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Children with speech sound disorder have difficulty prounoncing speech soundChildren to unds,

distortions of sounds, or atypical pronunci turbances sound disorder include om Peech word saying mou
for mouse or dn of blue or up sound allow too much while saying sounds like ng sounds like z ith Reviews
their tongue protruded s interrupt ed airflow instead of a steady airflow prev Reviews their words to be
pat disord a speech sound mistaken for younger children because of Reviews their difficult, the disorder
is made by Comparing skills h sound expected ski evel of others of the same given child with results in
errors in whole words Because The incorrect pronunciation of consonants, sound substitution for
another omission of entire cases, dysarthria (slurred speech because of incoordinatioe speech muscles)
or dyspraxia ene speech). Believed speech sound development is based on both the linguistic and the
motor development musthe integrated to produce sounds. dysarthria and dyspraxi Speech sound
disturbances such as they Diagnosed not known if Tus speech sound disorder, speech have a logical
basis, According DSM-5. White- sound neuro abnormalities accounted for by cerebral palsy, cleft
deafness or hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, neuro-disorder conditions not Diagnosed speech sound
Articulation Difficulties condition not associated with the most common components of speech sound in
children, deficits are Characterized poor sound substitution, and speech OMB p anatomical, structural, m
auditory or neurological vary INTEK severe and result in speech that ranges from comp gible to
unintelligible. Epidemiology sound disorder is at least percent in preschoolers ears age, late one large
community sample had s on problems of developmental, structura Another study found that up to
children between the ages of 7 and 11 years of residual articulation errors beyo the age of

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