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System description:

The sterilizer system is designed to work with the following operating modes:

- Full Automatic:
To activate the System automatically, the Operator simply presses the start button on the main panel. Then
the Festo Controller will run the Valve open sequence (inlet, Exhaust and Condensate) according to the
sequence programmed following the time that can be changed by the operator.
For the automatic process, the two Steriliser doors must be closed and the Auto / Manual selector switch
on the main panel in the Auto position. The automatic work sequence will stop when the Stop button is
pressed or the Auto / Manual switch selector is moved into the Manual position.
The digital display can show the timing of the swedang running and the ongoing processes / steps. After
the automatic prosses are finished then the alarm will sound, and to stop the alarm can be done by pressing
the stop tombo or sterilizer door opened.
In the event of a dead system due to power failure, then the system will continue the last process without
going through the processes - processes that have been completed / running.

With this mode the operator can open and close the steam valve through the selector located on the main
panel. For this mode, Selector Auto / Manual must be in manual position. All the selector functions for
opening and closing valve steam will work if both doors Sterilizer in closed state marked by turn on the door
switch indicator on panel.But if both door sterilizer not in tightly closed, then selector inlet, Exhaust and
Condensate will not work and not Can be used to open and close their respective Valvenya.

All Valve mounted disterilizer can be opened and closed manually using manual handwheel mounted on
the actuator.

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