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regress eOLS insurpublic insurprivate pregnant n_comorb kessler majority age y_educ female ePR

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 8710

F( 11, 8698) = 1.40
Model 133.634745 11 12.1486132 Prob > F = 0.1673
Residual 75726.8142 8698 8.70623295 R-squared = 0.0018
Adj R-squared = 0.0005
Total 75860.449 8709 8.71058089 Root MSE = 2.9506

eOLS Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

insurpublic 5.844799 1.50075 3.89 0.000 2.902975 8.786624

insurprivate 4.77638 1.280956 3.73 0.000 2.265404 7.287356
pregnant -.785136 .2618093 -3.00 0.003 -1.298344 -.2719277
n_comorb -.1690737 .0512118 -3.30 0.001 -.2694609 -.0686865
kessler -.0018633 .0073032 -0.26 0.799 -.0161793 .0124526
majority .2091399 .0874359 2.39 0.017 .0377448 .3805351
age -.018054 .0051273 -3.52 0.000 -.0281047 -.0080033
y_educ -.0684149 .0231535 -2.95 0.003 -.1138012 -.0230286
female -.2922886 .1006057 -2.91 0.004 -.4894996 -.0950775
ePRIVATE -4.786475 1.28379 -3.73 0.000 -7.303007 -2.269944
ePUBLIC -5.877138 1.504388 -3.91 0.000 -8.826095 -2.928181
_cons -2.139717 .5683167 -3.77 0.000 -3.253752 -1.025681

end of do-file

. gene LMtotaal=8710*e(r2)

. summarize LMtotaal

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

LMtotaal 8710 15.34342 0 15.34342 15.34342

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