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Phenol Removal from Water by AG Reverse

Osmosis Membrane
Amine Mnif, Dorra Tabassi, Mourad Ben Sik Ali, and B echir Hamrouni
Desalination and Water Treatment Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis El Manar
University, El Manar II 2092, Tunisia; (for correspondence)
Published online 00 Month 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.12078

Phenols are considered as organic pollutants that are dis- Because of the high toxicity of phenols, they are sub-
charged into the environment causing contamination of jected to specific regulations, and their industrial use is
drinking water, aquatic life, and plants, and therefore, increasingly avoided by substituting them with harmless
affecting human. Various treatment technologies for removal compounds [6].
of the pollutants from water have been used such as, liquid According to the recommendation of World Health Orga-
liquid extraction, ionic exchange with resins, and mem- nization, the allowed concentration of phenolic contents in
brane processes. In this study, removal and adsorption of potable water is 1 mg L21. The regulations by the US Envi-
phenol from aqueous solutions were studied using a polyam- ronmental Protection Agency and the European Union direc-
ide thin film composite reverse osmosis membrane denoted as tive number 80/778/EC, call for lowering phenol content in
AG 2514 TF from Osmonics company. The influence of dif- wastewaters down to less than 1 mg L21 [7].
ferent parameters, such as, feed concentration, ionic Various techniques have been developed to treat phenols
strength, transmembrane pressure, and recovery on the elim- in industrial effluents. These include biological treatments,
ination of phenol was also studied. In addition, the effect of incineration, ozonization in the presence of UV radiation,
transmembrane pressure, feed concentration, and ionic oxidation with wet air and adsorption, liquidliquid extrac-
strength on the adsorption of phenol was investigated. For a tion, and ion-exchange [8]. The main drawbacks of these
better understanding of the behavior of the membrane and techniques are poor performance. The elimination of toxic
to get more insights into the retention of phenol, the mem- elements, particularly phenols, is a key target that separation
brane was characterized with the determination of its sur- techniques can achieve. Among these, processes based on
face charge and also by the mechanism of transport through membrane technology have been shown to give better per-
this membrane. The results show that the retention of phenol formance [9].
by AG membrane exceeds 40% and may reach 80%. This High-pressure membrane processes such as, nanofiltration
was found to depend on feed concentration, ionic strength, (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) have been used for removing
transmembrane pressure, and recovery. The adsorption some organic pollutants from wastewater [9]. The application
amounts were too low and did not exceed 23%. V C 2015
of pressure driven membrane processes for the removal of
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 00: low molecular weight organic compounds from wastewater
000000, 2015 has been recently reported [10].
Keywords: phenol removal, reverse osmosis, KedemKatch- RO is an efficient technology to remove organic mole-
elsky model, mass transfer, adsorption cules from water, especially for systems containing low
molecular weight organic compounds. Many studies have
been focused on rejection of organic compounds by RO
Phenol and phenolic derivates are commonly the most membrane. It was shown that the removal of these com-
common forms of chemical pollutants in the industrial waste- pounds by RO is governed by the interactions between
water [1,2]. Phenolic compounds in effluents are poorly bio- membrane material and solute molecules.
degradable and highly toxic, presenting a serious ecological Recently, important factors that affect the organic reten-
problem of discharge [3]. They are considered as environ- tion by NF and RO membranes, such as, membrane charac-
mental pollutants found in different concentrations in waste- teristics, physico-chemical properties of the solutes, solution
waters released by many industrial processes, such as, oil chemistry, and operational conditions were reported [1114].
refineries, plastics, cooking, synthetic rubber, paper, petro-
However, the full insights into the mechanism responsible
chemical, ceramic, and phenolic resin industries [4,5]. Priority
for the rejection of phenolic compounds, in particular,
is given to these pollutants since they are harmful to organ-
remain unclear. This could be partly attributed to the specific
isms at low concentrations and many of them have been
hydrophobic character, molecular size, and the electron den-
classified as hazardous pollutants due to their potential harm
sity properties of these compounds.
to human as well [4].
Physical sieving by pores seems to be one of the main
factors in the retention of organic components, with a molec-
ular mass above the molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) of the
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver- membranes [11]. Hydrophobic (small) components are not
sion of this article. well retained by NF membranes. As these components have
C 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V less polar groups than hydrophilic compounds, they would

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 1
Table 1. Main characteristics of the membrane used in the ing to 1 min. All experiments were performed at constant
experimental test module. temperature of 25 C.
Ion analyses were performed by ionic chromatography,
Membrane coupled to a conductimetric detector.
The phenol concentrations in feed and permeate solu-
Manufacturer GE Osmonics tions were measured by spectrophotometry at 270 nm using
Product denomination AG a TOMOS V-1100 spectrophotometer model. The calibration
Type Thin film composite plot of absorbance versus concentration for phenol showed
Composition Polyamide a linear variation up to a concentration of 60 mg L21. There-
Effective membrane 0.6 fore, the samples with higher concentration of phenol
surface area (m2) (>60 mg L21) were diluted with distilled water, whenever
Module Length 14 inch necessary.
Diameter 2.5 inch The recovery rate (Y%) is given as:
Maximum operating 30
pressure (bar)  
Flux (m3/day) 0.68 Y%5 3 100 (1)
Maximum 50 Q0
temperature ( C)
NaCl rejection 99.0 The amount of phenol removed (R%) is obtained using
pH tolerance 411 Eq. 2:
R% 5 12 3 100 (2)
be less solvated and can enter more easily in the membrane C0
pores and permeate through the membrane due to their
smaller size [15]. The influence of adsorption on retention in The mass adsorbed (Mads) and adsorption percentage
these hydrophobic components was also studied and seemed (AP%) were determined following Eqs. 3 and 4:
to be due to increase in permeate concentration which
occurred after saturation of the membrane, leading to a C0 V0 2 Cp Vp 1Cr Vr 
lower retention [16,17]. However, for charged components, Mads 5 (3)
both size exclusion and electrostatic interactions are respon-
sible for separation [18].  
C0 V0 2 Cp Vp 1Cr Vr 
The objective of this study is to use RO membranes for AP% 5 3 100 (4)
C0 V0
the removal of phenol. The impact of operational conditions,
such as, feed pressure, recovery, feed concentration, and
ionic strength on phenol rejection in model solutions was where Q0 is the Feed flow rate (L/h), Qp is the Permeate
studied. The adsorption percentage of phenol and the contri- flow rate (L/h), C0 is the Feed phenol concentration (mol/L),
bution for removal were evaluated. The membrane perme- Cp is the Permeate phenol concentration (mol/L), Cr is the
ability to ultrapure water and the charge of membrane Retentate phenol concentration (mol/L), V0 is the Feed vol-
surface were determined. The membrane separation charac- ume (L), Vp is the permeate volume (L), Vr is the Retentate
teristics were investigated by retention measurements with volume (L), S: Effective membrane area (m2)
model salt solutions of various compositions. For the deter-
mination of reflection coefficient (r), and the solute perme-
ability (Ps) of the membrane, the model of SpieglerKedem RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
was applied.
Membrane Characterization
To interpret the performance results, the study of the
To investigate phenol removal, the experiments were per- characteristics of the membrane is necessary. For instance, in
formed on a pilot plant, performed in our laboratory and the case of membrane permeability, the results show that
equipped with RO modules. The RO tests were undertaken there is proportionality between the obtained solvent (water)
using an Osmonics spiral module equipped with AG 2514 TF flux (Jv) and the difference between applied transmembrane
membrane. The characteristics of the module AG 2514 TF pressures and osmotic pressure. The solvent flux (Jv) was
used for this study are shown in Table 1. determined by measuring the permeate flow rate (volume of
The set-up used for the operational procedure has been permeate collected in a given time interval) per unit mem-
described in a previous work [19]: a feed tank of 60 L brane area. The osmoticP pressure was determined by the fol-
capacity is provided for storage and supply of the feed to lowing expression: Dp5 i CRT.
the system as well as for the collection of the recycled per- According to the Darcy law, these parameters are related
meates and retentate. A high pressure pump capable of by the following expression:
generating a pressure up to 30 bar was installed for trans-
porting the feed liquid through the membrane system. Man- DP2Dp
Jv 5 5Lp :DP2Dp (5)
ual needle valves were provided to pressurize the feed l:Rm
liquid to a desired pressure indicated by pressure gauges
and installed in both the feed and retentate lines. In each where Rm is the intrinsic resistance of the membrane (m21),
experiment, a 10 L of phenol solution was permeated at dif- mis the The dynamic viscosity of water (Pa s), Lpis the Pure
ferent fixed pressure (p 5 5, 8, 10, and 15 bar). Samples per- water permeability (L h21 m22 bar21), DP is the Transmem-
meate was taken at regular intervals during the run and the brane pressure (bar), Dp is the Osmotic pressure (bar).
unit was operated for sufficient time to ensure steady state The membrane permeability of water determined using
conditions. After each set of experiments for a given feed Eq. 5 is equal to 3.17 L h21 m22 bar21 (Figure 1).
concentration the set-up was rinsed with distilled water for For salt retention measurement, the retention of the three
30 min at 5 bar to clean the system. The permeate flux was salts NaCl, Na2SO4, and CaCl2 by the RO membrane as func-
determined by measuring the permeate volume correspond- tion of concentration is shown in Figure 2, which allows the

2 Month 2015 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 2. Diffusion coefficients of different electrolytes in
water [20]

Electrolyte D (1029 m2 s21)

NaCl 1.61
CaCl2 1.45
Na2SO4 1.23

Table 3. Hydration energies of different electrolytes [22].

Ions Na1 Ca21 Cl2 SO22

Hydration energy 454 1615 325 1047
(kJ mol21)

Figure 1. Solvent flux as a function of transmembrane

pressure. Table 4. Transport parameters (r and Ps), diffusive flux Jdiff
and Cconv of different salts at different concentrations.

Jdiff Cconv
Salts (L h21 m22) (mol L21) r Ps
NaCl 2 3 1024 2 3 1028 1 0.312
(1023 mol L21)
Na2SO4 1024 3 3 1028 1 0.236
(1023 mol L21
NaCl 2 3 1025 2 3 028 1 3.8 3 1024
(1021 mol L21
Na2SO4 1025 3 3 1028 1 3.3 3 1024
(1021 mol L21

experiments [20,21]. The results show that the membrane has

a negative charge of 2.45 3 1026 eq m22 and a positive
charge of 1.36 3 1027 eq m22, indicating that the membrane
carries a surplus of negatively charged groups. This indicates
that the charge effect contributes to the retention phenom-
Figure 2. Retention of different salts as a function of the enon in addition to the diffusion effect.
concentration. [Color figure can be viewed in the online Furthermore, it was observed that the salt retention may
issue, which is available at] be related to a difference in hydration energies (see Table 3)
of ions suggesting a steric effect on retention. Indeed, the
ions which have higher hydration energy are more retained.
The polyvalent ions, which have a higher energy of hydra-
tion, are better retained than less hydrated monovalent ions
classification of the rates of retention of these three salts as is the case with sulphate anions relative to chloride anions
according to the following order: and cations calcium relative to sodium cations.
It is worth to note that for the determination of phenome-
RNa2 SO4 > RCaCl2 > RNaCl nological parameters, the model of KedemKatchalsky was
used and is detailed in our previous work [22].
The retention sequence is thus, RNa1 < RCa21 and The values of the parameters of Jdiff (solute flux due to
RSO22 > RCl2 , that is, the retention for both bivalent cation diffusion [L h21 m22]) and Cconv (solute concentration due to
and4 anion is the highest. This indicates that the retention is convection [mol L21]) like those of r (reflexion coefficient)
mainly due to a difference in diffusion coefficients between and Ps (solute permeability) are grouped in the Table 4.
the different salts. Table 4 shows that the values of Ps depend on the nature
As shown in Table 2, the diffusion coefficient decreases of the anion. Strongly solvated sulfate anions lead to lower
in the order NaCl > CaCl2 > Na2SO4. This is inversely values of Ps in comparison with the less solvated monovalent
reflected in the retention sequence. The salt with the lowest anions (Cl2). The reflection coefficient r is a characteristic of
diffusion coefficient shows the highest retention and vice the convective transport of the solute. The value of r is
versa. In this case, it is assumed that the sequence of diffu- about equal to 1 for different salts. High values of r were
sion coefficients does not change when the electrolytes dif- obtained by Mnif et al. [22] using a thin film composite (TFC)
fuse through the membrane, a swollen system, instead of polyamide membrane for NaCl and Na2SO4 salts. This indi-
through water. cates that the convection solute transport is completely hin-
Despite this retention sequence, the surface charge should dered or that no transport by convection takes place at all
not be neglected. For instance, the presence of charged which is the case for ideal RO membranes that have dense
groups in the membrane surface was confirmed by titration structure and no pores are available for convective transport.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 3
Figure 3. Effect of transmembrane pressure on phenol rejec- Figure 4. Influence of recovery on phenol retention,
tion, C 5 50 mg L21, pH 5 6.5, Y 5 25%. C 5 100 mg L21, pH 5 6.5, p 5 10 bar.

The retention may, however, be lower than 100% because Kosutic and Kunst [27] characterized RO membrane pores
solute transport may take place through solution diffusion. as micropores with diameters in the range 0.220.44 nm.
From the Cconv values shown in Table 4, the MWCO of These authors reported that a membrane with the smallest
the RO membrane can be calculated from Eq. 6 as reported pore size does not always have the highest solute rejection,
recently by Lhassani et al. [23]. especially for low molecular weight noncharged organics.
Therefore, it is believed that RO membranes reject dissolved
  13  solutes by preventing their diffusion across the membrane
M 2 and sterically or chemically hindering their transport through
Cconv 5C0 12 (6)
Sc pores.

where M the molecular weight of a solute, Sc the MWCO of

Effect of Recovery
the membrane and C0 the initial concentration of the solute
Recovery is very important parameter in filtration which
in the feed.
affects retention. In real applications RO operation will be
The results obtained for the determination of the MWCO
operated at high recovery with more permeate obtained.
is under diluted solution (1023 M) using a divalent salt such
Experiments were performed at transmembrane pressure 10
as Na2SO4, because the definition of the MWCO determina-
bars, temperature 25 C, recovery ranged from 25 to 75%
tion is based on rejections higher than 90%. The value
with phenol concentration of 100 mg L21.
obtained of MWCO is of 145 Da.
As displayed in Figure 4, when the recovery increases,
the phenol retention decreased. One can clearly see that the
Influence of Operating Conditions on the Phenol phenol retention was considerably affected by the recovery
Retention rate and varies from 64% for a recovery rate of 25 to 37% for
a recovery rate of 75%. This decrease of phenol retention is
Effect of Transmembrane Pressure mainly due to a decrease in the cross flow velocity involving
Several assays were performed to study the influence of an increase of the concentration near the membrane and
the transmembrane pressure on phenol retention. The oper- appearance of a layer of polarization, which is formed at
ating transmembrane pressure was varied between 5 and 20 high recovery rates due to the accumulation of retained sol-
bars, the phenol concentration was 50 mg L21, pH was 6.5 utes at the membrane solution interface [28]. This behavior is
and temperature was 25 6 2 C. typical for filtration in batch concentration mode as the
The effect of the transmembrane pressure is shown in increase in recovery indicates lower percentage of retention,
Figure 3. As can be seen, the retention increased slightly in agreement with diffusion controlled mechanism com-
with increasing the transmembrane pressure. This shows that monly known for this type of membranes [29]. The increase
the observed retention of phenol increases from 44% at 5 in recovery leads to an increase of the phenol concentration
bars to 52% at 15 bars. Similar results have been obtained by near the membrane surface which facilitates transport
Li et al. [24] with better phenol retention up to 60 and 70% through the membrane, thus leading to a decrease in the
for RO99 and RO98pt membranes, respectively. However, rejection.
increasing pressure was shown to lead to a decrease in phe-
nol retention that did not exceed 50% [25]. In our case, the
slight variation of phenol retention on change in transmem- Influence of Water Characteristics on Phenol Retention
brane pressure could be explained by the diffusive nature of
the mass transfer through membrane. Another study [26] Effect of Feed Phenol Concentration
explained this slight increase of phenol retention with pres- The influence of the initial concentration of phenol on
sure in terms of an increase in the pressure that would lead their retention is shown in Figure 5. It appears that there is a
to a more diluted permeate with increased water flux. significant effect, an increase in the phenol retention with
Despite excellent rejection of salts, RO membranes, espe- the increase in the initial phenol concentration. Indeed, the
cially thin-film polyamide composites, often show poor rejec- phenol retention increases with the increase in the concen-
tion levels for many small organic molecules. tration varying from 45% for a concentration 50 mg L21 to

4 Month 2015 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 5. Influence of feed concentration on phenol reten- Figure 7. Influence of pH on phenol retention, C 5 100 mg
tion, pH 5 6.5, Y 5 25%. [Color figure can be viewed in the L21, Y 5 25%. [Color figure can be viewed in the online
online issue, which is available at] issue, which is available at]

retention sequence that can be determined by the diffusion

coefficients of the electrolytes involved.
Although the membrane charge did not seem to be deter-
mining for the salt separation of these membranes, in the
modeling, the membrane charge was not neglected.
Indeed, when the NaCl concentration increases there are
more sodium ions which neutralize partially the negative
charges of the membrane, facilitating the phenol passage.
When one considers the exclusion model of Donnan
which involves electrostatic forces [22], the decrease in the
charge of the membrane triggers, therefore, a decrease in the
retention of the negatively charged ions as the electrostatic
effect of membrane-aqueous solution is weakened and con-
sequently this exclusion model effect is reduced.

Effect of pH
To investigate the effect of the pH on phenol retention,
several experiments were performed. The pH was set by
adding HCl or NaOH to the solution and was varied in the
Figure 6. Influence of ionic strength on phenol retention, range from 6 to 12.
C 5 100 mg L21 pH 5 6.5, Y 5 25%. [Color figure can be The variation of phenol retention as a function of trans-
viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonli- membrane pressure at various pH values for RO membrane] is plotted in Figure 7. These results show that the phenol
retention depends strongly on the pH. Indeed, phenol is an
aromatic compound with a pKa value of 9.95. Above pH of
9.95, phenol starts to ionize and charged phenolate anion
become dominant in waters. For pH < 6, the phenol reten-
67% for a concentration 2000 mg L21, at 5 bars transmem- tion does not exceed 65%. Conversely, for pH 12, the phenol
brane pressure. retention varies between 75 and 90%. The higher phenol
Gomez et al. [30] explain this by the fact that increasing retention in basic pH can be explained by the electrostatic
the feed concentration leads to an increase in the amount in repulsion between negative charges of membrane surface
permeate, but as the increase of permeate concentration is and phenolate ions. A typical polyamide membrane has an
lower than the increase in feed concentration, retention isoelectric point between pH 2 and 4. At pH below the iso-
increases in accordance to Eq. 1. This is in a disagreement electric point, the membrane is expected to be positively
with other results [24] that showed an independence of phe- charged due to the protonation of the amine functional
nol retention on the initial concentration. groups. Conversely, at pH above the isoelectric point, the
membrane surface becomes negatively charged due to the
Effect of Ionic Strength deprotonation of the carboxylic acid and amine functional
The effect of ionic strength on the retention of phenol groups of the membrane [31]. Therefore, the polyamide
was studied through addition of various concentrations of membranes would have higher negative surface charge at
NaCl between 1023 and 1021 mol L21. pH 10 compared to neutral pH. Hence, for the tested RO
Figure 6 shows that the increase in NaCl concentration is membrane, both the enhanced surface charge at higher pH
accompanied by decrease in the phenol retention. and the predominance of negatively charged phenolate spe-
The preliminary retention measurements show that the cies led to higher phenol retention at basic pH compared to
AG membrane could be classified as membrane with salt neutral pH.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 5
Figure 8. Effect of transmembrane pressure and feed con- Figure 9. Effect of transmembrane pressure and solution
centration on phenol adsorption. [Color figure can be viewed ionic strength on phenol adsorption. [Color figure can be
in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlineli- viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonli-]]

Phenol Adsorption RO AG membrane was characterized and the feasibility of
It is well known that the adsorption of organic molecules the removal of phenol was systematically investigated. The
on membrane surface affects significantly their retention pure water permeability of the AG membrane agrees well
[32,33]. For instance, the adsorption is a surface phenomenon with Darcys law with Lp 5 3.17 L h21 m22 bar21. The reten-
which is mainly due to hydrophobicity of molecules, their tion order for the salts tested was RNa2 SO4 > RCaCl2 > RNaCl ,
ability to form hydrogen bonds as well as to their polarity. showing that the retention is mainly due to a difference in
Therefore, solute hydrophobic character would play a major diffusion coefficients between different salts. The presence of
role in retention. The latter is evaluated by octanolwater charged groups on the membrane surface was confirmed by
partition coefficient, Kow. If log Kow > 0, the molecule is the titration method. AG membrane presents also an MWCO
hydrophobe and it is hydrophile if Kow < 0 [34]. The adsorp- of 145 Da. The model of Spiegler and Kedem showed a
tion may also be due to hydrophobic interaction between good correlation between experimental and theoretical val-
membrane and molecules. The hydrophobic character of the ues of various salts. This model allowed the calculation of
membrane can be determined by measuring the contact transport parameters as well as the contribution of the diffu-
angle a. If a > 90 , the membrane is hydrophobic and hydro- sion and the convection for the transfer of solute. These
philic when a < 90 [35]. results suggest that the transfer is purely diffusionnal for AG
To determine the retention contribution of phenol adsorp- membranes. The study of phenol retention by AG membrane
tion to the surface of the membrane, the effect of operating was performed and the results obtained show poor rejection
parameters (feed pressure, feed concentration, and ionic in all the assays. The retention was shown to depend on the
strength) were investigated. operating conditions (transmembrane pressure and recovery)
Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the variation of phenol adsorp- and water characteristics (feed concentration, ionic strength,
tion percentage (AP%) as function of transmembrane pres- and pH).
sure. The results show that the increase in pressure is Phenol retention increases slightly with increasing trans-
accompanied by a decrease in adsorbed mass and, therefore, membrane pressure. The passage of phenol through mem-
in adsorption percentage, in agreement with result obtained brane was shown to be mainly due to diffusion. This
by Benitez et al. [26]. This was interpreted by Claire et al. retention is sensitive to the increase in ionic strength which
[36] who showed that the increase in pressure led to a causes a progressive neutralization of the negative charge of
release of adsorbed molecules. the membrane. Increasing feed concentration caused an
Figure 8 shows also that an increase of initial phenol con- increase in phenol retention which depends also on the feed
centration enhances adsorption process. But in all experi- pH. For neutral pH, the phenol retention did not exceed
ments, AP% did not exceed 23%. As described by Norberg 65% while it may exceed 85% in alkaline solutions. The
et al. [37], most of the TFC RO membranes are hydrophile higher phenol rejection may be explained by the electrostatic
and have a contact angle values between 40 and 70. As a repulsion between this compound and the membrane.
consequence, a weak hydrophobic interaction between phe- Indeed, at higher pH values, the negative charge of mem-
nol and the membrane is expected and leads to a weak brane surface was enhanced as well as the predominance of
adsorption at the membrane surface. negatively charged phenolate species. Therefore, for the
As depicted in Figure 9, the increase of solution ionic removal of phenol by polyamide RO membranes, we have
strength causes also a remarkable decrease in the adsorption shown that electrostatic repulsion mechanism played a more
percentage. Similar results were reported by Yuanfang et al. important role than size exclusion process. However, in the
[33] who described the elimination of organic compound case of wastewater treatment, it is not possible to increase
through NF membrane. These authors interpreted the decrease the pH of the solution to reach the maximum phenol
in adsorbed amount by an increase in electrostatic interaction removal by the RO membrane because of salt formation and
between the electrolyte and negatively charged membrane deposit problems that can cause fouling of the membranes.
and, therefore, a decrease in the interaction between mem- Thus, it is suggested that the combination of membrane and
brane and the organic compound. Thus, such an adsorption adsorption processes through a hybrid system or coupling of
would lead to only a little retention contribution. two successive membranes would improve phenol rejection.

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