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Leidy: What are we going to do for Sunday's event?

Anderson: I have an idea, how about if we do an event about Casanare where we

tell the story of this department
Leidy: Good idea, but what exactly ought to we do?
Anderson: It could have a section that is of the typical food of Casanare
Leidy: Yes, there going to also be another section where are sold crafts of
Anderson: Where will this event take place?
Leidy: It can be in the park the resurgence at 6:00 in the afternoon
Anderson: Yes, it seems a good idea because it is a very central place
Leidy: Now the problem is the budget to hold this event
Anderson: Yes, but we could tell our classmates to gather together a certain
amount of money to be able to do this event
Leidy: Well you have to do it soon because there are many things to do and very
little time I will let our colleagues know so I will talk to you later
Anderson: Ok, I will see you later. Bye

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