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(1) Topics can be chosen freely from the list attached but no
overlapping will be allowed and no additional topics will qualify.

(2) Students are requested to work in groups of up to 8 (eight) and no

less than 6 (six) members.

(3) Students are requested to submit a list with the topics chosen and
the names of the students to be dealing with each of them, along with the date
for the oral presentation. Such list must be delivered to the assistants or
myself no later than September 15th.

(4) An abstract of the paper should be turned in by October 6th.

(5) Oral presentations of the project conclusions will take place as from
Monday October 16th either at lectures or tutorials to meet students
convenience. There will be up to four group presentations per class, where the
main issues of the projects will be discussed. Presentations are expected to
take up to 20 minutes in all.

(6) Students must hand in an outline of the presentation content one

week before their presentation due date.

(7) Assessment will be based on two separate grades for: (a) depth and
relevance of treatment of the topic and (b) oral performance in terms of
discourse management (fluency, accuracy, appropriateness and phonology).
Oral presentations will count towards an Oral Mid-term.

Prof. Ana Moldero

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