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Zend Technologies, Inc.

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


The Zend Framework Certification is designed to measure your expertise in both
understanding the concepts, rules, and code behind the framework, and equally
important, your ability to take this knowledge and apply it to your development

The certification was designed by the Zend Framework Education Advisory Board, an
elite, global set of web application development experts (across a variety of companies)
who established the criteria for knowledge and job task competencies and developed
the related questions that assess Zend Framework expertise.

The Process
In order to become certified in the use of Zend Framework (ZF), you will need to
successfully pass an examination. The exam is administered world-wide by Pearson
Vue. You will be required to take the exam at one of their Vue Testing Centers, available
in over 3500 locations around the world. The exam is taken in an isolated room, using a
specially configured computer, and is closed-book, so you will not be able to consult
any reference material or use the Internet while taking it.

The Exam
The ZF Certification exam itself is very similar to most other IT exams offered, including
the exam for Zend PHP 5 Certification. The exam is composed of approximately 75
randomly-generated questions, which must be answered in 90 minutes. Each question
can be formulated in one of three ways:
As a multiple-choice question with only one right answer
As a multiple-choice question with multiple correct answers
As a free-form question for which the answer must be typed in

The 14 areas of expertise created by the ZF Certification Education Advisory Board are:

Authentication and Authorization Internationalization

Coding Standards Mail
Databases Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Diagnosis and Maintenance Performance
Filtering and Validation Search
Forms Security
Infrastructure Web Services

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 1

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide

The Study Guide

This Study Guide provides guidance as to the topics to be covered, and an indication of
the depth of knowledge required to pass the exam. It does not teach Zend Framework.
This guide assumes that anyone about to undertake the Certification exam is very
familiar with the Framework and has extensive experience in utilizing its structure and
components in application development.

The Guide therefore presents a concise treatment of the 14 required knowledge areas
for certification, with reminders and hints on some essential aspects of the
components. It is by no means a complete discussion of the entire framework, nor a
complete presentation of everything you might find on the exam. It is a guide to the
types of facts and coding practices that are considered essential for passing the exam.

Guide Structure:
Each of the 14 topic areas tested by the ZF Certification exam will have three associated
sections within the Study Guide.

First is the Topic Snapshot view, which provides a visual framework of the sub-topics
considered required knowledge for each major topic, and highlighted knowledge areas
within each. They serve as guides, or hints do you understand how these elements
relate to the topic? Could you answer basic to advanced questions on these?

Next follows a more in-depth discussion of these various target areas (Focus section).
In order to avoid repetition, and make the discussion more logical, the content is
presented in an integrated fashion. So, the content for areas that are listed multiple
times under the sub-topics (Ex: Front Controllers) will appear only once.

Finally, at the end of each topic will be a couple of representative questions, similar to
those you will find on the examination. You might choose to take these questions after
looking at the Snapshot, if you feel confident that you know the exam topic well, or you
can take these questions as a wrap-up to your studying the Focus area content.

If, in working through this guide, you discover that you are weak in some areas, you
should utilize the online Programmers Reference Guide to Zend Framework, available
at This extensive documentation presents highly
detailed discussions on various topics along with multiple code examples. Please note
that any suggestion within this guide to consult the "Reference Guide" is referring to
this document.

If you would like more practice in answering questions about the exam, including
taking a simulated exam, and have a live instructor to answer your questions and guide
your preparation studies, consider taking Zends online Zend Framework Certification

Zend Framework is abbreviated as "ZF" for brevity throughout this guide.

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide ACL, AUTH




Definitions Use / Purpose Identity

Identity Persistence Results Object


Definitions Use / Purpose Resource / Role


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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide

Zend Framework: Authentication &

For the exam, recall that

First, it is important that you are able to distinguish between the two functions:

Authentication is the process of verifying a users identity against some set of pre-
determined criteria are they who they claim to be?

Authorization is the process of assigning rights to the user based on their identity
they are entitled to do the following actions because of who they are

Zend Framework provides components for both functions Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl.

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide AUTH, ACL


Zend_Auth provides an API for authentication and includes adapters for the most commonly
used scenarios.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Zend_Auth implements the Singleton pattern through its static getInstance()


o Singleton pattern means only one instance of the class is available at any one time

o The new operator and the clone keyword will not work with this class use
Zend_Auth::getInstance() instead

The adapters authenticate against a particular service, like LDAP, RDBMS, etc.; while their
behavior and options will vary, they share some common actions:

o accept authenticating credentials

o perform queries against the service

o return results

Identity Persistence
An important aspect of the authentication process is the ability to retain the identity, to have
it persist across requests in accordance with the PHP session configuration. This is
accomplished in ZF with the method Zend_Auth::authenticate(). The default storage
class is Zend_Auth_Storage_Session (which uses Zend_Session ). A custom class can
be used instead by creating an object that implements Zend_Auth_Storage_Interface
and passing it to Zend_Auth::setStorage().

Persistence can be customized by using an adapter class directly, foregoing the use of
Zend_Auth entirely.

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Authentication Results
Zend_Auth adapters return an instance of Zend_Auth_Result with authenticate() to
represent the results of an authentication attempt. The Zend_Auth_Result object exposes the
identity that was used to attempt authentication.

Adapters populate and return a Zend_Auth_Result object upon an authentication attempt, so

that the following four methods can provide a set of user-facing operations common to the
results of Zend_Auth adapters:

isValid() returns TRUE if and only if the result represents a

successful authentication attempt

getCode() returns a Zend_Auth_Result constant identifier for

confirming success or determining the type of
authentication failure

getIdentity() returns the identity of the authentication attempt

getMessages() returns an array of messages regarding a failed

authentication attempt

Zend_Auth adapters allow for the use of authentication technologies, such as

LDAP Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap
Database table Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable
HTTP Zend_Auth_Adapter_Http
OpenID Zend_Auth_Adapter_OpenId

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Zend_Acl provides a lightweight and flexible Access Control List (ACL) feature set along with
privileges management, generally via the use of request objects and protected objects.
Zend_Acl can be easily integrated with ZF MVC components through use of an Action Helper
or Front Controller Plugin. Keep in mind that this component is only involved with authorizing
access, and does not in any way verify identity (that process is authentication, in ZF
accomplished with Zend_Auth).

By using an ACL, an application controls how request objects (Roles) are granted access to
protected objects (Resources). Rules can be assigned according to a set of criteria see
Assigning Rules via Assertions later in this document. Combining the processes of
authentication and authorization is commonly called access control.

Access control rules are specified with Zend_Acl::allow() and Zend_Acl::deny().

Note that calling Zend_Acl::isAllowed() against a Role or Resource that was not
previously added to the ACL results in an exception.

Some definitions you should know:

Resource: an object with controlled access

Role: an object that requests access to a Resource

Creating An ACL
Creating an ACL utilizing Zend_Acl is easy, as shown in the sample code below:

require_once 'Zend/Acl.php';

$acl = new Zend_Acl();

Creating Resources
Creating a resource is a simple process - a class needs only implement the
Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, consisting of the single method getResourceId(), in
order for Zend_Acl to consider the object a Resource. Zend_Acl_Resource is provided as
a basic implementation for extensibility.

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Creating Roles
In a process similar to Resource creation, a class only has to implement the
Zend_Acl_Role_Interface, consisting of the single method getRoleId(), for
Zend_Acl to consider the object a Role. Zend_Acl_Role is provided as a basic
implementation for extensibility.

Inheritance - Resources
Zend_Acl provides a tree structure onto which multiple resources can be added. Queries on
a specific resource will automatically search the Resources hierarchy for rules assigned to its
parent Resources, allowing for simple inheritance of rules.

Accordingly, if a default rule is to be applied to all resources within a branch, it is easiest to

assign the rule to the parent. Assigning exceptions to those resources not to be included in
the parent rule can be easily imposed via Zend_Acl.

Note that a Resource can inherit from only one parent Resource, although that parent can
trace back to its own parent, and so on.

Inheritance - Roles
Unlike Resources, in Zend_Acl a Role can inherit from one or more Roles to support the
inheritance of rules. While this ability can be quite useful at times, it also adds complexity to
inheritance. In the case of multiple inheritance, if a conflict arises among the rules, the order
in which the Roles appear determine the final inheritance - the first rule found via query is

Assigning Rules via Assertions

There are times when a rule should not be absolute where access to a Resource by a Role
should depend on a number of criteria. Zend_Acl has built-in support for implementing rules
based upon conditions that need to be met, with the use of Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface
and the method assert(). Once the assertion class is created, an instance of the assertion
class must be supplied when assigning conditional rules. A rule thus created will be imposed
only when the assertion method returns TRUE.

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Zend_Acl supports _____ inheritance among Resource objects.

a. cyclic

b. multiple

c. no

d. single

Zend_Auth throws an exception upon an unsuccessful

authentication attempt due to invalid credentials (e.g., the
username does not exist).

a. True
b. False

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Zend_Acl supports _____ inheritance among Resource objects.

a. cyclic

b. multiple

c. no

d. single

Zend_Auth throws an exception upon an unsuccessful

authentication attempt due to invalid credentials (e.g., the
username does not exist).

a. True
b. False

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 10

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide CODING


Coding Conventions

Use / Purpose Naming Conventions Closing Tags

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide

Zend Framework: Coding Standards

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should know general coding standards for using PHP (Ex: tags, code demarcation, syntax
for strings, & arrays, ) as well as accepted naming conventions.

You should know the rules, guidelines, and code standards established for the Zend

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Good coding standards are important in any development project, particularly when multiple
developers are working on the same project. Having coding standards helps to ensure that
the code is of high quality, has fewer bugs, and is easily maintained.

PHP File Formatting

Never use the closing tag ?> for files that contain only PHP code this prevents trailing
whitespace from being included in the output

Indentation should be 4 spaces, not using tabs

Maximum line length is 120 characters, with the goal limit of 80 characters for clarity

Lines should be terminated with a linefeed (LF, ordinal 10, hexadecimal 0x0A), not a
carriage return or a carriage return/linefeed combination

Naming Conventions

Class Names

Map directly to the directories where they are stored

Contain only alphanumeric characters; numbers are discouraged; underscores are

permitted only in place of the path separator (Example: Zend/Db/Table.php maps to

Multiple-word names: in general, each word contains a capitalized first letter, with the
remaining letters lowercase (Ex: Zend_Pdf); there are exceptions, as when a word is an
acronym or somehow non-standard (Ex: Zend_XmlRpc)

Classes authored by ZF or its Partners must start with Zend_ and must be stored under
the Zend/ directory hierarchy; conversely, any code not authored by Zend or its
Partners must never start with Zend_


Interface classes must follow the same conventions as other classes (outlined above),
and end with the word "Interface" (Ex: Zend_Log_Adapter_Interface)

For all files, only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and the hyphen character ("-")
are permitted; spaces are prohibited
Any file that contains any PHP code should end with the extension ".php", with the
exception of View Scripts

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Naming Conventions (continued)

Function Names
Can only contain alphanumeric characters; underscores are not permitted; numbers are

Must always start with a lowercase letter

Multi-word names: the first letter of the first word is lowercase, the first letter of each
subsequent word must be capitalized, known as "camelCase"

Should be explanatory and use enough language as is practical to enhance the

understandability of the code

Accessors for objects should be prefixed with get or set (OOP)

(Note: use of functions in the global scope are discouraged; wrap these functions in a
static class instead)

Method Names

Must always start with a lowercase letter

Should contain the Pattern name when practical

For methods declared with a private or protected construct, the first character of the
variable name must be a single underscore (the only time an underscore is permitted in a
method name)

Variable Names
Can only contain alphanumeric characters; underscores are not permitted; numbers are

Must always start with a lowercase letter and follow the camelCase formatting rules

For class member variables declared with a private or protected construct, the first
character of the variable name must be a single underscore (the only time an underscore
is permitted in a variable name)

Should be explanatory and use enough language as is practical to enhance the

understandability of the code

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 14

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Naming Conventions (continued)

Can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and numbers

Must always use capitalized letters

Multi-word names: must separate each word with an underscore (Ex: EMBED_SUPPRESS)

Must define as class members using the const construct

Note: defining constants in the global scope is discouraged

Coding Style

PHP Code Demarcation

PHP code must be delimited by the full-form, standard PHP tags: <?php and ?>

Short tags are never allowed

Strings - Literals
When a string is literal (containing no variable substitutions), the apostrophe or "single
quote" must be used to demarcate the string (Ex: $a = Example String; )

When a literal string itself contains apostrophes, the string can be demarcated with
quotation marks ; this is especially encouraged for SQL statements

Strings - Concatenation

Strings may be concatenated using the "." operator; a space must always be added
before and after the "." operator to improve readability (Ex: 'Zend'.' '.'Tech')

Can break the statement into multiple lines to improve readability; each successive line
should be padded with whitespace so that the "."; operator is aligned under the
"=" operator (Example: $sql = "SELECT 'id', 'name' FROM 'people' "
. "WHERE 'name' = 'Susan' "
. "ORDER BY 'name' ASC ";

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 15

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Coding Style: (continued)

Arrays Numerically Indexed

Negative numbers are not allowed as indices

Can start with a non-negative number, but discouraged; better to use a base index of 0

When declared with the array construct, a trailing space must be added after each
comma delimiter for readability (Example: $anyArray = array(1, 2, 'Zend');)

For multi-line indexed arrays using the array construct, each successive line must be
padded with spaces so that the beginning of each line aligns as shown:

$sampleArray = array(1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio',

$a, $b, $c,
56.44, $d, 500)

Arrays - Associative

When declared with the array construct, the statement should be broken into multiple
lines; each successive line must be padded with whitespace so that both the keys and
the values are aligned, as shown:

$sampleArray = array('firstKey' => 'firstValue',

'secondKey' => 'secondValue');

Classes - Declaration

Classes are named following naming convention rules

The brace is always written on the line underneath the class name ("one true brace" form)

Code within a class must be indented four spaces (no tabs)

Restricted to only one class per PHP file

Placing additional code into a class file is discouraged; if utilized, two blank lines must
separate the class from additional PHP code in the file (Example: Class Declaration)

* Documentation Block Here
class SampleClass
// entire content of class must be indented four spaces

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Coding Style (continued)

Class Member Variables

Member variables must be named following variable naming conventions (see Naming

Variables declared in a class must be listed at the top of the class, prior to declaring any

The var construct is not permitted; member variables always declare their visibility by
using one of the private, protected, or public constructs

Accessing member variables directly by making them public is discouraged in favor of

accessor methods (set/get).

Functions and Methods - Declaration

Functions must be named following naming convention rules (see Naming section)

Methods inside classes must always declare their visibility by using one of the private,
protected, or public constructs

The brace is always written on the line underneath the function name ("one true brace"
form) ; no space between the function name and the opening argument parenthesis

Functions in the global scope are strongly discouraged

Pass-by-reference is allowed in the function declaration only; call-time pass-by-reference
is prohibited

Example: Function Declaration in a class

* Documentation Block Here
class Foo
* Documentation Block Here
public function bar()
// entire content of function
// must be indented four spaces

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Coding Style (continued)

Functions and Methods - Usage:

Functions arguments are separated by a single trailing space after the comma delimiter

Call-time pass-by-reference is prohibited (see Declarations section)

For functions whose arguments permit arrays, the function call may include the "array"
construct and can be split into multiple lines to improve readability;; standards for
writing arrays still apply; Ex:

threeArguments(array(1, 2, 3), 2, 3);

threeArguments(array(1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio',

$a, $b, $c,
56.44, $d, 500), 2, 3);

Control Statements if / else / else if:

Control statements based on the if and else if constructs must have a single space
before the opening parenthesis of the conditional, and a single space after the closing

Within the conditional statements between the parentheses, operators must be

separated by spaces for readability inner parentheses are encouraged to improve logical
grouping of larger conditionals

The opening brace is written on the same line as the conditional statement; closing brace
is always written on its own line; any content within braces must be indented four spaces

if ($a != 2) {
$a = 2;

For "if" statements that include "else if " or "else", the formatting conventions are
as shown in the following examples:

if ($a != 2) { if ($a != 2) {
$a = 2; $a = 2;
} else ( } else if ($a == 3) {
$a = 7; $a = 4;
} } else {
$a = 7;

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 18

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Coding Style (continued)


Control statements written with the "switch" construct must have a single space before
the opening parenthesis of the conditional statement, and a single space after the
closing parenthesis

All content within the "switch" statement must be indented four spaces; content under
each "case" statement must be indented an additional four spaces

All switch statements must have a default case

Inline Documentation Documentation Format

All documentation blocks ("docblocks") must be compatible with the phpDocumentor


All source code files written for Zend Framework or that operate with the framework
must contain a "file-level" docblock at the top of each file and a "class-level" docblock
immediately above each class

Inline Documentation - Files

Every file that contains PHP code must have a header block at the top of the file that
contains these phpDocumentor tags at a minimum:

* Short description for file
* Long description for file (if any)...
* LICENSE: Some license information
* @copyright 2005 Zend Technologies
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version $Id:$
* @link
* @since File available since Release 1.2.0

Inline Documentation - Classes

Similar to Files, every class must have a docblock that contains these phpDocumentor
tags at a minimum - Descriptions, @copyright, @license, @version,
@link, @since, @deprecated

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 19

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Coding Style (continued)

Inline Documentation - Functions

Every function, including object methods, must have a docblock that minimally contains:
a function description; all the arguments; all possible return values

Not necessary to use the @access tag because the access level is already known from
the public, private, or protected construct used to declare the function

If a function or method might throw an exception, it is best to use @throws

Example: @throws exceptionclass [description]

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 20

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Is the following class name valid?: My_Foo_123

a. Yes
b. No

The filename "Zend/Db/Table.php" must map to the class name


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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Is the following class name valid?: My_Foo_123

a. Yes
b. No

The filename "Zend/Db/Table.php" must map to the class name



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Zend Framework Certification



Definitions Use / Purpose Adapters

Constructors Lazy Connections


Definitions Use / Purpose Named Parameters


Definitions Use / Purpose Fluent Interface

Quoting Complex Queries Zend_Db::factory()

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Definitions Use / Purpose Primary Keys

Application Logic Naming Methods

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide

Zend Framework - Databases

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to create and work with Zend_Db component extensions, such as
_Adapter, _Statement, _Table, and _Library.

You should know how to connect to a database, in particular using constructor arguments
and lazy connections.

You should know how to specify database configurations within a Configuration file.

You should be able to fetch data in rows, columns, and individually, and be able to utilize
different fetch modes. This includes the ability to fetch data from content returned by
executing a statement. You should know how to construct complex queries.

You should be able to manipulate data within a database (insert, modify, delete).

You should know what a Fluent Interface is, including how and when to use it.

You should know how to insert application logic into the appropriate method.

You should know how and when to use the quoteIdentifier method.

You should understand how to utilize the Zend_Db::factory() options.

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 25

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Zend_Db and its related classes provide a simple SQL database interface for Zend Framework.

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract is the base class for connecting PHP applications to a

RDBMS. They create a bridge from vendor-specific PHP extensions to a common interface, so
that the PHP applications can be written once but deployed multiple times according to the
RDBMS with little change or effort.

Connecting to a Database

Using an Adapter and Constructor

You create an instance of the Adapter using its constructor, which takes one argument in an
array of parameters used to declare the connection. Note: Zend_Db_Adapter uses a PHP
extension that must be enabled in the PHP environment.


require_once 'Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php';

$db = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql(array(

'host' => '',
'username' => 'webuser',
'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'dbname' => 'test'

Using Zend_Db::factory
The Factory method of connection is an alternative to the use of the Constructor. Instead, the
Adapter instance is created using the static method Zend_Db::factory(), which
dynamically loads the Adapter class file on demand utilizing


require_once 'Zend/Db.php';

// Automatically load class Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql and create

// an instance of it.
$db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'webuser',
'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'dbname' => 'test'

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


If you create your own class that extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract, but you do not
name your class with the "Zend_Db_Adapter" package prefix, you can use the factory()
method to load your Adapter, providing you specify the leading portion of the adapter class
with the 'adapterNamespace' key in the parameters array.

Using Zend_Config with the Zend_DB Factory

You can specify either argument of the factory() method as an object of type
Zend_Config. If the first argument is a Config object, it is expected to contain a property
named adapter, which contains the string providing the adapter class name base.
Optionally, the object may contain a property named params , with sub-properties
corresponding to adapter parameter names. This is used only if the second argument of the
factory() method is absent. Example:


require_once 'Zend/Config.php';
require_once 'Zend/Db.php';

$config = new Zend_Config(

'database' => array(
'adapter' => 'Mysqli',
'params' => array(
'dbname' => 'test',
'username' => 'webuser',
'password' => 'secret',

$db = Zend_Db::factory($config->database);

If an optional second argument of the factory() method exists, it can be an associative

array containing entries corresponding to adapter parameters. If the first argument is of the
type Zend_Config, it is assumed to contain all parameters, and the second argument is

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide


Passing Options to the Factory

Presented below is a code example of how to pass an option to the Factory in this case, it is
the option for automatically quoting identifiers. You can find other examples in the Reference

$options = array(

$params = array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'webuser',
'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'dbname' => 'test',
'options' => $options

$db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', $params);

Managing Lazy Connections

Creating an instance of an Adapter class results in the Adapter saving the connection
parameters, but the actual connection is on demand, triggered the first time a query is
executed. This ensures that creating an Adapter object is quick and not resource

To force the Adapter to connect to the RDBMS, use the getConnection() method,
which returns an object for the connection represented by the required PHP database
extension. For example, using any of the Adapter classes for PDO drivers will result in
getConnection() returning the PDO object, after initiating it as a live connection to
the specific database. Forcing a connection can be a useful tool in capturing
exceptions thrown by RDBMS connection failures (Ex: invalid account credentials).

It can be useful to force the connection if you want to catch any exceptions it throws
as a result of invalid account credentials, or other failure to connect to the RDBMS
server. These exceptions are not thrown until the connection is made, so it can help
simplify your application code if you handle the exceptions in one place, instead of at
the time of the first query against the database.

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Study Guide


Fetching Data
(Note: examples in this section use the ZF Sample Bug-Tracking Database, shown in the Programmers Guide)

You can run a SQL SELECT query and retrieve its results in one step using the fetchAll()
method. The first argument to this method is a string containing a SELECT statement.
Alternatively, the first argument can be an object of class Zend_Db_Select. The Adapter
automatically converts this object to a string representation of the SELECT statement.

The second argument to fetchAll() is an array of values to substitute for parameter

placeholders in the SQL statement.


$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?';

$result = $db->fetchAll($sql, 2);

Changing the Fetch Mode

By default, fetchAll() returns an array of rows, each of which is an associative array. The
keys of this array are the columns/column aliases named in the select query. You can specify a
different style of fetching results using the setFetchMode() method. The modes supported
are identified by constants:

Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC Default Fetch mode for Adapter classes

returns data in an associative array; the keys are the column names, as strings

returns data in an array of arrays; the keys are strings used in the FETCH_ASSOC mode, and
integers as used in the FETCH_NUM mode

returns data in an array of values, where each value is returned by one column of the result
set; by default, the first column is used and indexed by 0

returns data in an array of objects; the default class is the PHP built-in class stdClass;
columns of the result set are available as public properties of the object

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Study Guide


Changing Fetch Mode Example: (more examples in Reference Guide)


$result = $db->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?', 2);

// $result is an array of objects

echo $result[0]->bug_description;

Inserting Data
New rows can be added to a table in the database using the insert() method. The first
argument is a string naming the table, the second argument an associative array mapping
column names to data values. Example:

$data = array(
'created_on' => '2007-03-22',
'bug_description' => 'Something wrong',
'bug_status' => 'NEW'

$db->insert('bugs', $data);

Quoting Values and Identifiers

SQL queries often need to include the values of PHP variables in SQL expressions, which can
be risky if a value in the PHP string contains certain symbols, such as the quote symbol. This
would not only result in invalid SQL, but consequently would impose a security risk (see the
Security section).

The Zend_Db_Adapter class provides convenient functions to help reduce vulnerabilities

to SQL Injection attacks in PHP code. The solution is to escape special characters such as
quotes in PHP values before they are interpolated into SQL strings. This protects against both
accidental and deliberate manipulation of SQL strings by PHP variables that contain special

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Quoting Values and Identifiers (continued)

Using quote()

The quote() method accepts a single argument, a scalar string value returned with special
characters escaped according to the RDBMS being used, and surrounded by string value
delimiters. The SQL string value delimiter for MySQL is the single-quote (').

$name = $db->quote("O'Reilly");
echo $name;
// 'O\'Reilly'

$sql = "SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = $name";

echo $sql;
// SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = 'O\'Reilly'

Using quoteInto()

You can use the quoteInto() method to interpolate a PHP variable into a SQL
expression or statement. It takes two arguments: the first is a string containing a
placeholder symbol (?), and the second is a value or PHP variable that should be
substituted for that placeholder.

The placeholder symbol is the same symbol used by many RDBMS brands for
positional parameters, but the quoteInto() method only emulates query
parameters. The method simply interpolates the value into the string, escapes special
characters, and applies quotes around it. True query parameters maintain the
separation between the SQL string and the parameters as the statement is parsed in
the RDBMS server.

$sql = $db->quoteInto("SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = ?",

echo $sql;

// SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = 'O\'Reilly'

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Quoting Values and Identifiers (continued)

Using quoteIdentifier()

As with values, if PHP variables are used to name tables, columns, or other identifiers
in SQL statements, the related strings may need to be quoted. By default, SQL
identifiers have syntax rules like PHP and most other programming languages. For
example, identifiers should not contain spaces, certain punctuation or special
characters, or international characters. Also certain words are reserved for SQL syntax,
and should not be used as identifiers.

However, SQL has a feature called delimited identifiers, which allows broader choices
for the spelling of identifiers. If you enclose a SQL identifier in the proper type of
quotes, you can use identifiers with spellings that would be invalid without the
quotes. Delimited identifiers can contain spaces, punctuation, or international
characters. You can also use SQL reserved words if you enclose them in identifier

The quoteIdentifier() method works like quote(), but applies the identifier
delimiter characters to the string according to the type of Adapter used. For example,
standard SQL uses double-quotes (") for identifier delimiters, and most RDBMS brands
use that symbol. MySQL uses back-quotes (`) by default. The quoteIdentifier()
method also escapes special characters within the string argument. SQL-delimited
identifiers are case-sensitive, unlike unquoted identifiers. Therefore, the use of
delimited identifiers require that the identifier is spelled exactly as it is stored in the
schema, including the case of the letters.

In most cases where SQL is generated within Zend_Db classes, the default is that all
identifiers are delimited automatically; this default can be changed by using
Zend_Db::AUTO_QUOTE_IDENTIFIERS when instantiating the Adapter.

// we might have a table name that is an SQL reserved word
$tableName = $db->quoteIdentifier("order");

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName";

echo $sql
// SELECT * FROM "order"

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Like the methods fetchAll()and insert(), a statement object can be used to gain
more options for running queries and fetching result sets. Zend_Db_Statement is
based on the PDOStatement object in the PHP Data Objects extension.

Creating a Statement
Typically, a statement object is returned by the query() method of the database Adapter
class. This method is a general way to prepare any SQL statement. The first argument is a
string containing an SQL statement. The optional second argument is an array of values to
bind to parameter placeholders in the SQL string. The statement object corresponds to a SQL
statement that has been prepared and executed once with the bind-values specified. If the
statement was a SELECT query or other type of statement that returns a result set, it is now
ready to fetch results. A statement can be created with its constructor, but this is less typical.
Note: there is no factory method to create this object.

$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = ? AND
bug_status = ?', array('goofy', 'FIXED'));

Executing a Statement
If a statement is created using its constructor, or if a statement is to be executed multiple
times, then the statement object needs to be executed. Use the execute() method of the
statement object. The single argument is an array of values to bind to parameter placeholders
in the statement.

If positional parameters, or those that are marked with a question mark symbol (?), are used,
pass the bind values in a plain array. If named parameters, or those that are indicated by a
string identifier preceded by a colon character (:), pass the bind values in an associative array.
The keys of this array should match the parameter names. Execution (positional) example:

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = ? AND
bug_status = ?';

$stmt = new Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli($db, $sql);

$stmt->execute(array('goofy', 'FIXED'));

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Fetching Content
You can call methods on the statement object to retrieve rows from SQL statements
that produce a result set for example, SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN.

INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are examples of statements that do not produce a result
set these SQL statements can be executed using Zend_Db_Statement,but cannot
have results fetched by method calls. Code Example: fetch() in a loop

$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM bugs');
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
echo $row['bug_description'];

The Zend_Db_Select object represents a SQL SELECT query statement. The class has
methods for adding individual parts to the query. Some parts of the query can be
specified using PHP methods and data structures, and the class will form the correct
SQL syntax. After the query is built, it can be executed as if written as a string.
Important features of this component include:
Object-oriented methods for specifying SQL queries in a piece-by-piece manner
Database-independent abstraction of some parts of the SQL query
Automatic quoting of metadata identifiers in most cases, to support identifiers
containing SQL reserved words and special characters
Quoting identifiers and values, to help reduce risk of SQL injection attacks

Creating a Select Object

To create an instance of a Zend_Db_Select object, use the select() method of a
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract object. Ex: Adapter select()method

$db = Zend_Db::factory( ...options... );
$select = $db->select();

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Building Select Queries

When building a query, clauses can be added to the Zend_Db_Select object individually,
using a separate method for each.

// Create the Zend_Db_Select object
$select = $db->select();

// Add a WHERE clause

$select->where( ...specify search criteria... )

// Add an ORDER BY clause

$select->order( ...specify sorting criteria... );

Using a Fluent Interface

A fluent interface means that each method returns a reference to the object on which it was
called, so that another method can be immediately called. Ex:

$select = $db->select()
->from( ...specify table and columns... )
->where( ...specify search criteria... )
->order( ...specify sorting criteria... );

Creating Complex Queries

Zend Framework provides numerous ways to add, modify, and remove data utilizing its
components and extensibility. Presented below are just some of the ways to handle data
additional information and code examples can be found in the Programmers Guide.

Add FROM Clause: Specify the table name as a simple string; Zend_Db_Select
applies identifier quotes around the table name so that special
characters can be used.

// Build this query:
// FROM "products"

$select = $db->select()
->from( 'products' );

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Specify Schema: Some RDBMS brands support a schema specifier for a table.
Specify the table name as schemaName.tableName, where
Zend_Db_Select quotes each part individually; alternatively
specify the schema name separately. A schema name
specified in the table name takes precedence over a schema
provided separately in the event that both are presented.

// Build this query:
// FROM "myschema"."products"

$select = $db->select()
->from( 'myschema.products' );

// or

$select = $db->select()
->from('products', '*', 'myschema');

Add Column: The columns to be selected from a table can be specified in the
second argument of from(). The default is the wildcard *,
meaning all columns.

// Build this query:
// SELECT p."product_id", p."product_name"
// FROM "products" AS p
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'),
array('product_id', 'product_name'));

// Build the same query, specifying correlation names:

// SELECT p."product_id", p."product_name"
// FROM "products" AS p
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'),
array('p.product_id', 'p.product_name'));

// Build this query with an alias for one column:

// SELECT p."product_id" AS prodno, p."product_name"
// FROM "products" AS p
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'),
array('prodno' => 'product_id', 'product_name'));

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Add Table: Many useful queries involve using a JOIN to combine rows
from multiple tables; tables can also be added to a
Zend_Db_Select query using the join() method.
Using this method is similar to the from() method except a
condition can also be specified in most cases.
The second argument to join() is a string that is the join
condition, an expression that declares the criteria by
which rows in one table match rows in the the other table.

// Build this query:
// SELECT p."product_id", p."product_name", l.*
// FROM "products" AS p JOIN "line_items" AS l
// ON p.product_id = l.product_id

$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'),
array('product_id', 'product_name'))
->join(array('l' => 'line_items'),
'p.product_id = l.product_id');

Add WHERE clause: The where() method can specify criteria for restricting rows
of the result set. The first argument of this method is a SQL
expression, which is used in a SQL WHERE clause in the query.

// Build this query:
// SELECT product_id, product_name, price
// FROM "products"
// WHERE price > 100.00

$select = $db->select()
array('product_id', 'product_name', 'price'))
->where('price > 100.00');

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Add Order By Clause: Use Zend_Db_Select with the order()method to

specify a column or an array of columns by which to sort. Each
element of the array is a string naming a column, with the
optional ASC or DESC keyword following it, separated by a
space. As with from() and group(), column names are quoted as
identifiers, unless they contain parentheses or are an object of
type Zend_Db_Expr.

// Build this query:
// SELECT p."product_id", COUNT(*) AS line_items_per_product
// FROM "products" AS p JOIN "line_items" AS l
// ON p.product_id = l.product_id
// GROUP BY p.product_id
// ORDER BY "line_items_per_product" DESC, "product_id"

$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'),
->join(array('l' => 'line_items'),
'p.product_id = l.product_id',
array('line_items_per_product' => 'COUNT(*)'))
->order(array('line_items_per_product DESC', 'product_id'));

Add LIMIT clause: Use the limit() method in Zend_Db_Select to specify

the count of rows and the number of rows to skip. The first
argument to this method is the desired count of rows. The
second argument is the number of rows to skip. Note that the
LIMIT syntax is not supported by all RDBMS brands.

// Build this query:
// SELECT p."product_id", p."product_name"
// FROM "products" AS p
// LIMIT 10, 20

$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'), array('product_id',
->limit(10, 20);

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The Zend_Db_Table class is an object-oriented interface to database tables. It provides
methods for many common operations on tables. The base class is extensible, allowing the
addition of custom logic. The Zend_Db_Table solution is an implementation of the Table
Data Gateway pattern and includes a class that implements the Row Data Gateway pattern.

Defining a Table Class

To access a table in the database, define a class that extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract.

Defining a Table Name and Schema

Declare the database table for which the class is defined, using the protected variable
$_name. This is a string, with the name of the table spelled exactly as it appears in the
database. If no table name is supplied, it defaults to the name of the class (which also must
exactly match the spelling of the table name in the database).

Example: Declare Table Class with Explicit Table Name

class Bugs extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'bugs';

Example: Declare Table Class with Implicit Table Name

class Bugs extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
//table name matches class name, by default

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Overriding Table Setup Methods

When an instance of a Table class is created, the constructor calls a set of protected methods
that initialize metadata for the table. These methods can be extended to define metadata
explicitly. Note: remember to call the method of the same name in the parent class at the end
of the method. Code Example:

class Bugs extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected function _setupTableName()
$this->_name = 'bugs';

The setup methods that can be overridden are:

checks that an adapter has been provided; gets a default adapter from the
registry if needed. By overriding this method, you can set a database adapter
from some other source.

defaults the table name to the name of the class. By overriding this method,
you can set the table name before this default behavior runs.

sets the schema if the table name contains the pattern "schema.table"; calls
describeTable() to get metadata information; defaults $_cols array to the
columns reported by describeTable(). Override this method to specify the

defaults the primary key columns to those reported by describeTable();
checks that the primary key columns are included in the $_cols array.
Override this method to specify the primary key columns.

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Zend_Db contains a factory() method by which you may

instantiate a database adapter object
a. True
b. False

Zend_Db_Select supports querying columns containing

expressions (e.g., LOWER(someColumn))
a. True
b. False

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Zend_Db contains a factory() method by which you may

instantiate a database adapter object
a. True
b. False

Zend_DB_Select supports querying columns containing

expressions (e.g., LOWER(someColumn))
a. True
b. False

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Use / Purpose Objects & Events Writer

Formatters & Filters


Use / Purpose Dump Method

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Zend Framework: Diagnosis & Maintenance

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to explain when and how you would use Zend_Log, including the
creation and destruction of Log objects.

You should understand how backends, filters, and formatters work within the Framework.

In addition, you should understand the difference between using Zend_Log and
Zend_Debug, and when it is appropriate to use each.

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The Zend_Log component supports multiple log backends, formatting messages sent to the
log, and filtering messages from being logged. These functions are divided into the following

Log (instance of Zend_Log)

The object most used by an application; unlimited in number; Log object must
contain at least one Writer, and can optionally contain one or more Filters

Writer (inherits from Zend_Log_Writer_Abstract)

Responsible for saving data to storage.

Filter (implements Zend_Log_Filter_Interface)

Prevents log data from being saved; a filter may be applied to an individual Writer,
or to a Log where it is applied before all Writers; Filters can be chained

Formatter (implements Zend_Log_Formatter_Interface)

Formats the log data before it is written by a Writer; each Writer has exactly one

Create a Log
To create a log, instantiate a Writer (using Zend_Log_Writer_Stream) and then pass it on
to a Log instance. More Writers can be added with addWriter(); one is required. Ex:

$logger = new Zend_Log();
$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('php://output');

Logging Messages
Call the log() method of a Log instance and pass it the message with a corresponding
priority; the first parameter is a string message; the second, an integer priority. Ex:

$logger->log('Informational message', Zend_Log::INFO);

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Destroy a Log
Set the variable containing it to null to destroy it; this will automatically call the
shutdown() instance method of each attached Writer before the Log object is destroyed:

$logger = null;

Priorities Built-In

EMERG = 0; Emergency: system is unusable

ALERT = 1; Alert: action must be taken immediately
CRIT = 2; Critical: critical conditions
ERR = 3; Error: error conditions
WARN = 4; Warning: warning conditions
NOTICE = 5; Notice: normal but significant condition
INFO = 6; Informational: informational messages
DEBUG = 7; Debug: debug messages

Priorities Custom
User-defined priorities can be added at runtime using the Log's addPriority() method.
Example: Create Priority called FOO and log the priority

$logger->addPriority('FOO', 8);

$logger->log('Foo message', 8);

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A Writer is an object that inherits from Zend_Log_Writer_Abstract, and is responsible
for recording log data to a storage backend.

Writing to Streams
Zend_Log_Writer_Stream sends log data to a PHP stream. To write log data to the PHP
output buffer, use the URL php://output. To write to file, use a Filesystem URL. By default,
the stream opens in the append mode for another mode, provide an optional second
parameter to the constructor.

Alternatively, you can send log data directly to a stream like STDERR (php://stderr). Ex:

$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('php://output');
$logger = new Zend_Log($writer);

Writing to Databases:
Zend_Log_Writer_Db writes log information to a database table using Zend_Db. The
constructor of Zend_Log_Writer_Db receives a Zend_Db_Adapter instance, a table name,
and a mapping of database columns to event data items. Ex:

$params = array ('host' => '',
'username' => 'malory',
'password' => '******',
'dbname' => 'camelot');
$db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_MYSQL', $params);

$columnMapping = array('lvl' => 'priority', 'msg' => 'message');

$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Db($db, 'log_table_name',
$logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
$logger->info('Informational message');

$logger->info('Informational message');

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Testing with the Mock

The Zend_Log_Writer_Mock is a simple writer that records the raw data it receives in an
array exposed as a public property. Ex:

$mock = new Zend_Log_Writer_Mock;
$logger = new Zend_Log($mock);

$logger->info('Informational message');


// Array
// (
// [timestamp] => 2007-04-06T07:16:37-07:00
// [message] => Informational message
// [priority] => 6
// [priorityName] => INFO
// )

The logged events can be cleared by simply setting $mock->events = array().

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$format = '%timestamp% %priorityName% (%priority%):
%message%' . PHP_EOL;
$formatter = new Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple($format);



$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('php://output');
$formatter = new Zend_Log_Formatter_Xml();

$logger = new Zend_Log();

$logger->info('informational message');


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A filter object blocks a message from being written to the log.

Filtering for All Writers

To filter before all writers, you can add any number of Filters to a Log object using the
addFilter() method:

$logger = new Zend_Log();

$writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('php://output');


$filter = new Zend_Log_Filter_Priority(Zend_Log::CRIT);


// blocked
$logger->info('Informational message');

// logged
$logger->emerg('Emergency message');

When you add one or more Filters to the Log object, the message must pass through all of the
Filters before any Writers receives it.

Filtering for a Writer Instance

To filter only on a specific Writer instance, use the addFilter() method of that Writer:

$logger = new Zend_Log();

$writer1 = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('/path/to/first/logfile');


$writer2 = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream('/path/to/second/logfile');


// add a filter only to writer2

$filter = new Zend_Log_Filter_Priority(Zend_Log::CRIT);

// logged to writer1, blocked from writer2

$logger->info('Informational message');

// logged by both writers

$logger->emerg('Emergency message');

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Dumping Variables

The static method Zend_Debug::dump() prints or returns information about an expression.

This simple technique of debugging is common, because it is easy to use in an ad hoc fashion,
and requires no initialization, special tools, or debugging environment.

The $var argument specifies the expression or variable about which the
Zend_Debug::dump() method outputs information.

The $label argument is a string to be prepended to the output of Zend_Debug::dump().

Best Practice: use labels if you are dumping information about multiple variables on a given

The boolean $echo argument specifies whether the output of Zend_Debug::dump() is

echoed or not. If true, the output is echoed. Regardless of the value of the $echo argument,
the return value of this method contains the output.

Zend_Debug::dump($var, $label=null, $echo=true);

It may be helpful to understand that internally, Zend_Debug::dump()wraps the PHP

function var_dump(). If the output stream is detected as a web presentation, the output of
var_dump() is escaped using htmlspecialchars() and wrapped with (X)HTML <pre>

Using Zend_Debug::dump() is best for ad hoc debugging during software development

add code to dump a variable and then remove the code very quickly.

Also consider the Zend_Log component when writing more permanent debugging code. Ex:
use the DEBUG log level and the Stream log writer, to output the string returned by

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Which ONE of the following will NOT display the value of

a. echo Zend_Debug::dump($var, 'var', false);

b. ob_start();
Zend_debug::dump($var, 'var', false);

c. Zend_Debug::dump($var, 'var', true);

d. Zend_Debug::dump($var, 'var');

Which formatters are provided with Zend_Log? (choose two)?

a. Zend_Log_Formatter_Db

b. Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple

c. Zend_Log_Formatter_Text

d. Zend_Log_Formatter_Xml

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Which ONE of the following will NOT display the value of

a. echo Zend_Debug::dump($var, 'var', false);

b. ob_start();
Zend_debug::dump($var, 'var', false);

c. Zend_Debug::dump($var, 'var', true);

d. Zend_Debug::dump($var, 'var');

Which formatters are provided with Zend_Log? (choose two)?

a. Zend_Log_Formatter_Db

b. Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple

c. Zend_Log_Formatter_Text

d. Zend_Log_Formatter_Xml

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Definitions Use / Purpose Filter Classes

Filter Chains


Definitions Use / Purpose Validator Classes

Validator Chains

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Study Guide

Zend Framework: Filtering & Validation

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to create and work with Filters, while understanding their role within an

In addition, you should be able to create and utilize Validators.

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Filters, in the general sense, function to produce some subset of the original input, based on
some criteria or transformation. Within web applications, filters are used to remove illegal
input, trim unnecessary white space, and perform other functions.

A common transformation applied within web application is to escape HTML entities (see
Security section for more information on this sub-topic).

Zend_Filter provides a set of commonly needed data filters for web applications. It also
provides a simple filter chaining mechanism by which multiple filters can be applied to a
single datum in a user-defined order.

Zend_Filter_Interface provides the basic functionality for the component, and requires
a single method filter(), to be implemented by a filter class. You can also use the static
method Zend_Filter::get() as an alternative.

Here is an example of a filter that transforms ampersands and quotes:

require_once 'Zend/Filter/HtmlEntities.php';

$htmlEntities = new Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities();

echo $htmlEntities->filter('&'); //&amp;

echo $htmlEntities->filter(''); //&quot;

Standard Filters
ZF offers a set of standard filter classes with the framework the list is provided below.
Information on each option can be found in the Programmers Guide you should know how
to utilize each.

Alnum Alpha

BaseName Digits

Dir HtmlEntities

Int RealPath

StringToLower StringToUpper

StringTrim StripTags

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Filter Chains
When using multiple filters, it will often be necessary to impose them in a specific order,
known as chaining. Zend_Filter provides a simple way to chain filters together.
Filters are run in the order in which they were added to the component.

Here is an example of filtering a username so it is transformed to be lowercase with alphabetic

characters. Note that the non-alphabetic characters are removed before any uppercase
characters conversion because of the order of filters within the code.

// Provides filter chaining capability
require_once 'Zend/Filter.php';

// Filters needed for the example

require_once 'Zend/Filter/Alpha.php';
require_once 'Zend/Filter/StringToLower.php';

// Create a filter chain and add filters to the chain

$filterChain = new Zend_Filter();
$filterChain->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_Alpha())
->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StringToLower());

// Filter the username

$username = $filterChain->filter($_POST['username']);

Creating Custom Filters

Creating a filter is a simple process - a class needs only implement the component
Zend_Filter_Interface, consisting of the single method filter(). This method can be
implemented by user classes. Objects that implement this interface can be added to a filter
chain using Zend_Filter::addFilter(). Sample Code provided below:

require_once 'Zend/Filter/Interface.php';

class MyFilter implements Zend_Filter_Interface

public function filter($value)
// perform transformation upon $value to arrive on $valueFiltered

return $valueFiltered;

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Zend_Filter_Input provides a declarative interface to associate multiple filters and
validators, apply them to collections of data, and retrieve input values after they have been
processed by the filters and validators. Values are returned in escaped format by default for
safe HTML output.

Filters transform input values, by removing or changing characters within the value.
The goal is to "normalize" input values until they match an expected format

Validators check input values against criteria and report whether they passed the test
or not. The value is not changed, but the check may fail

Escapers transform a value by removing magic behavior of certain/special characters,

which have meaning in some output contexts

The process for using Zend_Filter_Input:

Declare filter and validator rules

Create the filter and validator processor

Provide input data

Retrieve validated fields and other reports

For further information about these steps, see the online Reference Guide

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Validators examine input against some set of requirements and produces a boolean result
(True or False) as to whether it passed. It can also provide further information about which
requirement(s) the input did not meet in the event of validation failure.

Zend_Validate provides a set of commonly needed validators for web applications. It also
provides a simple validator chaining mechanism by which multiple validators can be applied
to a single datum in a user-defined order.

Zend_Validate_Interface provides the basic functionality for the component, and

defines two possible methods.

isValid()performs validation upon the input value, returning TRUE for success in
meeting the criteria, FALSE for failure. In the latter case, the next method is used.
getMessages()returns an array of messages explaining the reason(s) for validation
failure. The array keys identify the reasons with string codes, and the array values
provide readable string messages. These key-value pairs are class-dependent, and
each class also has a const definition that matches each identifier for a validation
failure cause.

Note that each call to isValid() overwrites the previous call. Therefore, each
getMessages() output will apply to only the most recent validation.

require_once 'Zend/Validate/EmailAddress.php';

$validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();

if ($validator->isValid($email)) {
// email appears to be valid
} else {
// email is invalid; print the reasons
foreach($validator->getMessages()as $messageId => $message) {
echo "Validation failure '$messageId': $message\n";

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You can also use the static method Zend_Validate::is() as an alternative. The first
argument would be the data input value, passed to the isValid() method, and the second
argument would be the string that corresponds to the basename of the validation class,
relative to the Zend_Validate namespace. The is() method automatically loads the class,
creates an instance, and applies the isValid() method to the data input.

require_once 'Zend/Validate.php';

if (Zend_Validate::is($email, 'EmailAddress')) {
// Yes, email appears to be valid

Customizing Messages
Validate classes provide a setMessage() method with which you can specify the format of
the message returned by getMessages() upon validation failure.

The first argument contains a string with the error message itself. Tokens can be incorporated
within the string to customize the message with relevant data. The token %value% is
supported by all validators, while other tokens are supported on a case-by-case basis,
according to the validation class.

The second argument contains a string with the validation failure template to be set, used
when a validation class defines more than one cause for failure.
If the second argument is missing, setMessage() assumes the message specified should be
used for the first message template declared in the validation class. As many validation classes
have only one error message template defined, there is no need to specify which template to
change. Sample Code provided below:

require_once 'Zend/Validate/StringLength.php';

$validator = new Zend_Validate_StringLength(8);

'The string \'%value%\' is too short;
it must be at least %min% characters',

if (!$validator->isValid('word')) {
$messages = $validator->getMessages();
echo current($messages);

// echoes "The string 'word' is too short;

it must be at least 8 characters"

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Standard Validation Classes

ZF offers a set of standard validation classes with the framework, as listed below. Information
on each option can be found in the Programmers Guide you should know how to utilize

Alnum Alpha Barcode Between

Ccnum Date Digits EmailAddress

Float GreaterThan Hex Hostname

InArray Int Ip LessThan

NotEmpty Regex StringLength

Validation Chains
When using multiple validations, it will often be necessary to impose them in a specific order,
known as chaining. Zend_Validate provides a simple way to chain them together.
Validators are run in the order in which they were added to Zend_Validate .
Ex: validating whether a username is between 6 and 12 alphanumeric characters.

// Provides validator chaining capability
require_once 'Zend/Validate.php';

// Validators needed for the example

require_once 'Zend/Validate/StringLength.php';
require_once 'Zend/Validate/Alnum.php';

// Create a validator chain and add validators to it

$validatorChain = new Zend_Validate();
->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_StringLength(6,12))
->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());
// Validate the username
if ($validatorChain->isValid($username)) {
// username passed validation
} else {
// username failed validation; print reasons
foreach ($validatorChain->getMessages() as $message) {
echo "$message\n";

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Creating Custom Validators

Beyond the standard validators provided by ZF, Zend_Validate_Interface defines three
methods, isValid(), getMessages(), and getErrors(), that can be implemented by
user classes to create custom validation objects. Such objects can then be added to a
validator chain using Zend_Validate::addValidator(), or with

As mentioned earlier, validation results are returned as Boolean values, possibly along with
information as to why the validation failed (useful for usability analysis).
Zend_Validate_Abstract is used to implement the basic validation failure message
functionality, which can be extended. The extending class would utilize the isValid()
method logic and define message variables and message templates that correspond to the
types of validation failures that can occur.

Generally, the isValid() method will not throw any exceptions unless it is impossible to
determine whether or not the input value is valid (Ex: an LDAP server cannot be contacted, a
file cannot be opened, a database unavailable, etc.)

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Which of the following could be used to validate an email

address (choose 2):

a. Zend_Validate::is($email, 'EmailAddress');

b. Zend_Validate::isValid($email, 'EmailAddress');

c. $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();

if ($validator->isValid($email)) {
// email appears to be valid

d. $validator = new
if ($validator->isValid()) {
// email appears to be valid

Which of the following can be used to produce:

<a href="">Click</a>

from the following input:

<a href="" onclick="doEvil()">Click</a>

a. Zend_Filter_StripTags

b. Zend_Text

c. Zend_Uri

d. Zend_View

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Which of the following could be used to validate an email

address (choose 2):
a. Zend_Validate::is($email, 'EmailAddress');

b. Zend_Validate::isValid($email, 'EmailAddress');

c. $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();

if ($validator->isValid($email)) {
// email appears to be valid

d. $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress($email);

if ($validator->isValid()) {
// email appears to be valid

Which of the following can be used to produce:

<a href="">Click</a>

from the following input:

<a href="" onclick="doEvil()">Click</a>

a. Zend_Filter_StripTags

b. Zend_Text

c. Zend_Uri

d. Zend_View

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 64

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide FORMS


Forms - Validation

Definitions Purpose / Use Validator Chains

Plugin Paths Error Messages

Forms - Filtering

Definitions Purpose / Use Plugin Paths


Forms - Decorators

Definitions Purpose / Use Plugin Paths

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Forms - Elements

Definitions Purpose / Use Metadata

Elements Options

Forms Display Groups, Sub-Forms

Definitions Purpose / Use Decorators

Array Notation

Forms Configuration

Definitions Config Object Options

Forms Internationalization

Definitions Translate Object

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Zend Framework: Forms

For the exam, here's what you should know already

You should know the basics of a form what problems does it solve, what plugins does it use,
what role does metadata play with forms, what methods are available and what do they

You should be able to explain the purpose of validators, and know how to utilize them (create,
add and retrieve from elements, ).

You should be able to explain the role of filters, and know how to utilize them (create, chain,
add and retrieve from elements, ).

You should know the purpose of decorators and how to manipulate them.

You should understand the relationship between a form and its elements.

You should know what a display group is, as well as a sub-form, and understand the difference
between the two. You should know how they interact with decorators, and various use cases
for each.

You should understand how to create a config object with form or element options, how to
pass options, and how to pass a config object to a form or element.

Finally, you should know how to internationalize a form what elements can be altered, how
to connect a translate object to a form or element, and how to translate form error messages.

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Zend_Form simplifies form creation and handling in your web application. It accomplishes
the following goals:
Element input filtering and validation
Element ordering
Element and Form rendering, including escaping
Element and form grouping
Element and form-level configuration

It heavily leverages other Zend Framework components to accomplish its goals, including
Zend_Config, _Validate, _Filter, _Loader_PluginLoader, and optionally

Create a Form Object

Instantiate Zend_Form to create a Form object:

$form = new Zend_Form;

It is a best practice to specify the form action and method; you can do this with the
setAction() and setMethod() accessors.


Add Elements to a Form

The 'pre-packaged' elements available with ZF are:

button hidden image

radio reset submit

password text textarea

checkbox / multiCheckbox select(regular, multiselect)

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Add Elements to a Form (continued)

There are several options for adding elements: (1) instantiate concrete elements, pass in these
objects; (2) pass in the element type, have Zend_Form instantiate an object of the correct
type; (3) use createElement() and then attach the element to the form using
addElement(); (4) use configuration to specify elements for Zend_Form to create.

// Instantiating an element and passing to the form object:

$form->addElement(new Zend_Form_Element_Text('username'));

// Passing a form element type to the form object:

$form->addElement('text', 'username');

By default, these do not have any validators or filters. Therefore, you will need to configure
your elements with validators, and potentially filters

(a) before you pass the element to the form, or

(b) via configuration options passed in when creating an element via Zend_Form, or

(c) by pulling the element from the form object and configuring it after the fact.

Example: Creating Validators for a Concrete Element Instance

$username = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('username');

// Passing a Zend_Validate_* object:

$username->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());

// Passing a validator name:


In this example, you can either pass in Zend_Validate_* objects, or the name of a validator
to use in the latter case, the validator can accept constructor arguments, which can be
passed in an array as the third parameter:
$username->addValidator('regex', false, array('/^[a-z]/i'));

Specify an Element as Required

This can be done using either an accessor or by passing an option when creating the element.
When an element is required, a 'NotEmpty' validator is added to the top of the validator
chain, ensuring that the element has a value when required.

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Example: Creating Filters for a Concrete Element Instance

Filters are registered in basically the same way as validators. For illustration purposes, this
code adds a filter to lowercase the final value.

->addValidator('regex', false, array('/^[a-z]/'))
// or, more compactly:
array('regex', false, '/^[a-z]/i')

Using a Factory for Adding Elements

When creating a new element using Zend_Form::addElement() as a factory, you can

optionally pass in configuration options, including validators and filters to utilize.

$form->addElement('text', 'username', array(

'validators' => array(
array('regex', false, '/^[a-z]/i')
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('StringToLower'),

Render a Form
Most elements use a Zend_View helper to render themselves, thereby requiring a view
object. Alternatively, you can either use the form's render() method, or simply echo it.
By default, Zend_Form and Zend_Form_Element will attempt to use the view object
initialized in the ViewRenderer, negating the need to set the view manually when using the
Zend Framework MVC. However, if you are not using the MVC view renderer you will need to
provide a Zend_View object to render the form elements. This is because
Zend_Form_Element objects use the View helpers for rendering. Printing the form in a view
script is then simple: <?= $this->form ?>

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Checking for Form Validity

When a form is assessed for validity, each element is checked against the data provided. If a
key matching the element name is not present, and the item is marked as required, validations
are run with a null value. The data sources are standard ($_GET, $_POST, Web Services, etc.).

if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
// success!
} else {
// failure!

Partial Forms: Ajax requests may allow for checking on a single element or groups.
isValidPartial() will validate a partial form but, in contrast to isValid(), if a particular
key is not present, it will not run validations for that element.

Fetching Filtered and Unfiltered Values

Once the validations have been passed, filtered values can be retrieved with getValues()

$values = $form->getValues();

For unfiltered values:

$unfiltered = $form->getUnfilteredValues();

Retrieve Error Messages

Generally, when a form fails validation, it can simply be rendered again, and the errors will be
displayed using the default decorators. To inspect the errors, either use the getErrors()
method, which returns an associative array of element names/codes (= an array of error
codes), or getMessages(), which returns an associative array of element names/messages
(= an associative array of error code/error message pairs). If a given element does not have any
errors, it will not be included in the array. Zend_Form::getMessages() returns an
associative array of associative arrays; keys (element names) point to an associative array of
code/message pairs.

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FORMS FILTERS (also see the Filtering and Validation section of this guide)

It is often useful and/or necessary to perform some kind of normalization on input prior to
validation for instance, to strip out all the HTML for security, but then run your validations on
what remains to ensure the submission is valid; or, to trim empty space surrounding input so
that a StringLength validator will not return a false positive.

These operations may be performed using Zend_Filter; Zend_Form_Element has

support for filter chains, allowing you to specify multiple, sequential filters to utilize. Filtering
happens both during validation and when you retrieve the element value via getValue().
Recall for unfiltered values to use: $unfiltered = $form->getUnfilteredValues();

<? php
$filtered = $element->getValue();

Filters can be added to the chain in two ways:

passing in a concrete filter instance
providing a filter name either a short name or a fully qualified class name

// Concrete filter instance:
$element->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_Alnum());
// Fully qualified class name:
// Short filter name:

Short names are typically the filter name minus the prefix. In the default case, this will mean
minus the 'Zend_Filter_' prefix. Additionally, the first letter need not be in upper-case.

Custom Filter Classes

Use addPrefixPath() with Zend_Form_Element to utilize custom filter classes. Example:

$element->addPrefixPath('My_Filter', 'My/Filter/', 'filter');

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FORMS VALIDATORS (also see the Filtering and Validation section of this guide)

Validators examine input against a set of requirements and produce a boolean result (True or
False) as to whether the input passed. The process can also provide further information about
which requirement(s) the input either met or failed. This is especially important in a security
context (filter input, escape output).

In Zend_Form, each element includes its own validator chain, consisting of

Zend_Validate_* validators.

Validators may be added to the chain in two ways:

passing in a concrete validator instance
providing a validator name either a short name or a fully qualified class name

// Concrete validator instance:

$element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());

// Fully qualified class name:


// Short validator name:


Short names are typically the validator name minus the prefix. In the default case, this will
mean minus the 'Zend_Validate_' prefix. The first letter need not be in upper-case.

Custom Validator Classes

Use addPrefixPath() with Zend_Form_Element to utilize custom validator classes:

$element->addPrefixPath('My_Validator, 'My/Validator/',

Recall that the third argument indicates the plugin loader on which to perform the action. If a
particular validation failure should prevent later validators from firing, then pass the boolean
TRUE as the second parameter: $element->addValidator('alnum', true);

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Custom Validator Messages

Some developers may wish to provide custom error messages for a validator. The
Zend_Form_Element::addValidator()$options argument allows you to do so by
providing the key 'messages' and setting it to an array of key/value pairs for the message
templates. You will need to know the error codes of the various validation error types for the
particular validator.

A better option is to use a Zend_Translate_Adapter with your form. Error codes are
automatically passed to the adapter by the default errors decorator - you can then specify
your own error message strings by setting up translations for the various error codes of your

You can also set multiple validators at once, using addValidators(). The basic way to
utilize this method is to pass an array of arrays, with each array containing 1 to 3 values, that
matches the addValidator()constructor.

array('NotEmpty', true),
array('stringLength', false, array(6, 20)),

Alternatively, you can use the array keys 'validator', 'breakChainOnFailure', and

'validator' => 'NotEmpty',
'breakChainOnFailure' => true),
array('validator' => 'alnum'),
'validator' => 'stringLength',
'options' => array(6, 20)),

Note the use of 'breakChainOnFailure' in the second argument. When set to 'TRUE', any
later validations in the chain are skipped.

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Configure Validators
The previous example provided in the Custom Validator Error Messages section provides the
scenario for showing how to configure validators in a config file:

element.validators.notempty.validator = "NotEmpty"
element.validators.notempty.breakChainOnFailure = true
element.validators.alnum.validator = "Alnum"
element.validators.strlen.validator = "StringLength"
element.validators.strlen.options.min = 6
element.validators.strlen.options.max = 20

Note that every item has a key, whether or not it needs one. This is a limitation of using
configuration files, but it helps to clarify the purpose of each argument. Remember that any
validator options must be specified in the correct order.

To validate an element, pass the value to isValid():

if ($element->isValid($value)) {
// valid
} else {
// invalid

Recall: Zend_Form_Element::isValid() filters values through the provided filter chain

prior to validation. It can take an optional second argument, $context. Usually, Zend_Form
passes in the entire array of values being validated, which allows you to write validators that
compare a value against other submitted values.

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Zend_Form Elements as General-Purpose Validators

Zend_Form_Element implements Zend_Validate_Interface, illustrating how an
element may also be used as a validator in other, non-form related validation chains. Methods
setRequired($flag) and isRequired()
allow you to set and retrieve the status of the 'required' flag. When set to boolean
true, this flag requires that the element be in the data processed by Zend_Form.

setAllowEmpty() and getAllowEmpty()

allow you to modify the behavior of optional elements (i.e., elements where the
required flag is false). When the 'allow empty' flag is true, empty values will not be
passed to the validator chain.

allows you to specify whether or not a 'NotEmpty' validator will be prepended to
the validator chain when the element is required. By default, this flag is true.
addValidator($nameOrValidator, $breakChainOnFailure = false,
array $options = null)

addValidators(array $validators)

setValidators(array $validators)
overwrites all validators

retrieves a validator object by name

retrieves all validators

removes validator by name

removes all validators

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Plugin Loaders
Zend_Form_Element makes use of Zend_Loader_PluginLoader to specify the locations
of alternate validators, filters, and decorators. Each has its own plugin loader associated with
it, and general accessors are used to retrieve and modify each. The following loader types are
used with the various plugin loader methods (the type names are case insensitive):
validate filter decorator

The methods used to interact with plugin loaders are as follows:

setPluginLoader($loader, $type):
$loader is the plugin loader object itself, while $type is one of the types. This sets
the plugin loader for the given type to the newly specified loader object.

retrieves the plugin loader associated with $type.

addPrefixPath($prefix, $path, $type = null):

adds a prefix/path association to the loader specified by $type. If $type is null, it will
attempt to add the path to all loaders, by appending the prefix with each of
"_Validate", "_Filter", and "_Decorator"; and appending the path with
"Validate/", "Filter/", and "Decorator/". Having all the extra form element
classes under a common hierarchy is a convenient method for setting the base prefix
for them.

addPrefixPaths(array $spec):
allows the addition of many paths at once to one or more plugin loaders. It expects
each array item to be an array with the keys 'path', 'prefix', and 'type'.

Custom validators, filters, and decorators are an easy way to share functionality among forms
and encapsulate custom functionality. The online Reference Guide provides an extensive
example for creating a custom decorator.

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Zend_Form_Element uses "decorators", which are simply classes that have access to both
the element and a method for rendering content. These decorators can replace content,
append content, or prepend content, and have full introspection to the element passed to
them. As a result, multiple decorators can be combined to achieve custom effects. By default,
Zend_Form_Element actually combines four decorators to achieve its output. Example:

ViewHelper: specifies a view helper to use for rendering the element. The 'helper'
element attribute can be used to specify which view helper to use. By default,
Zend_Form_Element specifies the 'formText' view helper, but individual
subclasses specify different helpers.

Errors: appends error messages to the element using

Zend_View_Helper_FormErrors. If no errors are present, nothing is appended.

HtmlTag: wraps the element and errors in an HTML <dd> tag.

Label: prepends a label to the element using Zend_View_Helper_FormLabel, and

wraps it in a <dt> tag. If no label is provided, just the definition term tag is rendered.

By default, the default decorators are loaded during object initialization. You can disable this
by passing the 'disableLoadDefaultDecorators' option to the constructor:

$element = new Zend_Form_Element(
array('disableLoadDefaultDecorators' => true)

This option may be mixed with any other options you pass, both as array options or in a
Zend_Config object. The initial content is created by the 'ViewHelper' decorator, which
creates the form element itself. Next, the 'Errors' decorator fetches error messages from
the element, and, if any are present, passes them to the 'FormErrors' view helper to
render. The next decorator, 'HtmlTag', wraps the element and errors in an HTML <dd> tag.
Finally, the last decorator, 'label', retrieves the element's label and passes it to the
'FormLabel' view helper, wrapping it in an HTML <dt> tag; the value is prepended to the
content by default.

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Multiple Decorators
Zend_Form_Element uses a decorator's class as the lookup mechanism when retrieving
decorators. As a result, you cannot register multiple decorators of the same type; subsequent
decorators will simply overwrite those that existed before. To get around this, you can use
aliases. Instead of passing a decorator or decorator name as the first argument to
addDecorator(), pass an array with a single element, with the alias pointing to the
decorator object or name:

// Alias to 'FooBar':
array('FooBar' => 'HtmlTag'),
array('tag' => 'div')

// And retrieve later:

$decorator = $element->getDecorator('FooBar');

In the addDecorators() and setDecorators() methods, you can either pass the
'decorator' option in the array representing the decorator, or pass it as the first element in the
decorator portion of the array:

// Add two 'HtmlTag' decorators, aliasing one to 'FooBar':
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'div')),
'decorator' => array('FooBar' => 'HtmlTag'),
'options' => array('tag' => 'dd')

// And retrieve later:

$htmlTag = $element->getDecorator('HtmlTag');
$fooBar = $element->getDecorator('FooBar');

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The Zend_Form_Element constructor accepts either an array of options or a
Zend_Config object containing options, and it can also be configured using either
setOptions() or setConfig(). Generally speaking, keys are named as follows:

If the 'set' + key refers to a Zend_Form_Element method, then the value provided will
be passed to that method.

Otherwise, the value will be used to set an attribute

The first letter of a config key can be either lower or upper case, but the remainder of
the key should follow the same case as the accessor method

Exceptions to the rule include:

prefixPath will be passed to addPrefixPaths()
The following setters cannot be set in this way:
o setAttrib (although setAttribs will work)
o setConfig
o setOptions
o setPluginLoader
o setTranslator
o setView

Display Groups
Display groups are a way to create virtual groupings of elements for display purposes. All
elements remain accessible by name in the form, but when iterating over the form or
rendering, any elements in a display group are rendered together. The most common use case
for this is for grouping elements in fieldsets.

The base class for display groups is Zend_Form_DisplayGroup. While it can be instantiated
directly, it is typically best to use the Zend_Form addDisplayGroup() method to do so. This
method takes an array of elements as its first argument, and a name for the display group as
its second argument. You may optionally pass in an array of options or a Zend_Config
object as the third argument. Assuming that the elements 'username' and 'password' are
already set in the form, this code would group these elements in a 'login' display group:

$form->addDisplayGroup(array('username', 'password'), 'login');

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Sub Forms
Sub forms serve several purposes:
Creating logical element groups. Since sub forms are simply forms, you can validate
subforms as individual entities.
Creating multi-page forms. Since sub forms are simply forms, you can display a
separate sub form per page, building up multi-page forms where each form has its
own validation logic. Only once all sub forms validate would the form be considered
Display groupings. Like display groups, sub forms, when rendered as part of a larger
form, can be used to group elements. Be aware, however, that the master form object
will have no awareness of the elements in sub forms.

$form->addSubForm($subForm, 'subform');

You can retrieve a sub form using either getSubForm($name) or overloading using the sub
form name.

// Using getSubForm():
$subForm = $form->getSubForm('subform');

// Using overloading:
$subForm = $form->subform;

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Internationalization of Forms
By default, no internationalization (I18n) is performed. To turn on I18n features in
Zend_Form, you will need to instantiate a Zend_Translate object with an appropriate
adapter, and attach it to Zend_Form and/or Zend_Validate.
Add to the Registry - this will be picked up by Zend_Form, Zend_Validate, and

// use the 'Zend_Translate' key; $translate is a
// Zend_Translate object:
Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Translate', $translate);

Error Messages: register the translation object with Zend_Validate_Abstract

//Tell all validation classes to use a specific translate adapter

or attach to the Zend_Form object as a global translator. This has the side effect of also
translating validation error messages.
//Tell all form classes to use a specific translate adapter, as
//well as use this adapter to translate validation error messages

Permissible Translation Targets:

Validation error messages. Use the various error code constants from Zend_Validate
validation classes as the message IDs.
Labels. Element labels will be translated, if a translation exists.
Fieldset Legends. Display groups and sub forms rendered in fieldsets by default. The
Fieldset decorator attempts to translate the legend before rendering the fieldset.
Form and Element Descriptions. All form types (element, form, display group, sub form)
allow specifying an optional item description - the Description decorator can render this,
and by default will take the value and attempt to translate it.
Multi-option Values. For items inheriting from Zend_Form_Element_Multi
(MultiCheckbox, Multiselect, Radio elements), the option values (not keys) will be
translated if one is available; option labels presented to the user will be translated.
Submit and Button Labels. The various Submit and Button elements (Button, Submit, and
Reset) will translate the label displayed to the user.

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Validators used with Zend_Form should implement which

a. Zend_Form_Validator_Abstract

b. Zend_Validate_Abstract

c. Zend_Validate_Interface

d. Zend_Form_Validate_Interface

Which of the following is NOT a valid mechanism for adding a

decorator to an element?
a. <code>

b. <code>

c. <code>

d. <code>
array('helper' => 'foo'));

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Validators used with Zend_Form should implement which class?

a. Zend_Form_Validator_Abstract

b. Zend_Validate_Abstract

c. Zend_Validate_Interface

d. Zend_Form_Validate_Interface

Which of the following is NOT a valid mechanism for adding a

decorator to an element?
a. <code>

b. <code>

c. <code>

d. <code>
array('helper' => 'foo'));

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Use / Purpose Multiple Environs .ini Files

Bootstrap File Config Objects


Use / Purpose Catching Exception


Definitions Use / Purpose Validator Classes



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Use / Purpose Autoloading Conventions




Definitions Use / Purpose Bootstrap

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Zend Framework: Infrastructure

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to explain the purpose of configuration for single and multiple
environments within an MVC-based application.

You should be able to define a configuration object using an ini file, and then interact with
and utilize that configuration object; you should know how to set up an application bootstrap
file to utilize a configuration file.

You should know the purpose of framework-specific exceptions and what they represent; you
should also be able to create code that catches exceptions thrown by any ZF component.

You should know the purpose of having a registry within an object-oriented based

You should be able to assign application-wide objects to the global registry, as well as know
when and how to create an alternative to the global registry.

You should know when to use, and when not to use, Zend_Loader within an application
and libraries, know how to utilize the autoload feature, know how Zend_Loader maps class
names to files.

You should be able to explain the purpose of Zend_Loader_PluginLoader as well as

utilize it within an application.

You should understand the features and benefits that Zend_Session provides, how to set
an application bootstrap file to use Zend_Session, and how to persist data between

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Zend_Config is designed to simplify access to, and use of, configuration data within
applications. It provides a nested object property-based user interface for accessing
configuration data within application code.

The configuration data may come from a variety of media-supporting hierarchical data
storage. Currently Zend_Config provides adapters for configuration data that are stored in
text files with Zend_Config_Ini and Zend_Config_Xml (two most commonly used).

Configuration Data in PHP Array

If the config data is available in a PHP array, simply pass the data to the Zend_Config
constructor to utilize a simple, object-oriented interface. Zend_Config also has get(),
which will return the supplied default value if the data element doesnt exist.

// Given an array of configuration data
$configArray = array(
'webhost' => '',
'database' => array(
'adapter' => 'pdo_mysql',
'params' => array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'dbuser',
'password' => 'secret',
'dbname' => 'mydatabase'

// Create the object-oriented wrapper upon the configuration data

require_once 'Zend/Config.php';
$config = new Zend_Config($configArray);

// Print a configuration datum (results in '')

echo $config->webhost;

// Use the configuration data to connect to the database

$db = Zend_Db::factory($config->database->adapter,

// Alternative usage: simply pass the Zend_Config object.

// The Zend_Db factory knows how to interpret it.
$db = Zend_Db::factory($config->database);

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Using Zend_Config with a PHP Configuration File:

It is often desirable to use a purely PHP-based configuration file. Example:

// config.php
return array(
'webhost' => '',
'database' => array(
'adapter' => 'pdo_mysql',
'params' => array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'dbuser',
'password' => 'secret',
'dbname' => 'mydatabase'

// Configuration consumption
require_once 'Zend/Config.php';
$config = new Zend_Config(require 'config.php');

// Print a configuration datum (results in '')

echo $config->webhost;

How Configuration Works:

Configuration data are made accessible to the Zend_Config constructor through an
associative array, which may be multidimensional, in order to support organizing the data
from general to specific. Concrete adapter classes are used in the process. User scripts may
provide such arrays directly to the Zend_Config constructor, without using an adapter
class, whenever it is more appropriate to do so.

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How Configuration Works (continued)

Each configuration data array value becomes a property of the Zend_Config object, with
the key used as the property name. If a value is itself an array, then the resulting object
property created is a new Zend_Config object, loaded with the array data. This occurs
recursively, such that a hierarchy of configuration data may be created with any number of

Zend_Config implements the Countable and Iterator interfaces in order to facilitate simple
access to configuration data, allowing the use of the count() function and PHP constructs
such as foreach upon Zend_Config objects.

Adapter classes inherit from the Zend_Config class since they utilize its functionality.
The Zend_Config family of classes enables configuration data to be organized into sections.
Zend_Config adapter objects may be loaded with a single specified section, multiple
specified sections, or all sections (if none are specified).

Zend_Config adapter classes support a single inheritance model that enables configuration
data to be inherited from one section of configuration data into another, reducing or
eliminating the need for duplicating configuration data for different purposes. An inheriting
section can also override the values that it inherits through its parent section.
Two Zend_Config objects can be merged into a single object using the merge() function.

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Zend_Config_Ini enables developers to store configuration data in a familiar INI format
and read them in the application using nested object property syntax. The INI format is
specialized to provide both the ability to have a hierarchy of configuration data keys and
inheritance between configuration data sections.

Configuration data hierarchies are supported by separating the keys with a period character (.)

A section may extend or inherit from another section by following the section name with a
colon character (:) and the name of the section from which to inherit the data.

The configuration data may represent multiple environments (Ex: production and staging).
The developer would simply specify which environment to engage by specifying the INI file
and the specified environments section (path). In this example, the configuration data for the
staging environment is being used. Given that the configuration data is contained in
/path/to/config.ini :

; Production site configuration data

webhost =
database.adapter = pdo_mysql =
database.params.username = dbuser
database.params.password = secret
database.params.dbname = dbname

; Staging site configuration data inherits from production and

; overrides values as necessary
[staging : production] =
database.params.username = devuser
database.params.password = devsecret

$config = new Zend_Config_Ini('/path/to/config.ini', 'staging');

echo $config->database->params->host; // prints ""

echo $config->database->params->dbname; // prints "dbname"

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Zend_Config_Xml enables developers to store configuration data in a simple XML format
and read them via nested object property syntax. Configuration data read into
Zend_Config_Xml are always returned as strings.
The root element of the XML file is irrelevant and the first level corresponds with configuration
data sections. The XML format supports hierarchical organization through nesting of XML
elements below the section-level elements. The content of a leaf-level XML element
corresponds to the value of a configuration datum. Section inheritance is supported by a
special XML attribute named extends, and the value of this attribute corresponds with the
section from which data are to be inherited by the extending section.

Example: using Zend_Config_Xml for loading configuration data from an XML file
with multiple environments (staging and production). Given that the configuration
data is contained in /path/to/config.xml, and the application needs the staging
configuration data:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<staging extends="production">

$config = new Zend_Config_Xml('/path/to/config.xml', 'staging');

echo $config->database->params->host; // prints ""

echo $config->database->params->dbname; // prints "dbname"

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All exceptions thrown by Zend Framework classes should derive from the base class

Catching Exceptions

The following example illustrates code for catching exceptions within a ZF application:


try {
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
echo "Caught exception: " . get_class($e) . "\n";
echo "Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// other code to recover from the failure.


Reading the Zend Framework Version

The class constant Zend_Version::VERSION contains a string that identifies the current
version number of Zend Framework.

The static method Zend_Version::compareVersion($version)is based on the PHP

function version_compare(). The method returns -1 if the specified $version is
older than the Zend Framework version, 0 if they are the same, and +1 if the specified
$version is newer than the Zend Framework version.

// returns -1, 0 or 1
$cmp = Zend_Version::compareVersion('1.0.0');

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The registry is a container for storing objects and values in the application space. By
storing the value in the registry, the same object is always available throughout your
application. This mechanism is an alternative to using global storage.

The typical usage of the registry is through static methods in the Zend_Registry
class. Alternatively, the class is an array object, so you can access elements stored
within it with a convenient array-like interface

Constructing a Registry Object

In addition to accessing the static registry through static methods, you can create an
instance directly and use it as an object. The registry instance you access through the
static methods is simply one such instance, and it is for convenience that it is stored
statically, so you can access it from anywhere in your application.

Use a traditional new constructor to create an instance of the registry. This gives you
the opportunity to initialize the entries in the registry as an associative array.

Example: Constructing a Registry

$registry = new Zend_Registry(array('index' => $value));

After constructing this instance, you can use it using array-object methods, or you can
set this instance to become the static instance using setInstance().

Example: Initializing the Static Registry

$registry = new Zend_Registry(array('index' => $value));


The setInstance() method throws a Zend_Exception if the static registry has

already been initialized by its first access.

Example: Catching an Exception

try {
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
echo "Caught exception: " . get_class($e) . "\n";
echo "Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// other code to recover from the failure.

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The Zend_Loader class includes methods to help you load files dynamically.

Loading Files
The static method Zend_Loader::loadFile() loads a PHP file, which may contain any
PHP code. The method is a wrapper for the PHP function include()and throws
Zend_Exception on failure.

The $filename argument specifies the filename to load it can only contain alphanumeric
characters, hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), or periods ("."), and must not contain any path
information. A security check is run on this.

No similar restrictions are placed on the $dirs argument, which specifies the directories to
search for the file. If it returns NULL, only the include_path is searched. If it returns a string
or array, the directory or directories specified will be searched, and then the include_path.

The $once argument is a boolean. If TRUE, Zend_Loader::loadFile() uses the PHP

function include_once() for loading the file, otherwise the PHP function include() is

Loading Classes
The static method Zend_Loader::loadClass($class, $dirs) loads a PHP file and
then checks for the existence of the class. The string specifying the class is converted to a
relative path by substituting directory separates for underscores, and appending '.php'. Ex:
'Container_Tree' would become 'Container/Tree.php'.


If $dirs is a string or an array, Zend_Loader::loadClass() searches the directories in

the order supplied, loading the first matching file. If the file does not exist in the specified
$dirs, then the include_path is searched. If the file is not found or the class does not exist
after the load, a Zend_Exception is thrown.

When Zend_Loader::loadClass() is used, the class name can contain only

alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), or periods (".")

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Plugin Loader

A number of Zend Framework components are pluggable, and allow loading of dynamic
functionality by specifying a class prefix and path to class files that are not necessarily on the
include_path, or do not necessarily follow traditional naming conventions.
Zend_Loader_PluginLoader provides common functionality for this.

The basic usage of the PluginLoader follows Zend Framework naming conventions - one
class per file, using the underscore as a directory separator when resolving paths. It allows
passing an optional class prefix to prepend when determining if a particular plugin class is
loaded, and paths are searched in LIFO order (Last In, First Out). This allows for namespacing
plugins, and thus overriding plugins from paths registered earlier.

Zend_Loader_PluginLoader also optionally allows plugins to be shared across plugin-

aware objects, without needing to utilize a singleton instance, via a static registry. Simply
indicate the registry name at instantiation as the second parameter to the constructor. Other
components that instantiate the PluginLoader using the same registry name will then have
access to already loaded paths and plugins.
Example: given the following directory structure, the sample code follows:


$loader = new Zend_Loader_PluginLoader();
$loader->addPrefixPath('Zend_View_Helper', 'Zend/View/Helper/')

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For PHP applications, a session represents a logical, one-to-one connection between server-
side, persistent state data and a particular user agent client (e.g., a web browser).
Zend_Session helps manage and preserve session data, a logical complement of cookie
data, across multiple page requests by the same client.

Session Data

Unlike cookie data, session data are not stored on the client side and are only shared with the
client when server-side source code voluntarily makes the data available in response to a
client request. (Here, the term "session data" refers to the server-side data stored in
$_SESSION, managed by Zend_Session, and individually manipulated by
Zend_Session_Namespace accessor objects.)


Session namespaces provide access to session data using classic namespaces implemented
logically as named groups of associative arrays, keyed by strings (similar to normal PHP arrays).
Zend_Session_Namespace instances are accessor objects for namespaced slices of
$_SESSION. The Zend_Session component wraps the existing PHP ext/session with an
administration and management interface, as well as providing an API for
Zend_Session_Namespace to persist session namespaces. Zend_Session_Namespace
provides a standardized, object-oriented interface for working with namespaces persisted
inside PHP's standard session mechanism.
Support exists for both anonymous and authenticated (e.g., "login") session namespaces.
Zend_Auth, the authentication component of ZF, uses Zend_Session_Namespace to store
some information associated with authenticated users.
Since Zend_Session uses the normal PHP extension/session functions internally, all the
familiar configuration options and settings apply, with the convenience of an object-oriented
interface and default behavior that provides both best practices and smooth integration with
the Zend Framework. Thus, a standard PHP session identifier, whether conveyed by cookie or
within URLs, maintains the association between a client and session state data.

When the first session namespace is requested, Zend_Session will automatically start the
PHP session, unless already started with Zend_Session::start(). The PHP session will
use defaults from Zend_Session, unless modified by Zend_Session::setOptions().

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Operation (continued)

To set a session configuration option, include the basename as a key of an array passed to
Zend_Session::setOptions(). The corresponding value in the array is used to set the
session option value. If no options are set, Zend_Session will utilize recommended default
options first, then default php.ini settings.

Bootstrap File

If you want all requests to have a session facilitated by Zend_Session, then start the session
in the bootstrap file. This also prevents the session from starting after headers have been sent
to the browser, which results in an exception, and possibly a broken page for website viewers.
Example: Starting the Global Session

require_once 'Zend/Session.php';


For more information about the right, and wrong, way to start a session, see the Programmers

Persist Data and Objects

Limits can be placed on the longevity of both namespaces and individual keys in namespaces.
Expiration can be based on either elapsed seconds or the number of "hops", where a hop
occurs for each successive request that instantiates the namespace at least once. When
working with data expiring from the session in the current request, care should be used when
retrieving them. Although the data is returned by reference, modifying the data will not make
expiring data persist past the current request. In order to "reset" the expiration time, fetch the
data into temporary variables, use the namespace to unset them, and then set the appropriate
keys again.

Objects persisted in the PHP session are serialized for storage, and so must be unserialized
upon retrieval but it is important to realize that the classes for the persisted objects must
have been defined before the object is unserialized. If objects are unserialized to an unknown
class, they become __PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name objects.

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Zend_Config allows hierarchical and sectioned key-value

pairs to exist in a single file.
a. True
b. False

Given $tree = new Tree(array('type' => 'cedar')); , and you

wish to persist this object via Zend_Session, which call
will put this object in the default namespace?

a. Zend_Session_Namespace::set('tree', $tree);

b. $sess = new Zend_Session_Namespace();

$sess->tree = $tree;

c. $sess = new Zend_Session();

$sess->tree = $tree;

d. $sess = Zend_Session::getInstance()
$sess->set('tree', $tree);

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Zend_Config allows hierarchical and sectioned key-value

pairs to exist in a single file.
a. True
b. False

Given $tree = new Tree(array('type' => 'cedar')); , and you

wish to persist this object via Zend_Session, which call
will put this object in the default namespace?

a. Zend_Session_Namespace::set('tree', $tree);

b. $sess = new Zend_Session_Namespace();

$sess->tree = $tree;

c. $sess = new Zend_Session();

$sess->tree = $tree;

d. $sess = Zend_Session::getInstance()
$sess->set('tree', $tree);

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Definitions Use / Purpose Downgrading

Awareness UTF-8 Caching

Translation Data Single/List Datas


Adapter Sources Directory

Options Scanning Translation

Language Cache Check

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Definitions Options Formats

Timezone API Localization


Creation Output


Adapter Set Parameters

Fluidity Standalone

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Zend Framework: Internationalization

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of locales what they are, where
they are stored, how to create one, downgrading & checking, etc.

In addition, you should know how the translation process works, how to select and use
adapters, access different sources, change languages, etc.

Also, you should be able to work with both dates and with currency, and their corresponding
options and functions.

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Internationalization of a web site requires two basic processes: Localization (L10N) and
Internationalization (I18N). Many considerations go into adjusting web sites for regions, as
revealed by the various needed ZF components. For more detail, see the Programmers Guide.

Within Zend Framework, the following components are used in the localization process the
component name reveals its role in most cases:
Zend_Date includes date and time

Zend Locale
A locale string or object provides Zend_Locale and its subclasses access to information
about the language and region expected by the user. Correct formatting, normalization, and
conversions are made based on this information. Locale identifier strings used in Zend
Framework are internationally defined standard abbreviations of language and region, written
as language_REGION. Both parts are abbreviated as alphabetic, ASCII characters.
Zend_Locale, unlike PHPs setlocale(), is thread-safe.

Generally, new Zend_Locale() will automatically select the correct locale, with preference
given to information provided by the user's web browser. If
Zend_Locale(Zend_Locale::ENVIRONMENT) is used, then preference will be given to the
host server's environment configuration, as shown below.

require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';
$locale = new Zend_Locale();
$locale1 = new Zend_Locale(Zend_Locale::BROWSER);
// default behavior, same as above
$locale2 = new Zend_Locale(Zend_Locale::ENVIRONMENT);
// prefer settings on host server
$locale3 = new Zend_Locale(Zend_Locale::FRAMEWORK);
// prefer framework app default settings

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Automatic Locales

Zend_Locale provides three "automatic" locales that do not belong to any language or
region. They have the same effect as the method getDefault() but without the negative
consequences, like creating an instance. These locales can be used anywhere, including with
standard locales, with their definition, and with their string representation. These automatic
locales offer an easy solution to a variety of situations, as when locales are provided within a
browser. Three locales have a slightly different behavior:

Zend_Locale should work with the information provided by the user's Web browser. It is
published by PHP in the global variable HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. If a user provides more
than one locale within the browser, Zend_Locale will use the highest quality locale. If the
user provides no locale in the browser, or the script is being called from the command line, the
automatic locale 'environment' will be used and returned.

Zend_Locale works with the information provided by the host server, and is published by
PHP via the internal function setlocale(). If a environment provides more than one locale,
Zend_Locale will use the first locale encountered. If the host does not provide a locale, the
automatic locale 'browser' will be used and returned.

Zend_Locale should automatically detect any locale which can be worked with. It will first
search for a users locale and then, if unsuccessful, search for the host locale. If no locale can be
detected, it will degrade to a "default" locale which is "en" when the user does not set it. This
setting can be overwritten. Options are to set a new locale manually, or define a default
location. Example: With, and Without, Auto-Detection

require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';

// without automatic detection

// $locale = new Zend_Locale(Zend_Locale::BROWSER);
// $date = new Zend_Date($locale);

// with automatic detection

$date = new Zend_Date('auto');

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Performance Considerations
The performance of Zend_Locale and its subclasses can be boosted by the use of
Zend_Cache, specifically the static method Zend_Locale::setCache($cache).

Zend_Locale_Format can be sped up the using the option cache within

Zend_Locale_Format::setOptions(array('cache' => $adapter));.
If both classes are used, be sure to only set a cache for Zend_Locale; otherwise, the data
will be cached twice.

Locale Objects Copying, Cloning, Serializing

Zend_Locale provides localized information for each locale, including local names for days
of the week, months, etc. Use object cloning to duplicate a locale object exactly and
efficiently. Most locale-aware methods also accept string representations of locales, such as
the result of $locale->toString().

If you know many objects should all use the same default locale, explicitly specify the default
locale to avoid the overhead of each object determining the default locale.

require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';

$locale = new Zend_Locale('ar');

// Save the $locale object as a serialization

$serializedLocale = $locale->serialize();
// re-create the original object
$localeObject = unserialize($serializedLocale);

// Obtain a string identification of the locale

$stringLocale = $locale->toString();

// Make a cloned copy of the $local object

$copiedLocale = clone $locale;

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Equality Comparing Locales

Zend_Locale provides a function to compare two locales all locale-aware classes should
provide a similar equality check.

require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';

$locale = new Zend_Locale();

$mylocale = new Zend_Locale('en_US');

// Check if locales are equal

if ($locale->equals($mylocale)) {

Default Locales
getDefault()returns an array of relevant locales using information from the user's web
browser (if available), information from the environment of the host server, and ZF settings. As
with the constructor for Zend_Locale, the first parameter sets the preference for
consideration of information (BROWSER, ENVIRONMENT, or FRAMEWORK) . The second
parameter toggles between returning all matching locales or only the first/best match. Locale-
aware components normally use only the first locale. A quality rating is included, as available.

require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';

$locale = new Zend_Locale();

// Return all default locales

$found = $locale->getDefault();

// Return only browser locales

Use corresponding methods to obtain the default locales relevant only to the:
BROWSER getBrowser()
ENVIRONMENT getEnvironment()

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Set New Locales

A new locale can be set with the function setLocale(). This function takes a locale string as
a parameter. If no locale is given, one is automatically chosen. As Zend_Locale objects are
light, this method exists primarily to cause side-effects for code that have references to the
existing instance object.

require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';
$locale = new Zend_Locale();

// Actual locale
print $locale->toString();

// new locale
print $locale->toString();

Obtaining the Language and Region

Use getLanguage() to obtain a string containing the language code from the string locale
identifier, as the method is able to properly interpret language and region codes. Use
getRegion() to obtain a string containing the two character region code from the string
locale identifier.

Obtaining Localized Strings

getTranslationList() provides convenient access to localized information of various
types, helping to display localized data to a customer without the need for translation. These
strings are available as part of Zend Framework. The requested data is always returned as an
array. Use an array, not multiple values, for giving more than one value to an explicit type.
Example: Some of the getTranslationList()Data Available (see Programmers Guide)

Language Months Month

Script Days Day
Territory Week Quarters
Variant Key Type

For a single translated value, use getTranslation($value=null, $type=null,

$locale=null) and specify which value to be returned. The Programmers Guide has the
complete list of parameters.

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Zend_Translate is Zend Framework's solution for multilingual applications, where the content
must be translated into several languages and displayed depending on the user's language.
While PHP already offers ways to handle internationalization, they have their own issues:
inconsistent API, support only for native arrays or gettext (which is not thread-safe), no
detection of default language. Zend_Translate has none of these issues.

Establishing Multi-Lingual Sites

There are four basic steps in setting up a multi-lingual site:
Decide which adapter to use
Create the View and integrate Zend_Translate into the code
Create the source file from the code
Translate the source file to the desired language

Choose Adapter

Adapters for Zend Translate

Zend_Translate can handle different adapters for translation, each of which has its own
advantages and disadvantages.
Array Tbx Xliff

Csv Tmx XmlTm

Gettext Qt Others

Deciding which adapter to use is often influenced by outside criteria, such as those of a
project or client consult the online Reference Guide for a in-depth discussion of the good
and bad points of using each adapter.
Utilize Adapter Example: Multi-Lingual PHP Code (more examples in Reference Guide)

$translate = new Zend_Translate('gettext', '/my/path/source-', 'de');
$translate->addTranslation('//my/path/', 'fr');

print $translate->_("Example")."\n";
print "=======\n";
print $translate->_("Here is line one")."\n";
$translate->_("Today is the %1\$s") . "\n", date("d.m.Y")
print "\n";

print $translate->_("Fix language here is line two") . "\n";
usage here is line two\n";

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Performance Considerations
Using Zend_Cache internally with Zend_Translate accelerates the loading of translation
sources, useful for multiple sources or extensive source formats like XML-based files. Give a
cache object to the Zend_Translate::setCache() method, which takes a instance of
Zend_Cache as the only parameter. Direct use of an adapter allows for the use of the
setCache() method.

require_once 'Zend/Translate.php';
require_once 'Zend/Cache.php';

$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Page', 'File', $frontendOptions,

$translate = new Zend_Translate('gettext',
'/path/to/', 'en');

Translation Source Adapters

Zend_Translate offers flexibility when it comes to storage of the translation files. The
following structures are preferable, though:
Single-structured Source: All source files in one directory
Language-structured Source: One language per directory
Application-structured Source: One dir; multiple-files per language
Gettext-structured Source: Utilize old gettext sources within structure
File-structured Source: Each file is related to its translation source

Using UTF-8 Source Encoding

To avoid the problems encountered when using two different source encodings, it is a best
practice to always use UTF-8 encoding. Otherwise, if multiple forms are used, it is highly
probable that one of the languages will not display correctly, as there can only be only one
encoding per source file. UTF-8 is a portable format which supports all languages.

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Adapter Options
All adapters support various options these options are set when the adapter is created.
There is one option available to all adapters. 'clear' decides if translation data should be
added to existing content or not. The standard behavior is to add new translation data to
existing data. If the translation data is cleared, it is important to note that this step will apply
only to the selected language - all other languages will remain untouched.



all clear false if set to true, translations already read will

be cleared. This can be used instead of
creating a new instance when reading new
translation data

all scan null If set to null, no scanning of the directory

structure will be done.

If set to
the locale will be detected within the

If set to
the locale will be detected within the

Csv separator ; Defines which sign is used for separating

source and translation

Self-defined options can also be used with all adapters. Utilize the setOptions() method,
and provide an array with the desired options.

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Source Files
Creating CSV Source Files
CSV source files are small, readable files, easy to manage.

Creating Array Source Files

Array source files provide an easy form of adapter for the translation process, especially for
message feedback on whether the code is performing as expected.

Creating Gettext Source Files

Gettext source files are created by GNU's gettext library. There are several free tools available
that can parse code files and create the needed gettext source files. These binary files have the
ending *.mo.

Creating TMX Source Files

TMX source files are a new industry standard, with the advantage of being XML files they are
readable by all editors and by people. TMX files can either be created manually with a text
editor, or via tools available on the market.

Source Auto-Detection:
Zend_Translate can detect translation sources automatically. It involves the same process
as initiating a single-translation source, only a directory is provided instead of a file.

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Handling Languages Useful Methods

getLocale(): can be used to get the actual set language; it can either hold an
instance of Zend_Locale or the identifier of a locale

setLocale(): sets a new standard language for translation. This prevents having to
set the optional language parameter more than once to the
translate()method. If the given language does not exist, or no
translation data is available for the language, setLocale()tries to
downgrade to the language without the region, if any was given.
A language of en_US would be downgraded to en. If the
downgraded language cannot be found, an exception is thrown

isAvailable(): checks if a given language is already available returns TRUE if data

for the given language exists.

getList(): used to get all the set languages for an adapter returned as an array

// returns the actual set language
$actual = $translate->getLocale();
// you can use the optional parameter while translating
echo $translate->_("my_text", "fr");
// or set a new standard language
echo $translate->_("my_text");
// refer to base language... fr_CH is downgraded to fr and used
echo $translate->_("my_text");
// check if this language exist
if ($translate->isAvailable("fr")) {
// language exists

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Handling Languages Auto-Detection

As long as new translation sources are added only with the addTranslation()method
then Zend_Translate will automatically set the language best-suited for the
Language through Named Directories
Automatic language detection can be invoked by naming the language source directories and
supplying the scan option to Zend_Translate.(not for TMX source files)

Language through Filenames

Another way to detect the language automatically is to use special filenames, for either the
entire language file or parts of it. Again, it is required that the scan option is set for
Zend_Translate. There are several ways of naming the source files - complete filename,
file extension, and filename tokens.

Checking for Translations

The isTranslated() method can be used to determine whether text within a source file
has been translated. isTranslated($messageId, $original = false,
$locale = null) takes as the first parameter the text in question; the optional second
parameter determines whether the translation is fixed to the declared language or a lower set
of translations can be used; the optional third parameter is the related locale. If you have text
which can be translated by 'en' but not for 'en_US' you will normally get the translation
returned, but by setting $original to TRUE, the isTranslated() method will return

Access to Source Data

Two functions can be used to access the translation source data:

getMessageIds($locale = null), which returns all know messageIDs as an array,

getMessages($locale = null), which returns the complete translation source as

an array - the message ID is used as the key and the translation data as the value.

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The Zend_Date component offers a detailed but simple API for manipulating dates and times.
Its methods accept a wide variety of information types , including date parts.
Zend_Date also supports abbreviated names of months in many languages. Zend_Locale
facilitates the normalization of localized month and weekday names to timestamps, which
may, in turn, be shown localized to other regions.

UNIX Timestamp
All dates and times are represented internally as absolute moments in time, as a UNIX
timestamp expressing the difference between the desired time and 1/1/1970, 00:00 GMT

Date parts as timestamp offsets

An instance object representing three hours would be expressed as three hours after
1/1/1970, 00:00 GMT

PHP Functions
Where possible, Zend_Date uses PHP functions to improve performance

Setting a Default Time zone

Before using any date-related functions in PHP or the Zend Framework, make certain the
application has a correct default time zone, either by setting the TZ environment variable with
the date.timezone php.ini setting, or using date_default_timezone_set()

// time zone for an American in California


Create a Date Instantiate or Static Method

The simplest way of creating a date object is to create the actual date, either by creating a new
instance with new Zend_Date() or by using the static method Zend_Date::now(). Both
will return the actual date as new instance of Zend_Date. The actual date always includes the
actual date and time for the actual set timezone.

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Create a Date - Database

Zend_Date makes it very easy to create a date from database date values. So we have one
quick and one convenient way of creating dates from database values. The standard output of
all databases is quite different even if it looks the same at first. All are part of the ISO Standard
and explained through it. So, the easiest way to create a date is to use
Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP. Zend_Date::ISO_8601 works with most formats, but is not
the most efficient way.

// SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(my_datetime_column) FROM my_table
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';

$date = new Zend_Date($unixtimestamp, Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);

Output a Date
The date in a Zend_Date object may be obtained as an integer or localized string using the
get() method. There are many available options.

Setting a Date
The set() method alters the date stored in the object, and returns the final date value as a
timestamp (not an object). There are many available options, the same for add() and sub().

Adding/Subtracting a Date
Adding two dates with add() usually involves adding a real date in time with an artificial
timestramp representing a date part, such as 12 hours.

Comparing Dates
All basic Zend_Date methods can operate on entire dates contained in the objects, or on
date parts, such as comparing the minutes value in a date to an absolute value.

require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
$date = new Zend_Date();
// Comparison of both times
if ($date->compare(10, Zend_Date::MINUTE) == -1) {
print "This hour is less than 10 minutes old";
} else {
print "This hour is at least 10 minutes old";

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Working with Dates

Beware of mixing and matching operations with date parts between date objects for different
timezones, which generally produce undesireable results, unless the manipulations are only
related to the timestamp. Operating on Zend_Date objects having different timezones
generally works, except as just noted, since dates are normalized to UNIX timestamps on
instantiation of Zend_Date.

The methods add(), sub(), compare(), get(), and set() operate generically on
dates. In each case, the operation is performed on the date held in the instance object. The
$date operand is required for all of these methods, except get(), and can be a Zend_Date
instance object, a numeric string, or an integer.

These methods assume $date is a timestamp, if it is not an object. However, the $part
operand controls which logical part of the two dates are operated on, allowing operations on
parts of the object's date, such as year or minute, even when $date contains a long form date
string, such as, "December 31, 2007 23:59:59". The result of the operation changes the date in
the object, except for compare(), and get().

require_once 'Zend/Date.php';

$date = new Zend_Date();

// Comparation of both times

if ($date->compare(10, Zend_Date::MINUTE) == -1) {
print "This hour is less than 10 minutes old";

See the online Reference Guide for more detail on date parts, methods, and options.

Using Constants
Whenever a Zend_Date method has a $parts parameter, one of a particular set of constants
can be used as the argument for that parameter, in order to select a specific part of a date or to
indicate the date format used or desired (e.g. RFC 822). See Tables 9.7 and 9.8 in the Reference
Guide for a list of relevant constants.

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Checking Dates
Dates as input are often strings, and it is difficult to ascertain whether these strings are real
dates. Therefore, Zend_Date has an own static function to check date strings. Zend_Locale
has an own function getDate($date, $locale); which parses a date and returns the
proper and normalized date parts. As Zend_Locale does not know anything about dates
because it is a normalizing and localizing class, the components has an integrated own
function isDate($date); that checks this. isDate($date, $format,
$locale);requires one, but can take up to 3 parameters.

require_once 'Zend/Date.php';

// Checking dates
$date = '01.03.2000';
if (Zend_Date::isDate($date)) {
print "String $date is a date";
} else {
print "String $date is NO date";

// Checking localized dates

$date = '01 February 2000';
if (Zend_Date::isDate($date,'dd MMMM yyyy', 'en')) {
print "String $date is a date";
} else {
print "String $date is NO date";

// Checking impossible dates

$date = '30 February 2000';
if (Zend_Date::isDate($date,'dd MMMM yyyy', 'en')) {
print "String $date is a date";
} else {
print "String $date is NO date";

Timezones are integral to dates, and the default has to be set in either php.ini or by
definition within the bootstrap file.

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Zend_Currency is part of the I18N core of the Zend_Framework, and handles all issues
related to currency, money representation, and formating. It also provides additional
informational methods which include localized informations on currencies, which currency is
used in which region, etc. Zend_Currency provides the following functions for handling
currency and money-related work:

Complete Locale Support

Zend_Currency works with all available locales and can access inforrmation on over
100 different localized currency information (currency names, abbreviations, money
signs, etc.).

Reusable Currency Definitions

While Zend_Currency does not include the value of the currency, and therefore its
functionality is not included in Zend_Locale_Format, it does have the advantage that
already defined currency representations can be reused.

Fluid Interface
Zend_Currency includes the fluid interface where possible.

Additional Informational Methods

Zend_Currency includes additional methods that offer information about regions and
their corresponding currencies.

Working with Currencies

Creating an instance of Zend_Currencywithout any parameters will force the use of the
actual locale, and its related currency. If the system has no default locale, or the locale cannot
be detected automatically, Zend_Currency will throw an exception. If this case, set the locale

Optional parameters include:

Currency: currency itself (for use when multiple currencies exist within one location)
Locale: use to format the currency

// expect standard locale 'de_AT'
require_once 'Zend/Currency.php';

// creates an instance from 'en_US' using 'USD' which is the

// default currency for 'en_US'
$currency = new Zend_Currency('en_US');

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Creating Output from a Currency

Use the toCurrency() method to convert an existing value to a currency formatted output.
The value to be converted can be any normalized number. Localized numbers first have to be
converted to an normalized number with Zend_Locale_Format::getNumber().
Afterwards it can be used with toCurrency() to create a currency output.
toCurrency(array $options) accepts an array with options which can be used to
temporarily set another format or currency representation.

Changing Currency Format

Occasionally, it may be necessary to change the currency format, which includes the following
Currency Symbol
Currency Position

Number Formatting

Use the setFormat() method, which takes an array containing all the options to be changed
(display position, script, format, display, precision, name, currency, symbol).


Translate Helper
The display of translated content uses not only Zend_Translate, but also the Translate View
Helper. It is possible to use any instance ofZend_Translate and also any subclass of
Zend_Translate_Adapter. Ways to initiate the Translate View Helper include:

1. Registered, through a previously registered instance in Zend_Registry (preferred)

2. Afterwards, through the fluent interface

3. Directly, through initiating the class

Example: Registered

// our example adapter
$adapter = new Zend_Translate('array', array( 'simple' =>
'einfach'), 'de');
Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Translate', $adapter);

// within your view

echo $this->translate('simple');
// this returns 'einfach'

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Example: Within the View

// within your view
$adapter = new Zend_Translate('array', array( 'simple' =>
'einfach'), 'de');
// this returns 'einfach'

Example: Direct Usage

// our example adapter
$adapter = new Zend_Translate('array', array('simple' => 'einfach'
), 'de');

// initiate the adapter

$translate = new Zend_View_Helper_Translate($adapter);
print $translate->translate('simple'); // this returns 'einfach'

Adding Parameters
Parameters (single, list, array) can simply be added to the method. Example: Array of

// within your view
$date = array("Monday", "April", "11:20:55");
$this->translate('Today is %1\$s in %2\$s. Actual time:
%3\$s', $date);
// Return 'Heute ist Monday in April. Aktuelle Zeit: 11:20:55'

Changing Locale (Dynamically or Statically)

Changling Locales, dynamically or statically, also allows for a paramter array or list. In both
cases, the locale must be given as the last, single parameter. Example: Dynamically

// within your view
$date = array("Monday", "April", "11:20:55");
$this->translate('Today is %1\$s in %2\$s. Actual time: %3\$s',
$date, 'it');

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Which method of Zend_Locale will check if a given string is

a locale?

Which Zend_Date constant should you use when you want to

have the date formatted for an RSS feed?
a. Zend_Date::RSS_FEED
b. Zend_Date::RSS2
c. Zend_Date::RSS
d. Zend_Date::RSSFEED

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Which method of Zend_Locale will check if a given string is

a locale?

Which Zend_Date constant should you use when you want to

have the date formatted for an RSS feed?
a. Zend_Date::RSS_FEED
b. Zend_Date::RSS2
c. Zend_Date::RSS
d. Zend_Date::RSSFEED

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Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide MAIL



Use / Purpose Recipients Attachments

HTML Messages Multi-Part Mails

Mail - Storage

Types / Features Provider Object Instances

Custom Providers

Mail - Sending

Process Transports Safe Mode

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For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to explain the purpose of the Mail component (generating, sending,
receiving emails).

You should know how to add recipients (To, CC, BCC) and attachments to an email.

You should know how to compose an HTML message.

You should know how to create a multi-part message, message attachments, and ways to
change mime_part properties.

You should know which storages are supported by Zend_Mail (Mbox, Maildir, Pop3,

You should know which features are supported by different mail storage providers
(local/remote. folders, flags, quotas).

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Zend_Mail provides a general feature set to compose and send both text and MIME-
compliant multi-part email messages. Mail can be sent via Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp
or Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail (default).

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setBodyText('This is the text of the mail.');
$mail->setFrom('', 'Some Sender');
$mail->addTo('', 'Some Recipient');

For most mail attributes there are "get" methods to read the information stored in the mail
object. For further details, please refer to the API documentation. A special one is
getRecipients(). It returns an array with all recipient email addresses that were added
prior to the method call. For security reasons, Zend_Mail filters all header fields to prevent
header injection with newline (\n) characters.

ZF also provides a convenient fluent interface for using most methods of the Zend_Mail
object. A fluent interface means that each method returns a reference to the object on which
it was called, allowing an immediate call to another method.

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setBodyText('This is the text of the mail.')
->setFrom('', 'Some Sender')
->addTo('', 'Some Recipient')

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Sending Multiple Emails (using SMTP)

By default, a single SMTP transport creates a single connection and re-uses it for the lifetime of
the script execution. Multiple emails can be sent through this SMTP connection. An RSET
command is issued before each delivery to ensure the correct SMTP handshake is followed.
For each mail delivery to have a separate connection, the transport would need to be created
and destroyed before and after each send() method call.

// Load classes
require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';

// Create transport
require_once 'Zend/Mail/Transport/Smtp.php';
$transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp('localhost');

// Loop through messages

for ($i = 0; $i > 5; $i++) {
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->addTo('', 'Test');
$mail->setFrom('', 'Test');
$mail->setSubject('Demonstration -
Sending Multiple Mails per SMTP Connection');
$mail->setBodyText('...Your message here...');

HTML Email
To send an email in HTML format, set the body using the method setBodyHTML() instead of
setBodyText(). The MIME content type will automatically be set to text/html then. If
you use both HTML and Text bodies, a multipart/alternative MIME message will be
automatically generated.

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setBodyText('My Nice Test Text');
$mail->setBodyHtml('My Nice <b>Test</b> Text');
$mail->setFrom('', 'Some Sender');
$mail->addTo('', 'Some Recipient');

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Sending Attachments
Files can be attached to an e-mail using the createAttachment() method. The default
behavior of Zend_Mail is to assume the attachment is a binary object (application/octet-
stream), should be transferred with base64 encoding, and is handled as an attachment. These
assumptions can be overridden by passing more parameters to createAttachment().

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
// build message...
$mail->createAttachment($myImage, 'image/gif',

For more control over the MIME part generated for this attachment, use the return value of
createAttachment() to modify its attributes. The createAttachment() method
returns a Zend_Mime_Part object.

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail();

$at = $mail->createAttachment($myImage);
$at->type = 'image/gif';
$at->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE;
$at->encoding = Zend_Mime::ENCODING_8BIT;
$at->filename = 'test.gif';


Using Mixed Transports

To send different emails through different connections, the transport object can be directly
passed to send() without a prior call to setDefaultTransport(). The passed object will
override the default transport for the actual send() request generated.

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail(); // build message...
require_once 'Zend/Mail/Transport/Smtp.php';
$tr1 = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp('');
$tr2 = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp('');
$mail->send(); // use default again

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Adding Recipients
Recipients can be added in three ways:
addTo() Adds a recipient to the email with a 'To' header
addCc() Adds a recipient to the email with a 'Cc' header
addBcc() Adds a recipient to the email not visible in the header

Note: addTo() and addCc() both accept a second, optional parameter that is used to
provide a readable name for the recipient in the header.

Additional Headers
Arbitrary mail headers can be set by using the addHeader() method. It requires two
parameters containing the name and the value of the header field. A third optional parameter
determines if the header should have one or multiple values.

require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->addHeader('X-MailGenerator', 'MyCoolApplication');
$mail->addHeader('X-greetingsTo', 'Mom', true);
// multiple values
$mail->addHeader('X-greetingsTo', 'Dad', true);

Text and HTML message bodies are encoded with the 'quotedprintable' mechanism by
default. All other attachments are encoded via base64 if no other encoding is given in the
addAttachment()call or assigned to the MIME part object later. 7Bit and 8Bit encoding
currently only pass on the binary content data.

Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp encodes lines starting with one dot or two dots so that the
mail does not violate the SMTP protocol.

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Reading Mail Messages

Zend_Mail can read mail messages from several local or remote mail storages, all with the
same basic API to count and fetch messages. Some of them implement additional interfaces
for relatively uncommon features. The table below provides a feature overview:

FEATURE Mbox Maildir Pop3 IMAP

Storage Type local local remote remote

Fetch message Yes Yes Yes Yes

Fetch mime-part Emulated Emulated Emulated Emulated

Folders Yes Yes No Yes

Create message/ No todo No todo


Flags No Yes No Yes

Quota No Yes No No

Code Example: Pop3

$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host' =>'localhost',
'user' =>'test',
echo $mail->countMessages() . " messages found\n";
foreach ($mail as $message) {
echo "Mail from '{$message->from}': {$message->subject}\n";

Opening a Local Storage

Mbox and Maildir are the two supported formats for local mail storages, both in their most
simple formats. To read from a Mbox file, give the filename to the constructor of
Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox. (see Programmers Guide for other examples)

$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox(array('filename' =>

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Fetching Mail Messages

Messages can be retrieved once the storage has been opened, using the message number
and the method getMessage(). Array access is also supported, but only with the default

$message = $mail->getMessage($messageNum);

Headers can be fetched via properties, or the method getHeader() for greater control,
unusual header names, or to retrieve multiple headers with the same name as an array
(Example given below).

// get header as property the result is always a string, with
// new lines between the single occurrences in the message
$received = $message->received;

// the same via getHeader() method

$received = $message->getHeader('received', 'string');

// better an array with a single entry for every occurrences

$received = $message->getHeader('received', 'array');
foreach ($received as $line) {
// do stuff

// if you don't define a format you'll get the internal

// representation (string for single headers, array for multiple)
$received = $message->getHeader('received');
if (is_string($received)) {
// only one received header found in message

Content can be fetched using getContent(), as long as the email does not have a multi-part
message. Content is retrieved only when needed (late-fetch). To check for a multi-part
message, use the method isMultipart(). With multi-part messages, use the method
getPart() to create an instance of Zend_Mail_Part (the base class of
Zend_Mail_Message). This will make available the same methods: getHeader(),
getHeaders(), getContent(), getPart(), isMultipart and the properties for

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Checking for Flags

Maildir and IMAP support storing flags. The class Zend_Mail_Storage has constants for all
known Maildir and IMAP system flags, Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_<flagname>.
Zend_Mail_Message uses the method hasFlag()to check for flags. getFlags()
retrieves all set flags.

// find unread messages
echo "Unread mails:\n";
foreach ($mail as $message) {
. if ($message->hasFlag(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN)) {
// mark recent/new mails
if ($message->hasFlag(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_RECENT)) {
echo '! ';
} else {
echo ' ';
echo $message->subject . "\n";
// check for known flags
$flags = $message->getFlags();
echo "Message is flagged as: ";
foreach ($flags as $flag) {
switch ($flag) {
case Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_ANSWERED:
echo 'Answered ';
case Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_FLAGGED:
echo 'Flagged ';

// ...
// check for other flags
// ...

echo $flag . '(unknown flag) ';

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Using Folders
All storage types except Pop3 support folders, or mailboxes. The interface implemented by
all storage-supporting folders is called Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Interface.

All related classes have an additional optional parameter called folder, which is the folder
selected after login, in the constructor.

For local storage, use the separate classes Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Mbox or

Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir. Both need one parameter, dirname, with the
name of the base dir.

The format for maildir is as defined in maildir++ (with a dot as the default delimiter).
Mbox is a directory hierarchy with Mbox files. If the Mbox file called INBOX is missing from the
Mbox base directory, set another folder in the constructor. Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap
already supports folders by default.

Example: opening storages

// Mbox with folders
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Mbox(array
('dirname' => '/home/test/mail/'));

// Mbox with default folder not called INBOX; also works for
// Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir and Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Mbox(array
('dirname' => '/home/test/mail/',
'folder' => 'Archive'));

// maildir with folders

$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir(array
('dirname' => '/home/test/mail/'));

// maildir with colon as delimiter, as suggested in Maildir++

$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir(array
('dirname' => '/home/test/mail/'
'delim' => ':'));

// imap is the same with and without folders

$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap(array
('host' => ''
'user' => 'test',
'password' => 'test'));

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Using Folders (continued)

The method getFolders($root=null)returns the folder hierarchy starting with either the
root or given folder. The return is an instance of Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder, which
implements RecursiveIterator; all children are also instances of
Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder. Each of these instances has a local and a global name
returned by the methods getLocalName() and getGlobalName(). The global name is
the absolute name from the root folder (including delimiters); the local name is the name in
the parent folder.



/Archive/2005 2005

List.ZF.General General

The key of the current element is the local name when using the iterator. The global name is
also returned by the magic method __toString(). Some folders may not be selectable -
they cannot store messages and selecting them results in an error. This can be checked with
the method isSelectable(). Selected folders are returned by the method
getSelectedFolder() changing folders is accomplished with selectFolder() and
the global name as a parameter. (Code Example: Folder Hierarchy view)

$folders=new RecursiveIteratorIterator($this->mail->getFolders(),
echo '<select name="folder">';
foreach ($folders as $localName => $folder) {
. $localName = str_pad('', $folders->getDepth(), '-',
STR_PAD_LEFT) . $localName;
echo '<option';
if (!$folder->isSelectable()) {
echo ' disabled="disabled"';
echo ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($folder) . '">'
. htmlspecialchars($localName) . '</option>';
echo '</select>';

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Caching Instances
Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox, Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Mbox,
Zend_Mail_Storage_Maildir and Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Maildir
implement the magic methods __sleep() and __wakeup(), which means they are
serializable. This avoids parsing the files or directory tree more than once.

The disadvantage is that the Mbox or Maildir storage should not change. Some easy checks
are done, like reparsing the current Mbox file if the modification time changes or reparsing the
folder structure if a folder has vanished this still results in an error, but a later search can be
made for another folder. A best practice is to have something like a signal file for changes and
check it before using the cached instance.

// there's no specific cache handler/class used here,
// change the code to match your cache handler
$signal_file = '/home/test/.mail.last_change';
$mbox_basedir = '/home/test/mail/';
$cache_id = 'example mail cache ' . $mbox_basedir . $signal_file;

$cache = new Your_Cache_Class();

if (!$cache-
>isCached($cache_id) || filemtime($signal_file) > $cache-
>getMTime($cache_id)) {
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Folder_Pop3(array('dirname' =>
} else {
$mail = $cache->get($cache_id);

// do stuff ...

$cache->set($cache_id, $mail);

Extending Protocol Classes

Remote storage uses two classes: Zend_Mail_Storage_<Name> and
Zend_Mail_Protocol_<Name>. The protocol class translates the protocol commands
and responses from and to PHP, like methods for the commands or variables with different
structures for data. The other/main class implements the common interface. Additional
protocol features can extend the protocol class and be used within the constructor of the
main class.

Code Example given on next page

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Code Example: there is a need to knock different ports before connecting to POP3
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

class Example_Mail_Exception extends Zend_Mail_Exception

class Example_Mail_Protocol_Exception extends Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception
class Example_Mail_Protocol_Pop3_Knock extends Zend_Mail_Protocol_Pop3
private $host, $port;
public function __construct($host, $port = null)
// no auto connect in this class
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
public function knock($port)
$sock = @fsockopen($this->host, $port);
if ($sock) {
public function connect($host = null, $port = null, $ssl = false)
if ($host === null) {
$host = $this->host;
if ($port === null) {
$port = $this->port;
parent::connect($host, $port);
class Example_Mail_Pop3_Knock extends Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3
public function __construct(array $params)
// ... check $params here! ...
$protocol = new Example_Mail_Protocol_Pop3_Knock($params['host']);

// do our "special" thing

foreach ((array)$params['knock_ports'] as $port) {

// get to correct state

$protocol->connect($params['host'], $params['port']);
$protocol->login($params['user'], $params['password']);

// initialize parent
$mail = new Example_Mail_Pop3_Knock(array('host' => 'localhost',
'user' => 'test',
'password' => 'test',
'knock_ports' => array(1101, 1105, 1111)));

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With quotas enabled which methods might fail because you're

over quota? (choose TWO)
a. appendMessage()
b. removeMessage()
c. createFolder()
d. getMessage()

How would you connect to a Pop3 server using TLS??

a. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3_Tls(array('host'
='','user' ='test')); ?>

b. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host'
='','user' ='test',
'ssl' = true)); ?>

c. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host'
='', 'user' ='test',
'ssl' = 'tls')); ?>

d. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host'
='', 'user' ='test',
'tls' = true)); ?>

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With quotas enabled which methods might fail because you're

over quota? (choose TWO)
a. appendMessage()
b. removeMessage()
c. createFolder()
d. getMessage()

Which one of the following will NOT assign the values to the
view object?

a. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3_Tls(array('host'
='','user' ='test')); ?>

b. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host'
='','user' ='test',
'ssl' = true)); ?>

c. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host'
='', 'user' ='test',
'ssl' = 'tls')); ?>

d. <?php
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host'
='', 'user' ='test',
'tls' = true)); ?>

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Pattern Basics

Components Purpose of Pattern Definitions

Component Areas of Responsibility

Model Function View Function Controller Function

Front Controller Action Controllers Action Helpers

Plugins ViewRenderer Dispatcher

Router Request Object Response Object

Dispatch Loop / Bootstrap / Rewrite

Definitions Use / Purpose Hooks

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Definitions Use / Purpose Front Controller

Action Controllers Action Methods Modules


Definitions View Scripts View Helpers

View Rendering View Partials View Placeholders

View Filters View Variables Content (Escape)


Definitions Initialization Access Content

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Zend Framework: MVC Pattern

For the exam, heres what you should know already

The Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern is an object-oriented design pattern for
creating applications, useful for both client and web GUI (Graphical User Interfaces). This
pattern was originally designed for the client side, but has since evolved options especially
suited for the web (Example: current Controller design).

It serves to modularize an application to separate the business logic from the user
display/interaction by the use of controllers. This separation makes it easier to alter one facet
of the application (Example: data source) without affecting the other, thereby avoiding an
entire application re-design for a simple change.

Zend Framework has been based on the MVC design, because of the patterns flexibility,
efficiency, and ease of use.

The MVC structure is most often employed when creating new applications.

The diagram below illustrates the three component layers that compose the pattern, and the
general purpose for each.

The View renders the model to

the end user and provides
interfaces to accept input
into the controller

The controller accepts

user input and executes
application logic

The model provides access

to data for the controller and
notifies the view of changes

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Model: The Model is used to implement domain (business) logic, such as performing
calculations. This often involves accessing data sources. The application
designer has complete freedom to decide where it comes from and how it is
used, if it is used at all. Data within the Model can exist in a database, LDAP
server, web service, etc.

As the MVC structure provides the ability to later alter aspects without an
entire re-design, it is relatively easy to change sources by changing the Model,
not the entire application (Example: authentication from a database to an
LDAP server with expansion).

View: The View is basically synonymous with HTML for many applications. It is the
template layer, where all HTML rendering takes place, and where everything to
be displayed to a user is assembled. It does not contain either business or
application logic.

In most modern (2.0) applications, such as AJAX-based applications, the View

does not have to be HTML -- it can render XML, JSON, or any other format
required by the application.

Controller: The Controller layer of the pattern is actually the only one of the three that is
required. The Controller accepts and then processes the input, while
interacting with component libraries, Models, and Views.

The Controller ultimately handles the request and outputs the results to the
user based on business logic. The system within ZF is designed to be
lightweight, modular, and extensible.

More in-depth information on Zend_Controller and Zend_View can be found in later

sections of this guide.

Bootstrap: The bootstrap file is the single entry point to the application all requests are
routed through this page. It is responsible for loading and dispatching the
Front Controller. Example:

require_once Zend/Controller/Front.php;

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Zend_Controller is the core of the MVC pattern within Zend Framework. Controllers allow
the Business logic (Model) to be separated from the Display logic (View) and yet still function
integrally through the use of requests and responses executed by action controllers.

Diagrams for Context

MVC Mapping to URL

This diagram depicts a sample URL and how its structure maps to the MVC pattern. It clearly
illustrates how an action is mapped to the controller, along with any parameters assigned in
key-value pairs. Keep this structure in mind as the various controllers are further discussed.

controller action
maps to the ClassName of the maps to the Method of the
Controller Being executed chosen controller to execute / controller / action / param1 / value1 / param2 / value2

can be passed as shown
in key / value pairs

Dispatch Process

The Dispatch process is composed of three steps:

Route : takes place only once, using data in Request Object when
dispatch() is called

Dispatch : takes place in a Loop Request Object indicates multiple

actions, or Controller (Plugin) resets Request Object, forcing
additional actions

Response : sends final response, including all headers and content

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Zend_Controller: Extensions
The Zend Controller requires a set of ZF component extensions and plugins to function
properly, with at least one or more paths to directories containing action controllers. A variety
of methods may also be invoked to further tailor the front controller environment and that of
its helper classes. The essential extensions, both for development and for the exam, are
provided below. (See the online Reference Guide for more detail.)

Zend_Controller_Front processes all requests received by the server, then routes and
dispatches them to the appropriate action controllers. Key points about this component and
its extensions:

It implements the Singleton pattern (one instance available at a time) **

It registers a plugin broker with itself, allowing user code to be called when certain
events occur in controller process; the event methods are defined in

The ErrorHandler plugin and ViewRenderer action helper plugin are loaded by
default; the plugins are created by including and extending the abstract class

require_once 'Zend/Controller/Plugin/Abstract.php';
class MyPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract

Zend_Controller_Front::run($path) is a static method, which sets the path

to a directory of controllers and dispatches the request; it performs the following 3
methods at once:

getInstance() retrieves a Front Controller instance; it is the

only way to instantiate a front controller object **

setControllerDirectory() directs the Dispatcher where to find action

controller class files (register path);

dispatch() can accept customized Request & Response

objects; otherwise, it looks for previously
registered objects to use, or instantiates default
versions (HTTP default); it also checks for
registered router and dispatcher objects,
instantiating the defaults if none are found

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Zend_Controller_Action is an abstract class that implements action controllers within the

MVC pattern. Key points about this controller and its related extensions:

To utilize the component, extend the action controller itself, placing the class file in the
appropriate controller directory; then create action methods corresponding to the
desired actions

It can execute a variety of actions, such as custom initializations, default actions,

pre-/post-dispatch hooks, helper methods

Hooks: specify 2 methods to bracket a requested action:

preDispatch() can be used to verify authentication and ACLs prior
to an action
postDispatch() can perform post-processing actions, such as
determining additional actions to dispatch

Action inject runtime and/or on-demand functionality into any action

Helpers: controller that extends Zend_Controller_Action, reducing the need for

correspond to the most common action controller functions

utilize a Broker system (as does Zend_Controller_Action_Plugin)

may be loaded / called on-demand, or instantiated at the time a request is made

[bootstrap], or an action controller is created, using init()

Helper use getHelper() or the Plugin Brokers __get() function or the Helper's
Methods: method direct() this last option is illustrated below:

('We did something in the last request');

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ViewRenderer: one of several actions helpers included by default within ZF

It automates the process of setting up the view object in the controllers

and rendering the view

loaded by the front controller, by default; called by the action controller to

render the appropriate view script for a given controller/action request.

Creating an Action Helper

Action helpers extend Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract, an abstract class

that provides the basic interface and functionality required by the helper broker. These include
the following methods:

setActionController() is used to set the current action controller

init(), triggered by the helper broker at instantiation, can be used to trigger
initialization in the helper; this can be useful for resetting state when multiple controllers
use the same helper in chained actions
preDispatch(), is triggered prior to a dispatched action
postDispatch() is triggered when a dispatched action is done -- even if a
preDispatch() plugin has skipped the action; mainly useful for cleanup
getRequest() retrieves the current request object
getResponse() retrieves the current response object
getName() retrieves the helper name. It retrieves the portion of the class name following
the last underscore character, or the full class name otherwise.
For example, if the class is named
Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector, it will return
Redirector; a class named FooMessage will simply return itself

You may optionally include a direct() method in your helper class. If defined, it allows you to
treat the helper as a method of the helper broker, in order to allow easy, one-off usage of the

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also known as the Request Object

It is a simple value object passed between Zend_Controller_Front and the router,
dispatcher, and controller classes.

Values for the controller, action, and parameters are packaged into a
request extension

Associated methods retrieve the request URI, path, $_GET & $_POST
parameters, etc.

Tracks whether action has been dispatched via


Zend_Controller_Request_Http The Default request in ZF


The object provides methods for setting and retrieving controller & action
names, along with associated parameters:

getModuleName() setModuleName()
getControllerName() setControllerName()

getActionName() setActionName()

getParam() setParam() for arrays, use Params


also known as the Response Object

This defines a base response class used to collect and return responses from action controllers;
it collects both body and header information.

Zend_Controller_Response_HTTP The Default response in ZF, for use in an

HTTP environment

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Zend_Controller_Router_Interface Thecomponentusedtodefine routers

Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite TakesURIendpointandbreaksitintoa




RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$ index.php

/* Create a router */
$router = $ctrl->getRouter();
// returns a rewrite router by default
'user' ,
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(



'controller' => 'user',
'action' -> 'info'

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Zend_View is a class for working with the Display logic of the MVC design pattern, and
provides a system of Helpers, Output Filters, and Variable escaping.

This class is independent of template type you can use PHP as the template language, or use
other template systems with view scripts. You can also create your own view implementation
by implementing Zend_View_Interface in a custom class.

There are three distinct steps in using Zend_View:

(1) Create an instance of the View

(2) Assign the variables to the View via a Controller Script

(3) Render the View (the Controller instructs Zend_View to render the output, and
transfers control of the display to the View Script)

Code Examples for Context: Retrieving and Displaying Data

Controller Script Example: Retrieve Book Data from Controller

// use a model to get the data for book authors and titles
$data = array(
'author' => 'Isabelle Allende',
'title' => 'The House of Spirits'
'author' => 'Dr. Jacob Bronowski',
'title' => 'The Ascent of Man'

// now assign the book data to a Zend_View instance

$view = new Zend_View();
$view->books = $data;

// and render a view script called "booklist.php"

echo $view->render('booklist.php');

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View Script Example: Display Book Data (booklist.php, as in Controller Script)

<?php if ($this->books): ?>

<!-- A table of some books. -->


<?php foreach ($this->books as $key => $val): ?>

<?php echo $this->escape($val['author']) ?>
<td><?php echo $this->escape($val['title']) ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>


<?php else: ?>

<p>There are no books to display.</p>

<?php endif;

Note how the escape() method is used to apply output escaping to variables

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Essential View Elements

View Helpers Equate to a class

Format: Zend_View_Helper_SampleName, and are called by using


Initial Helpers Set of view helpers automatically available within ZF

Most are related to Form element generation and output escaping

Some create route-based URLs and HTML lists, and declare variables

Action View Enable view scripts to dispatch a specific controller action; following
Helpers the dispatch, the response object result is returned;
Action view helpers are used when a particular action could generate
re-usable content;

Partial Helper Used to render a specific template within its own variable scope;
Primarily used for re-usable template fragments with no chance of
variable name conflicts;
Also allows for calling partial view scripts from specific modules;

<?php // partial.phtml ?>

<li>From: <?= $this->escape($this->from) >?</li>
<li>Subject: <?= $this->escape($this->subject) >?</li>

// Call it from the View Script

<?= $this->partial('partial.phtml', array(
'from' => 'Team Framework',
'subject' => 'view partials')); ?>

// Which renders
<li>From: Team Framework</li>
<li>Subject: view partials</li

Placeholder Used to persist content between view scripts and view instances;
Helper Also, to aggregate content, capture view script content for re-use,
add pre- and post-text to content (custom separators for aggregate);
<?php $this->placeholder('foo')->set("Text for later") ?>

echo $this->placeholder('foo');// outputs "Text for later"

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Essential View Elements

Helper Paths The controller can specify a stack of paths where Zend_View should
search for helper classes;

By default, it looks in Zend/View/Helper*;

$view = new Zend_View();

//Set path to /path/to/more/helpers, prefix 'My_View_Helper'


To specify other locations to search, use


Zend_View will look at the most recently added path for a requested
helper class

This allows for adding or overriding the initial distribution of helpers by

using custom helpers

$view = new Zend_View();
// Add /path/to/some/helpers class prefix 'My_View_Helper'
// Add /other/path/to/helpers prefix 'Your_View_Helper'

// Can stack
When you call paths using addHelperPath() will look
// first for "/other/path/to/helpers/HelperName.php" using
// class name "My_View_Helper_HelperName",
// then for "/path/to/some/helpers/HelperName" using class
// name "Your_View_Helper_HelperName", and
// finally for "Zend/View/Helper/HelperName.php" using
// class name "Zend_View_Helper_HelperName".

Filters Can indicate a filter to use after rendering a script with setFilter()
or addFilter() or the filter option to the constructor

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Zend_Layout implements a classic Two-Step View pattern, allowing developers to wrap
application content within another view, usually the site template. Usually, this pattern has
been called a Layout, so ZF has adopted this convention.

Among the goals of this component is:

Automatic selection and rendering of layouts when used with the ZF MVC components

Separate scope for layout-related variables and content

Configuration of layout name, inflection, and path

Disabling of layouts, changing scripts, etc., from within action controllers and view

Following script resolution rules as defined with ViewRenderer, but also the ability to
override them

Usage without ZF MVC components

Zend_Layout Sample Script:

<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-
Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>My Site</title>
// fetch 'content' key using layout helper:
echo $this->layout()->content;
// fetch 'foo' key using placeholder helper:
echo $this->placeholder('Zend_Layout')->foo;
// fetch layout object and retrieve various keys from it:
$layout = $this->layout();
echo $layout->bar;
echo $layout->baz;

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Zend_Layout Utilizing the Zend Framework MVC:

Zend_Layout takes advantage of the rich feature set provided by Zend_Controller ( Example:
Front Controller plugins, Action Controller Helpers) and Zend_View (Example: Helpers) as
discussed in previous sections.

Initialize Zend_Layout for use with MVC (sample code examples follow)


creates an instance of Zend_Layout with any optional configuration provided

registers a front controller plugin that renders the layout with any application
content once the dispatch loop is done

registers an action helper to allow access to the layout object from the action
controllers; can grab the layout instance from within a view script using the
Layout View Helper at any time

// Put into the bootstrap file:

Access Layout Instance as an Action Helper with the Action Controller

class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function barAction()
// disable layouts for this action:

public function bazAction()

// use different layout script with this action:

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Access Layout Object using the Layout View Helper

<?php $this->_layout()->setLayout('foo');
// set alternate layout

Fetch Layout Instance using getMvcInstance() Method

// Returns Null if startMvc() has not been called
$layout = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance();

Zend_Layout Front Controller Plugin

renders the layout

retrieves all named segments from the Response Object

o assigns them as layout variables

o assigns the default segment to the variable content (which allows for
access to application content and rendering within view scripts)

o especially useful in combination with ActionStack Helper and Plugin (sets

up stack of actions to loop through, creating widgetized pages)

/* In this code example, FooController::indexAction()

renders content to the default response segment, and
then forwards it to NavController::menuAction(), which
renders the content to the nav response segment
The final forward is to CommentController::fetchAtion(),
to fetch comments and render them to the default
response segment via an 'append'. The view script can
render each separately. */
<!-- renders /nav/menu -->
<div id="nav"><?= $this->layout()->nav ?></div>

<!-- renders /foo/index + /comment/fetch -->

<div id="content"><?= $this->layout()->content ?></div>

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Zend_Layout as a Standalone Component (without ZF MVC):

Although lacking many key features when used without the MVC structure Zend_Layout
still retains two primary benefits:

scoping of layout variables

isolation of layout view script from other view scripts

Utilizing Zend_Layout as Standalone Component

$layout = new Zend_Layout();

// Set a layout script path:


// set some variables:

$layout->content = $content;
$layout->nav = $nav;

// choose a different layout script:


// render final layout

echo $layout->render();

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Zend_Layout as a Standalone Component (without ZF MVC):

Sample Layout Representation (order of elements will vary depending upon chosen CSS)

<?=$this->docType(XHTML1_STRICT) ?>
<? = $this->headTitle() ?>
<? = $this->headScript() ?>
<? = $this->headStylesheet() ?>

<? = $this->partial(header.phtml)?>

<? = $this->layout()->nav ?>

<? = $this->layout()->content ?>

<? = $this->layout()->sidebar ?>

<? = $this->partial(footer.phtml)?>


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Front Controller plugins and Action Helpers share what

common feature?
a. pre- and postDispatch() hooks
b. Introspection of the action controller
c. Ability to change routing behavior
d. Registration with a common broker

Which one of the following will NOT assign the values to the
view object?
a. <code>
$view->foo = 'bar';
$view->bar = 'baz';

b. <code>
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'baz',

c. <code>
$view->assign('foo', 'bar');
$view->assign('bar', 'baz');

d. <code>
array('foo' => 'bar'),
array('bar' => 'baz')

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Front Controller plugins and Action Helpers share what

common feature?
a. pre- and postDispatch() hooks
b. Introspection of the action controller
c. Ability to change routing behavior
d. Registration with a common broker

Which one of the following will NOT assign the values to the
view object?
a. <code>
$view->foo = 'bar';
$view->bar = 'baz';

b. <code>
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'baz',

c. <code>
$view->assign('foo', 'bar');
$view->assign('bar', 'baz');

d. <code>
array('foo' => 'bar'),
array('bar' => 'baz')

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Use / Purpose Drivers Setting Options

Auto-serialization Functions


Modes Storage Retrieval

Implications of File


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Performance Configuration



Opcode Cache Profiling

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Zend Framework: Performance

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to explain how caching works and the benefits it provides.

You should know what kinds of frontends and backends Zend Framework employs, and the
various caching options available.

You should be familiar with opcode caching and profiling.

You should know how to utilize the factory function for Cache and Memory.

You should know how the Memory function works within the framework, for storage and

You should understand the trade-off relationship between performance and the Loader.

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Zend_Cache provides a generic way of caching data. Caching in Zend Framework is

operated by frontends while cache records are stored through backend adapters (File,
Sqlite, Memcache...) through a flexible system of IDs and tags. These IDs and tags allow for
easier deletion by type.

Zend_Cache_Core, the core of the module, is generic, flexible and configurable. Cache
frontends that extend Zend_Cache_Core include: Output, File, Function and Class.
The addition of a frontend turns on serialization, so that any type of data can be cached. This
helps to boost performance. For example, the results of a resource-intensive query can be
cached and retrieved later (unserialized) without requiring a connection to the database and
running the query again.

Zend_Cache::factory() instantiates correct objects and ties them together.

Example: Using a Core frontend together with a File backend

require_once 'Zend/Cache.php';

$frontendOptions = array(
'lifetime' => 7200, // cache lifetime of 2 hours
'automatic_serialization' => true

$backendOptions = array(
'cache_dir' => './tmp/' // Directory to put the cache files

// getting a Zend_Cache_Core object

$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions,

A core strategy for caching is to demarcate the sections in which to cache output by adding
some conditional logic, encapsulating the section within start() and end() methods.
Also, be sure to make the cache identifier, which gets passed to save() and start(),
unique; otherwise, unrelated cache records may wipe each other out or even be displayed in
place of the other.

Multiple-Word Frontends and Backends:

Frontends and backends that are named using multiple words, such as 'ZendPlatform' should
be separated by using a word separator, such as a space (' '), hyphen ('-'), or period ('.').

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Theory Behind Caching

There are three key concepts behind caching: 1) using a unique identifier for manipulating
records; 2) issuing a lifetime directive that defines the age of the resource; 3) employ
conditional execution, which means the cached resources can be selectively utilized,
boosting performance.

Factory Method
Always use Zend_Cache::factory() to get frontend instances. Instantiating frontends
and backends yourself will not work as expected, as illustrated in this code:

// Load the Zend_Cache factory
require 'Zend/Cache.php';

// Select the backend (for example 'File' or 'Sqlite'...)

$backendName = '[...]';

// Select the frontend (for example 'Core', 'Output', 'Page'...)

$frontendName = '[...]';

// Set an array of options for the chosen frontend

$frontendOptions = array([...]);

// Set an array of options for the chosen backend

$backendOptions = array([...]);

// Create the instance, with two optional arguments (last two)

$cache = Zend_Cache::factory($frontendName, $backendName,
$frontendOptions, $backendOptions);

Cleaning the Cache

Use the remove() method to remove or invalidate a particular cache ID. To remove multiple
IDs, use the clean() method. Example: Remove all Cache Records

// clean all records

// clean only outdated records


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Zend_Cache_Core is the primary frontend, the core of the module. It is generic and
extended by other classes. All frontends inherit from Zend_Cache_Core so its methods
and options are also available in other frontends.

Available Frontend Options (for detailed information, see the Programmers Guide)

caching write_control

cache_id_prefix automatic_serialization

lifetime automatic_cleaning_factor

logging ignore_user_abort


Zend_Cache_Frontend_Output is a frontend that utilizes output buffering in PHP to

capture all output between its start() and end() methods.

Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function catches the results of function calls, and has a single

main method, call(), which takes a function name and parameters for the call in an array.
Using the call() function is the same as using call_user_func_array() in PHP. This
component caches both the return value of the function and its internal output.

Available Function Frontend Options (for detailed information, see the Programmers Guide)

cache_by_defaulting logging

cached_functions non-cached_functions

Zend_Cache_Frontend_Class differs from Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function in

that it allows caching of object and static method calls.

Zend_Cache_Frontend_File is a frontend driven by the modification time of a master

file and is typically used to help solve configuration and template issues.

Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page is similar to Zend_Cache_Frontend_Output but is

designed for a whole page, and cannot be used for only a single block.

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Zend_Cache_Backend_File stores cached records into files in a chosen directory.

Available Backend Options (for detailed information, see the Reference Guide)

cache_dir cache_file_umask

file_locking hashed_directory_level

read_control hashed_directory_umask

read_control_type metadatas_array_max_size


Zend_Cache_Backend_Sqlite stores cache records into a SQLite database.

cache_db_complete_path automatic_vacuum_factor

Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached stores cached records into a memcached server,
where memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. Using
this backend requires a memcached daemon and the memcache PECL extension.

servers compression

Zend_Cache_Backend_Apc stores cached records in shared memory through the
Alternative PHP Cache (APC) extension (required).

Zend_Cache_Backend_ZendPlatform uses the Platform content caching API.

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Zend_Memory is used to manage data within a memory-limited environment. The Factory

instantiates the memory manager object, which regulates memory through the use of cache
and the swapping and loading of memory objects as required. Note: the memory manager
uses the Zend_Cache backends for storage.

require_once 'Zend/Memory.php';

$backendOptions = array(
'cache_dir' => './tmp/' // Directory where to put the swapped
memory blocks
$memoryManager = Zend_Memory::factory('File', $backendOptions);

$loadedFiles = array();

for ($count = 0; $count < 10000; $count++) {

$f = fopen($fileNames[$count], 'rb');
$data = fread($f, filesize($fileNames[$count]));

$loadedFiles[] = $memoryManager->create($data);
echo $loadedFiles[$index1]->value;

$loadedFiles[$index2]->value = $newValue;

$loadedFiles[$index3]->value[$charIndex] = '_';

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Theory Behind Zend Memory

There are four key concepts behind Zend_Memory: 1) Memory Manager, which generates
memory objects upon request of the application, and returns the objects wrapped into a
memory container object; 2) Memory Container, which contains either a virtual or actual
value attribute, a string that contains the data value specified when the memory object is
created; 3) Locked Memory , which contains data that becomes effectively locked and is
never swapped to the cache backend; 4) Movable Memory, basically the opposite of Locked
Memory, containing movable objects that are transparently swapped and loaded, to and
from, the backend as needed.

Memory Manager and Factory

Use the Zend_Memory::factory($backendName [, $backendOptions]) method
to create a new Memory Manager. As mentioned previously, the Memory Manager uses the
Zend_Cache backends for storage. To prevent the Manager from swapping memory blocks,
it is possible to use a special backend, none. This is used whenever memory is not limited
or the overall size of the objects does not exceed the memory limit.

$backendOptions = array(
'cache_dir' => './tmp/' // Directory where to put the swapped
memory blocks

$memoryManager = Zend_Memory::factory('File', $backendOptions);

Create Movable Objects

Use the Zend_Memory_Manager::create([$data]) method

$memObject = $memoryManager->create($data);

Create Locked Objects

Use the Zend_Memory_Manager::createLocked([$data]) method

$memObject = $memoryManager->createLocked($data);

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Destroy Objects
Memory objects are automatically destroyed and removed from memory when they go out of

Set Memory Limit

Use the getMemoryLimit() and setMemoryLimit($newLimit) methods to
retrieve or set the memory limit setting. A negative value equates to no limit.

$oldLimit = $memoryManager->getMemoryLimit();
// Get memory limit in bytes

// Set memory limit in bytes

Memory Container
Use the memory container (movable or locked) 'value' property to operate with memory
object data. An alternative way to access memory object data is to use the getRef()
method. This method must be used for PHP versions before 5.2, and may have to be used in
some other cases for performance reasons.

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Loading Files and Classes Dynamically

The Zend_Loader class includes methods to help you load files dynamically. It is best used
when the file name to be loaded is variable (for example, based on user input). With fixed file
or class names, there will be no advantage to using Zend_Loader over require_once().

Generally, developers will use one of the Zend_Config adapter classes, such as
Zend_Config_Ini or Zend_Config_Xml, to execute the process, but it is important to
note that configuration data available in a PHP array may simply be passed to the
Zend_Config constructor in order to utilize a simple object-oriented interface.
Zend_Config_Ini and Zend_Config_Xml are much slower than loading an array directly.

Opcode Caching
Opcode caching is an important boost to performance for applications written in an
interpretive language like PHP. Instead of having to generate pages each time they are
requested, the opcode caching mechanism preserves the generated code in cache so that it
need only be generated a single time to service any number subsequent requests. This is not
technically a part of ZF, but it is a best practice for production.

Profiling and Zend_Db_Profiler

Within ZF, database profiling is the only effective way to find the actual performance
problems within an application. Zend_Db_Profiler allows for the profiling of queries,
including information on which queries were processed by the adapter as well as elapsed time
to run the queries, helping greatly in identifying bottlenecks.

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If $cache is an instance of Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function,

which ONE of the following will cache this function call:

$result = multiply(5, 10);

a. $result = $cache->call('multiply', array(5, 10));

b. $result = $cache->call('multiply', 5, 10);

c. $result = $cache->multiply(array(5, 10));

d. $result = $cache->multiply(5, 10);

Which ONE of the following will create a memory manager


a. $memoryManager = new Zend_Memory('None');

b. $memoryManager = new Zend_Memory_Backend_None();

c. $memoryManager = Zend_Memory::factory('None');

d. $memoryManager = Zend_Memory::getInstance('None');

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If $cache is an instance of Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function,

which ONE of the following will cache this function call:

$result = multiply(5, 10);

a. $result = $cache->call('multiply', array(5, 10));

b. $result = $cache->call('multiply', 5, 10);

c. $result = $cache->multiply(array(5, 10));

d. $result = $cache->multiply(5, 10);

Which ONE of the following will create a memory manager


a. $memoryManager = new Zend_Memory('None');

b. $memoryManager = new Zend_Memory_Backend_None();

c. $memoryManager = Zend_Memory::factory('None');

d. $memoryManager = Zend_Memory::getInstance('None');

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 172

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide SEARCH



Use / Purpose Compatibility Storage Backend

Search - Indexing

Atomic Items Analyzers Documents

Search - Querying

Language Concepts Construct Methods Iteration

Fetch Hit Properties Pagination

Search - Performance

Index Optimization Batch Indexing Field Selectivity

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Zend Framework: Search

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should understand the purpose of a full-text search system within a web application, and
the benefits that Zend_Search_Lucene, as the search component of ZF, provides. You should
know the basics of using Zend_Search_Lucene, including compatibility and mode of

You should be familiar with all basic aspects of indexing, parsing, documents and fields,
including index optimization.

You should know query language concepts, object constructing methods, and how to work
with results sets.

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Zend_Search_Lucene is a general purpose text search engine written entirely in PHP 5.

Since it stores its index on the filesystem and does not require a database server, it can add
search capabilities to almost any PHP-driven website. Zend_Search_Lucene supports the
following features:

Ranked searching - best results returned first

Many powerful query types: phrase queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries,
range queries and more

Search by specific field (e.g., title, author, contents)

Zend_Search_Lucene was derived from the Apache Lucene project. For more information
on Lucene, visit

File Formats

Zend_Search_Lucene index file formats are binary compatible with Java Lucene version
1.4 and greater.

Document and Field Objects

Zend_Search_Lucene operates with documents as atomic objects for indexing. A
document is divided into named fields with searchable content and is represented by the
Zend_Search_Lucene_Document class. Objects of this class contain instances of
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field that represent the fields on the document.

It is important to note that any information can be added to the index. Application-specific
information or metadata can be stored in the document fields, and later retrieved with the
document during search. Each application must be set up to control the indexer, which means
that data can be indexed from any source accessible to your application a filesystem,
database, HTML form, etc.

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Document and Field Objects (continued)

Zend_Search_Lucene_Field class provides several static methods to create fields with

different characteristics:

$doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
// Field not tokenized, but is indexed and stored within index.
// Stored fields can be retrieved from the index.

// Field not tokenized nor indexed, but is stored in the index.


// Binary string value field not tokenized nor indexed,

// but is stored in the index.

// Field is tokenized and indexed, and is stored in the index.

'Doc annotate text'));

// Field is tokenized and indexed, but is not stored in the index.

'Doc content'));

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Zend_Search_Lucene works with the UTF-8 charset internally. Index files store unicode
data in Java's "modified UTF-8 encoding". Zend_Search_Lucene core completely
supports this encoding except for "supplementary characters" - Unicode characters with
codes greater than 0xFFFF.

Actual input data encoding may be specified through the Zend_Search_Lucene API. In
general, the data is automatically converted into UTF-8 encoding. However, some text
transformations are made by text analyzers and the default text analyzer does not work with
UTF-8 because of requirements for certain extensions to be loaded. In these cases, the date is
translated into ASCII/TRANSLIT and then tokenized. Special UTF-8 analyzers, described later in
the Analyzer section, may be used.


The abstract class Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory defines directory


The Zend_Search_Lucene constructor uses either a string or a

Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory object as input.

The Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem class implements

directory functionality for a file system. If a string is used as an input for the
Zend_Search_Lucene constructor, then the index reader (Zend_Search_Lucene
object) treats it as a file system path and instantiates the
Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem object.

Directory implementations can be custom-defined by extending the

Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory class.

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Building and Updating an Index

Index creation and updating capabilities are implemented within the Zend_Search_Lucene
component, as well as the Java Lucene project either can be used to create indexes that
Zend_Search_Lucene can search. The same procedure is used to update an existing
index. The only difference is that the open() method is called instead of the create()
method. Ex: Indexing a file using the Zend_Search_Lucene indexing API

// Create index
$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::create('/data/my-index');
$doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();

// Store document URL to identify it in the search results

$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('url', $docUrl));

// Index document contents


// Add document to the index


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Updating Documents

The Lucene index file format doesn't support updating documents. Documents
should be removed and re-added to the index to effectively update them.
Zend_Search_Lucene::delete()method operates with an internal index
document id. It can be retrieved from a query hit by 'id' property:

$removePath = ...;
$docs = $index->find('path:' . $removePath);
foreach ($docs as $doc) {

Index Optimization

A Lucene index consists of many segments - each segment is a completely independent set of
data, which cannot be updated. A segment update needs full segment reorganization, and
new documents are added to the index by creating new segments.

Increasing the number of segments reduces index quality, but index optimization
restores it. Optimization essentially merges several segments into a new one. The
process generates one new large segment and updates the segment list ('segments'
file), but not the segments themselves.

A call to Zend_Search_Lucene::optimize()invokes full index optimization,

merging all index segments into one new segment:

// Open existing index
$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open('/data/my-index');

// Optimize index

Automatic index optimization is performed to keep indexes in a consistent state. It is an

iterative process managed by several index options, which merges very small segments into
larger ones, then merges these larger segments into even larger segments and so on.

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Searching Indices Building Queries

There are two ways to search an index - the first method uses a query parser to construct a
query from a string. The second is to programmatically create your own queries through the
Zend_Search_Lucene API. Generally speaking, the query parser is designed for human-
entered text, not for program-generated text (better suited to the API method). Untokenized
fields are best added directly to queries and not through the query parser. If a field's values are
generated programmatically by the application, then the query clauses for this field should
also be constructed programmatically.


An analyzer, which is used by the query parser, is designed to convert human-entered text to
terms. Program-generated values, like dates, keywords, etc., should be added with the query

In a query form, fields that are general text should use the query parser. All others, such as
date ranges, keywords, etc., are better added directly through the query API. A field with a
limited set of values that can be specified with a pull-down menu should not be added to a
query string subsequently parsed; instead, it should be added as a TermQuery clause.

Boolean queries allow the programmer to logically combine two or more queries into
new one, the best way to add additional criteria to a search defined by a query string.

Both ways use the same API method to search through the index:

require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene.php';

$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open('/data/my_index');


Zend_Search_Lucene::find() determines input type automatically and uses the

query parser to construct an appropriate Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query
object from an input of type string.

Note: the query parser uses the standard analyzer to tokenize separate parts of a query
string; all transformations applied to indexed text are also applied to query strings.

The standard analyzer may transform the query string to lower case for case-
insensitivity, remove stop-words, and stem among other modifications. The API
method doesn't transform or filter input terms in any way, making it more suitable for
computer generated or untokenized fields.

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Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_ +
Utf8 or Utf8Num or Utf8_CaseInsensitive or Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive


require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene.php';

$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open('/data/my_index');
$hits = $index->find($query);

foreach ($hits as $hit) {
// return Zend_Search_Lucene_Document object for this hit
echo $document = $hit->getDocument();
// return Zend_Search_Lucene_Field object
// from Zend_Search_Lucene_Document
echo $document->getField('title');
// return the string value of Zend_Search_Lucene_Field object
echo $document->getFieldValue('title');
// same as getFieldValue()
echo $document->title;

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Search Results (continued)

The fields available from the Zend_Search_Lucene_Document object are determined at

the time of indexing. The document fields are either indexed, or index and stored, in the
document by the indexing application (Example: LuceneIndexCreation.jar). Note
that the document identity ('path' in our example) is also stored in the index and must be
retrieved from it.

Short Document Field Access

Short syntax automatically retrieves a document from an index (although it needs additional
time and increases memory usage). Short index is not suitable for 'id' and 'score'
document fields (if they are present) because of special 'id' and 'score' hit properties
name conflicts.

// identical to $hit->getDocument()->title and also
// identical to $hit->getDocument()->getFieldValue('title')

Short syntax is very important for pagination implementation. Whole result set ids and scores
should be stored somewhere (for example, using Zend_Cache) without actual document
retrieval (only 'id' and 'score' properties are accessed). Then, any required parts of ids or
scores should be used to get documents using the $index->getDocument($id) method.

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Limit Result Set

Zend_Search_Lucene makes it possible to limit result set size using getResultSetLimit()

and setResultSetLimit(). The component limits the result set by the first N results,
before ordering these results by score.

As the score computation uses up essential search time, a reduction in the number of results
scored represents a corresponding increase in Search performance.

Results Scoring

Zend_Search_Lucene uses the same scoring algorithms as Java Lucene. All hits in the
search result are ordered by score by default. Hits with greater score come first, and
documents having higher scores should match the query more precisely than documents
having lower scores. A hit's score can be retrieved by accessing the score property of the hit:

$currentResultSetLimit = Zend_Search_Lucene::getResultSetLimit();


Results Sorting
By default, the search results are ordered by score. This default can be overridden by setting a
sort field (or a list of fields), sort type and sort order parameters.

$hits = $index->find($query);

foreach ($hits as $hit) {

echo $hit->id;
echo $hit->score;

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Which method should be used to retrieve total number of

documents stored in the index (including deleted documents)?
a. $index->countDocuments();
b. $index->numDoc();
c. $index->docCount();
d. $index->count();

How to get full list of indexed fields from the index?

a. $index->getFields(true);
b. $index->getFields(false);
c. $index->getFields(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::INDEXED);
d. $index->getFields();

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Which method should be used to retrieve total number of

documents stored in the index (including deleted documents)?
a. $index->countDocuments();
b. $index->numDoc();
c. $index->docCount();
d. $index->count();

How to get full list of indexed fields from the index?

a. $index->getFields(true);
b. $index->getFields(false);
c. $index->getFields(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::INDEXED);
d. $index->getFields();

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 185

Zend Framework Certification
Study Guide SECURITY


Output Escaping

Zend_View ZF Protections

Cross-Site Scripting Attack

Zend_Filter ZF Protections

SQL Injection Attack

Zend_Db ZF Protections

Cross-Site Request Forgery

Zend_Form ZF Protections

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Secure Authentication

Zend_Auth ZF Protections

Security Best Practices

ZF Protections

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Zend Framework: Security

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You will need to know the basics around security the most common types of security attacks
and breaches, and the most common measures to employ to help prevent or mitigate such

There are six sub-topic areas on which you will be tested:

Output Escaping

Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

SQL Injection Attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks

Secure Authentication

Security Best Practices

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A critical function for view scripts to perform is to escape output properly, as it helps to fend
off security attacks like cross-site scripting.

A best practice rule is always to escape variables when outputting them, unless you are using
a function or method or helper that performs this step on its own.


// Bad View Script Practice:

echo $this->variable;

// Good View Script Practice:

echo $this->escape($this->variable);

Zend_View uses the escape() method to performs output escaping

By default, it uses the PHP function htmlspecialchars() for this process

To escape using an alternate way, call the setEscape() method at the Controller
level to instruct Zend_View on what escaping callback to use

// create a Zend_View instance
$view = new Zend_View();

// tell it to use htmlentities as the escaping callback


// or tell it to use a static class method as the callback

$view->setEscape(array('SomeClass', 'methodName'));

// or even an instance method

$obj = new SomeClass();
$view->setEscape(array($obj, 'methodName'));

// and then render your view

echo $view->render(...);

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Cross-site scripting attacks are an injection of HTML, CSS, or script code into a page. JavaScript
is especially a threat; its primary cause is displaying data mis-interpreted by the browser.

Filters are commonly used to escape HTML elements, helping to avoid such attacks. If, for
example, a form field is populated with untrustworthy data (and any data input from the
outside is untrustworthy!), then this value should either not contain HTML (removal), or if it
does, then have that HTML escaped.

Calling the filter() method on any Zend_Filter_* object performs

transformations upon input data (Example for HTML & and given below)

require_once 'Zend/Filter/HtmlEntities.php';

$htmlEntities = new Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities();

echo $htmlEntities->filter('&'); // &amp;

echo $htmlEntities->filter('"'); // &quot;

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SQL injection attacks are those in which applications are manipulated to return data to a user
that should not have the privilege to access/read such data.

This access is commonly accomplished by an attacker randomly attempting to exploit a flaw,

known or not, in the code involving SQL queries which use PHP variables (requiring quotes).
The developer must take into account that these variables may contain symbols that will
result in incorrect SQL code for example, the use of a quote in a persons name. The attack is
accomplished by the attacker detecting such flaws, and manipulating them by, for example,
specifying a value for a PHP variable through the use of an HTTP parameter or other similar

Where is the error and consequent security flaw in this code?

$name = $_GET[Name];
//$_GET[Name] = "O'Reilly";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = '$name'";

echo $sql;
// SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE reported_by = 'O'Reilly'

Zend_Db has some built-in features that help to mitigate such attacks, although there is no
substitute for good programming.

When inserting data from an array, the values are inserted as parameters by default, reducing
the risk of some types of security issues. Consequently, you do not need to apply escaping or
quoting to values in a data array.

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Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF) attacks employ an almost opposite approach to Cross-Site
Scripting (XSS). XSRF attacks disguise themselves as a trusted user to attack a web site,
whereas XSS attacks disguise themselves as a trusted web site to attack a user.

To protect against XSRF attacks originating from third party sites, you have options

First, prior to doing any kind of "dangerous" activity, such as changing

a password or buying a car, require the user to re-authenticate themselves so there is a
forced user interaction with the website (Ex: using Zend_Auth). By disallowing
automated page and form submissions, the window that an attacker has to initiate the
attack is severely limited.

Another option available is the use of hashed identifiers in submitted forms (typically
the most dangerous activity, like changing a password) can reduce the damage of a
XSRF attack. Once a unique hash has been used to service a request, it is subsequently
invalidated, and any request using that ID is not honored.
Zend_Form_Element_Hash, used in conjunction with Zend_Form::isValid()
helps to automate the hashing/validation mechanism.

Filters (such as Zend_Filter) are commonly used to escape HTML elements. If, for
example, a form field is populated with untrustworthy data (and any data input from
the outside is untrustworthy!), then this value should either not contain HTML
(removal), or if it does, then have that HTML escaped.

(Note: there may be times when HTML output needs to be displayed for example,
when using a JavaScript-based HTML editor; in these cases, you would need to build
either a validator or filter that employs a whitelist approach.

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Authentication is the process of verifying a users identity against some set of pre-established

Zend_Auth provides an API for conducting authentication, along with adapters designed
for the most common uses.

Here are some things to keep in mind (see the Authorization section for more detail):

Zend_Auth implements the Singleton pattern through its static getInstance()


o Singleton pattern means only one instance of the class is available at any one time

o The new operator and the clone keyword will not work with this class use
Zend_Auth::getInstance() instead
o Use of Zend_Auth is not a substitute for proper encryption of communications

The adapters authenticate against a particular service, like LDAP, RDBMS, etc.; while their
behavior and options will vary, they share some common actions:

o accept authenticating credentials

o perform queries against the service

o return results

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There are three golden rules to follow when providing security to web applications and their

1. Always validate your input

2. Always filter your output

3. Never trust your users

The Zend Framework features (Zend_Filter and Zend_Filter_Input, Zend_Validate,

Zend_Auth, etc.) that map to these rules have been covered individually in context with the
types of attacks. Additional information can be found within other sections of this guide,
such as Filtering and Validation, Authorization and Authentication.

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When using Zend_View with unescaped data, which of the

following view script calls would escape your data, $data:

a. $this->filter($data)
b. $this->escape($data)
c. $this->htmlEntities($data)
d. $data->escape()

Zend_Auth will, regardless of the adapter used to process

identities and credentials, will encrypt the information
sent from the browser to the application using it.


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When using Zend_View with unescaped data, which of the

following view script calls would escape your data, $data:

a. $this->filter($data)
b. $this->escape($data)
c. $this->htmlEntities($data)
d. $data->escape()

Zend_Auth will, regardless of the adapter used to process

identities and credentials, will encrypt the information
sent from the browser to the application using it.


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Instantiate Server Proxy Fault Responses



Class Methods Functions Request/Response

Handle Caching Fault Exceptions


Initialize Call Retrieve

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Class Methods Functions Request/Response


Concrete Service Consumables

Services HTTP Clients

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Study Guide

Zend Framework: Web Services

For the exam, heres what you should know already

You should be able to explain the function of the XmlRpc Clients and Servers, and provide
code for related functions, methods, and classes.

You should know how to specify exceptions that may be used as fault responses.

You should be able to work with REST clients and services.

You should know the purpose of consumable services, and which are available to Zend

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Zend_XmlRpc_Client provides support for consuming remote XML-RPC services as a client

in its package. Its major features include automatic type conversion between PHP and XML-
RPC, a server proxy object, and access to server introspection capabilities.

Method Calls

The constructor of Zend_XmlRpc_Client receives the URL of the remote XML-RPC server
endpoint as its first parameter. The new instance returned can call any number of remote
methods at that endpoint, by instantiating it and then using the call() instance method.

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php';
$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('');
echo $client->call('test.sayHello'); // hello

The XML-RPC value returned from the remote method call will be automatically unmarshaled
and cast to the equivalent PHP native type. In the example above, a PHP string is returned
and immediately ready for use. The first parameter of the call() method receives the name
of the remote method to call. Any required parameters can be sent by supplying a second,
optional parameter to call() with an array of values to pass to the remote method.

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php';
$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('');

$arg1 = 1.1;
$arg2 = 'foo';
$result = $client->call('test.sayHello', array($arg1, $arg2));
// $result is a native PHP type

If no parameters are required, this option may either be left out or an empty array() passed
to it. Parameters can contain native PHP types, Zend_XmlRpc_Value objects, or a mix. The
call() method will automatically convert the XML-RPC response and return its PHP native
type. getLastResponse() makes a Zend_XmlRpc_Response object available for the
return value.

Request to Response
The call() instance method of Zend_XmlRpc_Client builds a request object
(Zend_XmlRpc_Request) and sends it to another method, doRequest(). This returns a
response object (Zend_XmlRpc_Response). doRequest()can also be directly used.

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Server Proxy Object:

Another way to call remote methods with the XML-RPC client is to use the server proxy, a PHP
object that proxies a remote XML-RPC namespace, making it work as close to a native PHP
object as possible. To instantiate a server proxy, call the getProxy() instance method of
Zend_XmlRpc_Client, which returns an instance of
Zend_XmlRpc_Client_ServerProxy. Any method call on the server proxy object will be
forwarded to the remote, and parameters may be passed like any other PHP method.

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php';

$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('');

// Proxy the default namespace

$server = $client->getProxy();

//test.Hello(1,2)returns "hello"
$hello = $server->test->sayHello(1, 2);

The getProxy() method receives an optional argument specifying which namespace of the
remote server to proxy. If it does not receive a namespace, the default namespace will be

Error Handling HTTP Errors:

If an HTTP error occurs, such as the remote HTTP server returns a 404 Not Found, a
Zend_XmlRpc_Client_HttpException will be thrown. Ex:

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php';

$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('http://foo/404');

try {
$client->call('bar', array($arg1, $arg2));

} catch (Zend_XmlRpc_Client_HttpException $e) {

// $e->getCode() returns 404

// $e->getMessage() returns "Not Found"

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Error Handling XML-RPC Faults:

An XML-RPC fault is analogous to a PHP exception. It is a special type returned from an XML-
RPC method call that has both an error code and an error message. XML-RPC faults are
handled differently depending on the context of how the Zend_XmlRpc_Client is used.
When the call() method or the server proxy object is used, an XML-RPC fault will result in a
Zend_XmlRpc_Client_FaultException being thrown. The code and message of the
exception will map directly to their respective values in the original XML-RPC fault response.

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php';
$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('');

try {
} catch (Zend_XmlRpc_Client_FaultException $e) {

// $e->getCode() returns 1
Zend_Db contains a factory() method by which you may
instantiate a database adapter object

If call() is used to make the request, Zend_XmlRpc_Client_FaultException will be

thrown on fault. A Zend_XmlRpc_Response object containing the fault will also be
available by calling getLastResponse().

If doRequest() is used to make the request, it will not throw the exception. Instead, it will
return a Zend_XmlRpc_Response object containing the fault, which can be checked with
the isFault() instance method of Zend_XmlRpc_Response.

When using the ServerProxy, faults are thrown as

Zend_XmlRpc_Client_FaultException -- just as when using call().

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Basic Usage:

Zend_XmlRpc_Server is intended as a fully-featured XML-RPC server, which implements all

system methods, including the system.multicall() method, allowing for the boxcarring
of requests. Example of Zend_XmlRpc_Server 's most basic use:

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Server.php';
require_once 'My/Service/Class.php';

$server = new Zend_XmlRpc_Server();

echo $server->handle();

Server Structure:

Zend_XmlRpc_Server is composed of a variety of components: he server itself, as well as

request, response, and fault objects. To bootstrap Zend_XmlRpc_Server, attach one or
more classes or functions to the server, via setClass() and addFunction(). Then, either
pass a Zend_XmlRpc_Request object to Zend_XmlRpc_Server::handle(), or it will
instantiate a Zend_XmlRpc_Request_Http object if none is provided -- thus grabbing the
request from php://input.

Zend_XmlRpc_Server::handle() then attempts to dispatch to the appropriate handler

based on the method requested, and returns either a Zend_XmlRpc_Response-based
object or a Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Fault object. These objects both have
__toString() methods that create valid XML-RPC XML responses, allowing them to be
directly echoed.

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When attaching items to a server, functions and class methods must have full docblocks with,
minimally, the parameter and return type annotations. Without this information, the servers
will not work.

Attaching a Function:

This example illustrates the relatively simple process of attaching a function as a dispatchable
XML-RPC method, also handling incoming calls.

require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Server.php';

* Return the MD5 sum of a value
* @param string $value Value to md5sum
* @return string MD5 sum of value
function md5Value($value)
return md5($value);

$server = new Zend_XmlRpc_Server();

echo $server->handle();

Attaching a Class:
The code example below attaches a class' public methods as dispatchable XML-RPC methods.
require_once 'Zend/XmlRpc/Server.php';
require_once 'Services/Comb.php';

$server = new Zend_XmlRpc_Server();

echo $server->handle();

Custom Request Objects:

Most of the time, you'll simply use the default request type included with
Zend_XmlRpc_Server, Zend_XmlRpc_Request_Http. However, there may be times
when you need XML-RPC to be available via the CLI, a GUI, or other environment, or want to
log incoming requests. To do so, you may create a custom request object that extends
Zend_XmlRpc_Request. The most important thing to remember is to ensure that the
getMethod() and getParams() methods are implemented so that the XML-RPC server can
retrieve that information in order to dispatch the request.

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Custom Responses:

Similar to request objects, Zend_XmlRpc_Server can return custom response objects; by

default, a Zend_XmlRpc_Response_Http object is returned, which sends an appropriate
Content-Type HTTP header for use with XML-RPC.

Possible uses of a custom object would be to log responses, or to send responses back to
STDOUT. Be sure to use Zend_XmlRpc_Server::setResponseClass() prior to calling

Handling Exceptions:
Zend_XmlRpc_Server catches exceptions generated by a dispatched method, and
generates an XML-RPC fault response when such an exception is caught.

By default, however, the exception messages and codes are not used in a fault response. This
is an intentional decision to protect your code; exceptions expose information about the code
or environment that can create a security risk.

Exception classes can be whitelisted to be used as fault responses. Simply utilize

Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Fault::attachFaultException() to pass an exception class
to whitelist.

Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Fault::attachFaultException('My Exception');

If you utilize an exception class that your other project exceptions inherit, a whole family of
exceptions can be whitelisted. Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Exceptions are always whitelisted,
for reporting specific internal errors (undefined methods, etc.).

Any exception not specifically whitelisted will generate a fault response with a code of '404'
and a message of 'Unknown error'.

Caching Server Definitions Between Requests:

Attaching many classes to an XML-RPC server instance can tie up resources; each class must
introspect using the Reflection API (via Zend_Server_Reflection), which in turn
generates a list of all possible method signatures to provide to the server class. To offset this
performance hit, Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Cache can be used to cache the server definition
between requests. When combined with __autoload(), this can greatly increase

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Caching Server Definitions Between Requests

Attaching many classes to an XML-RPC server instance can tie up resources; each class must
introspect using the Reflection API (via Zend_Server_Reflection), which in turn
generates a list of all possible method signatures to provide to the server class. To offset this
performance hit, Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Cache can be used to cache the server definition
between requests. When combined with __autoload(), this can greatly increase
performance. A sample use case follows:

function __autoload($class)

$cacheFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/xmlrpc.cache';

$server = new Zend_XmlRpc_Server();

if (!Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Cache::get($cacheFile, $server)) {
require_once 'My/Services/Glue.php';
require_once 'My/Services/Paste.php';
require_once 'My/Services/Tape.php';

// glue. namespace
$server->setClass('My_Services_Glue', 'glue');
// paste. namespace
$server->setClass('My_Services_Paste', 'paste');
// tape. namespace
$server->setClass('My_Services_Tape', 'tape');

Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Cache::save($cacheFile, $server);

echo $server->handle();

The above example attempts to retrieve a server definition from xmlrpc.cache in the same
directory as the script. If unsuccessful, it loads the service classes it needs, attaches them to the
server instance, and then attempts to create a new cache file with the server definition.

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REST Web Services use service-specific XML formats; consequently, the manner for accessing a
REST web service is different for each service. REST web services typically use URL parameters
(GET data) or path information for requesting data and POST data for sending data.

The Zend Framework provides both Client and Server capabilities that, when used together,
allow for a much more "local" interface experience via virtual object property access. The
Server component automatically exposes functions and classes using a meaningful and
simple XML format. When accessing these services using the Client, the return data can be
easily retrieved from the remote call.

Using the Zend_Rest_Client is very similar to using SoapClient objects . Simply call the
REST service procedures as Zend_Rest_Client methods and specify the service's full
address in the Zend_Rest_Client constructor.

* Connect to server and retrieve a greeting
require_once 'Zend/Rest/Client.php';
$client = new Zend_Rest_Client('');
echo $client->sayHello('Dave', 'Day')->get(); // "Hello Dave,
Good Day"

Zend_Rest_Client attempts to make remote methods look as much like native methods
as possible, only that method call must be followed with one of either get(), post(),
put() or delete(). This call may be made via method chaining or in separate method calls.

$client->sayHello('Dave', 'Day');
echo $client->get();

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All requests made using Zend_Rest_Client return a Zend_Rest_Client_Response

object. This object has many properties that make it easier to access the results. When the
service is based on Zend_Rest_Server, Zend_Rest_Client can make several
assumptions about the response, including response status (success or failure) and return

$result = $client->sayHello('Dave', 'Day')->get();

if ($result->isSuccess()) {
echo $result; // "Hello Dave, Good Day"

In the example above, the request result as an object, used to call isSuccess(), and then
using __toString()echoes the object to get the result.

Zend_Rest_Client_Response will allow any scalar value to be echoed. For complex

types, you can use either array or object notation.

If the service is queried not using Zend_Rest_Server, the

Zend_Rest_Client_Response object will behave more like a SimpleXMLElement.
However, to make things easier, it will automatically query the XML using XPath if the
property is not a direct descendant of the document root element. Additionally, if the
property is accessed as a method, the PHP value for the object is returned, or an array of PHP
value results.

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Zend_Rest_Server is intended as a fully-featured REST server. When attaching items to a

server, functions and class methods must have full docblocks with, minimally, the parameter
and return type annotations. Without this information, the servers will not work.

Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Classes:

require_once 'Zend/Rest/Server.php';
require_once 'My/Service/Class.php';

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();


Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Functions:

require_once 'Zend/Rest/Server.php';

* Say Hello
* @param string $who
* @param string $when
* @return string
function sayHello($who, $when)
return "Hello $who, Good $when";

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();


Calling a Zend_Rest_Server Service:

To call a Zend_Rest_Server service, supply a GET/POST method argument with a value

that is the method you wish to call. You can then follow that up with any number of
arguments using either the name of the argument (i.e. "who") or using arg following by the
numeric position of the argument (i.e. "arg1"). Using the example above, sayHello can be
called in two ways:

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Returning Custom XML Responses:

To return custom XML, simply return a DOMDocument, DOMElement or

SimpleXMLElement object. The response from the service will be returned without
modification to the client.

require_once 'Zend/Rest/Server.php';

* Say Hello
* @param string $who
* @param string $when
* @return SimpleXMLElement
function sayHello($who, $when)
$xml ='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<value>Hey $who! Hope you're having a good $when</value>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
return $xml;

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();



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Zend_Service_Abstract is an abstract class which serves as a foundation for web service

implementations (also look at Zend_Rest_Client to support generic, XML-based REST

While Zend_Service is extensible, Zend also provides support for popular web services.
Examples of web service support packaged with Zend Framework include:

Akismet Amazon Audioscrobbler Flickr Simpy

SlideShare StrikeIron Yahoo!

HTTP Clients:

For those Zend services that utilize HTTP requests, change the HTTP client of
Zend_Rest_Client to change which HTTP client the service uses.

$myHttpClient = new My_Http_Client();

When making more than one request with a service, configure the HTTP client to keep
connections alive and speed the requests.

'keepalive' => true

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XML-RPC fault responses are reported by Zend_XmlRpc_Client

a. Raising an exception
b. Triggering an error
c. Using the client's isFault() method
d. Checking for a fault Message in the response

Zend_Rest_Client expects a REST service that returns what

type of content?
a. Plain text
d. XML

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XML-RPC fault responses are reported by Zend_XmlRpc_Client

a. Raising an exception
b. Triggering an error
c. Using the client's isFault() method
d. Checking for a fault Message in the response

Zend_Rest_Client expects a REST service that returns what

type of content?
a. Plain text
d. XML

Copyright Zend Technologies, Inc. 213

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