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Cue Card

Talk about an occasion on which you had to try a new activity for the first time.
Please say
What kind of activity was it?
Where did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Explain what you learnt from that experience.


Why do people try dangerous sports?

Do people in your country try these sports?
Should they think about their families?
What can be done to replace dangerous sports with some other activities?

Cue Card

Talk about two people from the same family that you know well. Please say

Who are they?

How are they related?
What are the similarities between them?


Do you have a big family?

Who is your favourite person in your family?
Why is that?

Cue Card

Talk about a decision someone made on your behalf that you disagreed with. Please say

when this happened

what the decision was
who made it and why
and explain why you disagreed with it.


What are the important decisions young people have to make these days?
Do you think young people can and should make decisions themselves?
What personality types can make better decisions? Why?
What personality traits should a politician have to make good decisions?
Why do you think so?
Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have just moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend and say
Why did you move?
Describe your new home.
Invite him/her to your new place.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Some people believe that no homework should be given to children. Others, however, say that extra work
is needed after school for children and teenagers in order to succeed. Discuss both the views and give
your opinion including reasons and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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