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7. NTG (Nitroglycerin): It is a nitrate that works by relaxing (widening) blood vessels.

It is used for
treating high blood pressure, controlling congestive heart failure associated with heart attack, treating
chest pain. It may cause dizziness, light-headedness or blurred vision.

Amlodipine: It is a calcium channel blocker that dilates (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow.
It used to treat chest pain (angina) and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease and treating
high blood pressure. It may cause dizziness, feeling tired, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.

Metoprolol: It is a beta blocker that affects the heart and circulation. It is used to treat angina (chest
pain) and hypertension (high blood pressure) and treat/prevent heart attack. It may cause dizziness,
tired feeling, confusion, memory problems, nightmares, diarrhea and mild itching.

Lipitor: It is a HMG CoA reductase inhibitor. It reduces levels of LDL and triglycerides in the blood, while
increasing HDL. It is used to treat cholesterol and to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack or other heart
complications. It may cause muscle or joint pain, diarrhea or upset stomach.

ASA: It is a blood thinner agent. It is used to prevent and manage heart disease and stroke. It helps in
preventing blood clots and eases inflammation in the heart. It may cause nausea, upset stomach,
nervousness and trouble in sleeping.

8. To have accurate readings, these guidelines must be followed:

Rest for 5 minutes before measuring.

Do not smoke or drink caffeine for 30 minutes beforehand.
Do not measure BP when in upset or pain.
Empty bladder or bowel before starting, if necessary.
Sit quietly with feet flat on the floor and back resting against the back of a chair or firm surface
for at least 5 minutes before and during measurement.
Use the same arm each time. Remove bulky or tight clothing from the arm completely.
Wrap the BP cuff snugly around the bare arm (2 fingers should fit between BP cuff and arm). The
edge of the cuff must be 1 or 2 cm above the elbow.
Place the arm on a table or a firm surface. The cuff must be at the level of the heart.
Take one reading and document.

9. The PR, RR and T recorded are reasonable for the patient because these are within the normal levels
except for the BP reading of 180/100. For patients having heart problems, it is important to keep the BP
within the normal levels to avoid complications. Knowing that the patient is in medication, he must
exhibit a BP reading within the normal level. The reading of 180/100 may cause angina and heart attack
if its not treated.

The initial actions must be focused on the high BP reading of the patient. Instruct patient to position self
on its comfortable position, remain calm and rested. Food intake and activities must be monitored. The
medications must be administered on time to decrease BP reading within the normal range.
10. MAs lifestyle contributed to his hypertensive state. Weighing 200lbs would manifest how sedentary
must he be in exercising and how unmonitored his food intakes are. These faulty habits would
contribute to fatty deposits in the heart and caused hypertension and further complications (angina
pectoris). His familial history and fatigue are also contributing factors.

11. Yes, MAs chest discomfort, palpitations and increasing fatigue related to his hypertension. When a
patient is hypertensive, the BP is above the normal range. This happens because the blood experiences
difficulty of being circulated, commonly because the hardening of the arteries, fatty build-ups that
impedes the blood circulation, etc. With this, the heart tries hard to compensate and pumps with extra
effort, which probably caused chest discomfort, palpitations and increased fatigue to the patient.

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