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- Cul fue la situacin ms desapacible en la que te has visto envuelto

en trabajos anteriores? Cmo hiciste frente a dicha situacin?

There have been many occasions when I have had to deal with an
unsatisfied customer but one especially difficult one that I have faced was

A few years ago when I was in charge of a computer store with a tough
competition because there were two establishments on the same street.
That morning a customer came screaming because we had sold a printer in
poor condition and could not print some urgent documents.
As manager of the store could not allow this customer could influence the
rest of people who were at that time in the store.

The first thing I did was to test the printer to be sure that there was a
manufacturing error .... and after checking it, I offered a printer that we
had there for personal use so that I could use it until there was one like the
one his.

The customer was satisfied and in the following years was a regular of
shopping in the store also recommend to his family and friends the
treatment received.

Cmo era tu relacin con tus compaeros y tus jefes anteriores?

The relationship with my colleagues and my old boss the truth that very
well ... in the department where we were, in the design and marketing we
were five people and we all formed a great team.
We carried out a lot of projects, doing countless hours even today we
continue to have a friendship

I think that is the essential thing for a project or work to go forward.

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