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BAP Carrasco (BOP-171)

Is a polar oceanographic vessel of the Peruvian Navy built at the Freire Shipyard shipyard of
Spain in 2016. With a capacity for 110 crew members and scientific personnel, the purpose is to
conduct oceanographic research cruises in the Peruvian maritime domain and in the antartida.

Characteristics of the ship

The boat has a length of 95.3 meters, a strut of 9.20 meters, a maximum draft of 5.95 meters,
an autonomy of 51 days, a maximum speed of 16 knots and a cruising speed of 12 knots. It is
equipped with water and seabed sampling systems, an unmanned vehicle capable of
submersion up to one thousand meters deep, two submersible vehicles with autonomy of 24
hours, temperature sensors, conductivity and marine currents, multibeam bathymetry, hangar
and deck Two helicopter carriers, two RHIB launches, two 20-foot containers and two tonne
telescopic cranes.

The Carrasco also has storage warehouses, infirmary with equipment for basic surgery and
dentistry, hydrographic survey laboratory, marine geology laboratory, oceanography laboratory,
chemical laboratory for sample study, wet and dry laboratory, oceanography and geology
laboratory Marine.


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