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An investigation of the relationships between lines of code and defects

A Bayesian network approach to assess and predict software quality using activity based quality models
A comparative analysis of the efficiency of change metrics and static code attributes for defect prediction
A comparative evaluation of using genetic programming for predicting fault count data
A comparative study of fault density prediction in aspect-oriented systems using MLP, RBF, KNN, RT, DENFIS and SVR models
A density based clustering approach for early detection of fault prone modules
A dynamic capture-recapture model for software defect prediction
A fault prediction model with limited fault data to improve test process
A further analysis on the use of genetric algorithm to configure support vector machines for inter-relaease fault prediction
A Genetic Algorithm to Configure Support Vector Machines for Predicting Fault-Prone Components
A Market-Based Bug Allocation Mechanism Using Predictive Bug Lifetimes
A method for an accurate early prediction of faults in modified classes
A multivariate analysis of static code attributes for defect prediction
A novel method for early software quality prediction based on support vector machine
A Practical Failure Prediction with Location and Lead Time for Blue Gene/P
A practical method for the software fault-prediction
A statistical framework for the prediction of fault-proneness
A Study of Using Two-Parameter Generalized Pareto Model to Analyze the Fault Distribution of Open Source Software
A symbolic fault-prediction model based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization
A two-step model for defect density estimation
A Value-Added Predictive Defect Type Distribution Model Based on Project Characteristics
Adaptive self-organizing map clustering for software fault prediction
An Adaptive Approach with Active Learning in Software Fault Prediction
An analysis of developer metrics for fault prediction
An artificial immune system approach for fault prediction in object-oriented software
An Empirical Investigation of Filter Attribute Selection Techniques for Software Quality Classification
An Empirical Study of Fault Prediction with Code Clone Metrics
An empirical study of predicting software faults with casebased reasoning
An Ensemble Approach of Simple Regression Models to Cross-Project Fault Prediction
An extension of fault-prone filtering using precise training and a dynamic threshold
An Extensive Comparison of Bug Prediction Approaches
An Integrated Approach to Detect Fault-Prone Modules Using Complexity and Text Feature Metrics
An investigation on the feasibility of cross-project defect prediction
Application of random forest in predicting fault-prone classes
Applying machine learning to software fault proneness prediction
Applying the Mahalanobis-Taguchi strategy for software defect diagnosis
Are popular classes more defect prone
Assessing Uml Design Metrics for Predicting Fault-Prone Classes in a Java System
Assessment of a new three-group software quality classification technique: An empirical case study
Attribute Selection in Software Engineering Datasets for Detecting Fault Modules
Automating algorithms for the identification of fault-prone files
Benchmarking classification models for software defect prediction: A proposed framework and novel findings
Bug prediction based on fine-grained module histories
Building effective defect prediction models in practice
Can developermodule networks predict failures?
Change bursts as defect predictors
Characterizing and predicting which bugs get fixed: an empirical study of Microsoft Windows
Characterizing and Predicting Which Bugs Get Reopened
Classifying Feature Description for Software Defect Prediction
Comparing design and code metric for software quality prediction
Comparing Fine-Grained Source Code Changes And Code Churn For Bug Prediction
Cross-project defect prediction: a large scale experiment on data vs. domain vs. process
Data mining static code attributes to learn defect predictors
Data mining techniques for building fault-proneness models in telecom java software
Defect prediction for embedded software
Defect prediction from static code features: current results, limitations, new approaches
Defect prediction using combined product and project metrics - a case study from the open source "apache" myfaces project family
Defect prediction using social network analysis on issue repositories
Defect Proneness Estimation and Feedback Approach for Software Design Quality Improvement
Design evolution metrics for defect prediction in object-oriented systems
Detecting fault modules applying feature selection to classifiers
Determining Bug severity using machine learning techniques
Different strokes for different folks
Do too many cooks spoil the broth? using the number of developers to enhance defect prediction models
Does Calling Structure Information Improve the Accuracy of Fault Prediction?
Dynamic Meta-Learning for Failure Prediction in Large-Scale Systems: A Case Study
Early estimation of defect density using an in-process haskell metrics model
Efficient Prediction of Software Fault Proneness Modules Using Support Vector Machines and Probabilistic Neural Networks
Effort-aware defect prediction models
Empirical analysis of object-oriented design metrics for predicting high and low severity faults
Empirical analysis of software fault content and fault proneness using bayesian methods
Empirical Assessment of Machine Learning Based Software Defect Prediction Techniques
Empirical validation of object-oriented metrics on open source software for fault prediction.
Enhancing RBF-DDA algorithm's robustness_ Neural networks applied to prediction of fault-prone software modules
Establishing a defect prediction model using a combination of product metrics as predictors via six sigma methodology
Evaluating defect prediction approaches: a benchmark and an extensive comparison
Evolution and Search Based Metrics to Improve Defects Prediction
Failure Prediction Based on Log Files Using Random Indexing and Support Vector Machines
Failure Prediction in Ibm Bluegene/L Event Logs
Fault Detection and Prediction in an Open-Source Software project
Fault Prediction and the Discriminative Powers of Connectivity-Based Object-Oriented Class Cohesion Metrics
Fault prediction using early lifecycle data
Fault-Prone Filtering_ Detection of Fault-Prone Modules Using Spam Filtering Technique
Fault-prone module detection using large-scale text features based on spam filtering
Feature selection and clustering in software quality prediction
Feature Selection with Imbalanced Data for Software Defect Prediction
Finding predictors of field defects for open source software systems in commonly available data sources: a case study of openbsd
How, and Why, Process Metrics are better.
Identification of error prone classes for fault prediction using object-oriented metrics
Impact of Attribute Selection on Defect Proneness Prediction in Oo Software
Impactscale: Quantifying Change Impact to Predict Faults in Large Software Systems
Implicit Social Network Model for Predicting and Tracking the Location of Faults
Improving defect prediction using temporal features and non linear models
Improving software fault-prediction for imbalanced data
Incorporating version histories in Information Retrieval based bug localization
Increasing diversity: Natural language measures for software fault prediction
Increasing the Efficiency of Fault Detection in Modified Code
Influence of confirmation biases of developers on software quality: an empirical study
Investigating object-oriented design metrics to predict fault-proneness of software modules
Investigating the effect of dataset size, metrics sets, and feature selection techniques on software fault prediction problem
Iterative identification of fault-prone binaries using in-process metrics
Local Vs. Global Models for Effort Estimation and Defect Prediction
Merits of using repository metrics in defect prediction for open source projects
Method-level bug prediction
Micro interaction metrics for defect prediction
Mining metrics to predict component failures
Mining software repositories for comprehensible software fault prediction models
Mining Static Code Metrics for a Robust Prediction of Software Defect-Proneness
Multivariate logistic regression prediction of fault-proneness in software modules
Network Versus Code Metrics to Predict Defects: A Replication Study
Not my bug!" and other reasons for software bug report reassignments
Object-oriented software fault prediction using neural network
On the ability of complexity metrics to predict fault prone classes in object oriented systems
On the Relationship between Change Coupling and Software Defects
On the Relationship between Comment Update Practices and Software Bugs
On the relative value of cross-company and within-company data for defect prediction
On the use of calling structure information to improve fault prediction
On the Utility of a Defect Prediction Model During Hw/Sw Integration Testing: A Retrospective Case Study
On the value of learning from defect dense components for software defect prediction
Practical considerations in deploying ai for defect prediction: a case study within the turkish telecommunication industry
Practical considerations in deploying statistical methods for defect prediction: A case study within the turkish telecommunications industry
Predicting bugs from history
Predicting build failures using social network analysis on developer communication
Predicting component failures at design time
Predicting defect densities in source code files with decision tree learners
Predicting defect numbers based on defect state transition models
Predicting defect-prone software modules using support vector machines
Predicting defects for eclipse
Predicting defects in sap java code: An experience report
Predicting defects using network analysis on dependency graphs
Predicting Eclipse Bug Lifetimes
Predicting expert developers for newly reported bugs using frequent terms similarities of bug attributes
Predicting failures with developer networks and social network analysis
Predicting fault proneness of classes through a multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm
Predicting fault-prone components in a java legacy system
Predicting faults from cached history
Predicting faults in high assurance software
Predicting faults using the complexity of code changes
Predicting Re-Opened Bugs: A Case Study on the Eclipse Project
Predicting Software Black-Box Defects Using Stacked Generalization
Predicting software bugs using ARIMA model
Predicting software fault proneness model using neural network
Predicting subsystem failures using dependency graph complexities
Predicting the location and number of faults in large software systems
Predicting vulnerable software components
Prediction of fault count data using genetic programming
Prediction of Fault-prone Modules Using A Text Filtering Based Metric
Privacy and utility for defect prediction: Experiments with MORPH
Product Defect Prediction Model
Programmer-based fault prediction
Project data incorporating qualitative factors for improved software defect prediction
Recalling the Imprecision of Cross-Project Defect Prediction
Reducing Features to Improve Code Change Based Bug Prediction
Reliability Growth Modeling for Software Fault Detection Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Requirements attributes to predict requirements related defects
Risk chain prediction metrics for predicting fault proneness in Object Oriented Systems
Sample-based software defect prediction with active and semi-supervised learning
Software Component Quality Prediction in the Legacy Product Development Environment Using Weibull and Other Mathematical Distributi
Software Component Quality Prediction Using Knn and Fuzzy Logic
Software defect detection with rocus
Software defect prediction using Bayesian networks
Software defect prediction using call graph based ranking (cgbr) framework
Software defect prediction using regression via classification
Software defect prediction using static code metrics underestimates defect-proneness
Software defect prediction using Two level data pre-processing
Software Fault Prediction Models for Web Applications
Software fault prediction using language processing
Software fault prediction using Nonlinear Autoregressive with eXogenous Inputs (NARX) network
Software Faults Prediction Using Multiple Classifiers
Software field failure rate prediction before software deployment
Software quality analysis of unlabeled program modules with semisupervised clustering
Software quality estimation with limited fault data: A semi-supervised learning perspective
Static analysis tools as early indicators of pre-release defect density
The accuracy of early fault prediction in modified code
The Accuracy of Fault Prediction in Modified Code - Statistical Model Vs. Expert Estimation
The Impact of Accounting for Special Methods in the Measurement of Object-Oriented Class Cohesion on Refactoring and Fault Prediction
The influence of organizational structure on software quality: an empirical case study
The limited impact of individual developer data on software defect prediction
The Top Ten List: Dynamic Fault Prediction
Think locally, act globally: Improving defect and effort prediction models
Time Series Analysis for Bug Number Prediction
Time variance and defect prediction in software projects
Training on errors experiment to detect fault-prone software modules by spam filter
Transfer Learning for Cross-Company Software Defect Prediction
Transparent combination of expert and measurement data for defect prediction: an industrial case study
Understanding the impact of code and process metrics on post-release defect: a case study on the eclipse project
Usage of Weibull and Other Models for Software Faults Prediction in Axe
Use of relative code churn measures to predict system defect density
Using complexity, coupling, and cohesion metrics as early indicators of vulnerabilities
Using Developer Information as a Factor for Fault Prediction
Using faults-slip-through metric as a predictor of fault-proneness
Using historical in-process and product metrics for early estimation of software failures
Using search-based metric selection and oversampling to predict fault prone modules
Using software dependencies and churn metrics to predict field failures: An empirical case study
Using Source Code Metrics to Predict Change-Prone Java Interfaces
Using the conceptual cohesion of classes for fault prediction in object-oriented systems
Using the Support Vector Machine as a Classification Method for Software Defect Prediction with Static Code Metrics
Validation of network measures as indicators of defective modules in software systems
Yet Another Metric for Predicting Fault-Prone Modules

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