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1. There are two objects with same charge, +q, and the distance between them is r.

If the
distance r modified, the graphic that expresses the relationship interaction both electrostatic
force and r is......




2. Charge A repel charge B and attract charge C, whereas charge C repel charge D. If
charge C is positive ....

a. Charge A is positive

b. Charge B is positive

c. Charge A is negative

d. Charge D is negative

3. Look at figure below!

the force resultant that works at the charge q is....





4. There are three same charges are located at the corners of an equilateral triangle. If force
between two charges is F, so the total force at each charge is....

a. F2
b. 2F
c. 2F
d. F3
e. nol


In order to the electric potential at A is equal to the potential at B, so the value of x is


a. 0,2a
b. 0,38a
c. 0,52a
d. 0,64a
e. 0,78a

6. An equilateral triangle of sides 30 cm long in the air. If at the corner points A, B, and C are
respectively the electric charge of -2 C, 2 C and 3 C. The magnitude of the Coulomb force on
the charge at point C is ....

a. 0,6 N
b. 0,7 N
c. 0,8 N
d. 0,9 N
e. 1,0 N

7. The number of force lines are perpendicular in the plane per unit area illustrates the
magnitude of....
a. electric charge
b. electrical potential
c. potential energy lsitrik
d. strong electric field
e. meeting the electric charge

8. Cloud has a potential 8 106 volts to the earth. When lightning occurs between cloud and
the earth an electric charge of 40 C is released. Amount of energy lost in the event is.
a. 5 105 J
b. 2 106 J
c. 5 106 J
d. 1,6 108 J
e. 3,2 108 J

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