difference and meaning between this words/ phrases. I lived my

life mostly with the Me perspective by the way I used to get bullied because of the color of

my skin and my academic standings. I feel like in a way my academic skills changed by the

way that it changed the way I used to think. I noticed that I write more with thought than I

used to because now I try to express more my opinion throughout my writing. I still try to

be liked by society because we are seen two ways; the image created by your actions and

the image created by your physical appearance. This assignment gave me a new

perspective on how we are really seen outside of our homes. Its like your parents see you
as their little girl/ boy who still exploring the world their own way and learning from their

falls, while society sees you a different way depending on how you may look.

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