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+ World -is: tow : Ojha : Wowleltl tekous >—l——_, Pre-Modecn world Modem world. “Badal Opre Zapilaltst exoriem © Gpietst economy (eroromy) @ Monarchy iets pags! whing) © Republic (polity) © Gstoma and Tradilons (ogy } @ +Homaniem/ libercilism. (aeligen) @ Religion wan constittin. (chart! @ Manmacl constitolion. \ < 7 Modern woud riley is sprealty he tory of taraition premodere world inte modern word, . toby -this -hansition ? —baiten Gosade L Renaiesonce Reforevahon L 4 — Geegraphical dincove, ten TRodentantinm t L World trade shacle Ged commerce 4 Globelization + World Trade : cag ave a GeomAnuica) World hace meana interelependence o “hace bh Various continents or countries. With -the passage of time, world trade of goods lo sech level thal it wert beyend human producton andl His became a. importand caase for _indsskiol neolohin hemon production andl this paren! cause for inclabvial neve Grotheeof medesr wold) (ether) Go cm Renaissance ancl Snelorbial sev. oteaded giving bicth —to new ovcler which hada clash with old order. hin clark became he Cacse of some important rovolotin the Zygtah Redelon FP gerhs, Preerican Revolotion 116 Thench Revo tation 1184 ‘Reson Resclotion 1710 Chinese Kecolstion 12484 ces aN et a a vt ee ay acs te “Vesent world > a 7 ~ fend 4 d : clostioped § waif wealeand backward cooley bike 4s covnlvien Like US, Brope The neo oder s'arted gg binth to new clevelopmant in would Pistoyg like Cmargance of neo ircluabrialized nations. & Germany, Sal, Bpanek. in second half f i emergence of new leackrs stated a clash of intererts bly the ned ancl ale basses like-Railain § hance which fall became the cause. od) esorldeoars: Ose of ectomn bomb second werld war placed & question math on oxiskense of -thiscoe ld Thece fre Mind voor Idioar meann,ond of coorld. Bot the wosld cannaheurvive withet wat. Because of limited aeroucen and valimited onpinatinn. No fii .w0ar fp Go wor Bot camat Survive withost war fe. war bln capitalism & commonalism 2 war bn OSA G USER Soy chminance of woke). Usse alinindegeed tn BAF and His bec ste & capitalinen 7 supremacy of OS sn the world Modern world hintory in fom wnarssance -fo sepeamagy to OA Vv OPS ayllabor is fom dacbabial sevolotion to sepremany f 0s. Books: Old NCERTn. a, aol, ig (slog f civtrzation) Bed ood Prjonch) (61.8) Ca4o13) ~ Conenprig — bit Ajoader) BN. Rab +, Aidastvial Revolition : { T “Theface Salient feaknen Bealeotion. iBoabial bu. Andlonbrial Ros: IR in Aff. covabico Socksained Eeyoiston ~ Ine race 7 \ BR cosh all coq te: Bouvet -meckeen, wrer lef, gg more & neo dimension 4 polily, ecar orn, Aocieky & aeligion. foundation stone ser albeady laid enor by sone exanse, geoaraphical clixovest and gould had "Renasxance Geogpaphicalels coveries WL lacks Reenems for Sidentrial Quveloken: yoo Whale oncl clewencl GGeend OAlne bel —? Gpretn toorted prof jiuo materials @Sposk ene hines © Geographical dlincoverres and world fade tncreanecl volume of? chade § commerce “bo sxcha level the! it ccont beyencl human production an this ached ana groond for indoabricl pexolotion e@ hel \ yee j Cepitalfsn) Gpite Lint closs Ss prilosply pepperted y masser. Copitelism meacans 149? Proclockon at lox cont ith sole motte of puch. Gis prinople Heatel Grining momanten of kr peopphial chisconerien ened wend dade and ria go bit, to capitalist clon cobich wan interested in Inventing in axeon of profit: Therefore wopilalnn § copitalat clam act a fel fe Sideabvial acvolotion -for wean 1a.comn ancl -the important esaann tere 2) asteblinhed Rayol scciogy Af lender to promote serearch and ckevelopment. 8) premodern prodecton 222 booed on Somentic sehsp which wor af forclable by indlividoal craftemen. Bot modern incuahrien neguired technical machiner and srend_infoohuctwe, eohich eu onty possible -for capitalin clo. ©) best investments in any. businan From wherever rong molligicn ® Spatk: Spoek OS. Scientific dikeeverien » Sven tionn Ronen hnviented! Aptning ‘ceel wth god oped. rkeoaght invested spinning eohel aon by water. Compton allied bot eater bot shill hacl lanttabions f human prodection: Marconni, Sarniel Moacese, Maxander Giahombel inky, fsiseless) G olegraph) l ‘elephone) ~tecl the worl. 8} bopet contriboton oan Neocommeal coho invented oteam exgine and vsx0 acfnecl by Feo Wal. Fie ean real bgging f 2 becouse sheam power ison Comettel to mechanical pocser and in this “2 ‘aning of 4 mun, power L200 aeplaced by machine perset, which war-b i —— Hongrasves Marcenni Newoloremeat A HOuight Samoel Moarst “Tawa att Gomphon Alexander Groh mbe il [. Spinning coheel] f ikea ton] f- chansportation] machine world] @ Aye: fer ougen (row materials) Baitain fermany Japan rina AR: 11506 18704 _ (18905 19905 world power EP in Mio EP in 19004 EP rn 2003 sea totthoot oygen oithoot Oper eotthord ougen - Bley f Colonism odepled by Zorepean rations with “Ha bagioniog df geographical clitce sents and caold shade actecl an ahve fr 9R an id provided onggen’ tact ts the source of naio materials § the matket for aoropean nation onpecially Buitain. & Gooen Elizabeth-5 tasted! offal policy of settlement in N America to beginning of conkyy thick ka 4 emeigence © colonien in NAmerica. “Pochagese stetled conquent F Sndlian’ asboontinent Lom 151. Bok uitis hers ook the nittative fom HFT and All 1658 Inclan rbcontinent clumed nb poverhovse for Buh nel hnlizacdina.. Salient -feectores of Indleatrink Kevolet on =O rplond became -tha enicenke of Incunlrial Rvolohon, ; icanhe a ste O arcumsle ton d oll becaee of ponding f nacre Gke N-Amuico, India. : —— Dncloare movement beg bndlords of Qritat anode | ° Lan! of al vv OA place of K. sromapant coal §& thon, fchich s Bilan hel geod acerca: Labour for IR intaly Demoérate development in Bufeia stat for 21S, sohich scached 40 ite peal In 1688( Glorious Reselsten) 4 “in toap Bailar corny tis pared had a lable demecrectc foro f Gori. ard aloo enparalled naval poier in © ath x — © Ardaphiat sevolotion stats fon lectle sector due 40 aueaalabiliby fxaa madertal (cotton) anc! boote requirement of homan being General reanon : iets Rasomataial © Bante aeguitemen Daughter Hloose 40) (Snpesiaton) . pot nuk i i 5 (Bourg Ws paic. Ban wa iovelved in Dimpatant chaleqpes g 2) Sndloartal aevolote 6) Gutich Impariatisny She both, they sequined! hope amounh of mon tah cone chained sory ei imperliog snclinn erctiloy lehe turlin Ep Calico and thn woo the challene fv Bailish cap itll. — © Reolotion in infooluchre: OSteam toak 2 Robert tollon, @ Bromervcad ———— @ fai = Geor 2 /tephemon ere eee Winclas Tehphane "Telegraph. @ Meadamized Goad: Meadarr In-trs ora ef 5, deabvidhizacton ane! commercialisaton, it became imporlant to nieve in specific ctnecton and thin becalite “the cause fr coming f team book. Tanpertation ef hroge amoorh of aio materia and ge created groonel fr aitoays and Me adamized reado chil reconrly bo beaut of demand § srnly in world lect > communication pwolohion. - 6 Chonge in agnicolloral patter end promotion to mining sadny Vv Arpicsve becem a cepa IR an it wer the main sepplier of aio medeaah 40 inclishies. “Thin Gee Promotion to cash crops Uke cotter, Jute, indigo ete. Coal e¢ thon became lifeline of 42. fo rss incbny Got mementim with IR. We) eonemitalna trade § chmand ee) sat aie ae as aes ce ee SMe cuctette, fuer Boe ac wees ce ce, cee ode + Evaluation: p> Pidloshial capitalism OEconomic___ erehantiliam @ Religion —@ polity @ Sociely nctushial capitelism + Cegstaiiste benedth af a cork: Merchoatilim: foe banefit af mobher county. 0 Rrartas! imeortact economic anpe df indunltal Aevdotion won promotion “te indenvial avpitalinnn ia. ba besiness hoosen eoheling the lage patt f predoction ef nation. 4+ abo gf Prereltea be pilen merchartilinm fe. pobjegaton f a counkey and its eeoneens for benefit of motree come 4. foo 1199, Shchig became -Pmbouse of indusbrial Baitein. @ Fey a “Ragveck: peried Later veai Bocktha a) petted Period Eee: subsistence Eco:agniclhmal to: 4 orbanischin agricutine “+ shade G commerce pels Mahayénapads [Boring change> poly] pol: jana beced pol? janapack polly "hes holoitte moverent vedi period ladles vide period Boddha peciod Goncils Adminicbrotive Soond octninishative Shroctre shuctwe, Cy ampar larthandate’ Capitelicm gee atun to political system an “it led “emergence of porourfl menarchien cated nelien shader. trelsbial Aovelotion Jo® Promotion -b capitalsm which increaned he dominance f -pélitied capitalists & middle clam in political agstem sohich Proally ledto the biath of concept of nation an! nathonatem, Irportant example were wnification of Ay se) | gemagy in pecord hell of 11 nf Ancrease in pasticipation f-people in admintshative chuckee bacame te Feed ho chemoccat _devlopne Story tats In, Britain ancl aeacher-itk peak with American cevolurtion. Bot-the important political clewdepoeat In thie pasted itor bath of nec shibonophion ble Gommenalism, pocialism ete. Capitalism led +o miserable condition of workers cohich won net understood by tnthal lboor leackrs . Luddite a: labour feeder in Britatn ctarlec! ing mockrn..incuptries and this coon calledftockiHe ‘aevemsat ushich becwwas teow. be politcal phileccphies like commonalism, pecialism ek. i ~ 6 carbony BC ia cootony we *b Steondorbanisaton -Andlusbial sevelotion ‘ 4 equal aiakn to Women cqueltahn to csomen & olaves. and sedeer Checlelint period) NS Reenon df { Gpitaleow believer tn principle of telerd i. “*ihis became the important cause. fv Ubecctioo”¢f xpproned cleren 4! Baitath in 1173 became the Arch county to obelish obveny Along with thin, Important clwelopmest cco promotion -fo clas akvinion in sociely ie. capitalist ond pro* blender hocking class). @ Snpoct on Religion op eo" Be s™A.0. 1a"n-0. Boddha, GoroNenak, Dezoniond Sarenceti, © Mahoveera Ke bin (Sioami Vivekanand. “itt, change in, acon eng will raphical Aiscovecies and exer ld 9 cry ails geegrap coverien and eter chede, polity and aoceely Adetled geting nad clmen sion. The old catholic Aeligion (sect) ancl its Principle became hurdle -fer neo clevelopments ancl this bacame tha important cauce for he protestant movement in Evrepe tohich betel aupporled Liberal & new orean. Therafora 42 Gere 2 chaege wid ovethookd the cxishng exonem, political, social, aelépicun order. thin. ned orler led ty mony ionpottant clvelopments like American pevelihon. —+ American Revolrtion; oe Rrsfeca Ravers Snpockiot events — Steloaton Aran Gi + Preface: AR ted economic rexolotton in the eoorld. Siwilady purl os Se “reve! American Revolohion became “the cause Bx political Awolotion in te cool. 1 consisted raasily tnclopeadent Ponce Noth Avera became Blind of” promise Lr Eovopeans an forthe fiat time it provided coonter: prochels lke potto tobacco ck. | fer conten ov thclian prockct. “Tere. procbch came le hava. a big elemand tn Shcta and Tah: mpin became te frst machival pulee ~b impose ban on shade ff bvbacco. - a ee ee ee A gee ee Ta SERN Og, ER NE Ata = k2a0enn : OQ Economie Guies @Inmmmetiode cavee —— O Seal Gusen \ ® Intellect chass sole tbe bagi f Peenkng, qoseo Elizabeth -& sttedthe cial pobiyy of cettlew end In North America eohich led +0 emergence 12 colonien i Britain provided protection and peng to hese colonies, i} concedect its moral cad political sag on ale economia affairs f tha cole Ruilain fame) econrinie policies in auc ho coo tat led 4o economic exploitation of Amer iter ae Novigarhon lad of II onder eshich # e200 compulsory fe the American ships te\attend British ports bepre heavy for obbec parts ¢ -the world. 4 Exe4 polity, in which Qxitain maintained tracling eronopely inthe caohal prodock f America ke potato, fobaceo, cotton ae ay Frcleokeial poliey by Sohidh, rnertlans soars. not ollanedd te eskblish by preckction onik, “ Niacin lewd BEX po! hey Tiniese potcies wert ine sips 7 mainmin drmrgavee bedwand and weak wait which rood be eels exploited by Buitain. Tin won the pain for Anerican people. IPGL Share Ad ef places ® Social Goses: “idle cn,” Est Odlioat Ocimadte. is te ritiall ctl if aad « @ areon f ssrorrcen larean Jatinre! eaerelapee by porbouse / i ‘ Harkour vsed by But il / lake * qs thy for or om hathoor f pot te cance u ee WW * la. igaaction. Lionomie hab for lect apeaeccg st Nort, America , ampecielly Us chee above specific Aeacons became land of eppertonity far Exrepeans anel Hrs became tre near for bege scale migraction pom Exepe -fo America Tie migation created a nique socal shuekxe in America, whose irpertant -feadwen exore Deere nccely BDesctsfeton ——— © Detachrnent fo, Matterlond & Pyremrionf | ing the concept ef Lieralism d Penoricars nociefy comivledl people Fron various pectin ve various nationalities which folewes liberalism cgeint ‘the peivitged clon clominance. in Eurepa at that time: @ American popeloton bad less affilistion with metheland on meal f he Pepolabion was of rebels, sehen or of ferchors. 4! “Pili Pithers ie protestants he exaped fom Exipe from beg (pronecerted’ pct cathelic sect. © Dynami f aeciely sahich wes ewlent saheo, waitin « Ahatspon f-time te. 100 gf he newstlilers in Anerica turned “the bancd into arco. of proceten ancl plankton Peeelig philorephars, -hinkees, scientink ee. — @ Dissatisfaction of Anseicarr purples onthe Loi of their vith and bhour eae faker Bow by Bai toh and in this “a pedal abroaphece, tn rmertca won Pepe ihelP to protest apciont mrisrole ef Barden ® This Preparation got momertim cle to the sok of” Antellectsal clas. Whenever a pociely or nakon offers fom crisis, He intellec koal clacs specify he saons F thoobla ancl proviok gereine odohien fr Ke doobk. Amporkent pesconalites i Bie ald ir America eeare 4) “Themen ‘Aine —\ &) Begjamin thanklin at, in ehich he explained! eonomis exploitation Buitein and Proposecl -the inclependence 20 the roloton to this. D Beojamin Aronklin axtablished! philorophical nociely of Anerica hich hed its branches in bfferert post of Anariea. The objectives f there nocilen Gera aoemon and ‘acalonigg f Ke people, & phooe Estaler General * Abit of Besibtle— G phore Aol ff Bonittle «oy . dl ig Nehional Aeonty Ce + Nehonaldonvention + & phe Natal Coralia 8, 5 x. =, Hite Sigel oe gto WM Phench assistance to Americans in their coor f inckpendence \ y in Hance. Ae bp moved! fo people -fe- neo -taxen the sof ferin peop shared ¢ clomand for political acfoma. Levis 0 i000 vey clear thed if he bistenn proved aliseokioun te levis 4 ao if crealecd nancial bonkrup by 0 . ckmand sf peuple, ed will lead! -'> the clecline in ahaha of kei instead of lag to voice of peorte he look Latepa: © sppailed gel on Proancial minister to sok be problem, ape ho gove four pent proporal: ‘ ~ D.No nxataxer = 8) No axe loan i) No bookeep! i) Beigsloiin expenclilne of slate G scgalhouschel Bagel Paid price fer his cleworam es be uevs immediate dismi ©) King noid invited lard obill argonizaden. of crstocragy bot it octal sefised + shave borclen f king and the elale. As losis Xv foiled fo ge & genuine seloton, he vesorled +3 path ff Luce against Hee people ancl be charted voling fence Troeah ordinances. this kdl - riots m aliffernt cities of Aa people clemanckel. invilation ects qe , Petate Oclegy sig Eelode ets Leva Zinger (Comme Afghan ath WYebse iS 2A aeke er <= a 7 G sarnallad 5 ) goo Neoblen cd common cooembly of! ail briben ngreranbatien Majonilydap “ferrce be aliscams Crofal modfurs a ig fay nce thy which ti, pheoe : A0ith his hiddlee gent leurs XW invited exluke grooved obich cproved to be a hock becaone ef -oll wong aeonons 0) Comma man wce lpperac Fronoate fer bis spashuipatio in eakiden Gfore! anc hence lage ne. of people alarted onoing osu Vésadleen. Versailles. WS Costin cherindbed Pe abar en aol pach aed “thed membership. of elev» Geral heal chee! epon pupal Aatte f ih mechan Provision ¢ one peesan, one votehould be -fllowed! ‘ Rn Aicths cen, loots Ki cotomitled! the next mistake chen he closed the 40 ors ef emembly hall. ta reaction +40 this People gathorecl i tenets eon and ty cleclared renselver a7 Notional Repavenkidve. So mmprbant ovkcome f enkekn general woos feechon of Netenal Accor elf hosing He copination to fame “the corstibotion f hence. Lovis Ku once a” committed Hie mit take eohen he ahmiccad- Rocker, a prominent nobis hin-fiwe and agopabicee f connor man, becawce he oe properal 4 change io volng pellora in eakelén growl bovis Kit slatted geting Akoops in Reis ond) bath inciceat gore messege fo common. man “hab king ecco nok 9 a emosel f pecea Inoheod want + Supprem tis, people. Tis bd Ateming f Ratille by rnarner on 1G! Foly TET: “Phane Wil? Basttile became coke f target because 2 orgy ford mibwoanied tocdleet aime snd’ aimmenatten, 6) dion thot thet polih-a/ prisenessioere leptin Caattile Tre fill Mle wees cobdenply a Al dl a Pt bent t ‘oreo eile spl fel fo “fer bot if cee0 the begining of “bench Kevoloten becaune : 2? inapirotion for aluect action b jaHe Oe —_____ 8) fmation totes wade 2g 2 begin of modero admin. 2) fall f Boottile became idspinachon for chsect action in “tance which woo evident a> -the people stoodup against the old aoling phoctore art Heir main -bigek ra monnpts of the (manors) seling clave 8) armas is apie f poou Lipprand breve rag eided with the people, thin 1009 loss ef pewarand prestige of the ki Paris econ unckr coobel of commen people 10 they Pace monicipal couporotion §f paris 4p manage the oy and “thin won bagining peoples participation in admintsbraton. Ney f conmer- roar on. itlcreny aoc aheeary Alec fall f Bante, national cenke became the power conhe f Farce ancl on its aopiraction ian to deame new conntthrhinn. 5 2, Se this lect ~» The conatitrten LL, cohese imp. featres were ; a) combi tvkonal wrench ay ao {| » Lao Coegy 4 e ates: igh clechraon. ©) Brnatitoional monaichy, coder ohich king coon toaemoin Perak endl tenefar efrers. Rel pes head of state asta the wight 90 A cclminishation passed into hand &f #80 havn feguledre having TE Srmbers An-thin ory king of Hance battrns avbber egy in France. : | 8) By lao Lcligy acbigion won sobordinaded totheakde an | = got eneght cppointg (prstly clam ond pjng longo rey sf polictel aight sb people, chal aig Inclocag Yay, ejoality § Feeccify | A) Sebodeead a neo omens desi e dna alated rathonalaig lands anadchecd any fern churches ane fesctal: loch. © Homan & cl aig cleclavton — eg « feoclows speech forint | Bre conntitetion of 141 can ideal in nétve bot i} cxap not suitable Lor honca of (Fil a0 it een biclaserct weak pedal | anc draditional “Frese re the coratililin incleed ring oben + ieee cniated torhiee fin lich in Fance hich led t 2 inp. develomes oo: 7 ak ee meth é ( ( ‘ Ooald te Ofna Ne levis 1 tried 4p escope foro cooky, ese bow to ? acrolotion 20 airing aulhoniiy. of core tien of 91 ded “be sseape, Se the constitution became invalid. On dhar side important european Countrin onder the heedership of Aushria declorect war “ye asl hance, besatally b cave egal et Bot Ne choral. Bust riche ober agents 00 to cost national assem Hy 4 ih notional sevdolovagy elorelopmenk Tra gave vie 4 ni challegge Infromt &f nation fed big ‘) how 40 hanalle. infensalerisis. ii) how fodeal sith -}reign invasion « Wy) format of’ new conn Hotton. . a eran top fale ofing handling ttoroal Irandliog oe raya formal lye bed? cwsis indie «pectin fee aga? ~theid challenges kab och phane NA c+ 197 Netioas! Govibhen (12-75) fo) Canstibtional Mev © Grsthotional Kepublee New constilrtion emphanivteel on Conetitotional aapoblc which had following -fearkrren: 2) Directory Having members, cach with equal etch, 0 d term fore &mocts to 8 “Tem prrtodef chnectoss 229 become head oak ont fora ge 0 Menage bocly: moda provision of 2 hoy, upper havezand loewerhouse in which the proposal were rade in upper hoose bot they were 4 be Poved only by locas hose ® , bes of Clergy oO Regen of vecnon Religion bacoma pessetial offeir of inchiwideal § it lantal he @ Anlerfererce f shel tn octal contoms ond hacklion. alae ppectfcd choatock | fr pisileond abo gon qitceioes PovoHeget of the peopk. | { ‘ ; | @ Mived! Zeorom © Seoremis pefoenn clone ow = commoniel lines on capitals wore Ckclatact <2 eneraies. Pricer important commodity couse foc. wee Nacional Assem National Convention i Gratibotion FF Conshitoion (MIIAS y 4 @ Gostibhonal Moisi oO GBowkbstional sepoblic DExnomt @lof lem @ Ripon | ciacay m sige | eon @ Honen & @ Arlerference of Gvil Rights state in social f coltural affeire + Option of constitotinal apoblic wargood bot it had cefeciencin fem alll cides Like shod erm of crnectors te peannge te netion« » Alfhough Arance became cecolar clade, iF a> a0 emalinl Getback Frrogh the coajonly cathole popeltion in hance. + Preple waid net able orderetane! Homan ane! Gul aight and stiles inleerence in pasonal life of poeple iWvitiled them, + Ephanis on comenemin| sey in aconmmic acforms tbroalened tHe capitalist section feast Overall nea cormt wor aon ical in nature but if toa etill not svitable fr the france of IOS. So ihonce ge increased conksion & conflict in hance, - - SS Srclin IGF hance |706 o-foancialerisis © froocialeciets @eke. ahead @ek 0 Soternal crisis Ohgpeore rogpbboose ® Setemalerisis sono prolected! because of mectore leaders lke Nehru, Blel ete. One of the bay Grasback of revolstion see H chad makee and effson experittoe kere. aus bith f vaio pops S«: Gondliot, Jacobins ete. Fy all had off. ideale in and philosophies “hg +b poll tha revolotion in theic aneckon..4n this stenario pococer came ing honds f a cold blooded Tecobin leader ‘bos Pere eaho entablisted sein of eter in “Konce. (1973-94) s Fadel in mit nag oO Only ria offeter, enero vot nid falar onion. @ ay fbise wll be paid. . @ “Fray ing Pose 00 emared by adisa Sanohi L Step of Mabeihy = inbibtog Sooge slowly. agGeaan oe aea:-m mm im mm mmm mm mm lll kell 5 : ge of Tence (1793-44) ebin lob sono beoialty the cl of foeserclam people, aw ae » Decisrn of Rabon Re be agyraosie O Lmphenis on comaunist principles ie. rationalization prperhen, Foaing of qwicen of coronediion ok. ® Abolilon of slavery —» cooxsl farm ofaxpleitation @© Soppression of women vighhs an Rskas Pere said thot raha bon has Pre impact of bis qr created women rroncge Poly § gyre bith ® Eleminaton of all sivale O Gore rorst principles @Eleminartion a — 0 Abvey @ Sippression of oomen emotion Cotag Aggression ealism Rebes Pars fled ogi cpt lech ctepe nof only inceeceed confsion and conflict, but he abo ceakd infellechal void in Ahonce. Ovleome of “this sihsation cour Nepolean. . (ise and-fall Nopolean: oH Emergence oa Re borers Blonders power « Bemepsorvan'n pleats © Talon — “anphing + stohe of ciliewcs of Yoies, Gi riper\ Tiealy f Campoformio —e “oe i ee elected! hie career an on omg office in “hance. Doving sexolotie be 00 given the chage protecng ae —Tialon and on he effrcieelty ald his job, a0 he war colled +o Paris +o ge Protechon fo national assembly and thea nalional convention. Meeting with Teophine proved to bo taming poinl of hi career andl fis mowioge wit TFoophine ebrrel hin atahis in hance: Henok colt got chage ff “ench orn, he wen alo given teak f Salon expacttion. 1) Halion expedition ancl eoly f cxripe fete “benecd him into hero of hence: Nopoleen ‘ia ge soxess in his tet assigneact an he decked Aashia aod ronald fe tty of Gnpoanre have inporknk provisions were: Aushic mon Hotes oo eo * Bilin se Res 26 . ~ Abebytes (Gefen ef Exepe) ' hone Arkin erspes! Garam and Bey rte, ech offeck inleols of “hance. So Napolean e (Aroha § Sely} 3 After treoly & compofeemio, Nepelean boa olseodly traad a hao of *once. This kdl to coh b/y dinectors and Nhpolean. “finaly be plonned fer phon excpodition «sift his oon hideon ae. fv cabich he war fooly soxess Bl Ae he wen! oot s baton f hence become exibical ho idhen he redomed, people of thonce had mly one voord eaith them and thal woo Nbpelenn, fe exgenizec! Soinklo nmin tanith be Sepperers he become the fist council (hee of ede) ta 1999 for topes and in 1804 offler the plebscide he bacana emperor cf once. —~ Reforms of Nepolean: a) Tace of Evrope: ‘ , ©" Npoleadt toro very clear thot Fronce saquiven etebilty onlsheagh oPle fovg slension ancl -tormeil fer 10 years a, this he immediate priefy toon peace with Beropean vations. te corote’ letters to king ¢ Eaglond and Anhia oppeatig “hal ie the. ‘tii f wor tn thie ora of 2rosperil and clevelopment.“ Thin woe axeped by asks ond i led + hooky o? Arn bl Lg lone and hance exlablishin frend delahions bla both coonbies. Thie rend won -fllowzed 4 Aropean nations. -B Benomic reforms: —— Nehwion opproech Hitlers approoch émprove national Bec patlow upprcach incoma by been vy! 4 A i i inceennhg es bites tits. * 1 seer 909 in rook! ao national income wor in disorder, y bacausa preg sector ean weale, omicloy sector ie. incloalrialization war heving a slow pace and because of ? bi tee pecker a0 in tovble. Ardea of gog Fr foelomairalsefoonn, Napo'san cdeped ccprfcel approach of economit reforms Ia edhich bis metve emo +o iopprove scence of incoun Lutte ae “Bemedion to inprove He fehl fenprodetive Shpe to improve Bettie mpredloctive & barra land> Romobon fo conal itrincstion * Liberal atthe -fucosds emer. Aafenabuchral chvelopmerd, ahengihen aca bol shor in Nepolean. This conayed Ae Presse acne In hance 4; Ahi scenarvo ichen be filed 40 in hott payee sechom, he committed no. of bkindes ishich led-b chonfall of Nepokan. + Binders of Nopolean: ) Doe with Exope : Afler og oak and aheogh. Nepolean come oot cath neal indertion when he started! fihing with Enepean counhies. Syporlant move of hic wor ior chovge. regal chm expe on be chfeated an Enopean shale, tc banded ever be salts. He yght epprostvahly GO v2015 in eobich inaportant anor couse + saint th Ladle 7 a) Battle of -fusvctipde: ; clefecteel combined armies of Anhia § Pumizanc! chstroyort the Healy Roman Empire. i d p 5) Bettle ef Seana: ° “legetee “Possia Saaloo : defeated Iesia. Bat then. Bassia became frond of “hance Froegh treaky of Teil. Rs was of’ Nbypolean nef ou cishoyed the pelted selip of Fecpo bot il alo alarmect Eoopten acon agent Noob an he ws ying to chege aegal elo of Emope\ 2 Continental Foley: Ztypioref peor le coork“tillacheve 4 rowwerk,oneorowk, hehe. chinese Pakistan Bante pei f Negolean canto clefeat Buitain and om Nupoleen anf once ink super poser. “by this he made a clvect allack or Buitein bot the bodlk of Ticklecr Spare proved clincohoos for Nhpokan. As he 209 defearteal in alvect: baitle, he optec! fr indirect wae thro contivendal pelt sate ———— — Ligesf Baitain vs A caodlohop in 18 cen hey corkn hop of contd, a cooky “trance —+ Spain Fakiken A LY Reni * > lose pakinten Bhardsind aelaton with Extains \ los Sa-thin ccertinental policy Fhroogh 8 hnportand cleclarétions like Gealin, Milan, Shntetbeliev, he cute economic elation ef tance and its aller cit Britain. \ effect Charter Act, 1813, Ayes f Nepean wn to orple cxcroy Gikin,- Froky leading ocsorinfit d biden. Bobln wootel Bch wertshep &f wold ond “once, it allio were ckpenclnt on Britain fr ihe gmde. Basta had avbstibrle ctl he acts. "Bel hance and it allés had no eobstitste workshop Thin creaded! economic Crista crcl rouble for ack and coiamerce 11 hance, Ria ek. nally Rose left cea Hal tstoe and tus became Ieapoctent Aeooon 4 begining a) 4n hana anc Restio. Continental policy economic atlack of, “hance and ih allies economia weak covrkies on Britain. 2) Spanish “Uleée 5 lar lean o Pompe ebons Spain Dees r Spano an ily ond Pieod f ance bel Nepean ? Bain hanecl ins tals bu wey becuase” fig suena 2 fagenl violation of rove f Spain ce) Refer ©) Aidlnanel episode 2) Whenever Nipolean went on expaditon of fee bale never bothered abeot permission -fom spanish bod & ., gory wale covet of ARTs coon Re ‘pata a in Bik ppl ) ky Aerclinand if Spain, sho wos how nome intemal encrs, 1200 invited by Napoleon =" hance. Aflee the meel, Yerclinond 200 seplesed by Nepoleaw broted Teaap an Apantsh king This woco the -: f being fn aggronor in a Frsody nebi 2) TEseph oo hig f spain clealedl se forms, copecially lond eho ip which load won. taken any by fesdal lords and coon dishibuled & bless Ibaoers. Bot ther this postive hp f Tezgnh back fied oo “eieph ene! Neprolear, on. fevctl lovds £ Sein riled and aaived Hos shogun of Granth Nechonelisn. t+ Deccen Spoin Vielen L £ L azeb kelecl Napolean coold —— “hench lef Vielnoin Stonbaytond hove aeplocecl ond 054A occupied “rok ovo fn sen ph by Sarah “ L People ple-facod axplsitatmn “He clot appeink L ——s i “a Aron sle fr 200g and exe end ahartocd 9 nol tacy for exlonien Pigg with Maroke Fhoreign hook be 1 Nationelisen. Hasson ag entire nection nevolted. Ne teint . fy with achiral focigs. Moves Nolen towarch epain wore copegwote ond incespemaible: in nakre. Beagent blonckr he old, lke Anargazeh, he atailed fg htng cit rattoraliom, rpach rakerainm. Thi proved! clninkoust> Nopolan, an ha cichot_jort loose a fiend, bel it ahe cleplekd sinoereen of Force. A) Kae with fowiar BS) Beginning of enemy ie continental lta: 1) Hemiliation on © exkeblichod gerd gros time ie clorbor in Basan. pel sal ) irrherference af Nepolean in area. € Ression inetesoot. d _heraonaclenemiy and Napelean I fer Skpokan because hisepine © axpodlrhes, proved! 26 ie. his army 2 cbohaged and this became tHe epperkonity fet Abii co Aeedep agsiood Klpskan, Enon foes eriled and they defeated him in the batth of leipzig. eahich coo begat of cbsonfall of Nepolean, tly in 11S, he wan Croshed! in the battle of vscrterles and 1 St Helena where he obec in 121. Srnpact of Nepolean era en Sadia: © abolition a” CIC monopoly by Chacter Ad 1 ® M8, Welesley obitcans alliance. © 1809, friendship treaty with Ranjoet Singh © “Tpopwltan Tacobins Glob. —Homan — Monarch Nias Coil serkin — (wrEreperor \ wt Hom seisre remetton-he moduen! - Exrtsot — Phlanephy of AR conn cnried ay ‘plone f polly G acta ino Empey orm > EXalvation: DGdalyhe Br : WEmphenson a) Chification | 8) dleveleproants Secolarm in adlocation A i ce He, ane lous 2) Pometion to Nationalism. 2 Thomotion-h cerncerahesabp like aqpoblic, kegislahne, Voti V eae d “Thara fre honch Kevolotiey and Napolean have an imperkeet dole in Exropean “Hsborg and World “Hatoas: thom 1815, @ naoera bagen in Exepa in which mont impetent incident was Vienna Gorges } p melas toe —+ Would isky : Oho: Onification of Gemea peoebi Races a ‘ik Canon's phooos . Reononn: a Situation. od) Ercan — 5) Exploitation =F as oF Faometion \ ervlire area common bond £ onity wan @ cole longuage @acce. © Sthoation: iver bith fo philon g prep 1) common bond only i) awa ff sesonce ——> éoaf Gheman steles had -he common benel fon on “he grt f geman colkve and beguage A 4 with Hes hy were alto fhe areas f psnouneen like coal ond! won. But inspite of this sittoton f: vnily and sesouneen, german stale were backward and weak in companion to other euxepean Countrin. “Thin war he pab-r awakened sectim in Gera © Expletaton: : trom wy timer, the gw checks never hoo! appennen leadke. &: ‘ty Boman Einpine i. onion 4 guamen and italian clades in wzhich the avlers of the ofedte. elected! their leader who won ge acceplance by Pope. “Rp oe th ching atbontly pe he din of griman cheer. te alongs creed or prenoted poli aginst epren cheten bol Nope made a arent conhribution chen 20 dleahayeet Bly Komen Enphe. Therefore “Ihe gecinsis eloden opt te pared! ff rchpeocknt by the Viera congress. Archit acura he. leacler of Germain sheer. The prooance nom guima lecckeship Pye an ingot aol tne ep, ff, German clades hith 200 egein fevloton forthe ausolened and Capito? section ¢. (meng © Bometion : Nlapokan clortesyecl Tha th Connon Eine and his bizgerd slep ton he abolished small afeder tn eceblem patt ancl extabbahee! tha siogke sfale eDeot phalia. “Kis. tasted guiing promotion “to -frocle: commerce. Tis ae geo proc ke f wily gree ere pected | nite | ntotalic. S _ 2 Eoxicamant : Te conditions £. German ext Peaches coon alia propeeredd x “Hie tae pilvcphcs onl thikus 4 Germany mle ca contibotin © TG. Ackle gave the conc of Gran iaiem, Germany FF L and toture o ba o7 ® Ahiechich Nietzsche croseed all He limils cohen he aid Goal is Dea (ith this he geet concept of Macter-Slave enol athe oho gore Pre agen of ‘Lue a “4 I! these Jeera in totallify plaspecl a aole. in ‘germ A fee i y Py i ow fe vniftcation * proves German snthentan: oo Geen igh od Gaveleto — 6) Zallvereto aarcerent : ©) Drank bal paslioment ) German Dob ut: hom Vianna cages, Archi became the hacer of Geman tater and “there ware '8 german etter. So if ear nat passibk fe Asche relvidolly hcl. toes Thi kd + the Lrenatiom ff Gsman Bel ta. pastemantin chith the members ee nominated the solers of alley. This led fomal politeal only f Semen ohekes ” He heel had Dy r This a hed 2 impockant Ht o Gererol aerolution can be possed by Po majoily |‘ Y ® Gontibotoval and ncbmental Changer seq cecplenc from all the. ston. t) Y Zollverein: Aushia femecl Gorman Diet Sethe personal benefit but Boscia lok acre hos hon Upeauclibe Cadlshecal Biveaixe... costom union fy german states. ( 7 ‘ BBAtede» = goods ove dking Into mater and cortomaloly hen to d 30 7 de pai . i Thi eohablished The aonomic onil f. man stokes ving perrolin 18 thade and commerce “Thin proved Yo be fe realy foe. fr ently f Gamo choke 2) SF honlfrt Relorvert Ge had fernal political ancl eeomenic onify Ml 1820. 4ythis ssiteation, he revolution f 1830 and 1848 "Laepe proved to be mega pont in ferric 1) Qectoton ff i620: (citizen hig) het “hapordance hy np Q a) Vierna Zonomie Ketl Mane — 199¢ kepression, 1°47 Jeeateat! Gommonis! Maniferko Cie saci opal ‘he labor clin I onife and ovedow over ig Snportand one isa in dorepe, " fabcoronvent ad anpitelsd frees. Ants coy he ara of 850i proved +o be a challenge fete Alita. Gite, ee r— Sb oflee 154 Laepe oftee ts —_—_, — Suitaded gpd Middle class Laboor close edocartecl men man canted conatilotio. cooled ahh, middleclass Géccansoh 1825) L GN. Banarjee when lyten aeduced (CA Und Ve Nc, 185" = . “i So Be Cran; the opkions coith the avlers 1000 40 datef, mriddleclacg So Hat Ary ocepled the cemand fesnshibkion This kel lo J *tontlort pasliomant, in Germany. i exon thc by he Uibecals ane! the members oft were nominated gem ohels. he objective of -the postiament w he ¢ Geaiboltt Pr from illiteracy and poverty. 7 gered So -thee won no possibilty 4 mass eilteatoe parkeipation In Abelisn enifcahonThin led to budh of Cotbooy (scered orgevizathons) cohoce aim woos te eliminate mevarhy and wot frovitication € tly Bot in abpence f Internal and eternal apport, thayg proves! to be cred can ly cred by He sarc obo f Vaone lege. She Wold Was : s a Remon -—Cutsa.cfe hapediat or agente Nobenalan oo ae Gan —~ Lroneite chp, $23 \ Lecgue cf Nebo, Rvsnrinde oe beg of Nebowr, 1920. [Taal of rsoilles 119 tofes/rory a= Doak Hig Ojha : —> Arst World Wax: oe) economic cavsea Ji) ®) Eamomic causen: cepitaliam anc! impasialinn are complanen! to one oncther. AR took place in Britain in (780. Orr! 1850, Bailoin occopied lavpepart of the creuldl. Rene orean eoere order control f Spain, porkigal Thane ek. Gero coon born ta 18% and! fom 1€70- (9g it -komeel inet at economic pewser edhich won cleew by Polosing eviderce>: i) pioneer in automobile inclisky cbe fo conbribution f Nicholas Otto nd Cal Bene. Trey invanted 4-ahoke combustion engine and in Paging of aheenky, Gena cn pcg 1008 cage. 3) pometion fo txon and toe lindunbry ap Ferma: bed gooe! scservein ff coal & iuon ond Halo eoccandes! iy potely Lyproclach d cool. and in MIO, German; Sepercedacl Baitein iy production f ele. i) promotion fcnemiea indy which led 40 chrelopmen| ff pharmacesticel c0ctor ancl Gang minke monly in decter ff be: ED) Anbookocknal clevelopment q* momerrtom In Geman ancl in, Hoes fa pectel Lothoary Qineas Plagec! a inperdecct anole . 4 objectve eao-to connect alll cities Garren olde Kesafore in in aging f 20" 4 corso. tech f “Made in Germany” Became ication for Bathin & Ut Puittsh ie} and capitalists comet ge ton bg isi ory vatthouk “Ws & Automobile indus! — 4) ie G Heel ee c) Chemi ical ncale4 £:€ ee ———t t L Britain Garman vepas Chie: d 7 now hock of exrsgen } ) } ow force Baifoin China As German sox an aeonomic power eoithout ou 50 clarh wit, Bihin war tnevit ble. This lect to political dbvelopments in Exxope and Germany mace ahift fom cavhoos continentalism fo qpgressiee imporialiao . . Caches Con-tinerslalion “ \ Neapoleans appeal Bismeak coa0 not be Baitein maintain peace uchen Germany . texo boon 12th bint of Gomory, Bismark won ey clear that new born Germing saqeiier peace «ind ie bitty few ik alealepmenl- Gy tis polly castioun continentatim, sbjactve of Samat isco to maintetg Frenclly nelorkias with important powers in Sorope. Onder it tmporbant clevelopmenls ioere D Triple olkeance. 5 which inchclecl Germany, Asshio and Haly i) hiendship with Bitetn on goonch f seleton and balance of posi. Accerclag to Biamack, Ge oan « laachouser ond! Baitatn coer naval paser.S0 ther 15 No power ceftcit bly covnhin 8) Good aelottons vsith Kava as io The inthal phese, he ackptd porrossion oftride, in affoie of eaalern esnope. i) Thonce woe keptin fnolotton 2) Taipls Alliance | | A) rome 4) Rmsia 2) Baitair acletionship No one wan & cheney bot Bila won afoid ten Br il, Sly ecoelil etfack and viceversas ae : ableo providespeace in the ot : Priggh corel Eeepe ao of ist, Bismark soe bn be emyepts neo svkee, Kaiser Lillian and fom -hete cavtiows continentaliam exon aspheed % arn inpestobionn. Keicar (illiom-§ JL —Aggesive bmp | Po 5 ' evils a \ Binmask became the hurd le in ambitions f William BS he Committed the mistake shen he semeweed Birmnack in 1610 on sper fol grown f vislig the taclition of vagaticley with ctr minitre ithe chancel With semoval of Bismock, Wilms G cromenout exitl polig cf “THERE i.e. world politics. The <3 important pillors of His poly care belt Politik aT Navel Expansion cl —_adeiference ta emporcenment Geng coosled polities i 2) Novalempoxermont ashe dail that fobob of? Gx lien on water “a Ab scarey Shiply cleclaratton by william Gi. te etontecl taking practeal legs in Expport of hin poly The A20 important exampla'are : @ Boer war Boar » oloth-formers. ®@ Moreceo crisis / Boer te.dlotch farmers pevolledl point Baitsh exploitation in Soot, Mice tn 169%. coilhian aad moval siapoord- j -fo-the aebels and he ako a (ica Kacger, Fhe chief “Transvaal. Moroceo :oan shoes icaley important Lv Baitainy q per ond trance to move info Aficar cobnivn. ance wan ache in mocecrocn politics, Will § toca! up in support of sullan of Morocco. th mace personal visit fo TEingiew ond started serology Lattleohipe -fo | Moreceo. Baifain immediately aiced with fronce and ar if wor not possible fe Germany fyi wath combined aamtn of Britain & hence, Cerro left issve with condition i0 hove share in Netionol Bonk of Morocco, Those ‘incidenk re clear ost message Hab: WDilliom thence Messia ey. Deol Mane e, Triple En:ele —> Britain, hance, Rosete. hpan got oxéited alse to alliance with Baitain, and Aleppeo! Rovsia fo Pant Athos Zecvomte, polite! and gnnerl ct opmenk pupal the acript Lorfrot cocaldioan. Ghootig “ook place in Lantern Eiape on the banner of Eastern Question. Phose & + Lantern Question. Phone fi: Fenaral Devaloment Phoned : "litical Development Phone t+ Leonomte Peedepment. Eecleen Qoostion : i Asie rine: Daal bs corte Exope G eat aie @ ingortand for saat ff stlscie \ pia ae Odswene | 1864 in 1860, AOmonia in 1N0,4uon 877, soit Orgenisaten ekmancled Faloolene so tha homeland of Teor. , . a eis? | Mesline - ’ | 1aq¢ ~ Dorel Zionist Onioa Patricte Allance , 198% \ ong. 907 Bastich 906 - Bisthof’ Mantia leapve. , iicatials Bleshne © What ts edalean quention? , , Aslorn evoleed in Dphooa . sth “6 tes ) Mehanadlte IS MCarhy 1 | i fa Wsis;-bovks occupied constontinage ond! shoatec!, enrarig ircto Eiope. he] were stopped. on borers of Verna bot -thea-tilend of’ 1 corks they coe aveseehslin cceeyigin cohen Lnape de ottoman ’ tuts evere. onde conol f orthodox priestly clan, | ty errs equal tla las to chaistian subjects of erstrn Enope —Tharefore trom vs begin # carter Lirepean nections cere oping Per their indepenelence tr-m”Tevkoy. dir the buat phase f wh cookogy tesk tab empire antec! deel ond thin became an eppirtnily for canteen cxepear netkina fe comect of cHomor np cider. Lactern emopeor nerens aires caching Hate independence. An eg: Maxlinge in 1799 ‘Serbia tin 12204. Greece in 18306. Thin started sbroggle bln eactern evropean rations endl Tovkey , clea fo the. fomportance of this area, evrepars powers like Buitain, Kane, Rossia we involved in it ond this in oly nelle on chan quoi CEN [ / “Bikey B Anportand phaoes of eantern qoovtion: a) Gimeon Wor J) Ballon coors — 4) Berlin Coogrecs 2 Nleodlwelopment. 2 Gor Alexanche of kossia made proposal 40 Buitsin thot Chaiean posers shoold enite anc! protect the chaishian bicthers of Eanlern Exxepa. Wis proposal oa a jected 4 Caitein, so Gor Alexoncler bok perooal initiative leoclg -b Climean coor of 1654-56. Tika « Bgsia vo A Z a pen 8) Balorca power * Conference, 165% Aribell wor “bb Totkey and Resta an it eoen -fo dominate areay &f Azia mine Bak tp, tronce fo maintein bolance of poroor “Tiley « eshich bed to cheat of Root ne | This coon followed by Tors proce confrence in Asta minor, sided 1e5t in which solten of Tetkey promised +0 ge equal aketus -b pecple of carten exrepe end lo go Lr pelilcal seforma tn eortern einepe: Bol, 1) acllor foiled fo Rif he promise i) At thischime, eoolen evrope offered Poonam andl most affected arean were Bosnia ond -flarze.govania. 18) “iis increased tension in contern exrope ond Alina aolantage 2 of eciboctton, an /\ tected Terkey If woan inmedallygy Balt famine assistance 4 Rarsion, . eealieg b Rassiow Torkish coor of WF? oe me ae eee ee lah 2) failed promise Taeedy of Binley ine u L OBelyaia wager 08 fonomaur slakis and beph onder protectin df Rasta. . Otay accaplad inclepenchnce of Grencey Sibi, Montenegro ck ® Black soa became zona fe Recsian pss: Achestevaed f | Bissia becare pein fer Bathapn' ufoaf2014 ca + Woald Helo Ophea Disraili, the Baitisn PM worned kessra @gant aay of San Sbefane andl in this sthiclon « F densi bfy Prorsce came) Race. and Buitean, Bissrcake ged poate maker fencing fo Berlin Gergen of (878. &) Berlin Congrass: g Rossianx Tork th war Itt & \ arlene Barlin Gugeees Fal now lenclen, Vienna and Bris were conker of Exopeon ccbuilin ane! ~Sr the feat me Berlin got this « Atetvs Gnd this gee wee to Atsing ponihon Lene Development: in Porlin Gayres é © Block sea wor'clechnd ar revbal zoe. © Belpanehor partons ancl ep en aurtenomeus. atte aon kept onder protection of Tixkey. @ Gres come onder tha protection ¢ Buitain eahile Bosnia od Hersqgovinie. came uncer ue contol of Aechia. / Austria coon an oly ¢ Goran: a “y smaxt move, Geman entered into the Ala f exchernEexepe whan Fennis and Harrogate gen h Aoshio, As Serbia considered! bot areas a ih veal, (paul, “hue also started nif} bh Avalvia and! Serbia. Bobo & rt Bade Gopaes proved te Earepean poutts sare on ane aicle, if «200 cleor te Rosia thed if esoodnot be able to clovelep onc! protect ih inveraxh in Lamleen Emape slaty 9 As Rasia-failecl-4> protect end promote ie iatrenks lied 0 eailern eorepe 40 tesco that Rosia achpled the nchiec! poth eohith ues eviclent rhe new clevelopmeats In Séclera Erope 6 Sebi siced alegen ¢. Bn-Slavism. Tine Prove ___|. ——_— ; Yoogey The Movement, 10 Onder Pan-slavisen, objective of Serbia c2oe ty onite all areas lominarled by Slov now ‘and extablish igen Seba, Trig s0ce «un algo clominant- in Peceia. So formation f Greater Srbia won in inferoot of | Rossa. RBaslavisw was not only challeage to Erepean powers bot also a teat 46. existing Ter kish empire in earlern exrepe. Ss this bockground, courte seachion = woo Young Terk move ent Ky of Ta ‘ey andl its demand war pol teal Aeferns Grol promotion fo Terkesh coHure, expecially Wikish longuage ir all ports of Offoman empine ineloal ecrtern encpe : we é Tha nes clvelopmeots vreparadl -the g roond fer clah Gr, bath-the patticn onthe tesva. of coluxal expansion Bath-the pasties were cleo What Lave wae w02 inevitable andar a procavtionory etep, conten exropoan nerhows like Serbia, Romania, Greece frined Balkan Leggae in Fh. The econ follewceel by Bolkanttoe TF Balkan Wax + 1912-13 Gh Balkon tax —- (U3 L Balkan 202-eok plece sober Mondneats oftechedt Tho on grownel of co txeleepansin. Hf immacliately got halp from Belkan Leagee end 16 Sirk coon clefectecs AR ebeiy :a00:-exbewertee! be te eontinveds wars fom late 18" cenkery, 40 q Lonebn Aprmmert F 98 Taley Lf ils claim on eaalern earepe. This folfiled the okie fer indepenclnce of conten europea nations. Bet tha Gi Balkan Ward? 1913 agai dekvioralacl the Concl-'tons tn earlem exrope. G Pollan doe eza0 bites ‘Foeght anoeg Balkan states . CLS ea are Ancte Romania ( ‘ ( bea Pak Gina jreece Bulger Gwitih, ~Takgh Srpettclisen Ampartalisen + “Tension coo till fete in Sharleen Srape ancl in this scenario, ArchOoke Ferdinand, evox ned prince f Abvphia visited Bosnia, cohare he wor killed on 28% Tone i714. Arntrio gone earn to Serbia ond Sibia-accepleal mest of the clemands of Arshia. Bot doe te sopport andl provocection poh, ilo, Ge fake, cscbyrast: Snobiulb. Rissta immedkelay cent military assiastonce -fy Serbia. Sa-this aihattin Dillon ‘not oily oteea! Aushis, bol 00. precavtonary skp atHlacked Belfab make it a bare agaimt Baitain G hance. Butein cléclared war on Germany andl this tao he beainnis of fot perce Forme eg eoorkdioas « ee ee ee + Rssian WRvoloton: RR 197. (Se Reanon Fhones eabocton. + Reanon: o) Stonomic Guses — Gas Nichole ft A) Imamachiecle z —— 8) political causes cause. «) Role of lellectals g aevolirhe, vag 4 political ganizations ~The SR of Reseia wr bared! on reign investments and doe ewepean question anel milrerizetion, the tos invarlmerts ave nedoced, loading fo economic crie’s andl in-this scenario enter @ Woaldioax exan a grave mistake ormmitted oy Gor Nicholas if Dee -to economic: caver’, mart redoced, conbel over lawand oveler cleclined and thts AerHedl in polekeal evisis, Anthis stoaton, ilallectoals ple thes dole of aiplanig ~the scenario fo common people anc! revolutionizing them, Ag it took place in 80 cenkey, pevolotoner nisations anc politeal onenizations v CT ron wore extablished. pine ce Mi Gorka = Mesther pa +s ind. eet - he Northen Leo Talay atid - Gp war ail proce desk? | end romtiivtional combibstronal eSrcialolemncrats 1863 Sectal democras ls, < S ,_ ee Extremink Menshewils Bolsheviks / d Cberals sho cspined —“aacleals who anprie afr gockial ceslopceet- fer immediore in polly ehegge fn potty. d) dmmediate couse coon Ha Sappinal cle ‘inion by Gar Nicholan & Ia Sut world woe parteipaton, Pheoss d Ressian ktuelohon: *Enaagines of Scuiel an Becer centre 2) October Aevolurtion- °) erioggence of lenin, 4) Rewinional Gu. a) (ith beginning f. find 19.00, Rossian moluatien on warten font cove closed che -b German attack Thin leol to vnampliyment omeng the bboue clan ander Exscia «00 aleo: fang econamre crisis, 2 A teorking class Acvtooncleei “Rea -palace sf the Gar temanding brecel fom him. Gar Nicholas cormmitfe!-He onietale of senclig arma egeivet he people ancl aim sickel wath he peopl. Aasteac! eff leoming for -this incident, Gor commitfes he Woncke of sending Feefanahi logge bedygearth) be seppe> both the geoop, whe sider! with —the people. Thin cndecl the tabs f Gor in Bessa anel Soviet onaegecl ao pooor cenkra in Koscia. b) Soviet became +e power centre Phe bein fect coorld war bet sis peor of polity ancl reat Goth allied exits Doma, the vapresecrtative bocty in Bossi, fomecl in FPS aflee Be defect of hessia voit Tepen Thin alliance lel tothe faction di Rovinsional Govt tin Ressio, oncler-the leaclership of Menphauk leader, Alexander Kerarnky. This provelal geil frenechalty grenphae ‘Porn capitlest powase Gee US, Buikiy Youre eke “Ht Lever! ite strength 2m Sovteh iv bhowrers § ences, Most of the people prrent inthe Jord were from Duma whet inclaclec! copper enicblle clam « “Frovistonal govt. «00 ir fev} and eoithout experiance and in —Hin senate e200 chaegs fr he neo Govt. seely she tnderost 2 ofp mgere Brccofpe. itHeok conkoversial alps. OKerrhnwed the export to 7 u940 -& appenne “tha capitalist powers coin cere og eeppot fo ner Gorl- As Bestan Avie not clevelopad, i coor af won 4 no use-to Basia and in Picwogy by soppy won, af’ Gor Nichole. > _ De iw . ’ ens. abe: ' «. both working clom ancl pilin! pobich ¢ Provisional God. Aepacecl ha rit © Ahiled ty Gavite constibvert cancel ‘ contortion 130 so! a filed filles. Dehra”) inuletiow no connbint economic 40 hemi. ¢) malnzained the ophonel conat. woisely § cop ie. “Prosar of ation. coon oll mat elon tnd Goch, Paced ted initectin. ho constiben b uconbfin ent laid 4s, vice of oSaviel in iF ancl Barr coll mave do sarc comoenalisin ead decals. tecl by aris ‘racy ancl upper micldlle cle, o, 2) Doma eos cbmine y “Hg fil hac agnpathy “0 movercy, Bt ths became the cacse of ireitation to commen people ar~ fey | hove faced the ‘enporsibke behoviowr f Nicholon fi d) thiled 6 -follow ceonomic se-foms a> the Covaby warel axcad eon apprehensive bch oeabateste ont. wold feacl fo choage tn apiicelbnal ond! hnolibidl patlera to Anoka. fy-this s2ayy the provisional golitd bo fake ong clep schiefy he soflng poop ff Beesio. Gints 0 chcogs an eppornity fo -bleneal Prreoncl by is bocavie tha touse of emergence lean in Andra. . heoata Hey = Ojha : > Emagence f. lenin: “Faovipional Govt. : aSeppoat “Foe won, railed ek ——. Ahailed OA. (Geastidoent evenly) om/eR, Gov hrhenad Monarcey/ Coveted: publi, prepesals f Lenin: ty End of woos a oSviels atae. — gee tial . akg chs Yeobetion & chatibston united ateke Repesole of lenin wore relief for people of Resta. dt ccc abo in interork of people f German tOith sxpport off Germany he actomed back 4p Reunion leading to oclozer and november evolurtion. “Phooe IV! October ariel November Revolution (917, Aceoms Prat ‘enin can overanthociashic as he ot support of people andl Gomme hock fit be hued “b occopy Rosetn Ralioment but Govl. 1000 pooufel af the cenlre andl lenin ae pothacl backs. Karndliff', the Kossian ery commence proposed! for Marehall law in WRssia. lenin went vnclerg-und and orgentzed ovied thor bottom top ond! on Fh Nov. HIF he saisedl—He ean “Race, “Respethy ancl Deve leper!” and wits help of te souet cophorcl the political and adeninishative shuct ve. of natin fom ton to ep. Tis vain Babbar Ructohon of NAS? ANC to" aR Gach Sesion — AM Arche Khceli Boned of reo 112, Before Naps sacsion cf nly one acc commits exiche 4, R20, this coon clemocrotized fo Mage cliskict, provinol congrees commit and Cie AKE opened ty Gandhi rebyp Khack boosd ~to clinhibute ei ily products , collected som daily biboe endl provide then sufficient popbeck Jt hulaclon of Reston nedlilon ‘ 2) Realsevolition ar 8 Moly of Ceremonison J Sapiaton 9) Real aevoloton: capitalists o-france anal, a sotigcke : leadlecshyp = WasKions Sr eadliee pavolutons like Amertcars and Aench netlton, wong cae pla pleaged 6n tmporlanf sele bet with soceees af revolshon | ty never got qual te with porser clam of cour yp Kessieo nawolohon woo _firct aerelohion, after which poe cama inte hands of cooking clhmand henco fhe name peal Andotion tr oo ld. W) GGrvmurlsres exon be veal wach wed exploitation olone by copter Gopleion got emer tn second half of coh sehtbisl ocean loge Sor-tin polnoeg cto be victoviows wits the auasinnr savolohos of 14% 9 Snopirecton -fr all people aifeong fer pte ane! inpsielioa. Mote : seal liberahin ph SCapitilink CF @kegchn *obe-to the number, f sina cays, carbone oo politi power, hath solic : gue by “bx ancl inphenerded by Listes: Marx gave jhe of seal liberaton in which be cppesled! to cathy class of exorld thal on baors of tein aomerieal abort ty should waite and ay political shuckre of natin. 7 pity 3 Groin f econ ne bey on fom poll § econ polit acceding baw intorend. Thin toon gen 4y Howe bot pracloly optic! Lena in Reassta Doe to poccess of Ruvian serolurh wit become mnpiaction all Soffer class in coord indlochog Bhoget Sing) ancl hy» GP coho said Hot ™ , pita lom and Anperclion ove bot mey enemiza’. Be dec els ons fu Seis 2 Sceial, onomie ancl political ens bili te bonachg gen fe Commonism. After G 19.0 many E nopean couohrien like Geran Shy ote. wore soFfereg frown this: ancl this cans the cause of tension Lr he capitalick of thene counkivn. An such cteom/encen ayore oho oppesed Communism gel sopport of capitelist clan Tris Played 07 nporknd sol in Geen aise of adolf hitler ancl Mussolini Clrope eaha promatecl qr nationalism andhot led +o 7.02.0. bites 1, Rein ieilohin oot only bid bn conespl of re sacl politeal end but cho becane 0 panic ofzpiaid for errtive wold. thy thie ponic, cle cated powers in Did taare obserhe fed bg the. peace ~ksrns. impoceal sorta Sieh vasious theertin. ty tris “Techy of Veriley combined thi sach of @ OO. — aay f Veceailley - Fang: 18% élc Coen, Pa dee cxplottation + Muppet rst tag N Al seeme that thonce bon not Pagothn ta homiladion of te71 and Clemeanceass Prenident 6f tance saan conplele Inmeod of Aovenge, His motve woos fe muppron Gearon to such a tvel sthad ib shoolel revevnaice hi heaclazamat hance. Tha won clear by Previsioro of “tus tread. 0) loos of exrepron cerstovis aan o)gerae ll aftoncalons : 3 elke Le commpersishins 2) G lor ib -lerritewien iy Livepe. TM boas pricy are aor ian on Alassace lovine, mineral senewve wor (natehed adeey Eeol aol Gomory pest enegigoanint tf Bland » Lent cariovoa; Rpg | Ticats ek. 5 2 @ boot 8600, willon poor. Germany s200 heb ssp hea wea . 2) amirlortzation hal tidodlel ban on su fecodnty dad a 4 pan sefsedh Usher ohe tesue of Menchuia hile shy mglcted on Ethiopian episedle. d) Lon 00 joot a reorol power oithest army ov poli ce and moral powar é comsichredd a0 roealent power in the could. Ali tose Lekeus ployed a acl in foilne of Lod Bolt eo (rot 0 complete lve bacaase 1 solelohspobes of amaler counties ike poland —finland, Albania and Gechenlevalia. “FRetechon of rinotten in entice wovlel (epee pe) esith special emphoaic on the cathe, teligon and ig. Phelan ‘ A healt § - 8) Mirecibon protection oprication } Pact ef aeger fo. clolcated itself in clealing usith chickenpox, molasia eke. Ti, becky in Nge bined into OHO: The foe offer R32, Europe orentive world wsa0 fforig fero poric, clscctinfacton ancl fontatian. ) J. tos choosen —feilure ’ Lol: Sn this athoaton, rol blo -1920 gn a economic chepremion of 24, — > Llonomic Depression: 1929: Decling f heen shenal wicbol oneal musket fod masked exd-matket tl emp aene F 2) Clecline in porchoning Soepne rattan posses of common man ckeline of red: mashed . 9 Awartnent of people in ohare market Ae ‘ \ . org am2>) er pichore of hae prodecton in Ameren but flr the Ben, an “he perehocg posoer f peopleroro nok geet Pedl-lo decline f local matket for arrerican, Along coillr His evropean rations af} fering fom economic and political crisis afi led +o Pepoack-b Qmevican copes on and finoncial tnstifetions. . “Frc poyod-te acl exh f. NaYook 6. Cllopee of IGE bed bonkrplay of Amare bans, tohich wera cepenclent on marlet invertments “Ris kal-b Gea Boromt clepronion of F24 erchig eeaplagoent and. fnareial crisis. 4 Feacevelt came cot csi ‘t leno Deal” beved on Kepron principle 7 ey the wcll andl Hil be well. Arnporacrt provisions were : 2) poblic aes promation ) Gnporecton —Weoneapt f swelbrem alec! capri celta treny ©) Rablic cork promotion “fo incitave employment anol percheoiag power ®) Gpitalise onckr protection cf kale promoted! «velar activites like healt, education ete. 9 bomen of Gout. Poin —frrancial institohons or offer counbien D)_tusead f compeletor, cooperchen become neo monharfer al Aechors In economy. 4h Sie Gosevelt e200 secemfol in brogig Prmarica ontrack bother an america (a0 main sopportee of Eeropeen countries Ao wet back tp US affected Evropa bg creat qe chovbloy Feacog te bith f aggre olenebiowm Sop fle Nexto, hoc eke > Nazism: PRebace Reooons Sol, fd. polictndf Acdlelf Tithe, mi Refeces 2) Leon omie tats 0) Lea. cutsie—> ntaclfed A —- esi Hilo £ Ophea: AEzorneni= Gisis 2) Ree — -~— 4) political “Hrtlec. o) Soctot a) EtonomicGisie : Geman weg abeaedy of Reng from -the onal farelable compensction. In 1928, hance ord Belpivm occupied Rohr (wal procbein area) leading “fo indlefinite wh'he by exorking clacs ehich cof ff the fee cxppliesto gerne inclochiee This became the cavsa f shagflaten is 1929. b)~litreal Gisie : Ay tats, Witham ft left Germany anol took sheller in Hellorcl anelihie want deel of incr oxely in foo. Geary came onele commend af infant political ogenization “Omer Ruble” An inihal phare it rececl hoe coupe: 1) De. Kepp-hiedl-to evedtiroo 1920, chile levdemcheff and his oliseiple Hiller tried! fo aapect the shy In 9128, 2) Social Gists: Aothese circumstances f economic one poltcal cis, Germany wan also TG treagh socal crisis tke onemp ment, absence bea endl biggert drelenge wer claoh behseen Gearan> F Za08, a Germans acecect Tex: beta acapmeibl tr chefeat Gunny In World Wea 7 Book-thet promoted commenaliem in hdia(t#70)— dnclian Mesalmac (by. 202-onder) alaclaration Belles in clecerdbsecl MI chains Palestine is home lone of Tess Aecering to Germorg, Belfor clclreon of 1403 (Adtrur Ralfoer, fae mmoisler of Baifoin) ckclored that polrtine iar carol own of aon, 4s. US & Bartain we cranal separ te the elemand of Veochomelract G0 feuss were inclined ~biards OS & “Barlain. This became He cause pv cbfeat of Germany fn Oriel Dee -F. je Pe of Adolf Hfetlee : pote biegophy > Mein keep << \ = Ay 1919, Hitler joined! Notronal Séeial Peety (Nazipah). Ar initiel phase, he and Jats maoter foiled provoke the people. So in F23, thay tbat to overthrow: ee by face «Hitler won en eght and snptcoed hem 26, Germany ctorted chop the ag peasvenyy bok if filed ds face He. blow ¢ economicckepronion ff 924. An-tic in 19306, Geema cou geo hh Economie ansic. Alon with-this 10 ekcton 30, Nazi py woniovion hl bs gg 7 | nomber ff seo, but none f the poetical paren gol map in, Geman FB Goreng olla Pon aennnd nel polbeal anata icbich aihean -° a oom gor! or cammuntins The create! fear tn cnpitclict clomand inthis scenario, Hitler foolAnti- Commonist sland. Thos he | won able © get support f ccpibalet clase which increenedd his sheath | ane! compelled! feiclen bos to acead him an Chancelloy in 1923 Dong pealecHens, Richs claire increan.d bis chug & wi ttle ‘ 4 ‘je BoB. we Og pee oe. ke ee ee ee Aresoal policies: o) political polic ” “ttillers ©) social tleconemie policien policies 2) Political policies: Completed! German wnif ‘cation in 134. )) he abolished provinetal tegtclohaen in 1934 enelng stedes f hebesn Geena ny. a alnandlin of eppocition ancl page of Nazi par Hiller 19 1934 toon for elimination of oppesiton ord page per iftcator eff oxon re by cong all bis crite and! xivals. #9) end ff hemanand civil ugh: Aecorchag ke Hiller, herman andl civil aighhs are oof the eaquit@tbente for infant and Immalue natn. So be ended it re. the end of _fodicia Laight, freeclem f expression eke ) Economic Rlicien : D evolokon f gurthele 09 0 sobetitvte Pol coocl svbber ane! motee {oak “This brogghh clan he. pork oo ) emphans f 4. Acar Plant % promote indboshtalizaton ancl produc erpectally the production of arms andl ammanation. it) elimination of jaxcs: Tevos ecose “te tinct conbeolling 704 f bosinecs f Germany avel it seams trad Yflers vol war te ebminate jears anal ear sferthese asceds -b Germans Thi 12007 main seaoon thd German, cxppertecl Her iottially | °) Social policien: 3) edocccton became victim of Nozi propoganda. i) ddeclrenee In. personal lif ’ people like clren code fe germane and man wonen were net allowed fo ome non gerenann. a) Lops on mapreany of gemon rece Hernal policien: tlefta deecarmamant off conference f Gorse a3, acid Rete _ 2. left bagoe of ecchonn Ie 3 ogl fo hol ff Vecsoiles 1 Left clisarmamert corfarance cf Genera 1983 + Aecerelig “bHliblr, cluarrsament wosa-the provision of “Raers, peace conference, HIT ared if eurcpean nations would have been sincera it, Suarment would have claelec! in 1114 thell . 2 Lift lve of rato (3) On greondh thet vt zon a Pappetagantsclon bothered bier ff Bachain anal *hanee. 2. Npelealecy of Versaibs: As Hitler cad, itecon en Impose! beady on Germen because Go mrctlgelen conte ac exifeal in porie Proce confennce, 19. 4 Concepl f Wied! keirh: / Ue ths icy ~ Hie nlc! to elle gear Gena by end ing all the arces clominerlad by Gomons like Foland, Chebeslovakra V and fucka . flicllen agenda uncle: this woot» create a wall behseen Wet Asta and Daceen enepa- This wants hin Germany 20 0 teancme ewer which caoolel hove helped! bir retain pecltteal paces. The chery f thisd seth stacks ith conqoot of Rhineland lobr on Dolifass, svler vskia died and i wer incorporated inks Sone “Then he-beniel his aflention to Socklenbad, which olermed £4 lind and *hance 4, Menich conferanc f 1938, Tiller promised! fo leave tha poly of quem if beqesan alinced fo: conhol sudeferlard: Hfe viokded his promise ‘ond ovasran entire che keslavakia. 4, 1934, he fept a bandon poland which enced the pottence : Baitein and Buitnia declaed was on Geren. Tris cn the bari eserlel war -U. 1930 I EF UsA a Tepen Puitain d AL; Monro dochine — toe nike “4 + =fencism: i Welue: discussed 3. Keapons 3. didernal and enelernal foctor RRanonn: economic cousen Read politcal evisis Messelini octal causes Etanomic causes: o> hel ad aBeak.cconomtehockre and it parkejpeted in wordeoar waitao oy big prof This lel to po eal orisis. Flitreal Gisie: “Dernocray ond ckmoerate inntifrtion ware still not understood y Haliana hich led te orstoble ik In ap Societcauses: . orempleyment, absence of beo.and cider ete Rise of Mossolini Sen ofan ionsmith, cHe.stetles! ao 0 teacher pregeh socials idean meng people: Sorkaly he car egateat Melys posheipedion ir 20-L bot-then woor oppeared te be on epperhon for bie career, Sr vcore DN ot els gece Piast omreali de apalenues 4 soccvecleed n He Celeoletion ox Maly fetes! to hove big gains aftee cthe war. Sn -His scenacio he fomac! -fencist pasty in K20 andl in ekchons f 1922, he cnn able to gr gow! nom ber ¢ weak. tle also get supper Gf copilabet cles an he her olreacly aber arrhi-commoniel-ctenal (itt, all these support eclling tha soppat Brown shirts, be raised He slogan lowards Romie. This Hiprtece! Iumarvels cee G Holy who axcgpled he an PM th 922. Antennal ancl Beternal nefornia: “Bbihcal policien: 1 elimination of apposition ened pag d Powe! pty a and df eivilancl homan idk © 3 ready f keclewan (1924) the above teed} 70 1924, he sohed clispole bh Pope endl aterte of sete Vecican 200 Gen the ovlonemens seh Social policies: b Edocationbecame. vickn of frocien. 2 Respectable position te omen but not aqeal alates er th wore derived edveatonal and veting al 3. Darcion of eaciely inde vasious units on bonis f eget ond olohes tony grec coo specified by shee. Ea: Mile y atty oan corpolery ~fe« gon af velo. Exonomie policien: + Battle of wheed : prometion-fo production fed grcing by emphanizin neo technolo zier in agaceclhre. 2 Reduction it base beg aoe, expendibae f chide. B. tacriesiun le powu. works Gao “faiara incest in ety endl in his “Y he was able te 7 Arolica econ ty and seciefy on hack aMeleo gave the shaan\df shin: dhol, YHhad anrteaed mb clerknws witheconomic depression f 29 7 thom 19205 Habs ean once again onder economic and political trovbler ond Mussolici bad ody ove option -to clued rind f people erid Hat oan "Wor" te aove alegan of “Ole Gly of Bune” - ond cath this ctaete oa ogre pig of Mescolii. Vickme core Albans, Greece, Etfiopia in MBS This led “to alliance behoeen” Balin anal Rome which soar kde on jomed & “hie opps as a axis power agp alle powers in Worlduoesl- Reanons Arpockortovenk + Clductr, «Bese & fill f Fepor + Chinaiand Chinare aevolertion + ONO do % yor . ‘Ieeanom. : 1 Red threat 2 Dissatisfaction ff clefaa lat . | 8. thikve f league ff nations 4: Ezonomic okepression Hi) ‘ Apgrocee totaligns 77 Nozism G x acts or). AAnporkent evens 1 Colder, | Pole of catellte stat» ' ‘Datel gots f USSR Riese Preald ma 1. Absance of commen gerd ct feodk hip bh commonisey Fcapilaks 2 Yale (lrimec) ancl Peteclan (Berk) Conference 1948: YAN corel renee isan comantsasl Porckeeaes post war iscvee ape “tha icco f genoa Here Shalin obmandecd “er upto Cbler-Netace le Blind which won pefesed by Cherchill anc! Reeseelt Daler on'in Thelen conference (hich won -efesel) Be & powers agreed for Joint opecation apainet “pon bot US eto! informing Stabry cleppacl ator Bora b in Tipeo This crecdec bust ohn behoeen beth peutien ancl this won bmg of coldant. 3 Verbal wat: a Stale commented trot Lomaunicno ancl Geptelinea car _ neve be tienes ancl wnkerrtion isl ebminecle “pike 7) ortlie world.” Checeill imerecharh teopondleal * son cowoin hen been | laicl cow fom Ballic to tink ond if ere cles do crs: it choalel be sey bee comeppentes 4. Dollar Soper L2H and f wot oncke ie monk chehine, US gave Srancial help to. greoce andl Texkey for sir aaconshechion, Tite henedd inks ical phn of 144 ¥ with cbjechve f Locpean Heowy From, by Providing financial help 0 europeary combrivn. The vaan exckncleal + anche ho ll and Rissianeteamec it a Dellon innperichens Ty eoate cot with Malova plan ie franciel acciclnce-f cise 6 Aims pace and Mary docks: with ana deke oer MASS hnpoert-elaclopnend coon fermerton of rilitiny blocks, : Ex: NATO — gry ff capital corbin cobich come to existence. In G4 to Bt for siphh of people USER ei ” with (Sarsas pot of. AS theo of Communit Coonbrier with agence fo ft, + for cufferin pecple in world. v ? 7 6 ue poly f Shen: leg te > Hatin Fach comerlec! Leragear counbea-ty Commonict Counties oe ; Eu! Hage, Orekonbnali, or - ayy iy 2 ae Ba tela lis Kerns Looe! —— Vietam Oba oe quartion: (Zeke Qcarhion chincosses!) le bln Russian & J at csc eheagle ble bey ancl enn exapecn nechinn. ination, Rossia + +Tepan i [Ss “Y Can cen Se) Asan nections (fovea, China ek) Shvreatem qevtion aS ee Koren Tepan Chiea clo dina Spe idan (Gonboslia (Felonest, — Maliysta) ) Gokion bet Lage » Nedwaloil 3.5 i pesTingetiness Acrovices - this: fapecialy russ) - Disper ) Preface 2) Rise frmedein Topan 3) Tepanece Senparialim. “Reface: oO 1 Minienorn petiod on ergbvemend ndlihedesbebite Pas ¢ chansition om pede workd-to meclern world. Fe: 1SBE 864, peril fs f Fpan (4 gprs) 186-1894, modern par in Asta. 1874.- 110, trapiialpocer i in hia. sheepnte 4a: Jepan 0. mealesss power: Sh 16 conke | Exropean powers errkred! ink Joper beartelbie Yo woke f chistan missionarien Ff cxomechig people, Taipan closed ite dlibedee: cutsicle world and fom 16% cortksgy -fo' seconc! half of cero, it cx In isoleton. “The only link where tha cloleh bekoeen Tlapan arc exlsicla cook 2 tens changaal wot the arliva! 6 “Lommockrne Reng US nowy fificer in 1653. He encircled! the ishnds ef TEpan and compe lleal epanese cuthoriten 4p <9 sal -ferms and conditions like . + Lory of weotern haidevs and fffieials in Tapen. z Eicha.-teeritoviel Aight: in which worterns not aot jmnmonihy fone Tiptinene cecdle; they al -confiated Made anal tariff poley of Teper This con the beginning f 2 bjagation ¢ Te pan an -from '852-S4-Tapan tons erate conhol of ark powers. Tapanere cot Bei sobjaqarton Mad to find oot —the scanon-fer it and~fr their objective They cert Petr intellectuals 4o wortern counties b-finc! oot tha olf ference bekoeen both -the colheget Rig came ovt with 3 -porrkr « 2) economic erapesernent of exorkrn taoild ole b , moderh principles ff capHtalism ancl incbchiclizakon ») prsvence. of powers political sebp bared on clemocvahe prilonepher ¢) emphasis on humanism and sationalism, as Jepan qe onewers of ih cleed, co bis wenthe beginning of * Reromerhen In Fan / ( Sopoclant steps io aefovmatior of Japan were: f. Self’ liberalisation and Moj restoration: Onique exert uncles if wor. elominions anc! gannvret! colectvely eurrendered powe and! prveleg 40 big backing ob} wnclof foodabsey b) portal: equal 2) emporoarmertt f enperor f Tapa, sous Nig: Aa ee 4a -tere circomstances emperor ‘Motushito* (won ple in Yogo with ail authositien in hand (1268) and his wan clled Mes eastoreshon. \ 2. Self -emposerment : a) cormppolecesprioay eidveccton-for “¢ and, gi in ag tedivm «ith eraphasis on modern edvcstion. ») Fepanese prepared he ie ne.s Constitolion in which the Temporlant conbribution 200 off “Phinee He's be famed constfetion on Possiten model ie. a shea emperor, ithe 2 hooser of aapronernietiven: D-Hovse of Peers (iakellechoals of szopective-fekls) ) These of vepreertedven. 3 Economic cevelopment: emnphanized on jobenlachine and inchshtalrzation, formation 6 eclnal comy- ohth toon 0 ng “look an sociel apeelty wen also present 1) Deoan. Gy hig wang in. 26 years (1865-44) , Japan wan 2 Eponere Soop [ As amnecein poo peo waan NOD In need! f oygeo i (10.0 medlesiols) ancl for this: Ht ha te eres into mainland af “cio Kervecs coon conecting link behocon Japan acel Hier eokrdingy tt cme. Koren Yeoehealy: eoan oncler conkral of China bet prschcaly an avtonemeus stale. ft China econ weal in Troobie , so Kerea war -foetng socio-economical enakbiliy- An thic senasio Jagan hied -fov political anal cconemic Korea, leacling -fp 19 sino TAPAM ES cor f 1894-98, in which china wen defeaded dad 7 “heaty f colony of thes Menchesere epreoted by Tfensve in WO, ae ati ef Bpan, trance tree! ages its ereittory cohich lead -b -formation of Vietnam, bel by th-chin-mi hich gave rerislance by tench IU6-5t). As hance woo aby orhaorled by 008, no 14 Ef i', claim on vietnam and ste ok «on coith Genova, Corsverrbon 19H « “The surrercer of slainns by France and Vico. Us “bool, tha irlerast in Vietnam meals Clincosston of Honce ” a perailel. North Vietnam exeler conbrol f Dom Dein’ Gnel atts Vielnaan wen gostisllesd by o-chinemink tte Lakiveel in, commons, ancl ttre h land safoen On-tra ather sick’, Dum Dei wan catholithre, his misrule won couse of lensim dpe peep 2 and US wor worried abou! the cbminance of corimontin in Victron. 4) clecided —b iterLece in abloics of Vicvam hich feel te gremlin of bberalisachen of National Libetalizeckon bond" «ahich appeal ad eoorle poscers, that the coalatoy gr blo Noth andl South should be ‘Povo enpling wrwelhoa Propk thowgh econeme refems ev the counhy was Prvwsthonte sates. pre aria ik Geille epameaten tee “The mertlel sleds off Vienameseand 2-pesiderh of? Avsestceccasel Ahate fempective. pd. Cian Piel Lo onbid viecvaees Ex: Kennedy care oct with scofe vile pig sbieh fled because mast of” q. Genin were hom soral comminify. “insen optact foe rigs achon ening lactone sepoe fag chemical .oeapont. Nichaon cdop tacd pole ff Vielnamizadion, t2. “Nectar apeinnt natives” but ian failed! -f svbdve the centinant of Viedramere Aunpite f Mab incidert of "68, us fecel menaceared an ante village. Ueelnamene ne Locec! do sunencer. co in WH.OS went for hece with * Yeelnare andl'to #8, \Vetnain eo20 an inclopenclend nakon. -—— Gba: ) 1898 » coba-apain “US Ray 4) Rov} —~ As Baja = fa conke Goko > 3) cube. nissile crisrs (1961) ap breel pir (Cush 4 At Eps) a Scns) Asie >) Soock habe <) é ye » 1849 —- Ould G 1917 — Calfoer cleelaeation 1914 — palerbne becomes mandate of Britain. » dh nia, pelestine became manchle of Butlin and an Barhinhar effietlly accepted Talstine an homelndl of Tacs So-this lect -te-the inflow of Texrs imb Palestine. The mevemand f Bos ¢ momentin abe to Bacurtor of Fave in cbfferenk pork ff Erape expecially cluring me of Adolf tiller in opera Ss BGR the pepolebion patog’ Avalos anc Tesos eject ereoing clominance a ion dr exch atteomedancer, in MAS Doriel Gorion clclrecl the inclepenclond stats aff Aseael, cohich grfomelers § ON This eael to hosinning of hroel-Palstine problem in which inkudlere a ice of oaton eahile the recive Arabs bacame identiy hur, 2 Bath of Soace: 00 Teo state beaama -lenston fe Heab sorlcl, cabs Ineleled Sap, Saucl dab, Grin ele. Bore ack nation onder tha leadluship ‘Calle! Nosser ef & get onled ond athe gig renistence bo deel. ; This belto-the war of (1G in htc Arch sconld nn clefeadecl ancl in 66 i craked “the colceme of Suer endl According kee Feehy of “anslamtingple, 1888 , Suea canal won accepted ao on Sgphon dacitory ancl peranve from canal ix osed &y er for develeprenlol papaser, the conchuctien of Onsen Dim or bile, dy sb, Baikin and Os endl facial sopprde Gpl ond Nester ockpled eps ef nachonalirahen of Soex canal dy 196% aig Gola wat, Arab nacions: were again cleveated by Srrael and Ssraei eccupien important aveon of trob coonbie: like : a Staai clesert and Gaza Hp Fpl & Woot Bank - Terden 6 Gon hea fon Spr. These aveay epere esed an boffer Zonen 4 Sree) x einst ik enemien and Seraelakrhine problem ane! into tab Seael oblem - i , Anapile of ll nage and clncasions for’ ‘Oslo’ f Gop Quid, Wed ker ancl Arce! ore shit burning apoh of scold pole. “Thee «colrhon fo hic problem is common fedlerotion bedoean Aabs and aon, hich will ot elpandl yon ha wish and liberation ef both rr —— China and Chinese “Bevolertion + DSi jeaection volo 2») Rolechon ae tn Chena : D Re bint 1 Sebjageton off China 7 jicor "Eigen bane 2) Alomosa £1) Garon Baitich base ~ doteh bore ‘ Chinese, neglcsled Eiropern trackers 8) demanded! only aver -for exchai y lee, dh (hy chine) )) Sokoduckon of. a ee" opises rade tn China Chinen fom ey beni neplcteel Evepeomy ancl demanded hy sihor in exchange of “their Commeodttos. Trrs «aa chellage fr Eopean companier and to each thus crsie-Ine daene a Evmepaans etorled Optom tracle in China. This creecleal social ond cobkxal troubles in China and ia toe bepi 9 of ih cory the ahinise: ge bok steps 4o conbrol and! overcome. open hack. Eu: th l00~ epion hack - cleckiad ileal 4h 1839 ~ Lin chinere tag fi woorclpried-fo | confiscate, opiern Corteinces- ancl thes lef fy “tesroPera | WAR qf 1°40, hr eohich Crrna coon clefea tect. Malley tis delet chives. ee pled for Bloons dertertitieny to Srropaar: ) tok ng wen given 41 Britain ) 5 ports wera opened + Evcopean faders. 3) China. are fr compeosatton te Exrepeao coonkin. ; Exvopaons ware nobcatafied stl conrageoneas af 1epiom war aril thay wanded rare and ‘this lel-bo newt sor eth China and or that Be qe “he lesve with 2inciclerds. ) Killing ofa kench miesionay . ) Arcoll of Brihich ag ty Chinene-6f fees. ~The lead “to zeconcl OPIOM war yin hich China won -once again Lrodee! and & “Freaky f Teirvsten - 1858’, Erepeans a sebckos forchinos. ae il pork: (cere ope! fe Exepean countiien- Exopean ffcors ancl treders were. wakemed in China. Europeans he get oka -brrostiol aghts ta Chine. China once nau dyed for compensation a Erropeon oun Mes. (Dith there Chica wars “pg Rebellion” in ond hell f tre exposed he tscakann of canese od: Th revolt coad led by fluan=-Hyih - Chuan, a protestant Os who wanted 6 eliicork tdobrbye one! nokve veorship in i ina. “he ze coera occessfl In cooly Naki the pce ceoke of China for I ane 4) coco only with help British fiat Chinese were soccessfol incecshing / wal Ha ¢ open wars ane! Beg aiiolalan iit sSéatnondf Cg which kedl Fo svsh ef Levopean ceumbic. developing hein ‘aphersa ef ioflrnce in Chine’ N 4p second holf’ 14” cenking , china war conkolled by clifferent european poses anet “here coun all pr ssibiby fe fi alffernt nections lke Bache Chine. Tikch Chna'ek. Bat then io 20" cerdorg Chine oppeors 07 a inhgoke one! rsedein ration because of 2 mporlond clevalepmonts renin China inks 2) Boxer Opies (1399. 1760) Seered seciedy of speck frrbers hich core gers ceefing Beit in Chine This led te ety of Exopeam 10 ti 8) Open clece poly of os - 1879: OS appeal to, Exopeans in Qhina to cpen their akore fr chade andtommerc for Bennelen leading -b econontc ined ancl $i aheyehanieg pollen! inegerhn &f radon. Rabat of Chine Eixplelcion leads to accent ond mthesr the magechant clevelop mnt of Ching tea “Yoong China movement * which emphasized o9 adininishachon eotth chage> In Talbe meena Sy ele. Hey tt 009 @yrorinn! personality af his movement coke onphanzecl on amcken edbarhon and political slp ie abo edt “he Mocken Saint of Cec.” (ith changes In ceonon: sprseely andl eolhye the ground ww clesred foe politcal evolohin ia Cain. a> 19099, Ed ff Mande dren (190), eohen the bird role left te Aheone in freee of rockonal atconld | Nocona! ascomb viel Dr. SonyetSen h Lele he chage of ras gout. and bo. became che Meet priced of Chinen. raphe Aa 16 called! *Shathee of Mecuen Ciba” baccisa be (i & principles which act ao constitoton for Ching. Doh, » kevolorion ¢ + Nechonalies ie nakon i: above race, aeligion and aegion. 2% Damoera ra Bone hon Sell ai 3 2. lvelihood of peels ovhctead on plat ond hh “chimne econtm4. Allecl pocoocs : Peel opperd f China i wd noth rr acceptance. repaite of Chine and ele -b grea! conibohon Thinore 0 WOE. ,chinere. clligeo ote hnvitel 40 Bice Roce Grfnince and China sean given membership qf leagee ff Neco. : “them M20, china appeareel ko be the frei ff fu andl its etonds. gaateat Racetan Comment ancl Fpance aggronion. ; ; : Pee’ he. Waihinphn Guikevones: of 2 He vocslein paiva siete aqua posed fo Chive one céclel all hori of Chna. Wir va the. bith of Modéen Chica. : Me as es Adios Iy% China (921 1. eodalice J Tochans 2+ owacelve redens ? a (China, Pale) 3+ Commoniat op api 3+ Gmnxmint pra! oe 4. Rk - iad 7 wa me Nanking epinock Drino ~ 1962 ¢ P bg dhgere f freer 4 Tepen Fis wor (ith-the bch of both counhien Giger nm prpaced he vise ¢f commmicin and Communisny sucteded 1 nina bol failed 1 Andi because Chinere. commonichoged eprom header Moo-Rede who starledl a'march along Gutrern China “til Mlerteen Chine. and wean able +o qe soppect SY ccariee chivas ive. bbances anel-famers Ar this.xenacio shen world potsors woee stl imobad toAheie local tecv00 Ike Kove. and Vielnam, Moo Zel succeeded 10 nepecg Neeval Govlcf Cheiyy- ber Shek endl tat cer “he bits ¢ of peoplr Bpsthe of China Jtbinere chagoo. paid ab on Datrleg rackion, f "uss 2) Role f Slalin —» Commontem corse Merc - WZonomre Crisis tome. ft ") 2D Gkasnat & Racantoriter @) Zonomic andl politcal policeref Salvo -Leneol common'tm cn a noid avtecral-in Questa. Stalin, coming fo power , declamd ct be oonls to coverthe peat 0 gears cleselopment of Cape in lOyears, fr ahich follo. ig Gleps ewece -fakent acl ep bed bratty co adppled —orhinisl Pears ints itl Uae. abe acbpheel ‘pol atege % elmintchon of epperiben tocern . ) Leonomic hisia . d allan of 800 od Glass moct and Pareshoiler to) oC tralaaton AS) Mescoio cham of 1941. / 4 + Ardia afte independence + Ojha : —Architectore pee Econom staks —_ Message-to coorhun @riaoat-ol-Ssloen ' Ss... Mosqe Abels Tombs Garckas I 1 1 —Fhina Mayjed Siti fork——~Hoenagun orb Moti Maxjid Reana Gla — Stkanclas (Boctlistskyk) Red-fot — Sasasam (ShershahSni) “Taj Mahal gem a: Koma, — Dora Ploks Gil ‘ Atheraska Renae Soke are ioe peels veder Netisara—Karandak, ved “Shahnama-Mohernmed Graf idl ‘Akbern oe { Transkstion iit - Celshabeme -shalyslan een i favri_padory ei Mihgps Sof Toy —»freatts Pook Nehswvian Sea Challogen infer! f Nleheo: 4 Undy in Duersify 2 Reblms of Sndia ~~, 22 0N okenal Garmonaliem Apron, Francia! ‘Probleen Neightoans cris 2: Diffucent inkeost groups hoving vasioon expoctechoos f naz boon nation cit? A> Cpitelist Middle labour Aorme — WO Leonomie heforons Pitcalichens . foam policy Misc. Bhoodhan movemen | Rabbon of ffeal binge Arlegeetion f princely lak Tribal eonsolicktion NAM Ando-hina woe, 162 ‘oganicaron off ces, 1988. « Bhoodhan movement Ad Cc —t—_ Reonons Pheashnen PRenons: DGmmrbment std : Beate See Sop fuiopall Same ae ee : _— dlimilectons 3) Comnonist pings are nevolotion wana hag © Yn fecdolinm and. capitaliens Haleraitay ocko prockce a @ “Acdloecton i perchcaing goer 4 beol fr rerion § cornmonman M300 seo cokering of iscmier clus” fa Ack, pasty becane of 9 mportant incidenk off Rossian rovolsion, IZ ancl eonkibu-ter f Aevolohonasies f second phone bile. Brvagad: ong b, dead ek. A scm + aget seppod off coaster clase, congets ms abo -WtHed -fowardssocialiam ancl in Bag Acspect Karachi session d 1931 hen en important place. Sy hic senion for athe fest dime, congress com: ook sit Aleonal dionanie prageon in chic hes promiseal angi tb the ober es and land +o ha lordlen class in Lola hen Shai becarm indopander, the landlord sechon coo vety poserfol in Anclia and i! woanct possible for independent so fake chick achonageint landlord... Af Neha» coold have cared fre it Sadia eooule have been a victim of civloat. Gromonet ope ip in nchaolieto : “Te bhaga movement in Bengal Pecvala Mazer movement in Rejob Gommontst patting in Telepgona Nehes a» PM of Independent trie. coun in chlmene segtdg bnelaclam me dela. pte eaten, coos “bol pet 114@ tn Sevagram ashearo of fa leaders ancl vinobhe bhave.~ This kel cto bint of coed hogy ie plifhrent F evay secton thes gh co cpaton and axichnce f each ote. Vinebhrabhave «ous prominent ancpe of. Maharon Gandhs che acrened stokes of soit Sacacse of his Condes: progres in Archo. 4a 22, he evtablished gone cll seit be opliftrnent af’ Rosa! poor and aho Mabreggi ose Sowsthan -h werk for pocliente flog fon lope. thom 148., he beled haelg fa nedion “ proach sonece Prilonply Arthis atsalion obilé he wai aclarng people in Panchanpol vile ff Tekagent i Ft, farallen ‘bboures appasted hinck sept be. geet iallobnant of kancl +o fonts clan Hla be oppecled to. crides. elt. tah ty shoolel come frvacel and boa land in irlerent- f sic peor beter. Kamchanohe, Bae rsp = ae a oe AD 2 steciclendal Bpinaay: penchampall apisads -_ QKm a 2 Pada Ee avellng tn olf pack ‘ounkey and appealing lanct lorch, | ee ge eee, | }) Bhocdhon moumend ckmonckd Yi 4 lend ff leneloale. Tage cow 5) millon hochren. An on agrtcollral coun lke tictia, band is tho couce of theome and! Prevtge . Sethe emotoral appeal by a saint w20040 have las impact onthe poeple but -thon Vinebhabhave sobs evccenfol in ong Emily hechsen. Acheitemend wen mech belo te Luge! en mor! of the acquied land! wan barren or usaleusland. dr thin conesio te movement -booka rea eke op. * Gramdhars wnovemen!". Orelea it “Gopal” (Ged) woes cleclarecl an seal cant he land Se ovenyone hao eqaal wight in-he bnd. The movernent eppeaee! an peal Poning bot it once een filed =bo act pone Fis banclecl leg of be nation Alcea both the movement file! bot it was a get these to gobo peocehl bratty tele . Problem of ficial langage Oh indepenclence @’ Andia, cooaly facecl impoctont quertion f aatinal laygoage and of feral lenguage. Gnsthent | . somncltp cleclased that all importont bagvages mantined in conchhstion are tected an national language and hence its game came fo an end. Assoe f fficral langeage gcines! momento and & Contenders ten Creo, Engtinh ond Hn 4a 1948, Fakislan ceclased oso on its of feial language and it lost the.aace: Neo hindi cae important aortencler infant of Exgliah- of fal brpeage Geamission 1956 dechred hat Hind? etl greceally aeplace ff hesed languages commision cea cate any trooble tn seit Anota bot ovee enthastoom ofroth Inchans cxply aole of Sojol Nebinlal Rady ave rach Neragan alotmed oath vecleanns Teg Sthosled mith) movement tn north india-to poly hinok. 4A, hie sibohon 2 intdenk tnetoanecl fansion of non-hinch ball a. TIC nepol f 57 accepted Accomrnerclstions b. Faericet over in 1960 eanphanized an. prepasin «qroond for hana formerkon Gf enolnh fohinch Uncles thes important clevekp. rent esere i) training -to got of ficiale to leoen hindi i) domsletion engl serps tn hind it) fedteiny t@00 avked fo pam orders In hind TRE saw—fret seactan fom sooth drclia when c Rejgopala charg said *APacglish is Bein do north trdla, Hind 10 ne ta. Seat Srdlen” Til 19600, -leneton war alrea provi in non-thind: belk ond in thie the hoo clevelopment of 19608 worsencel condhition in sooth Anclia. 1. offical bngeage act of 1963. chelnedl Hod Hinch cry. pce Gah in Her 2. offical larger eet of FES sbting lol Babeakn Shoahiy Hindi an pecond ngoage ; oPSCenda comping Paper in civilservicen ise anatlack on inhrert of echrared miklkcbend? seth Anca. 4 alo bocame ise for sepiimal | pastor fo sanive theiv politcal carear. G DMK aatsoel logan of Nevet indi Leee Emghah* This etelecl clooh by stderr’ and thes onion in 7K lead by no, comselitor. SHoacon waesabllis by Sudiva Ganc. lake 0-1-4 196% obelorecl hed Hind! «ill be eccepteel ar offal langage cn tchen if toil be aceuphel by mm-bind! builds pecaly cout Judie. Bregesh : re Mahabot khan, tage rm “I Mohobo! khan “Pewicial gor) in Bom (overt) by Shpmolden Gandhi ‘er independance TEmagath hac! Deo ith edocs en Ae ) Go. of los Laolet, Mibebal khan A) previncral ae a Borla unckr Smalls Gandy As both garts climed\to be aepronentotive f He people, co-this bacoma te cand ef pleteide f Tina ath. ty AG 8, a the Aesvlt coent with $Me, no Braga rh e200 in lps with Shelan oon. + -Hileabed: Onman Ali war alows concemed aiff, ou & things te. Arijonsaoph x0 -foned with dbjecle 4s pemale teloes and Nizam pol c ban on-this ani ection, wealth, bony and elie CoHwal movement like Vanclemataram mevement y ov sholeeds' Bevel onger of Naeb, Seppessioo Hychaabad « als vn which ender “he leaclrehye f£ Soy Romanand “Tiith whe ean shoes aseporeible got in fel Genmonied api epee in TRlagen Aegfon: , Tre people 4 -ffycetabod ete ai Ssepprewive meacurer f Usman Ab and Usmon instead of ching He people tied use free aati people throgh hin pasconel wilt, Aihac tents § Rezakars. This brcame ‘he gote fr sordes pole! tle police achon aged “Bybee ‘and tolegailed “tyckrabed in’ _Andlian ontoo i Usman Ab an Cipget ff: stile. - ‘ WO « kavancore: yw @) Trade anc commerce e)monazik 5) modeen ede. irsthotons pond. . SiarBaa oR Racor) Aye tek spiecsne sland apaiet nehon leadloce Uke Nebr and Patel: As he rekwniecl lo Tavoncare able negeteston in Delhi he wanshbled by member of Socialat pasty of Kerole, eahich pill became conse “or change of his stand and be acepled tegration df Travancore. into Sodan waion. + Nosth-east : a) Redcliffe aworel = economiccrintk —+ enct of tel, bly eant bengal § NE = b) famine d) fomeskon ¢ su agp Ai ppl nit con. | 3 official fang. act of "Aisarn, 1960 —+ Anch- china coat, 1962: Appeashonarrpaliy hf dh isqoee ~ t © 4a 1944, dnd became © Khampa rebellion, 195% in Tibet, fest counky be give exceplanca “fo ‘pain fer vse @ 4a M50, Chino eccopier Tikel & Nehiw after hanitation accepted Chinob rclandlon Tibet. @ Nebus stood for China’ Aeprerertation in Gecvaitly Council. onder leaclership ¢ Dalailerne, hen Dalailama clemanded independent sdedosLor Tibet. Dalailama «00 Wes Lom by Nehuoon human'rlattan ground> anol he car not allewasd to istenal govl ef iked in fiche tone None Blomedl-for poled porch heal. @ *envasd pols » china blamed Ards f violating bovclacs of China ion graonds of Soop of Sroka. Reality wan thal Bebe ttel ceec!-fo neconshuet Their pot afluthe wera clean al by Chinese 6 Garcler olypuk, as ching oe that” Saget not accept the line of elematkatton creak 4 British. Ahn itg0s. flere ware ne ba df fererxes bh Shela and China, § bot biggest problem caith Nahw and! Chev-en-lai eas both had good conmond mbiskry and Choo-en-lei accused Nhww on moving in pot of Nebro, ‘ 44: Porchsheal 2x0 Glin nbd of nlebav. ‘ Balincongren of ix gent otal ice fon te Gemapyord | Babes cond once ff pet Phydaom sel —fasbeoh fiver, i ° i Srcta ancl China were botn a4 Hme ancl emarging nections o Ase. Al czems thal Chinese leackeship won cleat thet all the ckps of Peebabeel, | NaM ek. onra mows ff Nehio-o proiice peace Ardio,s0 hal gored cbeelopment con have greet momen» Bel paca conference 4.1961, with 1200 | fect commit Af NA 20 aHlandlea! Ef Asian, Mrcan & Sth Avectean reckons. Hse rind worlel nitkons acccoted leackrship of Nehas and tobe. ig ele f Fiche bacanta garct casne f conrern Le chinese and aback of’ 1962 woo banically motivated boy Aacery exareote'ond : poltheal shoo f Indio. “Thin exo eviderd by elefemodd of Mas Zeb, hon he seid, se: have no hanger of ferridovtes bot molwve 's 40 big chon anogance f Nebro ond Aad. 4 Archon piiloadl had no. of til | bets in i cobuch eoere clo imprlanton acon ad ah fee goon em chancel Moye age b Avangazal rans soben fied! poy of r00- the fiee and “ele ra qe autonom 1% corrler. Alege f biiho sole, bait goot fo Baia smite od bel Edel sede t Aribaleconomy and paitics whic, bad tof eving f ibels in Lucha Wis hdl roudf revolh'in Tiibal petted bile ential aewell, Monthal sevoll ek Frlepanclet condioa ff -hibals In inlepenclent cha, in ts sitchen, fare cere 0 optntons regeeeg cbibok: 3 baat of Anibal ts emai abreaw facie hich 1020 rejected om grdieh thal it coll lead lo lose ff eat trbal_caffine. i) to LAR Tahal ons dtaaefae and Hf can abe Ajeckes y Nehas a» he aaidl that if ail be jos conch ef ital in comabgl Trarfore he came ort cithoonaot of self erppocserol Thal elf conhib stem. re ff thdia under Nehiv ewan bkehared abet 2) trol celipment Paogph ba enn a No ovescernighe )economit enporzerment compl Aight dlond foot 9 promerhon of dual hepa Gag of sgl deer combo, chek made en pintahorde pee and cbselopman! f Aibel cononoty ) Article g 6 - fer protec fig and —— f tribal commenity 4 pelle fain cereals i) check 5 gives gpl pooee to prenident. #) heal 6 are apl porswcte Gonna of Hal alalen to make bor. | iy) Rerematon to hibah ancl Tribal Adlvicry board to mote secomenenckeclion fo get stone obs beat sapacdeg hibal bookes. | Creagh f alle pocerial x on ical cox bok aheante fcxsnnets og tibly ep onc tog Inplonaeken pein plageal peo hoadleSringrovanant f condblions of ibals in fol | “Dacortent of spprestton ind expkirahon : ctl posont and biped evichnce, f-thin ts aed costider ip acoleen Soto. . ad Mevamend Ss a Keecoons — Faathef NAM Cbiectves oalooton = Reononn: a) Neo-Imoesiatiam dl)zok of imp —_ ——— 4) impirechon in porconalitien (Evvepean Econond'c ‘enmtsston) 9.5 depony Sh NGS, cooslel coor dlvidled! ink 2 blocs; Commarind block aad Gpitalal bhck undee usse ard Us aap. Both soperposcats ith cthoir aexpectre philonophies waete ty “be othocl nao ban nakonn of fee, Aiea, Souttc Anagties Ay sich cieumelancen monemmnt-Aavsards ony boc meet ene of independence and beginning of Nep-impestalom ») th end of 108 allred powers like Baitan wc tancell bankeopl. OS proviclaal #440 millon to Brifatn-b matrlain dx sonal and ‘en ondeeueren poly andl marshall lon, US shel ping econmt assistorca to european nations. 4! ear clort Bilan and ih alles in Lege, allience and! acliance. on OS will Arm eeropean counhrien inte colonies f OS. Tin kde binh of LEC & AGT, in echich inthechve schol by Bartein, trace, Helland ete Objerte toon manage. exorontt and politcal alfore af swabs cation, This acleel an inspiration h Khheo and. “haat oeuld exmbien who werecaho fesg eco, pothal ens New boen Hhecroonbl cowdsien comeaho char that nell’ clpancy cove imporkant for irdepenchnc Faridend Sokasno f Srdonenia, General Nomar # Gop Marshall Ho of Exqeobvia ond Nehiv are consideiédl axcileck of NAM . “Taxe nections aflee Hieg inckpenchnee iced threat df Soperposrer. Bp Maolona find ea com 0652, Gap bacon vedef nel GB “Ain conpeled oll tere leaders -h have an canton fbg afc joke and ogoaly tn oa. — Bich: — 2) Seed BaSils- S92 oD Bee- Babys 1961 1) Grart- Desi gx © pleat Eanclg- 93 a 4a 1927, 0 Gr? f. nattons wobbei ia fern inmpenialom jeod a conference in Brossels. Nebuo wan eae each, thee if geodeledicded thed oll cout none Rein impetialinm will: enite and HH againeh ifs 4 é 4 [ t 4 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ é 4 § ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ é § w hy 1944 chen Ahcha wen roan, it orgen i aqeired hel fem ovleide. Baitain woasnot in condilon-h provide any help. us § osse for Beis personal seaaons erent cling 4o help Anda, Soin M4 t Nhhvw opposed Dathi conferonca which oes etfendad fy “Aston baclers andl kere DhandarNeale commenkd that Nevand Ade ate nec hope for Bud cil. Anis coplienen headers dleasnaed the Issuen-fo new besn nations fotty —filed to fe a domacork to eggpensa ¢: “thtadl would courier. Ay 1150», Srclorwsio oncragel-foced tha huecd of Dekh impeialiom and Rerickml Eokaino became indorestact in NAM Thin heed to Borching cqnforance of 1950 whith rao binth of preamble of NAM te Pochshecl Snportart provisos ef parchaheal ere: 1) Leapect -b in get cf con't & nation 2) nb inksferanca in infernal policies of nerfon. i) Nlon-caplonion ) Coopsichion for qroicth enc! cheralopment v) Peacefol co-existence. Afles 195° wont ff ibid coved ratoon ficed Bread, agrentan to thair, inal and ssounepeily of Pree ioe. i Sons ete a5; Yogenbnathectenad by Baia, Koacan caine, Vietnam crisis ele: 4, thn Acenasio conference won Organized in Celgiad in HE1, ehich aces fred birt f NAM in would poten. do thin food confecnea, cnt objective ape) and jushia -& counhier of errtic exuld = Objector : awottd pea ce J pooh —____| ___ 8) tment O csevebpmerl. ¢) it en d injoshice and: euplorkcion, . ‘ ‘ ee 3° pall 200. a+ Fhcdia oft indepenclence: Ope: & ——» Objectves of Nava: ——— - — — 4 us NATO-1949 NAM-196} Mahabharat Ramayan~ idealism eitsherey ov asorkpeace Geepecthen _—— humanisea in grothn by, Gapactleid 7 | lo“ 2h socal Bulbs Someatt Hercne Someot ceonomy, ede, gocia late. fyble avast : = ‘ injootde Feng loitartion 49 crisis + Svalvarton: After 24 of coldat, cxitics of NAM emphastoacl tel an NAM came into existence in seactan -f col wos, itty ened of coll conn, This ong. has lost is impotence and sekvance, “This Is 0 ayperficial orolyst of NAM a ifwon not only bom-lo handle cold war. Hs banic obiectven aavo he aroerel challenges of “this wold and-Hll exonld faces cheleages, aelevany A hg wil extel ay Kage eect to coll leoton ond eetanmeeltsuinobich cn eg ba. ancl fom platform of Nant by woalel common Lal Bohacks Shashh's — Fei Tawoon, —“whheol: as Kinan ew Hin ity a) cheatin | nee Mebodleath, Nes aco onsts ap, Letina ter Teshteat eration Gites the: # reement* * cd ' indy wi Kashmin snd 3etia| etal 3 fimin ae a rh a, weed as inoky 16s akiglomatc Ae ‘wh Aesteration nob pat war-/ + promotion fo Te, yy > Anche Ganchi: 4. Fénjab Gis's. 2 Commordism in-drola 3. TP Movemant & Cirarpeney - f hd pnbiese of I dinar ff Borgel = “Bojab Gistc oo Seca © feechner, “Keavons: apecoremic USue> ! | lade ax &) polttcalcetsis ab) mmo | J osceial cece 2 Sey of Baypberis lar sith pachhon f deta. Maslim migrarrl: ft 1.6m hectares of land in dnelan “Rinjcb, hile Stkb niyank Coming fom Fak left 8.6m. beckares in Fak. Rehobilieron of | * Giles schoo became chalenge fr Nchaw Govt. and he appoinkd akh 108 of feerTaabl bing as inchnge f schabillaton ckpachaerd. te cebbliched his headguarlee in’ Télinder ond coma out exits concept af Graded cut and Glanclesd bie. Ur cee-this concept on family in Pail han to hove apecifclamoent of liad an per the posomelacs red by Gout. Penjab ad this time wor chetcaled by Hinds hndleds. Sdhis woo allack +o their interarts anol this lee -o -Hhindls- Sileh connmisnaltame bits tn Adis 4.1980, Malrdal wsofomed and objectue oft oom political avcaloring ond! porificertion ff Skthiem onel Sith conamnenity an aaid by martes “aia Singh, one of He imp. hacer of” Akalidal. Anspile of ls enphanis on sin onl pong cil, sel of tisk wrod elechon woen a step back 4o pel ambihow of okebh. Theie slepe Fo aegis pecer in purjah hecame couse of henson Renpab- 2 Soael Leen at 77 ticks agomrwndinn ¢ G Sikh So Geenserehy —thado-Sikh ‘com nonalism had already sha ted and increaned on line of ponjbi legoage Along ioith thin. Geen aevelotion alco became cavee of fension in Porjabs 3) if coco profitabl: for ach-Pemers bot bacame cose of ©” Psbacton fe @aginel farmers, ait improved ineorcal ord edveahional feilitics becouse ff Aisa in levels 4 "prospect bl Gout. -faileel lo proviek Semplayerent fo edocaded! —iKinale [cl caclon of Lamers 6 cremplayed! a In accel Ksven in ABO. 3) Dhownyidh mokshe : allrance bi Akali dal anc! Sent Fimal Sigh Bhinderwool teal a neo oxplilers of Rijeh oid “Ragabie te Anebian on ‘and coger Sfecchonas : t Akal! Lilet mainkiin ils power in Raab afle rsd ervelec x“ p ‘ pg of rast. 4 gpl 1 seck ov of 196 in chte log ichhro . Aleal ofler Heir-Leihre “took up the. issve id i nization ff slate on linquishe elede. “ity comandedl shed Ponjals bo a Aaperate shee citt, pyabi ta, Grcnokh scapl an etade bog. Tin exon opposed Y ERC in $2.09 groonel “thal ceperctrst tenckncier clevelopment among Ponjabis. After tha saper| came oot, Alli Aletled instgathag pol in “np. ross bei eppecbersine aise of shoe of’ Akalidal ns Aepetare Sate of Poy in 1966 on linguicte linos eaith Ponjab andl Hor yore fous coe 0 comme’ pit Abels got advanhig@y “bic ieee arcl coera able fon gad i in 1967. in Royal Albee Alb fed god in 1961, they became paibifinlems! choogle ancl on thie goend, Alas a on olinsoled in 1967 ard 6%. Political inetabilihy became the pein he people and ingenera'elechios ¢ 19H, congress boonced back-to power anc! politcal ambitions of Akalt dal once apoinge! a schyp an th at 1 seat sof £3 9 LS elechows ond Id.seals oot ff 117 in shale tginlelre Ar Fhesa creomstances, Abd cel cane aut with a greed pooh cod ear of Conke end copes Biever, Gear pan ous Ananefr Sch ib Rescloten df q93 ib Keralotion , 1993 —Arandpe Ce Sy Mindigaitte Feel feceralon tne properhon cf Pajalte have be capital d fe. Gn of sith in ar complete con tral ow Foojab. 0 waters fi ih, tivers [feremehinal (for rbolelaadlrs, (fr middlechss) (fy fLumere) clemand of Ponjobi) AF woana greadilep of Alain end tiv biggeot challenge won taka his .erolohion “to masces in Rajah. fore ord Tamal Aingh Bhindervoala boce meheget of Per Akalin, who ems Baba Ramcky of’ Fonjab . es ‘ ee. Pomelev Chinderwale —t——| > a : pagers Palihealblackmoneg) Shree trkefrancetnppol coun inthiaily an oxretor, whe bh ppl to move In pe'h fiihion { 4 cortin short span of tine che to hin pexsonel policen, Rbichank ae hig in Rega, its athacted pol. parten & pol. lecdhre towards Chinclensala. Ar hic heart won clevotec! to. Sikbinm ancl Roytb, se ral sickelcoith Abeli. Abo! fon sel cechig, he iovolec! ts polities. Toyportand shops were: 3 9 Opposed Aol on groxnd-Red thm ic no peel

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