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Pollyanna Maria Kalempa Panazzolo

Ingls Turma de Segunda e Quarta

I have some favorite photos, after all I really like taking photos, but I
ended up choosing my last favorite. A photo of me and some children of a
municipal school.
It is no news that Rotaract is the subject of my photo, after all some of
the most significant things I learn are related to it. In this photo I was at an
Easter party, which a school did for the students. Our Rotaract was able to
donate all the sweets and baskets to give as a gift to the children, and we also
got to play with them in the afternoon. At the time of the photo, we were singing
a song and bringing the children to play together.
Whoever took this picture was a friend of mine who also studies with me
at the university. She also participated in the action with the children and
recorded the moment (very well by the way).
I confess that this photo really makes me believe in the essence of the
Rotary Program and that the world can have better people who are dedicated to
the community. I have several photos with this same theme and that are among
my favorites.

Depois disso, levamos as crianas comer um lanche, pintamos coelhos em

seus rostos e voltamos com elas para a escola.

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