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A cusp, as defined by Rosales-Ruiz and lytic research and practice. We propose the
Baer (1997), is a behavior change that has following criteria as a preliminary set of
consequences for the organism beyond the guidelines for the a priori identification of
change itself, some of which may be consid- important behavior changes: (a) access to
ered important (p. 537). For example, new reinforcers, contingencies, and environ-
when a child learns to walk, that child gains ments; (b) social validity (both proposed by
access to environmental stimuli and contin- Rosales-Ruiz and Baer); (c) generativeness;
gencies (interactions with siblings or with (d) competition with inappropriate respons-
the family pet) that would be otherwise un- es; and (e) number and the relative impor-
available. These contingencies may shape tance of people affected.
other behaviors such as social play, running, What follows is a brief elucidation of the
and dancing. From the standpoint of appli- above criteria along with questions that
cation, it might be especially useful to con- might be posed to evaluate whether a be-
struct guidelines for the a priori identifica- havior fulfills these criteria. It may prove to
tion of potential cusps. Just as with rein- be possible to develop rating scales or other
forcement, cusps are identified by their ef- means to quantify the extent to which a be-
fects. A priori identification of potential havior meets these criteria. Presumably, a be-
reinforcers can take the form of a reinforcer havior would qualify as a cusp if it met one
assessment or a stimulus preference inter- or more criteria. Furthermore, it may be
view, but no analogous methods exist to possible to prioritize among responses based
identify possible cusps. on a combination of factors including the
We have integrated some criteria for cusps number of criteria met, the relative impor-
proposed by Rosales-Ruiz and Baer (1997) tance of the criteria, and the strength of the
with some of our own as a suggested starting rating within a criterion.
point for the a priori identification of cusps.
Articulating preliminary criteria for assessing Access to New Reinforcers, Contingencies,
a cusp may be an initial step to developing or Environments
a system for prioritizing target behaviors Will the response have the potential to
based on their potential for long-term ben- contact new reinforcers? Or, will the re-
efits for the learner. Suggesting the need for sponse give the learner access to new envi-
a more systematic method of prioritizing tar- ronments? We may conclude that an appar-
get behaviors does not imply that the target ently insignificant behavior, such as pushing
behaviors reflected in current behavior-ana- a button, qualifies as a cusp and is therefore
lytic research fail to qualify as cusps. How- worthy of high priority as a target for change
ever, the process we are suggesting might al- if button pushing allows the learner access
low a more systematic selection and priori- to new reinforcers such as listening to music,
tization of target behaviors in behavior-ana- watching television, or getting soda from a
vending machine. Note that the concept of
Address correspondence to Sebastien Bosch, Psy-
chology Department, Western Michigan University, a cusp encourages us to consider the future
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009. far-reaching implications of the behavior


rather than focusing exclusively on proximal danger from a toxic container may qualify
environmental effects. This involves two ex- as a cusp because it prevents some life-
trapolations: first, that the behavior will in- threatening situations. But, if taught as a
deed produce the projected consequences (a sight word, it would have little generative
prediction based on observing others engage power and poor validity according to this
in the target behavior and a detailed knowl- criterion. Ultimately, the new reader should
edge of the physical and socially mediated also be provided with interesting (based on
contingencies in the host environment) and, a reinforcer assessment) or valuable (in the
second, that the consequence will indeed sense that reading alters behaviors that con-
function as a reinforcer. An example of ac- tact other reinforcers) reading material for
cess to new contingencies and environments the behavior to achieve its cusp potential.
may be when individuals learn to cross the
street (Neef, Iwata, & Page, 1978). Street Competition with Inappropriate Responses
crossing may allow access to the mall, the Inappropriate behaviors are those that
movie, or the coffee shop, thus opening en- have a negative impact on welfare, learning,
vironments that may support further behav- and performance. When selecting a re-
ioral changes. However, we should not teach sponse, one could ask, Is the behavior in-
individuals to cross the street if that response terfering with or replacing inappropriate be-
is subsequently punished or if the caregiver haviors? For example, teaching mands may
weakens the establishing operation for the decrease the frequency of inappropriate be-
response by providing the reinforcers that haviors (e.g., Vollmer & Vorndran, 1998) in
are typically found at the mall, the movie, contexts in which the inappropriate behavior
or the coffee shop. was maintained by access to items or activ-
ities that can now be accrued via the mand.
Generativeness Moreover, teaching a child to ask another
Does the response facilitate subsequent person to open a bottle, or to open a bottle
learning by being either a prerequisite or a on his or her own, may replace inappropriate
component of more complex responses? This behaviors such as throwing the bottle. Be-
criterion refers to the potential for recom- cause inappropriate behavior occurs on a
bination of minimal repertoires into more continuum of severity, competing behavior
complex response classes. For example, also occurs on a corresponding continuum
learning to read phonemes (a relatively small of importance as a cusp. For example, chew-
set of textual responses) may allow reading ing food with ones mouth closed may be a
of an infinite number of words. Learning cusp in certain social circles but may fail to
phonemes has great generative potential be- qualify as a cusp with less socially refined
cause their recombination will allow reading friends or when eating alone.
without having to learn each word separate-
ly. Thus, initially teaching reading as recog- Number and Relative Importance of
nition of whole words (i.e., sight-word read- People Affected
ing) may be less desirable than teaching tex- Does the response benefit others? Teach-
tual responses under control of smaller func- ing siblings of children with autism basic
tional units (i.e., phonemes) because of the skills that promote social interaction may af-
potential to decode novel words by phonetic fect their impaired sibling as well as the
reading. However, in some rare situations, whole family (e.g., Lee & Odom, 1996).
learning to read specific words or symbols Similar arguments can be made about the
may have important implications. Reading importance of selecting health behaviors that

prevent high-incidence illnesses (e.g., sexu- more systematic process to evaluate the im-
ally transmitted diseases) and about the rel- portance of target behaviors. In addition, al-
ative merits of training research versus di- though behavior analysts are familiar with
rect-service skills (Skinner, 1972). All other the technology used for establishing and
things being equal, selecting potential cusps maintaining behaviors, the process of select-
based on their impact on the people who ing and prioritizing target behaviors remains
control reinforcers and punishers in a spe- controversial and in need of systematic de-
cific environment (e.g., parents, teachers, velopment. The concept of a behavioral cusp
police officers) is more important than the provides a promising model for targeting
impact on those who lack such control. some behaviors because it emphasizes the
far-reaching implications of selecting a target
Social Validity behavior. The clarification of a priori dimen-
Does the behavior have social validity in sions for determining if a behavior might be
that the response meets the demands of the a cusp is an important step in realizing the
social community of which the learner is a potential of the cusp concept as well as a way
member (Wolf, 1978)? This criterion is es- to improve the effectiveness, acceptance, and
pecially important in presenting behavior- durability of applied interventions.
change programs to parents and other con-
sumers. Parents indifference towards the tar- REFERENCES
get behavior may undermine the other cri- Lee, S., & Odom, S. L. (1996). The relationship be-
teria that might have identified the behavior tween stereotypic behavior and peer social inter-
as a potential cusp. action for children with severe disabilities. Journal
In conclusion, the concept of a cusp may of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps,
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his fingers and make different sounds. A Skinner, B. F. (1972). Cumulative record: A selection
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for a percussionist or for the development of chological behaviorism. New York: Springer.
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We hope that this paper provides a pre- ment of self-injurious behavior maintained by ac-
cess to self-restraint materials. Journal of Applied
liminary set of guidelines for the selection Behavior Analysis, 31, 647650.
and prioritization of potentially important Wolf, M. M. (1978). Social validity: The case for
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havior analysts may, in practice, already con- analysis is finding its heart. Journal of Applied Be-
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sider some or all of these issues in selecting
Received February 4, 2000
target behaviors, we propose a set of criteria Final acceptance November 19, 2000
that may facilitate the development of a Action Editor, Timothy R. Vollmer

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