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Home-based business idea: How to make palitaw de leche

Give an interesting twist to the popular kakanin 'palitaw.' How about adding yema as its...
byEntrepreneur Staff |

Home-based business idea: How to make sapin-sapin

This Filipino rice cake is famous for its 3-colored layers that satisfies any taste bud. Start your...
byMJ Dinglasan |

Home-based business idea: How to make buchi

Start a small food business or merienda cart selling buchi as part of the menu. Here is a simple...
byEntrepreneur Staff |

Home-based business idea: How to make cassava cake

(traditional way)
Here is a no-bake recipe for those who prefer to make cassava cake the traditional way.
byEntrepreneur Staff |

Home-made business idea: How to make pichi-pichi

Heres another traditional kakanin recipe that can be a very ideal home-based business idea....
byMJ Dinglasan |
Home-based business idea: How to make puto flan
Heres a unique and mouth-watering twist to your favorite kakanin and dessert. Start another...
byEntrepreneur Staff |

Home-based business idea: How to make palitaw

Heres another simple recipe for home-based entrepreneurs who are looking for quick and easy...
byEntrepreneur Staff |

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