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Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

I.- Escribe la forma verbal was/were en el espacio que le corresponda.

1.- I __________ in Brazil last spring.

2.- We _________ at school last Saturday.
3.- Tina __________ at home yesterday.
4.- Robert and Jessica ___________ dancing.
5.- You ___________ not studying for your English test.

II.- Cambia las oraciones a negativas.

1.- We were playing football.

2.- Susan was diong homework.
3.- They were eating chocolate cake.
4.- The cat was climbing on the tree.
5.- You were busy on Monday.

III.- Completa la carta.

Hi Everyone, Last week _________ terrible. It __________ exam week. My friends and I
___________ at the library every day. But this week is easy. We ___________ free to read
and relax. No homework, no exams. How are you everyone at home? Mom I ____________
missing you last weekend, I __________ in bed because I had flu, Dad, thanks for the
check. My classes ___________ excellent this year. Send my love to Grandma and
Love, Judy.

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