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Chmin-difir, pass the ball

!Chmin-difir, come play with us

?Why did you just let them score

Where have you been Chmin-difir? Khadouja is waiting for you

I know, she's waiting for the water, I'm on my way to her


Chmin-difir what kept you from coming? Here's your nickel and don't you
!disappear for long once again

Alright, Alright

Al salam 3alaykom

Al salam

? How do these machines work

They work with electricity


?And when I don't have any

Then, you get one of these and all you need to do is to connect its two
terminals with a wire

?And how much does it cost

It costs a fortune

?This much

That's too little

!Rezgui, come here

Here I come

, ,

!Chmin-difir, Chmin-difir, Chmin-difir

?Siwar, have you seen Chmin-difir

He's been out of sight for two days now

The bastard left us with no water

! Today is a great day! Chmin-difir is going to take you to another dimension


My humble life has thrived on a picture

Drawn of a past written in bitter letters

Young, I've known nothing of life but curses and insults

Living in a world of injustice and strife

Till the day it came into my life

Like Heaven fallen to Earth, a picture has opened up my eyes

And resurrected my forgotten life

Shown me a glimpse of the dreams and future waiting for me

With it, I've made it through the years

Waiting for my fate in peace

For it has paved a way ahead for me

To fly high and free

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