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Problem Solving
Be a detective. Try using this problem-solving method to figure out what is making it hard for
you to do activities, and then to get past the obstacles.

Step 1: Identify the Problems Step 2: How can you overcome the obstacles?
Tell yourself out loud or in your head what is Think about all the possible solutions to the
getting in your way problems. Dont think about whether the
I would have done it BUT solutions are good or bad, possible or not.
I cant do it BECASE
1. I would have done an activity after 1. Do an activity that doesnt take a lot of
work but I worked late and didnt have time. You could:
time. Call a friend to plan an activity
for another day
Watch your favorite movie
Go for a walk
Read a book or the newspaper
Take a warm bath before bed
2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Step 3 Choose the solution that is best for you, even if it isnt perfect. Or combine two or
three of your ideas.
Step 4 Try the solution and see if it works.
Step 5 If the solution doesnt work, choose a different solution and try it.

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