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Table S5. Gini coefficient vs. the best chrono-functional indicators (see Table S2).

Grey: metrics
with significant predictive capacity according to the coefficient of determination and significance of
the t test. Bold: strongest relations among each CFI group. Code explained in Table 2.

Type Metric Adjusted R P
ASI MEAN 0.26 0.173
ASI AGE3 0.89 0.003
ASI AGE5 0.85 0.005
ASI AGE10 0.71 0.023
ASI MAX 0.90 0.002
ASI RANGE3 0.73 0.019
GHI TrajRANGE3 0.90 0.002
GHI TrajSLOW3mean 0.81 0.009
GHI TrajSLOW3median 0.55 0.057
GHI TrajSLOW3 0.66 0.031
DSI Rel1Yr.H -0.11 0.516
DSI Rel1Yr.D -0.16 0.597
DSI Rel1Yr.Peak -0.24 0.855
DSI SupN.5 0.81 0.009
DSI SupL.5 0.23 0.190
DSI SupL.max -0.13 0.558
DSI MaxSup.5 0.14 0.252
DSI MaxSup.max 0.07 0.308

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